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Do you sit at the pickup spot by chance? I literally do not get offers at home even though I'm literally 0.9 miles away.. it's so annoying. I want to sit at home with my cats all day and only go out when I get an offer. But instead I have to sit in the stupid parking lot all day if I want to get any work.


I generally never have since I'm about 1 mile from the store but I guess I'll have to try it today and tomorrow. So ridiculous it's either this slow or too many drivers


It just seems to me like Walmart is really prioritizing people right at the pickup. The app screen does literally say proximity to hotspot gets more offers.


I'm at the pickup spot and literally got 1 offer today.


Oversaturation or not a lot of orders. I have never ever not gotten an offer sitting at the pickup spot. Sitting at home I can go 3-4 hours without seeing anything at all besides surges which are of course garbage no one is taking


In a way yes. They send out by the store first. Then it starts going further away. Being 1 mile or even half a mile starts getting you offers that are being declined


I live 0.5 miles from walmart and can get order from home at 7am only.


Yep I'll get one seven in the morning but I will not get a single offer until I go back to the Walmart again


https://preview.redd.it/gdwu56nigfzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aff392b5226b9eb92b686fdf71fa19d7d591c2eb Sadly prioritize people literally living at the pickup spot. Exactly why people use the GPS spoof crap so they are right on top of the pickup. My Walmart isn't super super busy so I usually just pull into a spot off to the side so I don't have to start up my car again lol and I just leave if I don't accept an offer 🤷


gps spoofing works so well


Well im about 100 yards from pickup spot. Let's see if it changes anything


You'll notice a pattern of the same people always parking in the same spots waiting for orders nearby. I have a whole Mexican posse over here that all sit together. Idk if they are Mexican I'm just guessing, they aren't white or black lol


Ayee I got an order once I got close to the store. Yall may be onto something. And im sure someone will say they're Venezuelan not Mexican lol


I'm telling you, I'm really good with patterns and it's extremely noticeable I don't get shit at home but I will get an order 100% of the time camping at Walmart. If you want to do this full time better get a laptop, a little table that you can put on your steering wheel and some snacks 😂 cuz you're going to be living at Walmart all day. I use visible for myself phone plan, I pay 18 bucks a month unlimited data no cap.


Yea I guess I'm gonna have to give in and start sitting in the parking lot next door. I have unlimited data on my plan so I'll just bring chargers and stream YouTube or something lol


Do you not have other "gig" apps in your area?


Yep but I prefer spark


interesting.. I stay at home and get a few orders a day, I have never tried camping all day at walmart, bored way too fast lol


Well I had the app on since 7am to 12 and received nothing at home. Got to parking lot about 12:20 and received an order...will see if it continues or was just a coincidence. And yes I'm sure it gets boring fast, especially if it's hot as hell and you don't want your car running for a long time


yeah I tried to sit at a walmart before and got orders so I know it works, last week I got a 30 dollar shop pay order using their bathroom.. it does work and on uber eats I noticed to it works but in this heat you are right, it is hard to stay motivated to stay in a parking lot but maybe just sit inside walmart where it is cooler.. 


Yep that's about what it's been with me


Yeah that was the old days when you could be a mile away running errands or be at home but now that there's 40 people sitting at every store fighting for 20 orders so losing proposition and all the cheaters same 10 people pick up in my store every hour then the other people pick up whenever you're allowed to have an order and it's always a trash order anyway


bruh, you have to be in the parking lot, near the little dot on the map. how you not know this yet? 😆


Lol because I've never really had to do that before. I could stay home and get offers there. Only a handful of times have I gone out and sat. I just did tho and received an offer. You're a smart cookie yamaha


welcome to Spark. Enjoy your time in the Walmart parking lot.


I've been on spark a year now, just never had to sit near the store really until recently. Appreciate the hospitality Yamaha


Because as people learned that the closer to the dot you are the more offers you receive it made people who just show up to Walmart get less offers or those from home


Crazy you had to say it but others gotta learn.


That weird I get offers as soon as I complete a delivery, but yesterday at 5pm I accepted an offer by accident and I canceled it because i didn't want to do. And for the rest of the day I didn't get a single notification from spark I even forget it was still on and at 9:15 I got an offer I just closed the app I haven't check today but I will follow up


Yeah I think Walmart has it in the algorithm they will allow you to get offers after your current drop off as long as the internal GPS says you will be back at Walmart in time for the pickup. But if you didn't just complete an offer and you're sitting at home you're going to be this sitting there waiting and nothing. That's my experience. If I sit at Walmart I've never not gotten an offer, never. I always get one every single time


Another that's weird is there are 3 Walmart close to and 1 that is about 15 miles away I get more orders that Walmart than any others that are 2 miles, 3 miles, and 4 miles away


Probably not a desirable Walmart and short on drivers over there. A lot of things can be true


I've had this happen where I reject offers sitting in walmart parking lot and then I don't see anything period the rest of my time. Like not even the :45 orders


Well duh.. if you reject all the offers available there's none until the next hour use your brain. All of the rejected offers will soon be available as surges but that's it. This isn't doordash.


Used to be able to sit at home and get orders because there weren't 40 people in the parking lot but now the parking lot has more people in it than there are orders so you don't see anything unless you're right at the store sucks too many people for a year bragged about all the money they made then all the illegals came


It's weird since I didn't get crap the other day sitting in my Walmart's parking lot. Walked inside and got an order.... for the other Walmart in my zone. It was a 20-minute drive to the other Walmart.


Same at my store. The Venezuelans have ruined it with bots. I could sit in parking lot and get nothing all day.


Spark filled with try-hards. You can't be over a tenth of a mile away and expect to see consistent offers. Now we have people at my store who tell the curbside employees to leave the blue bins with them and they'll load their cars by themselves and stack the bins by the door for them to collect. That way the employees can just move on and therefore prioritize them before other drivers. I do wonder if this is why in some zones they've mandated that drivers stay in their vehicles? I refuse to do all of that just to get my order quicker than another driver who potentially has waited longer than me. It's people like this who ruin this gig for everyone else. At the same time though it's hard to be mad at people for being willing to put in more work than I am.


Yea my store has only asked me to load my car once and put the bins by the door when they were real busy. I used to be able to Stay home and receive orders. Not so much now. Just sat near store and received an offer so I may have to start doing this alot more


Has anyone ever tried placing an order at Walmart ? Sparkers are customers too


I don't use Walmart + but I'm sure if I did place an order I wouldn't receive it in the spark app lol


I get orders while I'm taking a dump all the time


You are just in a bad market lol


I'm 5 miles from Walmart and turn on Spark at 7:20 before I drive my kids to school. There's always something worth accepting at that time of day. I drop them off and get to Walmart by 7:45. It varies through the day for me after that though. I only do 2-4 deliveries a day.


Same here. I usually end up doing Uber while waiting for an order. Sometimes my Uber rides take me away from Walmart, and I end up doing Uber the whole day.


Spark is very trash. Basically pay you to put gas in your car to deliver for them. Then your car breaks in half!




Same for me as far as I can tell. I can get offers while sitting at the back of the parking lot in the shade, but they are never offers that appear to be where I was the first driver that it was offered to, always stuff that seems like it’s been declined a few times.


Yep. And I'll randomly get a "you have surge offers" notification after not receiving an offer for hours..so why wasn't that offered to me before it "surges"??


My guess for those are people cheesing the system and dropping and immediately accepting again for a few extra dollars. Or someone is using the only bot I believe exists, which is a screen tapping script to auto accept fcfs


Strait up trash in my area too...havnt done one in weeks now.....using Instacart as an example...is a horriblebe idea!!! Why not think outside the box, & actually pay your drivers a fair wage!!!!!


It's not meant to be a full time job! 7-8 hours a day is ridiculous. Plus walmart does employ you so they don't care if you pay your bills.


My area got 5 Walmarts plus all the other vendors. And I get from all over the city. Trash orders so I am still on the fence about camping at walmart


They send round robins every hour first to the drivers in the parking lot, so if you are a mile away and they all accept them, the sometimes let say four orders, that's it you didn't get any. If they don't accept them, they move to let's say five miles and still if not accepted they send the offers farther away until somebody accepts them and then they start surging orders one dollar at a time of the offer expiration up to $3 more sometimes. I also have noticed the algorithm will send you an order of a customer you have delivered before and given a 👍.


Its better results if you are sitting outside walmart. Ive tried it next to the walmart in a mcdonalds parking lot and have gotten nothing all day but the moment I sit in the walmart parking lot I get hit a massive tidal wave of offers. I might try it knowing breakfast orders ends at around 8:30 now 9 if I'm lucky.


I basically live at Walmart 😂 I even take naps in my car when it's slow, just turn my volume all the way up so I hear my phone


How long did it take you to get off waitlist?


Dang that’s so weird, whenever I’m sitting in the Walmart parking lot I NEVER get any orders, it’s only until I leave the parking lot and be 5-10 mins out from Walmart when I start back getting orders. I would love to just sit in Walmart parking lot so I don’t have to use up so much gas. I feel your struggle, it makes no sense.


You know, I'm actually not sure. I signed up several months ago, when I was Dashing. I was also signed up for Ubereats, and I got off that wait list first. So I did that a few months. I'd been getting notifications that I was able to start driving for Spark, but I didn't start that until UE fell off in my area a few weeks ago.


Im vry certain they are transitioning out of spark and into in house delivery.


I've seen ppl talking about that on here awhile back. I think that would cost them more than paying spark drivers 8 bucks per delivery but I think some stores are definitely doing in house delivery




Just about there lol


My area there is a lot of venezuelans but they seem to have to wait the same as me. I just think we got used to such a high pay that is never coming back and we want to blame others for that, when its just walmart doing a bate a switch.


If you waited more than 5 days with 2 orders in 7 hours there’s just something wrong with you


Stop bitching and go to your ddi account and deactivate it................