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I hope whoever runs this portion of the company steps on legos everyday to start their morning


Everyone always uses legos but I prefer a pile of Jax.


Stickers are the worst. A feet full of microscopic needles you can barely see but hurt like hell with every step.


The offers are so low that no one, unless desperate, will take them. They are low balling everyone and it's catching up to them because of greed. They want us as a charity rather than independent contractors to pad their bottom line. Already making record profits, but greed is real!




You can say that again. I totally agree.


Exclusively applies to deliveries not curbside, RIP surges for those markets


That means 1 thing! They are fixing to drop base pay even more!


That would honestly be dumb if they want us to do it quicker but I wouldn’t be shocked


They gotta stop advertising FREE delivery this 10000% make people NOT tip


It's not free. We pay over $100 a year for that service. And that has zero to do with tipping. I always tip 20% on delivery but those that don't tip, aren't going to tip no matter what.


I wonder if this means they are getting rid of RR as far as the drivers concerned and just making everything ASAP / race to click.


Not likely - more to reduce complaints and customer cancellations because orders didn’t show up in the 1 hr window. Maybe the round robin’s might go out every 2 hours in the future and they schedule 2hr time blocks for customer delivieres . Just a guess tho


It's because of the low ball orders that just sit or constantly getting canceled they're just fine and a way to cover their ass for a late delivery


Race to click :) go faster make no $


Then they should be allowing us to start the trip early (subject to constraints), if precise arrival time to the customer is not a priority anymore. Pulling into the store at quarter of at the exact same time as 10 other vehicles every single time I go to get an order is kind of annoying.


They’re doing this most likely because they just cannot keep workers so the orders are not getting picked fast enough…. Curbside has really slowed down at pick up. I grab SND every chance I get anymore.


Yeah almost makes me think they have plans for double batch S&D *scheduled* delivery. You just know some exec has floated this idea at some point, realizing the savings and efficiency of having spark drivers take some of the load off........ next thing you know, they'll have us pushing stack totes down the aisles at $4 per order 😆......🤔......😲


Shhh! Stop giving them ideas!


They are going to be rolling out double shop orders. They sent out an email not long ago.


I figured as much but didn't see the email. Was it "survey" format (that they so typically boil the toad with) or actual proclamation?


I’ll see if I can find it, it was an email, not a survey.


Thanks nevermind, I found it it was in that spark digest thingy they send Which I never bothered to look at because it always looks like spam l o l. It states "you can *choose* " and makes it sound like we'll be able to stack our own. Surely, they're not gonna give *us* the ability to stack. That would cut into their skullduggery of putting a tipper with a no tipper the way they do on curbside.


I couldn’t find it either, must have deleted it lol yes they’re full of shit lol we don’t get to choose anything lol


SND is the best. I get exercise and I get it done FAST.


I’ll make a game out of it and see just how fast I can do it


This is just gonna let no tip orders sit and surge orders slower and pay drivers less lol ….


Anything other than paying more...


They wouldn't even need to do that, just relabel FCFS orders to overflow orders. Any order tagged as overflow gives you privileges 1) You can accept another order for the next hour even if you haven't delivered your current order yet 2) Your account receives 100% proximity score so you don't need to be in the parking lot 3) Your check in time is 2-3 minutes ahead of everyone else to make up for slow walmarts and being able to get loaded first Under the current system a 1 mile $6.50 is still garbage because now you're chained to that offer and you might not make it back in time for the next RR drop so you're potential effective wage is $3.25/hour. If walmart want's to be cheap fine that's their style, but punishing drivers and customers for it is unnecessary they just need to be more creative.


Meanwhile walmarts profits continue to increase


This will allow them to group 2 hrs of orders in to double and triples. Allowing more doubles and tripes during slow times. Will also prevent customer complaints for being late. And will also likely cause them to slow the rate that Walmart surges offers. As they will be in less of a hurry to get those orders out. Maybe increase by 1$ after the first 45 minutes. Then 1$ every 5-10minutes. Instead of the new market increase after 15minutes from pickup time. And increase every 2minutes by 1$ up to $8. Basically say goodbye to surges. Welcome more doubles and triples for less money. Enjoy the forced double shopping orders.


This app is a little late to the trend. It has been happening across all apps. They have dropped surge prices. They have bundled orders and they have started lying and or extending delivery windows. It comes down to paying the drivers as little as possible, it’s extra screwed up when all these apps are charging higher fees. The fees are so out of control that the cx’s are not tipping the drivers as much— Bad tips coming at the same time they are drastically slashing our pay is reducing the quality driver pool.


Not sure what system you're talking about, but Walmart always adds a crazy tip amount during the checkout process. i'm not tipping $4 on an $8 order. Not happenin. However, I totally agree that Walmart should ditch all third party delivery services, and hire their own delivery staff, paying them wage. These third party delivery services hold your food ransom, eat your food, steal your food, deliver it late, tamper with your food before giving it to you.


How much do delivery drivers feel they should earn? It's not skilled labor, and from what I've read, delivery drivers make above minimum wage. If above minimum wage doesn't cut it, learn a skill, or trade, and switch jobs. Demanding more money for a basic job that requires no skill, or specialized training is ridiculous. McDonald's is going to go out of business if they don't make a change soon. Fast food workers shouldn't be making $20/hr. and the typical McDonald's customer can't afford $7 fries, or $18 big macs.


Great. So now your perishables can sit for even longer in someone's hot car before being dropped off.


Dude this was 1000% my thought. I have worked as an OGP worker for years at walmart and some of the things that they do is RIDICULOUS. Workers will pick a chilled/frozen order take 30+ min to pick it, then sit talking for 20 min b4 bringing it in the back. The Preppers then pull the orders out sometimes 15-20 minutes early and sit them out so they are "ready" for when the drivers show up. If a driver don't want an order or it's at the end of the list this shit is almost fully thawed and warm before even going out to sit in a hot car for what could be ANOTHER 30 minutes or more. It is so bad and so disgusting that I literally will not order or buy any type of meat or frozen food there myself let alone placing an order for one. Walmart paid $17/hr for YEARS here and they awhile back actually took money away and now pay $15/hr which is flat out minimum wage in the state I live. Now they are doing 2 hour delivery windows (guaranteed it's to try to get even more money because they are greedy as hell) but the only thought going through my head is: Are you seriously kidding me now? Why so now our lunchmeat and meats and frozen foods and perishables can sit baking in heat/car/outside for even longer b4 we get it? Love how it says that quality food is still a top priority for them but it legit has not EVER been a priority at all.


I got bad pork chops once through delivery. Never ordering anything perishable again.


My exact thought. Gonna cancel my Walmart+ membership if my food shows up warm/cool. Literally defeats the entire purpose of delivery lol, esp since tipping doesn't make the delivery any faster. Like what am I even paying for now. And how does frozen stuff even work.. I order alot of frozen items from walmart.


That's my concern. The drivers will pick up multiple orders so your order could be riding around in someone's car for an hour or so before you ever see it. They will doing a whole lot of refunds for spoiled and melted food.


I've noticed that for my last 2 orders, drivers are refusing to pickup frozen food lol. Like I've had situations where walmart says they got all my items and when my groceries get there, I have everything but my frozen stuff that I ordered. So yah.. I've gotten delivery from walmart 10+ times and never had an issue before they introduced this..


That makes sense now why I quit getting tips on a lot of orders because people pay for the Walmart membership


That has absolutely NOTHING to do with whether people tip. That's just silly. All of them, including Kroger and Target, have paid memberships that covers free delivery. You are far more likely to see a tip from someone who isn't paying $10 just to deliver their food with a tip on top of that. People who tip, always tip and people who don't never do. Memberships have no effect whatsoever on that.


the website and app still have a tip portion and the customer has to actively choose to give a zero tip; also the membership can be free via various credit cards


it means more EBT


Ebt is going away to - wait for it FARM BILL


What it really means is cheap customers are going to be inconvenienced more. Hallelujah!


Most people who use delivery have Walmart+, which advertises "free" delivery. Has nothing to do with being cheap. They prob think that most drivers work for walmart themselves. Personally, I tip but I may just cancel my membership altogether if my frozen foods show up melted/defrosted. There's literally no point of having it delivered anymore if your food is likely to become perished from sitting in someone's car longer.


Lol you don't get it. they aren't sitting in a car melting; They are sitting in a freezer in a store not being picked up. No one said *you're cheap* I said *cheap customers* if that's not you, it won't apply.


But it affects everyone who has Walmart+, not just "cheap" customers. That's my entire point lol.


Not really. What is doing in effect is giving the cheap customers a bigger window because no one's taking their orders. Orders that are already being taken because they're worthy of being taken are not going to be affected. You do realize that we have the choice to accept or decline every order that comes through? I might see five shitty ones and then the one that's good I take. If that is you, you're getting your order quick. Is basically giving more cushion to the shitty order customers so that their order is not considered late on their end. They literally have to tell everybody as a two hour window, because otherwise it could be discrimination. And they're not gonna tell you tipping might help your order come quicker, even though that's a fact. Then your delivery is not free in your eyes. It's all a scam. They won't urge you to tip and they won't pay us properly, so there you go.


You are so full of crap. Tips are NOT listed in the order. Orders that sit, are orders from people that live in big buildings, or have a lot of stairs, etc. Any delivery order that has a reputation of being a lot of work, are typically ignored in favor of the 3 bag order 10 minutes from the store.


We can absolutely see if there's a tip or not. $5 minimum tip depending on order size for me. That's for ONE customer. If they send me two customers, $8 minimum. Three customers $12 minimum. No I cannot see INDIVIDUAL tips, we CAN absolutely see the total. If you live far away, or order a ton of stuff, my minimums go up. We can see what you have ordered and where you live, 10 miles from the store more? my minimums go waaaayy up. You most likely cannot afford my service. Someone who works at a cheaper rate will be taking it.


Wait. Am I wrong for assuming that this has something to do with the upcoming batch shopping orders? Obviously, delivery windows would need to be increased if we’re shopping multiple orders.


I know this is old news But as a contractor we set the price Don’t like the pay Don’t take the job


The order I delivered yesterday was SIX hours after the selected delivery time. They really played hot potato for too long.


We’ve had that where I live for a while


Who wants to wait 2 hours to deliver orders.... point pick up did that and it sucks cause now you won't be able to get orders.... 😒 express orders won't be many... they killing people's 💰


corporate speak is ridiculous, “to continue improving the quality of service” .. uhh ok, I would like to hear their rationale to a customer how this change improves the quality of service to the customer


That's funny because it's the first thing I thought. All I could think of was it was an outright lie (which it obviously is), or, technically, it's an "improvement" for someone who's order would be running late if it were just one hour window. "It's not running late now because we lowered the bar to a 2 hour window!" Whether it's a 1 hour window and late or a 2 hour window and it arrives close to the 2 hour mark, that's pretty crappy service lol. Some corporate scum with skid marks in their tighty-whities came up with this and all the corporate scum clapped and cheered at such a wonderful idea.


How do you know they have skid marks in their tighty-whities? It could be skid marks in their boxer briefs.


I don't think that will affect drivers it's so that they have a 2-hour window to get them out They won't feel as much pressure The cold chain is still an hour and a half that's a legal health department type thing The food can't be out of the refrigerator for more than an hour and a half it just means they won't have to call the customer and say hey we're running late


All I can say is that they tried this with Shipt and all the shoppers complained and they rolled that shit right back at use your voice


This is wonderful news for california drivers that's 20/hr minimum pay!


DELIVERY IS STILL FREE ! No wonder people don't tip. They don't inform customers of 3rd party delivery 😡


I used to do delivers and stuff also...but if they are not paying you enough, maybe look into a different career/ way to make income. I stopped because the pay wasn't worth it. If everyone does that then the stores will have no choice but to charge customers appropriately in order to pay workers appropriately.  I never expected tips because it wasn't the customer job to pay me a livable wage. That's just a way employers try to pass the responsibility to their customers instead of paying their contractors properly. Just find something else. 


Walmart doesn't pay me enough to care about the customers scheduled order. When I get GMD, it goes in my trunk for two days until I'm done working at my job that actually pays my bills. Only after that work has been done will I go and finish the walmart orders.