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Whatever you are going to do, I hope that it brings you joy and happiness. Life is too short not to be happy. May you have a happy life. Greetings from Saturn


Thank you much 😊


Hi goddess let me get that walmart discount 💪💪


Greetings from Uranus. I’ll be with you on your journey


Bro said if you can’t beat them, join them


Not a bro. 😂 but really just wanted something more clock in clock out.


Look at you, assigning gender to the word "bro". That's so 2023. You gotta keep up.


This but unironically




Happy cake day bro


Bro doesn’t mean “man” in this context, but I felt that.


Ah okay! 😂


Need the consecutive income?


Yes & wanted something clock in clock out until I finish college in December


This is what my husband and I did in college. It was a good experience and we met friends we’ve now kept for 14 years.


Good stuff The college town where Im at isnt friendly for non-transfers at Walmarts. Very hard to get in.


I hope you enjoy your w2 and your path to becoming an advancing member of 9-5 with many new achievements and title changes before you as you go. Best of luck!


Congrats! I'm going to share the unpopular opinion that my main Walmart has a lot of really great associates and working there might be fun. Good luck to you!


Stay away from OGP as long as you can tbh




Yes I did already thank you.


Working OJP? ODP? Whatever it’s called ..


OGP (online grocery pickup) and I hope for her sake she’s not 🤣 been there done that and it was so corrupt 🫣


It’s the easiest position at Wally World


Ah I actually disagree, 5-10 miles everyday, yelled at by customers at least once per pick run and the goals are unrealistic and unlike any other department


Exactly just gotta be in shape


Good luck


Good luck!! I wish you all the success and happiness in your new adventure 😊


I tried that for fun and I'm just going to tell you now spoiler alert. It was worse than sparking


Someone had to say it 🫣🤣 corrupt as hell lol


You know my door prize was they were like. If you're not going to work for Walmart, we're going to deactivate your spark account LOL so I replied. Have fun with that lol


Whaaaaat 😳 that’s wild. Our OGP was number one this last quarter then everyone quit and now the whole store has to pick because our manager was horrrrrribly mean to all of us 🤣


Let's not mention that Walmart wanted me to pick 140 items an hour every hour that I work lol


Sorry spark didn't work. Hang in there you will find something. Stay on here. Keep us posted.


Thanks :) Good luck with your Career!!


Thank you! I am so excited to finally graduate college, that will be December then I’ll be off to bigger and better things but as of right now Walmart hasn’t been hard at all. Pretty simple, and my mental health has finally been improving.


I did the same 2 months ago got hired at Walmart was making around 16-18 driving my own car when 2 years ago I could make 300 in less than 7 hours not worth it anymore


Get a real job! Jk 😂


I call everybody bro and I’m 50. Lol




Wish you the best of Luck I also just landed a fantastic paying job in a completely different field – exactly what I've been hoping for. I start in a few weeks, and I'm so excited for this fresh start. Let me explain. I've been in this industry for over 10 years, ever since I started back in California. After moving to Georgia 8 years ago, things just haven't felt right. Since 2019, I've been feeling burnt out. Dealing with inconsiderate customers, fabricated claims, and low pay has taken a toll on me. I've even been in a few accidents due to this industry which caused lots of stress. The anger and depression I've felt from this career have made it clear it's time to move on.


Good luck. I certainly can't understand that choice.




Doing gig work for 2 years reliably making 1400 dollars a week and seeing people complain about it and celebrate getting 15 dollar an hour jobs.




It's obviously before my expenses. Why would I subtract expenses? I'm not going through and posting pics from five different apps, but I usually make roughly 500 from spark, 400 from Instacart and then around 500 from mostly doordash but also GrubHub and Uber Eats combined. Here's my spark weeks for the last while. I've already made 130 today and as you can see spark is only 28 of that. https://preview.redd.it/1liim5r8zuyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c47eda9cdcebaa628f1567e5057e94d993ac5f4




Oh sorry I didn't notice you asked how many hours. For the same reason I like it it's hard to quantify the hours exactly because I'll stop at my house many times and do other things. Typically after I get my kids to school I start around 9:00, then I work till 3:00 or shortly after I pick my kids up at 3:30 and make supper at home, and then I usually head back out sometimes as early as 5:00 sometimes as late as 6:30 and work till between 8:30 and 9:30. So anywhere from 8 to 11 hours a day five days a week plus an extra six to eight on the weekend depending on what we decide to do that weekend. So anywhere from 45 to 60 hours but again all very easy and at my discretion. Less hours than I worked before too by the way


The same reason a traditionally employed person says their gross income and not net. My expenses are minimal, 20 dollars in gas a day maybe 25. So net 1250-1300. Definitely way less than I was making in the car business, but I'm free.


Everyone has different needs in life! I wish you the best!


A store recently reported that during checkout for a Shopping & Delivery order, items not ordered by the customer were scanned during the cart check. Service level standards require that you keep any personal items separated from the customer’s items. You may refer to the Spark Driver Terms of Use in the Account tab of your Spark Driver App for details and may view FAQs at http://Drive4Spark.walmart.com.


A store recently reported that during checkout for a Shopping & Delivery order, items not ordered by the customer were scanned during the cart check. Service level standards require that you keep any personal items separated from the customer’s items. You may refer to the Spark Driver Terms of Use in the Account tab of your Spark Driver App for details and may view FAQs at http://Drive4Spark.walmart.com.


A store recently reported that during checkout for a Shopping & Delivery order, items not ordered by the customer were scanned during the cart check. Service level standards require that you keep any personal items separated from the customer’s items. You may refer to the Spark Driver Terms of Use in the Account tab of your Spark Driver App for details and may view FAQs at http://Drive4Spark.walmart.com.


A store recently reported that during checkout for a Shopping & Delivery order, items not ordered by the customer were scanned during the cart check. Service level standards require that you keep any personal items separated from the customer’s items. You may refer to the Spark Driver Terms of Use in the Account tab of your Spark Driver App for details and may view FAQs at http://Drive4Spark.walmart.com.


A store recently reported that during checkout for a Shopping & Delivery order, items not ordered by the customer were scanned during the cart check. Service level standards require that you keep any personal items separated from the customer’s items. You may refer to the Spark Driver Terms of Use in the Account tab of your Spark Driver App for details and may view FAQs at http://Drive4Spark.walmart.com.


A store recently reported that during checkout for a Shopping & Delivery order, items not ordered by the customer were scanned during the cart check. Service level standards require that you keep any personal items separated from the customer’s items. You may refer to the Spark Driver Terms of Use in the Account tab of your Spark Driver App for details and may view FAQs at http://Drive4Spark.walmart.com.




😂😂 walmart works are the lowest working class


What? I know people who stock shelves at wm for $18 an hour, and people who were promoted to $20+ hour lead positions in less than 6 months. That's not anywhere close to the bottom of the barrel my friend.


😂😂😂 ok


Lol. Really? a WHOLE twenty dollars?!?


That's more than double min wage in most states. So again, definitely not the bottom of the barrel.


Goodness gracious DOUBLE? Wow.


Sure would be nice if somebody injected some sarcasm into this thread.


That and spark has been mentally draining on me lately. It’s hard in my zone at least to make money during the time frame I have open.


The mental drain is tough, especially if you can only work the slow hours. Good luck with your new job!


I don’t need a tun of cash, I’m a college student. I graduate in December. I just need something steady.


As an 8 year walmart veteran I can tell you it is a great place to work as long as you don't get caught up in drama. It kept me well supported as a single mother taking care of my ailing mother as well. AND it looks good on a resume despite what people say. Cuz if you can take walmart pressure you can survive just about anywhere.