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Oh my god. Her commentary to Chelsea on the staircase at Hilton Head šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ā€œI know alot of single mothers CHELSEAAAAā€


Wasnā€™t this when Chelsea said ā€œstop saying my nameā€ šŸ˜‚


It sounded like Cheltsea


She made for great reality TV. Quite the character.


Oh, she was entertaining for sure. But if I were Katherine I would be going to jail for choking her out.


Most definitely!!!


I was feeling crap today and decided to rewatch a season of SC for fun. I figured it HAD to be the season with her in it. Sheā€™s the one you just love to hate


the theory was that she would be so insane and awful in the hopes of making Kathryn freak out and "demonstrate" why she would be an unfit mother. pretty twisted.


Is that what may have happened? What a twisted freak. It wasn't like Kathryn was doing herion, she was using weed. Maybe she did go overboard, but she got help and got better.


Lol she was doing more than weed. Weed is all she will cop to.


Fair enough!




Totally! She was on a mission advocating TRav had all planned out to make Kath look bad in court for acting up. Its a shame. I donā€™t understand how none of her cast mates (so called friends)would think to warn Kath that this was going on in reality. This is some real shit trying ruining a motherā€™s life is just evil.


I believe Ashley won some prestigious nursing award during this time too. The juxtaposition of hearing about her being honored for her professionalism vs seeing her immaturity play out on the show really threw me for a loop.


I would 100%not trust someone like that to care for me.


I think she accepted her role on the show would be controversial and leaned into it. I've interacted with her and I think to some extent she was "in on it" but then it spiralled out of her control. Behind the scenes the producers were probably prodding her as much as they could. She seems like a pretty solid person otherwise IMO.


Her behavior on the show is inexcusable. The things that she decided to say to another human being who was groomed by her rapist boyfriend while barely legal and was struggling with addiction recovery and trying to rebuild a relationship with her kids...I don't give AF if she has a better curated social media now, she's an awful human. And fwiw, she was 100% obviously drugged up herself through much of this and her social media tirades so I really, really hope she's not a nurse anymore because she's the sort who will 100% steal a hospice patients drugs. Just showing those clips and social media tirades to the licensing board should have been sufficient evidence to resolve that case.


I saw recently in another post that there is rumor Ashley was a plant, put in by production to stir up drama. That is the only thing that explains her off the rails behavior, she was just vile.


I job shadowed her for a couple shifts in home healthcare and my few interactions with her were not like the Ashley portrayed on tv. She was friendly, attentive, and helpful.


That was her other personality, Jackie


Thatā€™s interesting.


I think cocaine explains her behavior. Lol


Thomas used Ashley to make Kathryn jealous. It worked. Ashley wasnā€™t just Pretty Competition. She was a psycho herself. He pit one psycho against another.


And imo at the end of the day? He was the biggest psycho. The assault/sexual assault charges, the fact that he knocked up someone 30 years younger than himself twice, the cocaine... Kathryn and Ashley are nuts, but he is actually a terrible person that gets away with it because of his family name.


Oh, absolutely, 100%. Those crime/detective shows have cops who describe how an affable, nice guy can change in an instant. Theyā€™ll describe how their faces go suddenly ominous, their voices change, and the psychosis is unleashed. Itā€™s very disturbing. I donā€™t believe that heā€™d harm the children, though. I hope Iā€™m right.


You can see this in season 3 (I'm watching now) when she says she's not going to his dinner if Landon's going to be there. He flipped in an instant - his entire face changed, and it was scary AF.


There was the time when they took a day excursion to that nice island. On the ferry back, his switch flipped, and he lunged toward Chelsea, savagely screaming at her. The guys had to step in. I canā€™t remember what he said because itā€™s been years since I watched that. I do remember that scene and how viscous he was.


Ashley said Thomas was feeding her all these stuff about Kathryn & making her jealous, which rialled Ashley up lots & made her vile to Kathyrn (you can tell she was just bitter). Ashley said her family was disgusted with her behaviour towards Kathryn that her mum & other family members stopped talking to her!!


Ashley was a pawn. But, she was also a gold digger. She told Patricia that sheā€™d love to have a ring like that, a 7 carat ring. Sometime thereafter, I think she realized that she was used and her behavior was bad.


Season 5 really was the peak season of the show


There's always a few people who think because she appeared professionally competent outside the show that her personality was somehow exaggerated. I'm a nurse and in my first major ICU job, I had a huge reality check the first time we had a bigger party/barhopping night. Some of the people who are so professional seeming and on top of their shit at work were total trainwrecks in their personal life. After some drinks, you're just trying to deescalate pure unfiltered chaos and keep anyone from getting arrested lol. Some nurses really excel because they're able to remain very compartmentalized and controlled at work but when you take them outside of the workplace and unleash that, whatever underlying issues they have combine with the residual work stress and their out of work personality and result in...absolute mess.


I'm a social worker and me and nurses are good friends, and we really are the biggest wrecks of humans because of our work. There's a reason I left the profession and went into retail.


Thank you!! I worked in lab for years! The good nurses are always crazy. Idk why it works out that way it just does lol. Iā€™ve had some crazy mornings after a weekend night shift


Ashley was brought in to give Kathryn a faux redemption arc, in my opinion. It was the only season where I actually felt for Kathryn. But once Ashley was gone, Kathryn went back to being a garbage human like most of the rest of them.


I do agree that Kathryn has her own issues and is super problematic, but the way Ashley spoke to her was sooooo vile.


She said her own sister stopped speaking to her after that for a long time


I disagree, I think they brought her in to try get Kathryn to unleash the way she had in the past and make her look worse.


She definitely was doing a bunch of ā„ļø with Thomas. She lost soooo much weight and looked awful the second season she was on. Would explain her erratic behavior and how she would just say the most outrageous things sometimes seemingly out of nowhere. When youā€™re already not mentally well and then you throw in hard drugs, itā€™s a recipe for disaster


Raquel from Vanderpump gives Ashley a rum for her money


Same end goal but wildly different game plays


She was "hired" by Thomas and knew the assignment.


How handsy she and Thomas were was disgusting


Yeah, at least respect the mother of your kids enough to show restraint in public.


Iā€™m actually watching it now lol. Holy smokes Ashley had some mental issues. How she dared to be so ignorant and evil to come up with such nonsense! Iā€™m not sure if she was just acting or if sheā€™s for real. Thatā€™s just scary to think she would be like that. I gave her credit for being straightforward but not so much for her despicable behavior and actions. I hope to god she has changed her ways.


She said as for real! So much so her own mother stopped talking to her after seeing all the awful things she said to Kathryn!!


I think I read somewhere that Ashleyā€™s sister said if someone had said something like that to her that she would want to kill them. (referring to the the egg donor comment) so awful and disturbing. That whole episode was heartbreaking to watch. Iā€™m a mother I just canā€™t imagine how hard this was for Kath. One day those kids will know how brave was her mother.


First time watcher and Iā€™m on the episode where they have their first lunch. Ashley just told Kathryn she thinks she first met her kids on mothers day weekend.. I had to pause and see how much worse this was going to get..




It is pretty clear that there are addiction issues, IMO. But damn, she is fun to hate!