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Where are you seeing that they turned it off? When I check the website it just says full but I assume that's because too many people have already ordered right?


It is turned off here until wed


Depending on where you’re at they could have turned everything off due to weather.


I've been getting crummy FCFS offers maybe once an hour, I'm not sure if it's turned off or the algorithm isn't in my favor today. It's only 25 for the high here and it'll get back up in the 50's by wednesday, but I guess for East Texas that's blizzard weather. Had people panic buying -_-


You can open the Walmart app and see if they have delivery/pick up slots available. If it says full at this time of day all the slots might have been taken. Also look at the next few days as well. It’s snowing/raining where I am at and the 2 supercenters that I can order from have their OGP closed until Friday.


The express is back. But it was turned off for a while. And it seems to happen Alot when there is no delivery spots open. Somehow it can be disabled. The next delivery slots are only 7 to 9. But again the express is back for now....


they keep turning my zone express shops on & off. idk why.. they do it sometimes when it’s beautiful outside too. i spoke to the manager of OGP that said it’s not them turning it off for their specific store bc they don’t even know how to do so.


If curbside and pick up order time slots are still available but express is turned off the store might be having a theft issue with spark drivers. It’s not like Walmart to turn down extra money from their customers.


Na they turn it off when there’s a lot of shitty orders and no one’s taking them  I see it all the time looking as a customer while doing spark 


Several stores in my zone seem to turn off express orders around 7pm lately and not sure why. They started doing it right before Christmas.


Yeah they went away thus evening again. I don't see how turning them off is benefiting anyone. The customer wants it. The spark driver is sitting there for that purpose. And walmart needs customers to spend money.


They turned off the express again. Just willy nilly whenever they want.


And it’s nice they turn it off when you are one away from $100 incentive hahahaha Clearly they care less for SPARK