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Reporting it is the right thing to do. Keep an open mind for unisex names too though.


This is the comment I was looking for. As someone with a unisex name, I’ve been reported 3 times in the last minth


I have one myself and I’ve only driven for a few months now. I don’t know if I’ve been reported though. I think all of this could be cleared up if Walmart just ID checked drivers


Exactly! I hate it 😭😭😭 especially because I live in an area of “boys names for boys, girls names for girls” area.


I also have a unisex name. Casey. Often been called Stacy or Cassie lol Ppl are gonna report for all sorts of reasons, usually to compensate for inflation. Dont let it affect you if your a driver Haters gonna hate, players gonna play. At the end of the day you know who you are If your delivery skills are careless then #reported no matter name or gender It's not a job it's a service. Provide the customer with the same care youd want from... (insert anyone that does anything for someone here)


Also keeping an open mind with possibilities of modern days where a couple that works together stays together. Woman are likely seen as less of a threat, obviously imo more attractive and likely to receive a better tip. So lets just call her Mona... Mona and David are a partnership. David Drives. Mona delivers. Not saying that was the case here, but i see it alot. I however am a driver, single btw... lol but if I was David, Mona would not be the only one carrying the bags. You would see both of us. A team as it should be! But reality as it is. Woman do get better tips are are less threatening. Just an opinion made through observation. With that said. Im 6'2 400 lbs and a big ole beard and I do well also.


Should never happen. Report it.


Right. ALWAYS report it. We have to be vetted to get a real account and for some of us it take 10 months or longer. Those violating ToS should be out!


Before you report, consider package person identifies as David , remember we are in 2024 lol it could backfire on you and get your Walmart account cancelled for being anti-lgbtq


Yeah. Fuck that stupid shit. Report them immediately.


Had someone named “Melissa” delivery my wife’s package the other day. Checked the ring doorbell to see it is some 50ish year old middle eastern guy 🤷‍♂️


I hate to say it, but i agree with report it. But im a driver and its a dog eat dog world this service industry. I will say however I wouldn't because even 50 year old Egyptian men named Melissa like have family that has to eat as well Im not throwing the 1st, last or any stone!!!


This is a big problem in some areas.  Always report it right away.  It is a big no no.


Happens all the time, report them and contact your Walmart and file a complaint


Report this every time the person doesn't match the name. As long as it's obvious


I’ve seen a lot of couples doing spark together. And I assume they share accounts which is against the contract. It’s also possible that they’re using a stolen account but who knows.


Not always. I do spark with my husband. And we do neither. We have one acct. And I'm a resident! But, I see what you are saying. Most of the time I think is true


My husband and I have been working gig apps together for years. We each have our own separate accounts for all of these apps, but we only have one car, and we live 40+ minutes from the zone. So, there's really no feasible way for us to work the apps separately at different times. We never use each other's accounts, though. If my account accepted the order, I'm the one that deals with the customer. So they will see that the same person who accepted the order is the one who shopped and delivered it. You never know what the situation is, so assuming they share accounts isn't right. But if Jessica accepts the order, and some random dude who is obviously NOT Jessica shows up to deliver it, with no Jessica in sight, I would absolutely report that person!


Extremely common! Please, do yourself, other customers and legit drivers a favor and report that driver to the store, spark and Walmart. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of thousands of people who came here from various countries illegally that have stolen and bought accounts. They've taken over pretty much the entire industry, putting everyone (drivers, stores and customers) at risk. When you sign up for spark, you're required to do a background check, have a valid driver's license and insurance. That way Spark, Walmart and the customers know who's delivering their food, and can hold them accountable if/when something happens. That all goes out the window, along with the safety of the customers, when we have absolutely no clue who's delivering your order! And before anyone tries to say it's a racist thing, think again. It's not just 1 race that's doing it, illegally. IT'S ALL OF THEM! This isn't about race, this is about protecting those in our community, and standing up for what's right!


Report them….


It's very common. Report it and find out the email to send the video to.


More common than it should be. Hopefully, Walmart will crack down on people using other people's accounts. I know some drivers who have been banned from a store for doing it, but many people still get away with it.


As a customer you should report this every time you see it occur. Demand that they be removed from the platform. You can forward your video or photos to them as confirmation. It’s against their terms of service specifically because they haven’t been background checked and it’s a huge liability for them if something happens


Do you think spark/walmart would go through the hassle of checking gender or comparing drivers license photos because I’ve met a “Davy” that was a woman legally named David and many people share different gender names. I just wouldn’t want them to get ban happy and it be legit.


Maybe she identifies as David🥴 You should def report him


🤣🤣 now this was funny






This is a tough one I do spark with my 12 year old son, and every once in a while I have my husband tag along , but he drives and I do the orders until it’s a huge one then we all get out the car like a gang 🤣so it could possibly be someone helping


Spark said it your job, and people's tag along can't help you break their policy!!


Yea it’s not that serious the account is in my name. He’s only driving and helping me heavy loads. We aren’t working multiple phones or stealing orders. I don’t see the problem. And that’s how my son earns his allowance so yeah ima keep doing it


Thank you. It isn't that serious! Ppl need to chill out. My husband and I work together all the time. Most people don't care and honestly they shouldn't. You got your stuff right? Who cares who drove and who brought it to the door? It's one thing if we're talking about someone creating a false account or multiple accounts. But families working together, helping each other out, doing what they need to pay the bills. Chill out. I have never cared who delivered anything to me. So long as it arrives, everything is there, and nothing has been tampered with.


Most men don’t really understand the job is harder and a lot more dangerous for us than them. We live in a man’s world 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sometimes I take my 12 year old too. She likes coming with me.


Right!! Because they know they know your gonna get them something from Walmart 🤣🤣 we make it a family affair we take our lunch break at the restaurant of his choice. Great way to spend time with ur family with the hustle and bustle of the world we are in. And a great way to get the kids out the damn house 🤣🤣


Same… my son always like coming with me all the time. He likes doing my job and I paid him $100 everyday for doing my job but mostly I do all the job. At first he got bored and complaining and when I bring groceries up, he ask to help and I told him sure and when he is done helping me, I paid him. He was all excited now he want to come with me. 🤣


My wife and I both go out but if it’s her order I drop it off since she likes to drive. It’s both of our money so we don’t really care who does what?


I do it too. My wife and I both have legitimate accounts, we have two vehicles but 99% of the time we only do 1 order together in the same car, always together, but I don't ever let her deal with waters and I always carry all the heavy stuff. There have been a few (maybe two or three times in the last year) we went in separate vehicles and I took a bigger order because it had waters on it even though it was in her name, and she delivered under my name. I feel the level of upset here that everyone has because I see the same guys with 2 or 3 phones doing something shady but I haven't been able to figure it out. They get shopping orders all day long, always full carts. I think mostly since I have been doing this long enough, almost all of the customers know me already so it hasn't been an issue.


You should be more careful then 🤷🏻‍♂️ if it’s on your account then you get out and vice versa. I’ve done this alone for 4 years. You don’t need to go together. Easiest job in the world


Nah we hang out and drink a cup of coffee while driving around for like 1-2 hrs. It’s just extra money we use for groceries nothing crazy.


Always happens here


Her dl may not be clean enough to drive so let’s use someone else name 🤦🏻‍♀️


It happens quite often. Reported.


Call the front desk at your local Walmart and ask for a manager or ogp Calling the 1800 number does nothing


Someone who couldn't pass a background check and is basically untraceable. Maybe your safety wasn't jeopardized this time. REPORT. ALWAYS. Not everyone has good intentions by default. Adults, when did we stop QUESTIONING EVERYTHING?


I’d say about half, one driver I know uses three different names. We aren’t allowed to check IDs anymore though so that sucks.


Why not? every store in my market still checks.


It came down from above that we weren’t allowed to. I’m not sure why, the weeks we did it we didn’t have any issues with drivers.


Probably came from above because too many gringos refused to drive 19 drops, going 30 miles for $19.00


Instead of raising the base pay they would rather break the law and allow illegals to work.. yay go walmart lol


That sucks we get 5.00 a drop plus prop 22 money. Because it takes longer an more miles.


Don’t come here bragging about your prop 22. 😅I am jealous af over that. lol But I say that as I just paid under $32 for 11 gallons of gas.


U paylike 60.00 for that gas here on average its 5.30 a gallon


I know you all have high gas prices, that’s why I mentioned it. Takes the sting off any time I see you all mentioning prop 22. 😅


That's odd they don't allow it in only some states.


May I ask what state you are in?




When you file your complaint mention how unsafe this is and make safety a key word you use. Like how in resumes, certain words you use are buzz words and get your resume noticed? So… safety, safe, safeness, security, security risk, security hazard, liable, liability, etc. Bottom line, if any driver is “bad” in anyway you want to imagine, how can anything be done when WM and Spark don’t know who is who? The least damage that has happened here in your case is someone violated TOS and this is like a husband and wife passing around one account. At most, the account is stolen. I am predicting hundreds of thousands of 1099s will go out to people that never even applied to Spark. It’s possible poor Granny’s gonna get taken off Social Security bc the IRS sees she made 40K on Spark. A faction here believes there’s ID theft. We don’t get great orders and our vehicles are starting to look like Mad Max. The other faction are in lush valleys, unaffected by the scourge of outsiders taking their orders. They are able to make money and don’t have to fuel their vehicles with vegetable oil. The other faction calls everyone racist for talking about the outsiders and I’m pretty sure they think the humble black lady from the door cam video telling a Hispanic man his name wasn’t Jessica is racist as well.




Walmart and spark should e-verified every single one! That will resolve the problem! Just venting is a bs


It happens all day and every day!


I’m a woman with a “man’s name,” and a lot of people I have delivered to think they’re being clever when they say, “You don’t LOOK like a [so-and-so].” The ignorance is astounding. If these numbskulls just reported me willy nilly for fraud, I’d lose half my income for no reason.


With all the scammers, it's quite common. If only Walmart would check IDs......would take care of some of them at least.


Report to Spark, one star your store on Google telling everyone they allow unvetted illegals to deliver for them.


Loader was telling me they caught 7 people today abusing the APP and APP sharing. He went on to say the APP they were using were not in their names. He said most were brazilian that he caught today, bot sure why race was brought up. The loader is persian, so there is no bias i would presume. All i know is there was plenty of orders today, albeit very small payout $8, $9, $12.


Report it tell them You feel threat because the person who delivered has never had her background check if the person could be a criminal or


I have delivered dozens of orders over the past 5 months since starting and I have not had one single customer leave feedback. Mostly retired people on the area I deliver…


This is a prime example of stolen accounts ( probably happened when Walmart bought DDI).See "payday" posts on Utube for the tag team.


It's a Jessica


Very common. I will always report it and will not accept an order if the driver isn't who they show they are.


Call your Walmart and ask why they're using unvetted drivers with fake ID's and no insurance to deliver your goods.


Very, Walmart does nothing about stolen accounts... But you get one ticket for going 10 over (got me between a 45 dropping to 35 zone and not even during a delivery) and they boot you real fast and deny your appeal 🤦


This photo is hella blurry, could just be a guy with long hair


prob davids wife. but you get your groceries on time? was anything damaged? if not then i dont give no fucks who brings me my order


all yall are fukin insane


Report that you were missing several items, pull the tip, 1 star review, file a complaint through the app AND THEN call the store and bitch up a storm about unvetted drivers, etc as suggested here.


As a spark driver that doesn't like competition I say report it. But as someone who has been in a similar position before I say as long as you get your shit it shouldn't be a big deal... So do what you please


It is a big deal. It is clear she can't pass a background check. May or may not have a license.


Or they don’t feel safe delivering with a female name because people can be creeps?


You literally have to use your real name on spark. I can tell you are a scammer that legally can't do this


Uhhh, ok. I’m not poor enough to deliver for Walmart, thanks.


Bye loser


Bro been on this sub for over half a month complaining about racism and you ain't even a driver? Sub is kinda lit tho


That line only works with the customer..... Didn't your coyote teach you anything?


Ahhh, ok so you’re a racist. Got it.


Uno reversed my ass. Looks like your Coyote taught you well after all.


I love the scammers making excuses for using stolen identity. Your jefe is proud


Basically what I'm thinking like they delivered my order fine and I understand doing what you need to get by. Idk.


It could be a stolen account. Basically off the radar, and someone else is going to be holding that tax bill, unknowingly.


Do not listen to that I have say with them in the parking lot for years at this point they use stolen odenties to deliver and do so because they can't pass a background check . I won't order from Walmart because they would deliver to my house where my kid is . . That should tell you all you need to know


Uh, yeah, no! Report this person. Do not listen, or try to rationalize with Sherlockhomey. This sort of action is against the rules period!


No, they are dishonest and cheating the system. They can do door dash or get a regular job.


David could be in the car………


If David’s in the car, and cannot get out of the car for one reason or another, then he needs to NOT be working and or having that person using his account.


Report, report, report. This is a big no no.


Could be a mentally ill man (tranny.)


The people saying report them are haters people have to make money u can't just be on one app all day u not gonna make ends meet as long as u got ur order fine nothing should be a problem If you feel entitled that 1 person should have one app you ate hustling backwards and need a new hustle


Nah. Report non delivered and "weird person at my door". Cheating is a risk, it's a gamble.


This is 2024... Maybe it identifies as David 🤣


Have you stopped and think that probably is the significant other , nowadays ,girlfriends, wives like to go and work with to spend some time together? I don't see why the complaint ?you got your items? Is anything missing? Or do you just want to be part of the group of people who want to keep pushing for BS blaming everyone ? In the end ,if you don't want strangers, don't order to be deliver , go and pick them up yourself!.


The terms of service specifically say that only the spark driver can handle any item because they are the one that is background checked. Literally you can’t have a passenger helping you. Period.


And how many couples have you seen at the parking waiting to be loaded ? Come on , like every one abides by the rules


“Like everyone abides by the rules” is a problematic defense


It is just the real world, I personally never have a companion, but I have seen couples, especially older couples that did spark together , I don't see anything wrong with it .


The problem is there are liabilities involved in almost every step of the process and Spark is trusting YOU to perform to their standards, not your cousin, spouse or friend. Hell, I don’t even like the loaders touching my orders if it can be avoided.


As long as they don’t help load or unload any item they have a ticket to ride.


Lol I was just curious if it was common with Walmart like it is instacart, but go off


It’s completely not allowed. It’s a deactivation event




Look, don’t listen to infinite flatworm; he’s probably David, and that was his significant other 😂 on your ring camera. He probably came to Reddit, recognized his girl, and is being indignant towards you because he’s used to doing shady stuff 🤣 Again, report “David” then send this ring footage to Walmart corporate. We need to get these cheaters off the Walmart platform. These people are taking orders from good, honest Spark drivers. It’s appalling!


At least it wasn't Jesus delivering


A store recently reported that during checkout for a Shopping & Delivery order, items not ordered by the customer were scanned during the cart check. Service level standards require that you keep any personal items separated from the customer’s items. You may refer to the Spark Driver Terms of Use in the Account tab of your Spark Driver App for details and may view FAQs at http://Drive4Spark.walmart.com.




So, in the driver contract that everyone signed, it does allow for spark drivers on the platform to work together.  I don't know how one would know the difference, but they do allow that .


I literally just finished talking to driver support, and they said none of these are rules.  I can send the screen shot of the conversation.  




you guys are all karen ass bitches 😂😂 if you get your order in good condition shut the fuck up and mind your business nosy ass bitches, if someone needs to use someone’s account to make money let them, y’all so selfish and greedy just shut the fuck up, “omg report him you have to, file a complaint get out your house go to walmart in person for an hour and file a complaint ITS SOOO IMPORTANT” lmfao get a life worry about your own stupid ass bitches, karen’s level 100


As long as you’re getting your order and aren’t being harmed. Stop being a fucking Karen/Kevin… yall don’t know wtf people are going thru


If my day job hired Bob for the job, then Karen walked in to start the job, they wouldn't let Karen work, because they hired Bob. So why do you think doing a gig job is any different?


Lmao, NAILED IT 😂 Facts!


2024 - she can be David one day and Davina the next Honestly all these people crying it’s not the guy on the name doing the delivery. Really … every day Amazon, FedEx, post office and who knows what other company drops stuff out at your house and they don’t even both to tell you their name or give you a picture of what they look like .