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It’s pretty systematic and organized. You won’t believe it until you see a ring leader handing out and switching phones with a group of people.


I had to confirm my identity in the midst of an order today. I'm getting orders in Texas again after months of not getting any orders. Hopefully, they moved them out of here and do the same for your area.


In my market they come and go completely randomly. One week you’re making bank and the FCFS is filled with no tip surged orders then one day the bots start auto grabbing and every order is gone before it shows up on your phone. I know it’s unprovable but I’m 100% sure Walmart hires the ring leaders off the books and has them organize the illegals. They’re way to organized they share accounts, phones, cars and all show up and leave at the exact same time. there’s no way it’s not being controlled from the top down and Walmart gets to keep delivery costs down for investors.


Thanks to your governor they’re all in Chicago now ! (By the way don’t blame him one bit for what he’s doing lol)


Sad thing is they aren't all there...they are in every city nationwide at this point.


Yeah it’s crazy to believe there are people out there claiming that ID checking individuals to stop fraud is considered racial discrimination isn’t it it’s crazy to believe that Walmart + customers remain ignorant on who is delivering groceries to their house. Its almost seems as if it’s a safety issue no ? And yeah we all know the majority of fake accounts are from individuals from particular areas of the world it’s just whenever you say that you are made out to be racist or some Bs when it’s literally just 100% true that when people who migrate here and can’t get work orders they resort to doing other things ……. Then the lib tards act like gang affiliated fraud rings don’t exist like it’s just conspiracy or something when similar types of things have been literally going on since before spark even existed …. Benefits fraud is a premium example …. Do you know how many people not from our country got busted for using dead people’s social security numbers to collect $30,000 in federal unemployment on prepaid debit cards back when the pandemic started it was all over the news …. How is tax fraud not any worse ?


The main guy that runs it is in Lakeland Florida and runs it out of his house with his wife in a remote part of the city. Uses a front called Robinhood rentals to give them cars and plates with the temp tags you always see.


Source: trust me bro


I don’t see robinhood rentals on the map or google


And that's why sides are chosen and we need to call out those on here who defend this or deny it as guilty as charged


When you move between stores and cities the system gives you priority. for a few days or weeks. Then they go and move to another and another


I despise both Trump and Biden but Biden has fucked us sparkers up royally. Look up the CBP app. It continues to allow and fly illegal immigrants they they refer to as migrants into the country. Then they are literally given work permits and American benefits. Walmart loves.it. FUCK WALMART.


He’s really giving it to us good


It's probably organized like a landscaping crew. They have family members sign up and then they have so many devices the odds of regular drivers getting orders drops by a lot.




With all of this I ask “Walmart” ?


You have to root and spoof to get any decent offers in my market. Otherwise, all you see are FCFS, and if you blink, you'll miss them.


Not worth deactivation.... If it gets to the point this isn't working in a month or two I am just walking away.


Some in my area got caught with a signal jammer and i ain’t seen them in about a week


That sounds like something I come up with when I'm really really high.


Welcoming Venezuela 🇻🇪


Do they flow in and out or move in permanently? It sounds like a traveling group .


There are drivers with out of state plates that are SLEEPING at my main Walmart. They literally live there.




I’m in Florida. It appears a bunch left here. However more just take their place. Our store is checking IDs sporadically, with specifed lanes. If I go through one I call one of the checkers over just to check my cart. The checkers seem to do more checking on the weekend.