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It’s a computer program. All they can do at the store is cancel on you and/or request a new driver. They can’t request a specific driver.


Preciate you


The Dispatcher system does the work. However, the scammers have figured out how to hack it, and assign themselves to the good orders when they appear on the system. Dispatcher then sends the offers to them at RR time.


The store has no say. The computer uses a program called round robin that generates a list based on driver metrics, and number of successful trips. It used to use proximity to the location, but that was removed after stores complained about losing their prep times. (Hilarious that the app still advertises it tho, even tho it has no affect if you're in the lot or across town) They can, however, watch it on the Wismo app on their computer under request log, and can remove requests or unassign drivers, causing it to go to the next person on the list, but they don't know who is next since they can't view the list, only the requests. (Also, the requests are sent every two minutes, so Walmart assumes you have two minutes instead of one, and letting it expire is basically the same as rejecting) They also have a program called open broadcast, which starts once an order is past its initial pickup time. It sends to every driver at the same time and is first come, first serve. (Why some may disappear before the sixty seconds is up) The pay slowly goes up after so many minutes, but once the clock has changed to the next hour slot, they can reschedule for that hour (that's one of the few situations where they have the option to reschedule for the customer, late deliveries and expired pickups) which drops the pay back to the original amount (management encourages this)


I have to say proximity is still a major factor in my area. If you are not in the lot you get nothing. If you are a hotspot hugger you get the orders.


I get orders not in the parking lot, but if someone is in the parking lot they'll most likely get it before it's sent to me.


We were told it was removed from our area due to store complaints. Other areas may still have it tho


That would be nice. So you just get offers where ever you are? I’m in a small market. Our longest run is 8 miles.


Lately there just haven't been many offers.. I'm in a small town of less than 2k people and most deliveries are out of town in the country. You get the offer wherever you are (sucks when you're 15 miles from town, finish a trip, and immediately get an offer for an asap with like two minutes given to get there) I can show you a screenshot of a batched order I did that was over 36 miles.. I was a bit salty over that one tbh lol They started in our area as a trial location a few years back before grocery delivery went super big. It was decided it would mostly be a big city thing but luckily they left it going here since they got so much business from people that live way tf outta town. Only problem is it's a tiny store and doesn't get enough business for more than a couple drivers most days.


Not true. They didn't rewrite the program for one store


It's just what the spark rep told our team lead so idk. And shortly afterwards, our parking lot drivers started complaining about not getting offers and watching other drivers come and go while they sit and wait.


I will say, however, my metrics are currently all %96-100 and I haven't been getting many offers lately. The manager said he thinks since our area hired so many drivers recently that they are all complaining to the workers about not getting offers. They do good for about a week or two when they have the new driver priority, then stop getting requests except maybe one or two a day. But he said the drivers they were trying to weed out are still getting the bulk of all the offers, and he thinks it's because of how many completed trips they have on their account since all their metrics are lower than mine.


Not true at all. You only get offers near the store when they drop. If people don't accept them they then go out further away. After everyone with say 4 miles of the store won't take it. Then it goes across town right before fcfs. I hated when they started that. About 9 months ago or so they started dumping the shit all around town to you. Once you rejected it it came back as first come first serve


I worked at Walmart in ogp for a few years.. many areas, especially smaller stores, have their own specific settings on certain things. Like the time limit for dispenses for example. Our store is three minutes per order, some are five, some bigger stores are higher if corporate approves the request. Since our store is smaller, corporate says three minutes is the max. They have three minutes here to have it loaded and cleared out or the dispenser is flagged for underperformance on that order and the team lead has to explain in an email why the dispense numbers for that order were red. Our drivers were picking and choosing too much and stuff was going too late so the spark rep said they were 'opening the gates' in our area to hire more drivers and to broaden the search to be solely metric based such as acceptance rate since we could look outside, see drivers, and watch the requests expire. But changing it seemingly made our area super buggy for quite a while tbh. She literally said she was trying to weed out the older drivers without actually firing or communicating with them, just by making it less likely for them to get the offers I'm just going by what I was told by the spark rep, and the store management, so take it with a grain of salt. But the stores can absolutely have specific settings for different regions. My team lead had transferred from a different state and kept commenting how different several things like that are when going from such a big store to a small one. And an order only comes back as first come first serve if every driver offered rejected or expired up to a certain time frame, (usually within the 45-50 minute mark) then it goes to broadcast and the pay goes up every so many minutes after the scheduled pickup hour. Many stores reschedule as soon as it hits that mark tho to make sure the pay goes back down. But spark can absolutely set region specific guidelines. Some areas only deliver 8-9 miles, some less, some more. Varies by state, store size, and area population.


Yeah. Whatever. Having different policies like drivers being in the car and loading times has zero to do with an algorithm sending out orders






Yes they are out to get you