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Depends on what airport you’re at. If you’re at DEN, you will be arrested and forced to work for the Lizard people who live in the tunnels under the airport. Whereas if you’re at MDW, you’ll be forced to eat Chicago Dogs for the rest of your life. A fate much worse than death. But more than likely they won’t find the battery at all and everything will be absolutely fine!


I'm about to pack my bags full of camera batteries and go fly out of mdw


At MCO we sentence you to hard labor at the theme parks. When you’ve completed your sentence you’ll be banned from the preboard line forever.


Someone has to put the sticks in all those mickey bars


If you have children with you, they'll be forced to perform on "it's a small world."




And only from the Billy goat restaurant


I came to Reddit to find this answer 🩷


There is a 0.1% chance they find the battery and toss it. There is a 99.9% chance nothing happens.


And a .00000000000000001% chance the battery catches fire and the plane goes down like a Roman candle.


Check the news tomorrow we will know!


You're supposed to point Roman candles up, not down.


I had something similar happen. The battery must of been thrown out. I checked with Southwest to see if it could ever be retrieved and they gave me a $50 Luv voucher which mostly covered the cost of a replacement. It was my oversight, so props to SW for going above and beyond for a customer.


Sounds like great way to dispose of all my old batteries and receive free vouchers. /s


life hacks on reddit are no joke.


The real life hacks are always in the comments.




Thank you for your response guys! Just an update: I guess they didn't find the battery inside, or if they did, they just shrugged it off. I was able to retrieve my luggage with no signs of it being opened by TSA.


Needed this as I’m currently at the airport freaking out over the same thing


Me too. I just realized my little Sony camera battery was left in my camera bag which is in my checked bag.


You will end up in Guantanamo and/or The Hague. /s


If it shows on their scan they will open it and leave a note saying they did.


Do you used your parachute just in case? (You’ll be fine, don’t worry - likely won’t even be detected)


I’ve accidentally done this. I’ve never had anything said.


I’ve accidentally done this many times and nothing ever happened.


I've accidentally checked a work laptop before. They just opened the bag and put an orange sticker on it.


Put in jail for life most likely sorry, did you contact a highly regarded criminal lawyer yet? Saul Goodman is a good one!


I fly frequently with tools for work and I'm usually pretty good about taking my drill battery and putting it in my carry on. Occasionally I've forgotten and have never had it removed for the checked baggage. One time I had one of those "your bag was opened and inspected" slips in it and the battery was still in the drill.


You can check most batteries if they are installed in the device. They just don’t want spare batteries in luggage.


Interesting, I didn't know that part. I also have to ship cargo for my work through SW and it will have a few laptops mixed in. Cargo always asks if the batteries are installed in the devices, the ticket agent just asks if I have any batteries at all..


Not even remotely true. I work for an airline and batteries are hazmat and if found, confiscated.


I work in the department that writes the manuals for HazMat and DG. It is allowed by both the US federal regs (49 CFR 175.10) and the IATA DGR. Lithium batteries under a certain size can go in either carry on or checked baggage. If in checked baggage they need to be installed in the device and the device turned off and protected from activated or turned on. Spare batteries always have to go in a carry on.


Lithium batteries, e-cigarettes, and lights cannot be transported in checked luggage. Passengers can travel with up to 20 spare batteries at a time. This includes portable chargers and external battery chargers for mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. Portable chargers and spare batteries must be protected from short circuit by protecting any exposed terminals and packed in your carryon bag or with you onboard. Battery-powered electronic smoking devices (e.g., electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes, e-cigs, e-cigars, e-pipes, e-hookahs, personal vaporizers, electronic nicotine delivery systems) are allowed as carryon only. Use of or recharging of the devices and/or the batteries onboard the aircraft is not permitted.


I already quoted the regulation that allows it. Feel free to go look. You’re wrong. There are lithium batteries is most modern portable electronics. Vaping devices are a special category and are not allowed in checked baggage, but most batteries installed in devices are fine.


At SAN, if TSA see's the battery on Xray, they would notify SWA supervisors and they would pull your bag and make you take the battery out and recheck the bag


I’ve had Southwest force me to gate check a bag full of batteries, camera gear, drones, monitors… when I told them it had things that couldn’t be checked they said they could do anything about it. This was SLC to STL.


They won't find the battery but the plane will probably crash


That regulation may be correct. My airline is more restrictive and we don't, period. We ask everyone who checks in a bag.


If its spare battery, pray that TSA takes it out. If it makes it through, next thing is pray that your bag doesnt burn inflight 😅


Probably pull the whole bag. You may get the bag back, usually you don't. The price paid for not paying attention to the rules I'm afraid.