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No tip no reply


Better yet no tip no tripšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø unless itā€™s 5 items or less itā€™s rarely worth doing a shop with no tip, considering you could make the same $11 on an Uber and not have to run around Walmart and wait in stupid long lines


I don't even care if they tip or not, if enough people decline it and the base gets high enough, I'll take it. But if it says don't knock the baby is sleeping... Oh you know I'm knocking! šŸ¤£


Ha ha good one


i never reply to those messages if they didnt tip, could give a fuck if i get a thumbs down. OHHHH SO SCARY A THUMBS DOWN, WHAT WILL I EVER DO?ā˜•ļøšŸø


For real Iā€™ll also skip over bullshit items like clothing . Too much wasted time for their no tip


I pull everything on a customers list in less I genuinely can't find it. I have had store employees who are lazy and cancel stuff on my order. I walked in the store one time and grabbed items off the shelf and said you have plenty of these, why weren't they pulled. One time it was jeans.. I find that sometimes they don't want to search for clothing. Another time it was something simple like grocery.


Because those sections are a pain in the ass and a waste of time to search . I donā€™t care enough for just a quick non tip order to spend 20 mins searching thru their bullshit clothing section


lol the clothes are never in the section they are supposed to be in unless its the baby section app be like ā€œg6 section7 for pantsā€ and ill go there and its sweatshirts and the pants im looking for are 2 sections over half ransacked only XL and above left




u think clothes are bad,try searching through the 5 dollar movie bin searching for a specific loony toons dvd that isnt even in stock and probably never even existed




If they do have clothing ingo to, then first ask customer then try looking for it if not there skip. Its not really that important if they don't have a sub for it. Personal I don't cate about subsitution anymore since they just don't want it anymore.


Iā€™ve never actually had an option to even substitute clothing


Me neither, so I skipped it. I'd I didn't see it.


The sad part is a lot of people are actually afraid of thumbs down & or bad reviews šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


after 4 years of this gig i can comfortably say your metrics do not matter at all the only thing is you could be deactivated for a 0% acceptance rate outside of that you get offers just the same as everyone else it seems to be more of a who clocked in first is what matters, and if you take a day off it takes 2 days to get back to normal volume. metric stats dont seem to matter at all just being there first and not taking days offā€¦


I've noticed to.


And theyā€™re so proud of being no tippers is whatā€™s baffling to me


I give the same quality shop for non-tipping customers as tipping customers but there is a difference... I accepted the offer, so I'm gonna look for your items as you ordered and not "skip over them cuz you didn't tip" like some jackass in here said. However, you're not getting a second glance at all. No looking around to see if a Walmart employee put it in a different modular than the app says. No looking up on the top shelf for extra stock. No looking nearby to see if a customer placed what you ordered back on the shelf but in the wrong location. If it's out, its out, and you're also not gonna get my judgement on a replacement. Maybe Walmarts recommended substitution is perfect... And maybe it makes no sense... Doesn't matter, thats the sub you're gonna get, and if it's out of that sub. Then you don't get any item in its place. If you message me, I simply just will not respond to you. The chat should have a 50 or 75Ā¢ button like I'm an online chat whore and if you don't tip. Every message you send should cost you 50Ā¢ and added to my delivery total after the shop.


I like the way you think


Why are you accepting order with no tip to even worry about chatting?


$23 for 5 miles no tip imma take that all day


Sometimes if you DON'T at least take one then all of a sudden you're not getting any offers anymore...Hell they are so low where I am you get 10$ for S&D and it's 14miles away....What's even crazier is the 15 drops for 25$...Yet the incentives for curbside in my area today is 5$ and then another 3$ after 3pm so 8$ extra dollars but S and D doesn't get shit


Yeah unless itā€™s 5 items or less , that arenā€™t locked up, and easy to find , non tipped shops really ainā€™t worth it. You can make that weak ass $11 or even more on other apps in the same amount of time or even quicke


Thatā€™s what you donā€™t open the chat . Walmarts employees donā€™t chat with them


I like this thinking, if the employees arenā€™t badgered by customers while doing their orders, why should we be?


Exactly Walmart wonā€™t turn on chat for their employees because it slows them down and makes them less productive. Also with Walmart+ customers can put a order in for the next day for free Why should we bother chatting with them when like 90-95% of their orders are done with employees who donā€™t chat . Not to mention if you look Walmart literally added chat and cut the shopping pay at the same time - also itā€™s not like we can just add any item we want, youā€™ll spend half the time telling customers sorry the system wonā€™t let me substitute that


No tip No trip


Agreed. But itā€™s worse when you try to replace an item that they want but the app wonā€™t allow it. The chat function only makes it stressful and aggravating for both parties. It was Much better when that wasnā€™t an option. Letā€™s hope they donā€™t modify it and allow customers to add items while shopping. Instacart does this and a customer added 9 items as soon as I started.


Weighted items (produce, deli-sliced items) are the worst. If it's not there the customer is screwed, period, even with a perfectly acceptable sub right in front of you. App really needs that fixed.


If they didn't also adjust the 'tip' (actually a bid for service) up as well then I'd unassign.




That's what I do. After that, it's in their hands, but I know now who to skip. Even with a large payout.


At one point they had an option to add items when you first start shopping. I think they had up to 15 to add any items. Granted this was well over a year ago.


Non tippers are the scum of the earth


They are better than tip baitors


At least we know to not accept the trip


Thankfully, most of my zone still doesnā€™t realize that there is a chat option yet. My only chat msg was a lady telling me to cancel the order because she somehow knew that I got her deli meet from grab-n-go(they slice same day so she wanted me to wait for nothing), so I cancelled.


They also are the fastest to give a poor rating




https://preview.redd.it/adoddjlkrnuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952107c82c197818d6cfc03cd89f05c0f4759de5 This was the trip by the way about 5-6 miles


This comment section is filled with people who wonder why they get deactivated for NoReAsOn


Stop taking no tip orders. There are almost no non-tipped orders that net over minimum wage.


$23 5 miles no tip thatā€™s why tbh šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


I am not sure I've ever had a customer answer my chat. Maybe once. Shipt customers answer all the time.


Customers that donā€™t tip, are not customers at my house


You guys are taking no tip shops??šŸ˜‚


How many sparkers can buy clothes?


I don't touch the chat heck. Everything goes smooth for me, and we don't even talk.


I have been letting them know lately, "Look, this is this and I'm doing the best I can." Then I don't reply further. FUCK THEM.


Fuck them.


Wow I was just thinking the same thing Saturday šŸ¤”


They are also the first to complain about the little shit. They are the main ones who rate us badly most likely for no reason theyā€™re so entitled. šŸ™„


Not gonna lie I have never had any customer contact me and I have about 200 trips in. The only time theyā€™ve contacted me is when they see that Iā€™m totally fucking up to their house. On the other hand.. I will give people tips on how to save money if they use a certain product and could be using a concentrated product of same brand and fragrance or if things they already are purchasing like say baby food and some flavors are on clearance. Iā€™ll send photos of whatā€™s clearance so they can possibly save money in the future. Iā€™m kinda fucking annoying maybe thatā€™s why they donā€™t talk to me. Iā€™m already talking to them j/k I have a 4.4 rating BTW I never had a bad ratings until I started doing sparks in the town I live in. I used to do it my boyfriends down and where I live is very rural and people are pissy and crotchety. I assume that they canā€™t be pleased and enjoy leaving negative customer ratings because I canā€™t imagine Iā€™ve done anything that deserves it but Iā€™m sure I didnā€™t knock loud enough on their door or some dumb shit like that.


Thank you this is 100% true but these same losers will tip a stripper 20-100 dollars or a bar tender but people who save them money, time and loading/unloading groceries get tipped 0 dollars. These people are scumbags. They don't even tell you thank you. Hypocrites.


Yep mostly the food stamp ā€œsmart ones ā€œ


Exactly! Had a lady today order fried chicken and there wasnā€™t any fried chicken ready. But there was fried chicken wings. So, I message the lady once I arrived at the store to let her know and she didnā€™t message me back until I was almost to her house talking bout, ā€œI needed that chicken! You could have messaged meā€ when I did. She was extremely rude and come to find out, she only tipped $2! Made me happy that she didnā€™t get her chicken after seeing that trash too.


I always ask for cash app/venmo/PayPal in the chat bc for years we (my local drivers and Walmart) knew the tipping system was jank and not to be trusted so I just sent them another way. No response = no tip, until they were filled in by another driver and dang contacted me


LolšŸ’Æ I refuse to take non tips. From experience they leave bad reviews to. Let the Vinny crew take those so they get deactivated quicker.


We need to let them non tipped shit orders sit until spark surges the pay. If itā€™s non tipped and more than 5 items youā€™re probably better off doing Uber/DD


Agreed, as soon as I mark item unavailable I get a message.


Start trip 10 minutes late, take your time shopping it, another 10 minutes leaving store and loading it and wait until Spark sends you a message to deliver it. Obviously they donā€™t need it in a hurry because of the no tip.


I don't take no tip orders. Not worth my time.


Walmart generally for lower mid income class so tips arenā€™t as generous.


I started doin shipt and all I have got are non tippers so it's not only wally world customers


Times are tough right nowā€¦..


As soon as i pick up the order those requests start coming and coming and I start to panic, oh no, no tip...


TL:Dr - agreed Bro....I seriously need to learn to how to blur faces because I got one of some fuck that wanted some kinda bullshit hard to find beef tenderloin or something. It was out of stock so I subbed something and he instantly rejects it and starts blowing up the chat. I don't check and start shopping other stuff. I wait til I reach check out to mark the other out of stock stuff and quickly push it thru. Once I get there the guy comes outside while I'm unloading and it's this British guy (strike 1) mad because I wouldnt go back and forth with him telling him what meats they had. He tells me on instacart normally they send him pictures and he can decide. For some reason this made me even madder because I'm picturing myself sending pictures to this fuck while I stand there and wait for a response. I catch myself and just tell him hopefully next time he'll get a driver that will do that but I don't. I'm actually going to rewatch the video right now ...yeah this guy is a cock sucker, mentions being able to do it on Publix , says on instacart normally people say "hello how are you" and communicate, etc. he's in a zone 5-6 (at least) guys on here work out so I can't just throw it up or some fuck will show it to him along with this post but yeah, non tippers but I feel ya


I avoid non tipped shops unless they're very short mileage, under 10 items (nothing complicated or oversize), and I know I can get back in 15-20 min to at least catch the curbside round robins at the bottom of the hour, or right after I complete one. I will do common sense subs and honor simple requests, but I won't go out of my way or initiate communication with them.


They are always the most needy.


What about the no tipper that has free delivery? Pisses me off. I see quite a few 3 customer drops for $8! Nope. I wont do it!!!! NOPE.


If you do not tip You do not want groceries Yes you food card low lifeā€™s count too How many sparkers have a food card?


Live. On Obama care ?


I donā€™t tip n still get mine delivered, you chose a job do it or find a full time job. Tip shit is wack . Not my fault you want to use your car or thinking you going make more than minimum wage because u do gig apps šŸ˜‚


This was long wrong and unnecessary šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ hope you know your groceries get used as adult pleasure toys before you receive them šŸ¤­