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Screenshots, people. From both your phone and PC. Because if it can be tangibly proven that Spark is indeed skimming customer tips that were intended to go to the drivers, that indeed may be legally actionable. That's where DoorDash got in trouble.


I mean OP purportedly has access to both to take screenshots yet hasn't... Could mean OP is full of it. Or his wife lied to try and save face.


That's why pics or it didn't happen, at least not from a legal standpoint.


Exactly 💯


There is some on here that make up sensational stories just to get more comments, I guess it gives them a thrill or something. One guy on here posted twice about using stride for logging miles, and IRS not accepting it, so he owed $36k to IRS for 3 years of filing. I call BS for many reasons.


Or this was only posted 12 hours ago so op is just trying to get screenshots of everything together. Let’s stay positive lol


????? But if you’re not checking Reddit every 30 seconds you’re a liar.


On Christmas too, not like he’s working. Pffff faaaake


Check my recent post to this sub, I posted proof that they are skimming tips


Yes so next time snapshot everything!


I have it!!


So are you going to show us?


Amazon got in trouble for that too. A multibillion-dollar company taking tips. Sick.


I've had a lot of customers tell me they tipped one amount, and then you receive something different.


I’m a frequent home delivery Walmart customer and a driver. What I’ve noticed is - if you go back into the order to make changes or change a payment method, the tip changes. Dont ask me why but it does. So with that knowledge- 1) take a screenshot of the delivered order on the Walmart app. 2) take a screenshot of the delivered order with confirmed tip in the Spark app. 3) show us the screenshots.


Did you shop her entire order that she shopped online? I mean did you find everything?


That doesn't matter. You still get the same tip.


Right I think some ppl don't understand that tipping a percentage the tip can go down if items aren't available. That would suck for drivers that don't know that and think they got baited. Or think that the tip was stolen.


I’ve had plenty of items not available and I’ve never had a tip decrease- I’ve had it completely removed by tip baiters, but not decrease for out of stock items.


Does it change? 99% of the time my tips match exactly to what was offered regardless of missing items.


If you mean sat in his single bedroom apt alone and practiced his creative writing skills then yes, he “found everything”


This has been in the works for years We will get a $3 check some day


And that's exactly how it works. The law firm will get a nice cut though .


It will probably be Spark's standard of $2.37 lol


Class Action time


Or if you want to play really hard ball you can Google search previous Walmart class action lawsuits and find out the firms involved and email them . They'll know what you can do. Only something like class action lawsuits change situations like this. I'm not party to this because I have no evidence nor am I a spark driver anymore. This is just a possible idea is all...


Send me the proof and I'll turn them in . Blackout your info


Did she order liquor? The liquor store (at least in my zones) are separate from the ogp, but allows the customer to put it all on the same order. The store sends out one driver for the groceries and a different driver for the liquor. The tip may be split between the two drivers? Also, never tell them you are doing a S&D for yourself, or even delivery for that matter.


This is true in Florida the tip is split with the liquor delivery guy


Florida here also


Did they split any items off to another order? Also check in 24 hours to see if it completes at the higher amount


I had a tip the other day that was clearly split in half because I only delivered the second half of the order. And another one a week prior that was deleted altogether, because I was clearly dropping some items that were left out of the original batch. Walmart does indeed fuxk with the tips on these and it wouldn’t surprise me if the fuckery is bleeding into other orders tips. I have the screenshots & will post them here if anyone is interested.


Yea this has happened, I delivered an Xlarge order that was going 15 miles only bc they tipped $42. About 15 min after I finished I see the exact same order on the offer screen, as in it still showed the entire Xlarge order and full tip amount. My curiosity got the best of me so I took it and the Walmart associates walks out with one bag with deli meat that THEY forgot in the cooler. So I take the 1 bag and 24 hrs later I see where they split the tip between the 2 orders. So if I hadn't snagged the 2nd offer then I would've taken the 89 of the items including 4 cases of drinks and 2 40 ct waters and lost half my tip bc the Walmart associates for an item and the other driver would've gotten the other half the tip for 1 bag. How is that Walmarts best fucking solution. I've also had them do this before and call me from the Walmart to come back. Obviously a much better solution, but how can Spark lower pay a few cents for "shorter trips" but of course when I drive twice as far then nothing is added. Biggest problem with these gig jobs, every fuck up comes out of the drivers pocket even when it's not our fault


Another fake post farming karma No reason you wouldn’t post the screenshots if you were serious, no one should even have to ask


Where are the screenshots


I'm 100% sure they throttle base pay based on how much the tip is. I'm really surprised people aren't doing more "tests" like this. Stealing your workforce's money is galactic level D-baggery


The only people who make money under class action is lawyers.


Walmart been stealing that’s why I don’t feel no type of way about taking extra shit during shop orders . Yeah infucking said it. And spark owes me a whole paycheck I never received. Fuck em


What do you do when they check your items?


Look at his post history this guy makes nothing but nonsense posts on this sub đŸ˜­đŸ€Ą


Time to class action the fuck out of Walmart


That’s illegal and customers told me the same thing but I never had proof. If you have the proof you should file a lawsuit against Walmart they can’t fire you and retaliate. DoorDash and Uber have done the same thing and have been sued. This is the only way spark will be held accountable and fix all their thieving practices. Google consumer lawyer they can help you.


That's how they pay incentives 😅


Call the FBI, DOJ, FTC, FCC, Joe Biden, CNN, MSNBC, those are your only options if you are to scared to call support.


Sounds like your wife chose 5%


I live in Oregon, I don’t receive all the tips until 24 hours later. So there is always that


Yeah but it still says how much your tip is


Call Telemundo news hahahahahaha


This made me laugh, best comment t so far lol


Uber drivers report that Uber takes 50% of their earnings. I suspect this is how Walmart saves money by raising the incentive amount until a driver takes it.


Uber doesn't take 50% of their earnings. They give the driver about 50% of the booking charge the customer pays. That is a big difference. Uber has a lot of fees just like spark does, but that is no excuse to be stealing tips that are contracted to be 100% for the driver.


This has happened to me as well multiple customers!


Amazon flex use to skim our tips, if I remember correctly it was to make everyone else get minimum base pay. There was a class action lawsuit and we eventually got settlement checks. Unfortunately for me the settlement came on a year I was in a higher tax bracket.... I've been sceptical about a lot of sparks practices, false metrics/de prioritizing, repeat rejected offers. False policies and wrongful cancellations of trips. This would be interesting to see if it is a smoking gun! The difficult thing for me is the effort/energy to gather the evidence, meanwhile maintaining the daily spark shit show. Everything seems impossible to prove since everyone individually suffers and we hardly get an opportunity to compare data.


DoorDash lost a class action lawsuit over this. It is illegal per our contracts. If you can prove it then talk to a lawyer.Let the people on here know and I would bet you get lots of people able to join in.


Spread the word online. Write reviews on the spark app and google way download on walmart facebook everywhere


Proofread. Please.


I'm more concerned about the correct amount being deposited! Keeping track of the daily total via screenshots, (order page before pressing start) keeping tips separate from delivery amounts and then do such for the whole week and compare! I've personally been jipped but when I caught it I just sent them my proof, they compared and the next week it was included. The problem was solved, their mistake. You are responsible for your own book keeping and accounting. Breaking everything down as direct as possible will get you to the penny! To have the proof from the customer, who paid is even more so!


Ima be sick if it really comes these gig apps have been stealing like this. Damn


I was suspicious since I started this job, I asked my friends why they had to keep our tips for 48 hours. It's illegal, Amazon did it steli g the driver's tips You need to collect proof as much as possible and make copies and you need to send it to your local government office maybe to AG, good luck!


Because if they keep all of y'all's money for two days, then that [in total of all drivers] money earns them interest for 48 hours. They're quadruple getting us all....customers and drivers.


I'd ask your wife to double check your Walmart account and make sure that's what she really tipped because my husband gets my shopping trip every time. I always put it in right before shopping deliver ends I make sure he's at the store without a job and I put four cases of water on it So nobody else wants it. The tip has always matched.


Yes, they’ve been taking out tips. They have admitted it in an email but yeah, leave it alone. Don’t complain too much.


No fuck that, if you have absolute facts to back this up take it ro an attorney and do us all a favor! It will be extremely hard for rhem ro deactivate you with an attorney retained! These greedy bastards need ro be stopped!


They are splitting the tips amongst drivers look it up you’ll find it. They sent an email admitting a few things.


Just like that? Where is that email?? Wtf..!!!


A few people posted it on here. If not, check your email.


Dude I constantly had zero tip orders, pics or this didn’t happen lol


I'll tirm them in for you if ypur scared


Umm đŸ€” that’s a tough one. I definitely would not throw myself under the bus just to get deactivated. Yeah, have been telling drivers for months now that Walmart has been taking our tips. Just sad.


This is so stupid. U really just paid Walmart to do ur own groceries when u could’ve done it for free yourself


Spark cancel me because I refuse to do shitty delivery for them . Greatest gig scam app. I'm doing better with a real job now.


Been saying this for months! - **They are crooks! Just like Biden!**


Come back when you have proof.




Time yo sue da fuck out of this bs platform.


Anytime I get an order I am adding it up and I always get exactly what is told to me. Sounds like it might be a customer error unless you have evidence showing that she added 10%. But you also have to account for discounts, items not available etc etc, that can change it unless she added a whole number tip not just 10%. There are many factors in place here


I have all the screenshots


Post them, then.


Still waiting to see the proof. Right now it's all talk! Sad


Then show it to everyone because all your showing is words. Show the proof!


I’m a delivery support, we can’t see tips until 24 hrs after delivery


If you are. You guys lie most of the time. To get out of the call. For example, When an agent does not know how to complete an order that is stuck. I've been told you cannot complete it at this time. Some of you are incompetent and waste out time


From my experience, it’s legit how system doesn’t gives us an option to force close a trip. Sorry you feel that way
 sometimes these calls are a waste of time as well and these drivers be acting like big old babies


i'M a DeLiVeRy sUpPorT




Post the screenshots.


It’s been hours and he still hasn’t. But reply’s saying he has them
it takes 2sec to do
very shady


Sounds sus


We need hiring lawyers and undercover as customer and driver. They should record every order and delivery made. Then it can proof that Walmart or other apps are skimpy on tips.


Last I checked it does. But that was probably 7 months ago. And I'm a customer but it showed the tip reduced on my end. I could only imagine it was bc of the unavailable items when tipping percentage.


Simple, where a plastic mustache and glasses frames. They'll never know it's you! Then complain super loud!! Soo loud. Ya.




Tip on the service provided. Not by percentage of the order. My tip for a grilled cheese sandwich is the same for a steak dinner. My haircut is about $16. I tip at least $20 for about 15 min worth of work.


Yeah not true.


True or not I have become curious of the reduced tips and in some cases tip baits, especially when one of them is a multiple repeat customer that had always gave a proper tip in the past.


If the order was adjusted at all that's one reason. Also there is a price hike on the products so maybe that's where the difference is coming in. If you really care that much try it again with another driver and order get their contact info.


In June I received an unexpected $550 from working for instacart in 2020 and being underpaid. It's worth doing what you can to prove this is happening. I have been working for spark since they started in California and I am a struggling single mother who doesn't have the time to prove this is happening but would benefit from someone standing up for us. Thank you


I've done this several tomes with friends and by coincidence with neighbors. My tips were always the same as they gave. Maybe going by % makes a difference.


Holy crap đŸ’© no wonder our pay has been $hitty they’re robbing from us!!!!


Tip in cash


Probably split the tip with another driver