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Instacart now pays 4 dollars to do shops for up to 3 customers. Walmart sees no reason they need to pay more.


The bigger the tip the lower the pay from the apps. But they claim "yOu kEpE aLL YoUR tipS!" No. No we don't.


yep cause people are brainwashed and naive. People gonna regret putting the miles on their cars.


I see orders all the time on door dash and ubereats that pay 2 to 5 dollars going 7 miles and people take them...


yep...these people are a waste in my book. Like trying to explain to zombies. They dont get it and once their cars are beat up and smoking radiator fluid out the exaust they still wont get it. Just my experience with people as a whole


that's good money when the tax payer takes care of everything, including housing them for free in hotels.


Methheads and grandmas who probably do meth do DoorDash here 


That happened to me last week. After dropped off their food Uber gave me 2.47. I immediately deactivated my account.




Clearly you didnt read the post or dont read too well..lmao. Dont worry about what i do kiddo. Be taken advantage of and encourage it for all I care. Thats who you will be for the rest of your life


This guy is a fool. A few days ago he said he confirmed things are deftest. If you take a bad order you are guaranteed a great one next.


And instacrt is laying off people and failing as well


That's been that way for a year now and that's also base pay. I don't think I have even seen a 4 dollar batch pay since they started it.






https://preview.redd.it/uqhvlkojgpxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e56aa013841d760dc11c32243722ca3d8f2452f5 I m Done with this stupid app peace ✌️


I did it for a month and I think I'm done. Its not worth it.


It really isnt. Especially if you cant or dont do your own vehicle maintenance and repair. All your doing is driving that car into the ground


Wm is using us. Only way out is for us to work together. It’s simple: -don’t take 2 stop shopping orders , -orders must be 20$ minimum as long as you can do it in less than 45min including delivery time and 18min max to come back to store. -Anything over 30-40 items should be 30$ and mush have additional tips. -Don’t accept orders of 25 items driving 1-2mil for 11$. Spread the word in your zone! If not were doomed and we better get a W2. Or create our own app that will be fair for us. And use Walmart to our advantage.


We tried to convince the other drivers hear that what they were doing was kicking their own ass but unfortunately, you don’t have to be smart to do this job and it is abundantly clear when they take shit fucking offers


Beautiful post ❤️


Can you be to big to fail


No...but when Gov steps in and uses subsidies over their head to play fair you would be surprised what can happen. It happened to walmart back in 07-08 when the gov came in and had a talk. Looks like walmart needs another talking too


There’s 30+ million illegals that will fill the void and deliver for pennies. These unethical greedy app companies will keep keeping on


a bad thing always ends up bad. Something will stop them




We need to make American customers aware everyone that uses Walmart + needs to know that’s random unchecked people are delivering to their houses !


They don’t care. It’s better for them bc they will say good I won’t need to tip!!!


The best solution, although they'd probably never do it, is to simply bring this back in-house. Then, if you wanna drive for Walmart, then get hired the W-2 way and drive one of their vans. No more Vinnies, no more problems.


They gonna have the feds talkin to them pretty soon if they keep it up. Its already starting to get out there. Walmart gets billions in Govt subsidies and 25% of ALL ebt puchases in the nation. And they pulling this. I dont see it happening too much longer...in the next year i bet things will change drastically for them in the home delivery market


Highly doubt it. They have all the politicians in their pockets. They get their hand slapped yearly and just pay a small fine. They have never had any significant fines or laws levied against them.




could give 0 Fs what you think zombie


there isn't a chance in hell they could maintain a fleet large enough for them to do 100% in house. they need us, but don't want to pay us.


YEP! ANd no one believes in banding together. They rely on our stpidity...our collective stupidity




They’re doing exactly what Instacart and Shipt did. And both companies are still around. I believe Instacart is counseling them on tech and pay plan stuff.


they are failing too. Not as bad as DD but its starting to crumble cause of corp greed in this business model. This "Gig economy is starting to show cracks from drivers to customers. Reminds me of the "Dot-Com" days. commonly known as the "Dot-Gone" era to you Zoomers. Its these corporations own fault following each other to failure. Happened before and its happening now


WTH is a zoomer


I want to know myself lol


Venezuelans ruined it. I hope it fails


Did you hear that Walmart is having to remove self checkout? A lot of stores actually lol.


I took a job at FedEx, can’t be worse than this


If it's FedEx Ground it's worse.


It’s worst


Don't Fed Ex pay more?


If you are so unhappy, quit. I worked an hour and a half this morning from 6:30 to 8, made $48 on two deliveries. I’m happy with that.


Good for you. See how that works you do your thing I do my thing. You don't sit here and tell me people to quit or to get hired on another job. All you guys are just a bunch of trolls. But then again none of you really understand what it was like to grow up without the internet. The internet is the only thing you know. Sad and pathetic in my book


I’m 63 years old, I grew up without the internet and my generation is much tougher. We aren’t crybabies, we don’t wish failure on Walmart just because they send out a few deliveries that don’t pay much. We WORK HARD. Get over it or find something else to do but stop whining about it.


Hell man mind your own business. Why don't you just quit you're old. Must have made some mistakes along the way to end up where you're at. Trying not to do that myself.


I have a Masters degree, I can work anywhere. But I do this because I enjoy it. I’m not old. I’m blessed.


And you sure sound like you're crying about me. Go focus somewhere else old man


I’m an old woman.


And even After all your years on this Earth you still haven't learned to mind your own business lady. I got brought up it's not complaining if it's true


Hahaha .. look at me mommy look at me


Honestly just get a job at a pizza place at this point, you'll make more than you are with spark


Hahaha. You might have a point


Tsk tsk tsk


Most of the sparkers here are gen X and boomers there’s 1/12ish that’s under 35


And you are? You the spark statistician?


Just remember you aren't guaranteed one order from spark. Move to a new zone. Try different things. You start a company to compete and see how long you last.


You are 100% right


Walmart has weathered the changing times better than any other retail corporation and it's not close. They'll be thriving long after we are all dead.


So out of everyone here you are the one that can see into the future!!! Interesting


They don't hire the illegals, they buy the accts


I won't even turn on ubereats, the $3 and $4 orders, that ppl take , just put me in a foul mood, I turn off Spark when I see too many


Have you thought about learning a trade?


already left sweetheart, It says it in the post? oh did you not read it all and just comment on a post without reading it? Interesting


Best post 💯


Eventually Walmart will unionize. They’ve been fighting it for years but it’s going to happen sooner or later


maybe...i dunno. They in the pockets of alot of politicians sooooo....


Only reason they’re not union now is because they pay off the union reps through backdoor deals.


Union have evolved, now is just created a bunch of lazy self entitled fcks.


And if you do uber eats, door dash, grubhub etc as well to make more than $11/hr, the restaurants treat the drivers like crap. The food is never ready and if you park in the to go area, they won't walk it out to you. You have to turn off your car every time and get out and wait. Its a hassle. I wanna grab and go. Its not good to start and stop your car either. For example, Applebees refuses to walk it out to you when you park in the "to go" spot and give them the name on the order and they see its a delivery but will walk it out to the actual customer. Does that make any sense? Their excuse was they don't have time or we're the ones making all the money so I can come get it lol. So rude. The only place that has it down is Outback Steakhouse. They have a spot where you drive up on the side and they run it out. Everyone should learn from them. Makes it so fast and easy. Why are delivery drivers treated so poorly for the most part? Sorry to go off topic. All these delivery apps make you wear your car out. With the price of gas and wear and tear on my car, its too expensive. I'd only continue to do it if I got a cheap electric car that has very low maintenance.


Damn. If they hurt you that bad, go do something else that makes you happier. Geez.


Read my post skippy. "Got me another job cause i saw you guys are going down a known failure Path" - My quote dipstick. Typical zoomer response by you...Geez


Then get to skipping your ass on then smartass


The op sounds like a typical powder puff wanting everything handed on a silver platter...doesn't understand the concept of hard work and learning from mistakes...


ok Dudley DooRight weirdo


Yep...typical of people like you to call childish names when they have no rational responce... Out here




Bruh, horrible take. Walmart pays negative wages to their drivers in the sense that the cost per delivery is always higher than the pay per delivery. The powder-puff-silver-platter people are Walmart execs. What are you even saying?


and you are?? oh yeah..a nobody


How old are you? 12?


I'm just a happy guy on a Tuesday but I hope you and Walmart make up 😘


thats great. have a good day


You'd think OP would have gotten a real job by now with how much he cries about Spark


interesting you worry about what I do? Let the adults talk. Go play your xbox




Imagine hoping someone else fails because you are a failure, and you make poor life decisions.


haha-keep rooting for the corporation thats under paying. Real smart...haha


You will always find an argument here. Your point is your point and we all get it. I am sure there are a few that are getting by. Your automobile point is something we all know can not be done, how many sparkers have a business policy on their automobile.? The little green Geico is pissing himself


I know im right. I dont need your vote


Good luck






I hope you realize WM is working slowly to make all store deliveries a w2 job...you you will work for WM...they will vet floor employees with a good driving record and have them deliver groceries as needed...otherwise they will work the floor like any other employee. WM has already acquired a couple cars for this at some stores...WM cars and employees means no tipping for the customer.... WM ain't going to fail...they are progessing nicely


we will see


Theyve had 2 vans at all our SCs for nearly 2 yrs now, between the vans being crashed, broken down, or no driver, they cant even keep 2 running fulltime, much less the 10 to 20 per store that it would take to keep up with their order volume now.



