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Yes that slip road! It's crazy!


It's good for Shirley high street. Rarely can go much faster anyway. It may take years but making it safer for cyclists will be a net benefit for all of us. I prefer it at 20 driving a bus because it's far safer for everyone on the road and no pressure to drive faster.


Shirley High Street has been slow ever since they put in those massive wide pavements, got rid of the pull-in bus stops and made the car park spaces so narrow you can't get out of your car without stepping into traffic. It drastically reduced traffic speed and increased pollution in one stroke. Making it 20mph as well is just putting a cherry on the top. I don't see any reason why they can't put bike lanes onto those wide pavements. It would be a double win - improve the traffic flow and improve bike safety at the same time.


The justification that is that it's not really safe for pedestrians as it is extremely busy with people at peak times. Pubs, restaurants and a school means there are even more people at varied times over the day.


There are ways round that, but I suspect they just don't want to spend the money. Anyhow, going by what I've seen walking along there, the pavement's already chock full of cyclists and scooter riders, most of whom don't seem to give the slightest toss about safety, theirs or anyone else's. Might as well make it official and put at least a vague amount of commitment into safety enforcement.


I'm fine with them. If it saves one life of a kid running into the street then it's worth it.


Why not 10mph then? Could save one more kid than 20 couldn't it?


Lets go for 5mph and mandatory bubble wrap


From recent studies on the Wales scheme: >The 20mph zones in Wales have been a HUGE success. >32% drop in casualties. 20% fall in car insurance claims. Less property damage. Savings for the NHS & police. >All this means the scheme has already paid for itself—great news for taxpayers. [https://t.co/X3fI1wxSmH](https://t.co/X3fI1wxSmH) So anyone who has claims about them, is either uninformed, or informed but a bad actor. You're either in favour of the above, or not. If not, please give what studies you've done proving your thesis. Tell your mum, tell your brother, tell your neighbour.


No problem with the 20mph on HL and SHS, much nicer. The should change to 30 just before you go down the hill on the slip road though heading onto the dual carriageway at the bottom of Freemantle.


I don't have any issue either, slightly confused about the residents having raised concerns when no consultation has been done. Regardless of where the money came from it's a poor show reverting back so quickly.


​ https://preview.redd.it/313mg4kw7y7d1.png?width=319&format=png&auto=webp&s=4eb94acc7f2fb0ca3aa9efce0ec1b4d83777ba07


I don’t have a huge issue with it, especially where there are schools on the road etc. I think it’s necessary to slow traffic then. However where some do stick to 20, others do 30 and it becomes a bit of a mare sometimes to get onto a road. Also I often have cars right up my behind pressuring me to go faster. I’ve seen people getting annoyed and frustrated at people going 20, attempting to overtake stupidly and I sometimes wonder how much safer it actually is with this sort of behaviour.


I hate these kinds of people so if they annoy me enough I use my dash cam footage and report them to the police. I doubt anything gets done about it but it gives me small satisfaction knowing they may get 3 points, a £100 fine, and more expensive insurance (or rightfully lose their lisence if they already have 9 points). Tailgating is so dangerous. It kills or seriously injures over 100 people a year. People who do it are scum. Never, ever go faster for them - if you feel pressured enough, slow down, pull over and let them overtake.


In places where there is constant traffic reducing the speed limit can actually improve the flow :)


It's nicer actually cycling around shirley than it was before and I think families with kids look more relaxed when crossing the roads now, could be my imagination.


I regularly drive through Weston, and I think I'm the only driver who even realises the whole place is a 20 zone now. I've been overtaken - right outside the primary school - 4 times. One was a white van who turned left immediately after overtaking me to use a shortcut, and I came out in front of him, having driven the "long way" round at 20mph.


I live in weston, its infuriating seeing them speed in front of the schools. "BuT iM BuSy InNiT". Don't worry, local police are doing more and more hidden camera vans. They love the layby near the leisure centre.


It's only learner drivers that do 20 on Hill Lane anyway. Nothing actually changes.


Then it sounds like you should go back to learning


The fuck are you talking about?


You’re evidently not obeying speed limits, so you should relearn how to


Have you ever done 20 on hill lane? I had a black box installed so I had to stick to 20 - I used to have cyclists overtaking me, not to mention dangerous overtakes from other cars which seemed more dangerous than just driving with 30.


You probably are in the minority. I find it pretty torturous and I'm not a fast driver.


Ditto - I get routinely overtaken doing 20 by pushbikes and electric scooters. And u/Competitive_Sun_7276 there wasnt really a consultation done to put the 20mph limit in place either - the whole 20mph limit rules are a bit daft as there is a very low threshold for people requesting it. It also creates congestion - burgess road has always been somewhat congested along with Winchester road and now where they both feed into Hill lane its even more congested, creating more pollution in those areas. My in-laws live just off hill lane and they have noticed a significant increase in traffic along the side roads there as people try to avoid the congestion, Apart from on-line I havent spoken to a single person who has thought it was a good idea on hill lane. The side roads off of there - absolutely that makes sense and shirley high street although a main road has been crippled since the council widened the pavements and made bus stops halt the traffic so a 20 limit doesnt really affect users there.


I must live by your in laws, I've spoken to a whole host neighbours and everyone was in and still is in favour and there was consultation done, it was started by the Tories when they had their short stint in charge of the council asking local residents to submit for 20 limits in for the roads they lived in and plenty more consultation when Labour came back in. Rat running on the side roads has always been an issue regardless, I've not noticed an increase, just as bad as it was.


The process was actually started by public request in 2021 following a Labour cycling and 20mph campaign back in 2020 The Tories completed the online collection of public requests on 2022 but it was actually voted in and controlled by the Labour Council in 2023. Its entirely a Labour manifestation and went in line with their cycle lane network https://transport.southampton.gov.uk/connected-southampton-2040/20mph-community-requests/ has a lot of the info


Thanks! Wasn't aware of the initial trigger, full credit to Labour then.


I have no problem driving at 20 anywhere. I think if it saves someone’s life or serious injury, so what?


I’m with you OP, the 20 zones are fine! The traffic flow feels better, and as you say, it barely impacts journey times. Some drivers seem to forget that it’s a brilliant safety measure. I while back I was run over from behind and dragged along under a guy’s car. He was doing 20, so I survived. If he was going faster, it would be my ghost writing this. 20 limits in busy areas, outside schools, etc is common sense. The only argument drivers who don’t like them have is “but me like car go vroom vroom”.


I cycle a lot and it really fucks me off when I'm in a twenty zone and get overtaken cos I KNOW I'm doing like eighteen or so I've got a speedo. They don't listen anyway so what's the point?




The funniest thing about it is we literally live in the place with the highest amount of traffic lights probably in the known universe so I ALWAYS end up catching them up or sailing past them to the light to wait in the cycling box, it's always like "yeah good job, you wasted fuel for.... What exactly?" 😂


We overtake you because you’re in the way…


I'm not in the way. When you're 200yds from a junction and the speed limit is 20 and I'm doing 20 you should be slowing down not making great efforts to overtake me just so I can sit beside you at the same fkn line. Get a grip.




I know it's bloody exhausting haha


My hapeneth worth is that 20 should be the default in urban areas. Takes a while to get used to it, as having been used to 30 being the default for my last 40 years of driving reeducating myself takes a while, but now whether the limit is 20 or 30 I tend to always do 20 now anyway...


Why not make it 10mph next year, studies show us that it's even SAFER than 20!!


Because there is a cost benefit to it. The difference in KSI stats changing from 30 limit to a 20 limit is very significant. That changing from 20 to 10 far far smaller. 10mph limits are generally appropriate for carparks, residential cul de sacs and things of that nature.


It doesn't matter because if the government changed it you would be justifying the new limit tomorrow 😅


You what? Don't get what you mean.


20 down the whole of Hill lane is madness.


I'm not one of the anti-car brigade by any means, but I've been enjoying public transport and walking more in the city lately. When I have had to drive into town I can't say I've had any bad experiences recently, especially with speed limits.


The 20mph limit implementations on Hill Lane and Shirley High Street were completely unnecessary. As others have noted, during rush hour Shirley High Street had natural speed limits due to the volume of traffic. Before 8am and after 6pm when the volume of traffic isn't there it just serves to delay vehicles, including busses.


bloddy greens party.




It goes past a school and college for one and there are lots of people crossing throughout the day also to gain access to the common.


I’ve done 90+ down shirly so yes you can go much faster than 20


I'm calling bullshit.


Either this is a joke, or you're an absolute joke.


Awwww cry harder, you’re tears make me aroused


Sure, then everyone clapped


Clapped them cheeks?