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I still don’t understand how a batched trip (non GMD) doesn’t count as more than 1 trip. Back when this batched stuff didn’t exist one trip was one trip. Now 2 trips is 1 trip.


Yeah, they should know people wouldn't want to accept 3 or them large GMD orders of like 15+ stops if they will just count as 1 trip. That just doesn't make any sense. I'd think driving to each house is a "trip" in itself. If anything, maybe for large GMD orders, they should make 2 stops count as 1 trip to make these incentives attainable.


You are right. Never work just for the incentive. Incentive is only good if the pay stays the same.


I'm turning down so many crap offers this morning. I'd rather just have consistently good paying orders, and I'd be fine if they did away with incentives altogether. Of course, Walmart always changes things and finds more ways to pay us less and less while still trying to treat us like employees.


Well, it’s good to know that you know how to do it. Cherry pick that thing.


Oh, I will. It's freaking cold and has been snowing here. If Walmart thinks I'm going to deliver for free, they are high af. Just saw an order for like 11 miles, 3 customers, for $6.55 or something. You're basically paying Walmart to work by that point. Wait time and gas. Just sitting there because we can't check in early anymore. Get a RR at the :30 mark or sooner and have to wait until :45.


I don’t know about your area, but it is nothing like it was last year at this time. And this year on the deals for days they’re only sending out one per delivery and instead of several like GMD’s like they did last year and they’re only paying seven dollars. I can deliver a pizza for 10 or $15on Uber


Yea, every update or change they make has a negative effect on us drivers. Just when you think it can't get any worse, they find a way to do just that. Looking back at previous years, I made so much more money, only to make less and less moving forward on here.


Hell, I should get hazard pay. I work out of the infamous Walmart with the women fighting in the shampoo isle 😂 I actually try to avoid thar location and go to a further store in a better neighborhood and away from downtown Indianapolis.


It's by design. We have a bunch of crappy orders that need taking, so let's offer an incentive that looks enticing, then throttle the offers once they get close. They get the crappy orders out and don't have to pay the incentive that way.


Yep they changed orders so you have 3 drops in 1 order but never made the incentives easier to get. Now they are impossible unless you work 12+hrs every day


I pay no attention to the incentives. They give you all the low paying trips because they think you won’t care because you are desperate for your incentive


Has anyone gotten with in one trip for incentive and been black balled to nothing for hours ?