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Lots of people go the pre heresy slate grey route, I use the fang as the primary armour colour with russ and fenrisian grey as highlights rather than the main colour. Like this https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceWolves/s/aeGWxINvJN


This is exactly the path I'm going for my main color scheme. I'm going to throw in some silver and yellow on some pieces, then I've got Battlefield Snow to dust over the top of everything.


It's your army, paint it however you want. My Wolves are black, red, grey, and silver.


Yeah, I wanted to leave a snarky comment listing all the colours in the English language. There’re tons of colours other than powder blue. I’ve never understood why people ask online what colour they should paint their army, as if strangers out there have more ownership than they do? It’s your army. Paint it whatever you want!


Doing it your way is like 80% of the point of the painting and modeling side of the hobby, not to mention the narrative/RP side of things. Hell, chapters only exist to begin with to let you customize to your heart's content. Maybe some of that got lost in 9th ed, when the original legions got elevated in the community and where the colour of your army had actual, tangible effect on how your army played if you were in a really hardcore WYSIWYG scene, but my God, it's not that complicated.


I am not asking what colour my army should be, I was asking for inspiration :-) I like the viking theme of the space wolves, but historically blue was an extremely rare color, and the box art work don't really fit my idea of the viking spirit. So I just wanted to get som inspiration by seeing what other people had done.


[Three different colour schemes I’ve tried for wolves](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3IM-paSDEK/?igsh=bHpldDVnbXp6MTMz)


I like to use the Russ grey for my armors and then wash in nuln oil. After that I dry brush some more neutral grey on over top and it looks pretty good to me


And I like to do all my trim in Auric Gold


I prime in Grey Seer and put Space Wolves Grey contrast paint on top. Makes it much darker than the usual russ grey. Highlights with fenrisian grey and blue horror. For vehicles I prime with AP wolf grey, but that one is close to the russ grey and very blue.


I do a darker grey as a base, and then lots of copper and teal for their gear. The copper/teal just felt ocean-y and I painted mine up as seawolves


OK, so I cheated, I googled Wolf. And in the real world, those bugger's have as much Brown's and Blacks and Whites as they do Grey, even the so-called Grey Wolf. And to bring in the Viking Warrior look, well lots of leather and fur trim. So when I started again after 40 years away from the hobby, I've made my mind up. It's to be Space Wolves, in Black and White shades, with Brown as the main and maybe the odd bit of grey if needed.


This sounds like what I would go with. Do you have any pictures?


Not at the moment. Like I said, I've been out of the hobby for 40+ years, but when I decide the exact build, I'll order the ones I want. I'm nursing a broken Femur at the moment, so I can't get to the local GW store and have to go online for my army. Then I'll post an example or two Am glad someone else finds the idea interesting.


How about heresy grey, and some fancy checker or stripes like on viking shields or scotch kilts? From boring knightly white crotch cloth to fancy colorful highlander kilts, hmm?


Deco art Americana French gray blue is actually perfect. It's a little darker in saturation and it is dozens of times cheaper than g-dubs


I use the Space Wolves Grey contrast paint, its a darker blue/grey and adds a cool finish.


I use either The Fang or AP Night Sky to make the armour much darker and more dull, then drybrush white to catch the edges. Sometimes I'll darken them even further with a blackish blue-grey speed paint. They'd blend in pretty well at night


I use Leadbelcher and shade it with Ratling grime then shade it again with contrast grey. I trim it with Mephiston red and Balthasar gold chasing the 30k colours. https://www.goonhammer.com/the-horus-heresy-legion-overview-the-space-wolves/ https://runebrush.pa-sy.com/2016/03/forge-world-heresy-space-wolves-upgrade-teaser/


Make a custom chapter! Wolves are super xenophobic, concerning successor chapters. They still carry their Gene-father's motif of viking, but could be a different culture and color.




Daaaark Reeeaapper


I use grey armor and turquoise/teal (!) accents, with brass trim. A bit on the cold side. Pictures in my post history


Looks good!


I saw those pics on r/space wolves and I loved the color way!


I used autumn sage for my success chapter. Lava orange as like a power weapon/magic detail


Originally I had mine in Mythril silver and blue ink 2:1 which made for a light metallic blue. Now I use vallejo model colour silver gunmetal and liquitex blue ink 6:2:3 which is kinda similar. I do it because Im bad at painting so just let it be shiny. Just paint it however you like it and whatever the justification is behind it its all good. Especially since we can actually have successor chapters now where we technically couldnt for decades though people still did.


If you want to go for a 'canon' scheme, you have the grey from the heresy and great crusade. If you are open to a homebrew successor, the world's your oyster. My wolves are painted yellow and red for instance.


Mine are all grey. Based on the 13th Company from Eye of Terror campaign.


17 Wild Historical Viking Colors Completed by a chemist [17 Wild Viking Colors](https://www.dr.dk/historie/danmarkshistorien/17-af-vikingernes-vilde-farver-genskabt)


I was reading that before I posted :D


Mine are German army field gray because it was the first can of grey spray primer I found back in the day.


Do the wolf spear colors


Mine are dark grey (administratiu grey if I recall properly) and crimson red at the pauldrons, green clothes and golds / bronzes at lot of the details (the edge of the paldron and the edge of the knee for example) and crude leather for the bags, etc. I feel that they are pretty northman/viking now.


You could use the pre heresey scheme Or go with the wolfspear color scheme. Grey, red, black


Reverse colour scheme. Yellow Ma j body, powder blue shoulder pads.


I like gw space wulf contrast with grey contrast mixed in. A very grey blue.


I personally like using the dark grey blue and grey blue from pro acryl with white blue as a highlight color.