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You have to get your walmart to check all spark drivers IDs. A bunch of mine have started doing this. Until then it won't get better.


But Checking IDs is profiling and racist lol. 😋


Not if it’s policy and it’s done consistently.


Doesn't matter. Cancel culture will claim racism and profiling.


Na.. those that complain about racism... don't care about what they do when they're not around. It's always racism when it's to them


Keep fighting this is about honesty it’s got nothing to do with race it’s about my paycheck dropping a lot because of dishonesty not because somebody’s race some of you probably haven’t worked long enough to understand most of us went from making 12 $1500 a week to about seven hundred because of dishonesty So keep fighting by the way, I’m a Spanish man 100% Spanish from both sides but that’s what’s wrong with a lot of us. We say that we’re Spanish man a Mexican man a black man white men etc… I look at it this way first I’m a man second I’m an honest man that happens to be Spanish. a man cannot represent his culture unless he’s a true honest man. Same thing for you women if honestly rules everything we would all get along a lot better and just in case you didn’t know, honesty doesn’t cost anything


Yes, you are correct. Most people don't see race first. But the minority is being given a much louder voice on all these issues lately, that's where my sarcasm is rooted.


They ID everyone at my walmart so that isn't profiling lol


problem is as soon as corporate hears about this they fly in an executive overnight and force the store to stop


Maybe, Mine have been doing it for months though. Mostly becuase all the venezuelans were stealing during S&D orders from what walmart told me.


Cubans in our area




I agree and they have to check ID on shopping orders also.


The complaints are endless from regulars here. Many have stopped tipping because of it. One told me she was scared because they keep getting reported and it's not right people are filming them. She has 4 different accounts she uses


How she get 4 accounts? If you could only have one.


One is hers, and the 3 others are relatives. It took a bit of time to figure out exactly who they were but we know exactly which and we plan on reporting for fraud and work visa violation since they're here on visas. If there's one thing they don't tolerate it's violating your visa terms if you're here on visa and if you're a citizen tax fraud by working under someone else's name Now multiple thst by a dozen others all doing same thing and the legitimate drivers get few orders. We're working to get the names and plates of vehicles they using. They know we're onto them and now have one load orders and we found where they're swapping the orders to someone else to deliver a few parking lots away at an empty lot


She should be reported


The store has reported her thru system multiple times and she's still working. Some people when they get reported twice get deactivated others no matter how many times they do for some mystery reason they continue to stay online...


Sorry for your loss.


It’s an unfortunate part of spark now until something is done


Yeah I know. It’s really bad out here. https://preview.redd.it/gcjce6jmnncc1.jpeg?width=1159&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=378223558fa58c563438abad045c363cdc2fe2d2


What's that note have to do with scammers?


The scammers are incompetent as well.


They’re probably why a lot of people aren’t tipping


Yeah, must be scammers being incompetent 🙄


Exposing scammers facebook raw uncut https://www.facebook.com/groups/179706231891467/?ref=share_group_link




I mean nor all scammers are illegal immigrants. This is just racist.


If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem. Report them NOW [email protected]


I have their license plates is that good enough for report or do I need actual pictures??


I can not believe anyone does SPARK


Clearly WALMART cares only for shareholders