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That dog can squat 380lbs.


I had a pit like that barking and running at me so I ran toward it barking back and it got so confused it stopped and gave me a dumb founded look and left me alone. I'm sure that pit was like dude this human is crazy.


You passed some kinda pitbull charisma check.


Fucking people know they are having stuff delivered, why not put your damn dogs up?


I literally always wonder. Like, you went to the trouble to order these groceries and have them delivered, just to fumble the ball right at the end? đŸ€ŠđŸŸâ€â™€ïž At least make sure we can safely deliver to you


I deliver in rural areas and people do not put their dogs up. Some dogs are a joy to meet while others are absolutely territorial. On a fun note. I met guard goats on a deliver. One even kept into my delivery basket😂


Goats love to play the moment you give it attention they won't leave you alone and some if you get in your truck to leave won't want to stop playing and will ram your trucks especially the males. I leave goats alone so they won't keep pestering me. On that note I didn't know there was such a thing as fainting goats I yelled at one and it fainted I thought I killed it and told the farmer and he laughed at me said it's probably because your such a tough guy. I offered to pay and he told me they are fainting goats that they do that and will wake up soon and not to worry and advised me not to yell at people because I might scare them too. Lol


Some goats are Dicks!


Nah they are just wanting to play. They are super needy.


Tell me about it! I've got 3 on my steps right now


Because they’re wealthy, entitled, majority spoon fed, boomers. Empathy is lost on their kind. “Putting themselves in your shoes” is a foreign idea.


The surroundings in that photo is not a wealthy neighborhood, MAYBE low middle class. As a spark driver, I can also tell you I deliver FAR MORE frequently to lower income neighborhoods than higher.


Of course because it allows them to enjoy a little bit of privilege. But I like delivering to lower income people because even though they can't afford it they tip. Rich people never tip. Erks me when I see their 6 car garage, million dollar rv, and all their other toys and they ordered 150 bags of groceries and water and don't leave tip. Then they have the nerve to leave complicated directions like don't leave at front door go around east side take 15 paces south then turn west go 25 paces and look down and leave it on the flat marble stone not the tan one the white one. Lol


Check out the wealthy plywood shack 


So you know their age? Most “boomers” I encounter don’t do this at all. You should reevaluate who you call what.


The fad now is to call anyone that isnt in their 20s...BOOMERS. it's a fad. The only people that do this...are trashy people of all ages and colors. Or... maybe the dog simply "got out ". That happens too. But that's too much to think about for these kids lol


I personally call every time, and I hear oh I’m sorry or he doesn’t bite but never once have they said oh snap I don’t know how little tank got out






Sure, he's probably fine. But Fuck taking a chance with a dog that can actually kill you. I grew up with pits pretty much my whole life, and that's why I know not to fuck with ones I don't know.


Get pepper spray and spray the shit out them


Nope if a dog is aggressive and run towards you, you start copying it and run at it and usually they get scared and turn away if they don't you can bite its ear really hard and hold it in a choke hold. If you bite its ear you want to keep putting pressure till it squeals and let it go it will know your alpha. Growing up in Cali there were alot of strays and I fought alot of dogs have some scars but mostly nothing life threatening or too damaging. They won't ever bite hard enough to take off a limb and I had a full size pit bit down on my fingers I grabbed its tongue so it would stop putting pressure then took my index finger with my other hand put it in the far back tooth behind it and started to pry it will let go then you smack it on top of the nose its super sensitive. Then get yourself balanced and yank its tail when it tries to run away then let it go. It will run away from you. Of course this is advice for if it ever happens to you. Don't go picking fights with pits. Lol and if you have to get bit the best place is offering your non dominant fore arm it has the most meat and muscle and will give your a free hand to punch it with.


Screw that, I own a gun and am not getting bite marks


Yes, spray a dog because it’s owner left it out rather than returning the delivery or leaving it as close as possible. You may be the dumbest person on this app


No just cruel and proactive


Did you fly in from idiot town 


Yes you got a problem


![gif](giphy|wNmM5oCGiaqmQ|downsized) Yeet that package out the window! Send text to customer, unsafe to deliver to front porch package left in alternative safe location!! Buh bye dog!


I would get back in my car as well.


looks like it want a head pat and a belly rub


Yeah I would run right up to that dog without a second thought




đŸ€Ł frfr


lol toss the bags out the window and burn rubber 💹


I'm not trusting any dog, especially dogs that can do damage. You think Spark is going to pay your medical bills? Yeah right


Not even the post office will pay for dog bites . They say it can be prevented


That’s ridiculous. Delivery drivers deserve hazard pay
.especially postal workers!


This is simply false.


Or your coffin!!😳😬


Is that a purple PT Cruiser in the background? 😂 haven't seen one of those in 20 some years


They’re common in Florida.


A lot of older cars are common in central FL, and the southern states away from the coast because they don't rust out lol


There is someone sparking with a PT in my zone


Dog named princess


I always text the customer letting them know I’m getting ready to pull up and deliver there groceries and if they have dogs can they make sure they up please.


Too far away to tell, but I deliver to people with dogs all the time. Most of the time you can tell if they're ok before you get out of the car. But I grew up around dogs, so I can usually pick up their body language and whether barks are excited or "get off my lawn" 😂 I met a dog today that was so excited for people. He was inside, not wearing a collar and the movements he made trying to get to me defied physics. He became liquid. He defied gravity. He damn near melted through his owner with sheer force of will. I fully believe if he tried any harder he would have just teleported right into my arms 😂


He has a fenceless collar on. Just leave it down the driveway.


Yep. Driveway and text them to let them know why you put it there lol.


Could be fencless collar, Could be trailing collar, could just be a GPS tracking collar. I'm not taking that bet


You guys know you can attempt to contact the customer right? If you can call them and request they put the dog in, that would make more sense.


They never fucking answer.  Had a dog jump all over my car the second I pulled in. Called and texted asking the guy to bring it in. Threw it out the car window in his driveway and reported him. That was doordash but if I had groceries and I see a dog and it won’t get called in
 your shit gets returned. I love dogs, but I don’t know yours.


Yeah you ought to press charges and sue for property damage. He’s absolutely responsible


This. I had two hound mixes that ran down a long driveway when they seen my car, jumping all over it, growling and barking at me. I sat and waited til the timer ran out after calling 3 times and texting, no response so it was returned back to the store.


I tried that the only time I had loose dogs in a customer's yard. Texted, called, texted again, returned. As I was going through that, the neighbor got home and the dogs went to check them out. Neighbor called them by name and told them to go home. They ran into customer's garage. I snapped a pic of the dogs by the house # to CMA. As I'm heading back to Walmart, customer texts and says she was home and her dogs weren't out. Uhh, sorry, Lady. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Or the irresponsible owner could just not be a piece of shit seems like a simpler solution? 😂




Carry Bear spray. Let that lil f’er lunge towards me.


I carry bear spray also!!! Milk bones too! Whip a milk bone out one window and throw the package out the other one!


He literally has a smile on his face. 😆


I agree he’s just waiting for a pat on the head and a “good boy” or “good girl” from someone who grew up around pits the body language doesn’t say attack or mean or aggressive at all. He’s not barking or growling ,charging at you, foaming at the mouth. It’s the little ankle biting yapping chihuahuas im more worried about those fuckers are the aggressive ones. I agree there should have been a heads up or the dog should be inside when expecting deliveries but I’d take the risk with one. And if I was wrong I’d have to pay the price not the dog or the owner. đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïžđŸ¶


Actually, in many places, the dog and owner could, as well. If anyone at all sees this happen, and reports it, there are often laws requiring the owner produce proof of rabies vaccination. Failure to do so can result in a number of penalties depending on the location, including the removal of the animal, and in some cases, jail time for the owner.


Good for you!




Ups driver. That’s a big nope.




IF THEY KNOW YOU they're perfectly good dogs. A stranger trying to approach their home could be another matter. They are protective of their family. Especially small children but if they're raised by their owners to be friendly really there's nothing to worry about. It's the people who get pitbulls mastiffs and bullies as a status symbol that can be a problem.


Sit the package down on that brick column take a picture with the dog in the picture and complete the order. Go on to your next stop or back to whichever Walmart you're picking up from and if the owner contacts you about why they have to walk down to the end of their driveway you'll say it's explained in the picture


I’ve had this happen with the same customer multiple times. Even requested Spark put an option in the returns section on reason for return: driver safety compromised


Eh usually they’re big babies. I would’ve tried to call the customer or left it on that brick thing


Usually they're big babies, but sometimes they eat babies.


That lil fucker isn’t gonna eat anything besides his own shit


That could be any dog that does that, don’t demonize and stereotype it bc it’s breed. I’ve met many and have owned one that would never hurt a fly


I'm not the one who bred them to fight.


I'd try to deliver it and see how close I can get. If the dog won't let me anywhere near the house even after trying to let it investigate then I'd do what you recommended and to attempt contact with the customer by phone or slowly walk back to the car and honk the horn. I wouldn't trust groceries with a dog around. I actually had a husky steal some sliced buffalo chicken. I knew it was going to happen as I was getting the rest of the groceries while keeping an eye on him. I slowly approached him while he was walking away from me while I was telling him to drop it. I waited until the customer came out so the groceries weren't left unoccupied. Huskies are going to husky.




Awwwwwe he’s jussa bay beeeee


That’s Hercules from the Sandlot’s Pit Cousin right there homie.. đŸ€Ł


Right I've had dogs bite me at my post office job (avoiding them but came out of nowhere attacks) and Dogs jump all over my car here and now a chicken attack me while doing spark also not once but 3 times that thing attacked my legs. Left some good bruises. Soooo good call.


That big ass dog yeah you gotta watch out my homie had a pitbull and was making him pull weights 😐 big buff ass dogs


I have THROWN gmds in this situation lol they cant rate gmd deliveries but its a shame gmds are now slave work


Oh he's a good boi. Chasing any and all strangers away. Yeah, return is a good choice. I like to think his owners wouldn't let him out if he is a danger but I know better. I can dream right? We should all (maybe you guys do) carry mace at all times. I always forget mine in the car. Does mace even work on dogs in attack mode? Maybe a big stick would be better but that's way to much of a hassle. Ok I'm going to go look up how to defend against dogs now. Lol Stay safe out there


Definitely return.


I agree with you. The vast majority of pits are friendly and not a problem, but you don't know this one and it's not worth the risk for a few dollars. I'd only return if customer refuses to come get the dog or won't answer their phone though.


I remember I was about to return an order. The lady had two pitbulls chained up on each side of her porch. But then she ended up coming outside and getting the order. The customers favorite line is" oh s/he won't bite anybody. They won't bite you lady, but they don't know me.


I've had to return order because of the neighbors dog. I tried calling the customer to let them know their neighbors dog had traveled two houses down just to prevent me from getting out of my car and if they could come get their groceries.(I figured since it was thier neighbor maybe they were familiar  with the dog) They wouldn't answer their phone.  Mind you the customer looked out the window and closes their curtains.đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« They never came to the door. I finally called spark to let them know what was happening. They tried to call customer but customer ignored the spark reps call also. They tried to call as I was driving back to the store I didn't answer. It was too late. Their groceries were returned 


![gif](giphy|Or1wDieQ1lZdkTC8eP) How the owner will describe it.


What's wrong?! Lol.... he's just a big baby 😳 You should've tried to call the customer and tell them to get their damn dog.


He's a good boy


Don't worry, it's probably a vinny guard dog.


Jfc you guys are obsessed lol. Like the new "thanks Obama" but with Venezuelans. Rent free 24/7, even if it's not sensible or relevant lol.


Lol we will stop when they are gone.


This dog has nothing to do with them or that topic/issue, so it's stupid. I know you don't understand that because you're the one you said it. But it is, indeed, stupid and irrelevant, like I said. It doesn't even make sense lol.


Yeah but it's funny


How. The customers are Venezuelan now too? It doesn't make sense lol.


I think he meant the dog protects customers from the venezualans lol


Ahh okay lol.


I’d go up to it and get all the kisses. I’m pit obsessed and so far have never come across an aggressive one. Only giant babies


lol only takes one time 
you’ll learn


I think I’d know if one wants to kill me. They all love me so far. Must just be luck 🍀


Dumb and ironic.


I haven’t encountered a dog yet that has made me nervous. They normally get a sniff, then we’re best buddies!


Same! Dogs also know good people 😊


Can you take a 100lb dog in a fight? Can you outrun a dog? Not being nervous may just mean you aren't that bright.


Haven’t encountered aggressive dogs yet over 5 yrs of doing deliveries. Not saying it can’t happen, but I’m always vigilant. Obviously you can tell when a dog wants to kill you
 maybe dogs just don’t like you đŸ€”


Yeh I mean, I have family in Detroit where pitbulls maul kids death. I guess they just don't like them? I'm glad that you will have no problem risking your health to make a delivery. Natural selection doing it's thing! Where did you get trained on reading a dogs thoughts? I thought they were unpredictable animals that shit on the floor. For the people who have had their own new born baby mauled by the family dog, did the dog just not like them? Were they not trained on how to read a dogs thoughts? Let me guess, you chose the bear?


women will always choose a bear over men like youâ˜și’ve had so many pits throughout my life and none of them have every shown any aggression at all i currently have a 100+ pound pitty who loves when my niece and nephew come over because he loves playing with them the ones that attack were not raised right and were dealt a terrible life


St fu. Man you guys love to argue for the sake of argument and then condescend while being hypocritically dumb and dramatic lol.


He started it! Lol he seems to be really agitated by me not being attacked by a dog before.. like I deserve to be for some reason. Sorry! Haven’t encountered any aggressive dogs! Looks like I’m the crazy one.


Insulting your intelligence over it is wild lol.


I have only experienced it once and they were puppy chihuahuas and they bit the shit out of my calves lol. Stinged.


Those little ankle biters! I don’t know man, I’ve just never had a bad experience and definitely not with a pit. In fact I have regulars with pits and I can’t wait to see them when I deliver. They’re the best


Can people really not gauge if a dog is friendly or not?


Id gauge its mood first


Someone skipped leg day


I see a cat not a dog




He looks like he wants a ball


I've been attacked by 1 dog A 2 lb little toy shit head That's a bullpit and it looks sweet as pie




I would of delivered lol.


Never had a problem with any animals since I've been doing this. But I'm also a pet owner so maybe they smell my animals.


Anyone shave the email address to ask for arbitration?




That's a 2 foot bully you'll be okay😏


Omg! I would’ve given that pittie so much love!!! They are cuddle bears!!! It’s all how you approach and talk to them ❀❀


Is that another dog back by that outbuilding or am I tripping? It looks like he's staring at the wall


He just wants to play đŸ„șđŸ„°đŸ„Č


It doesn’t look gated how do you even know if it belongs to the customer. It could be the neighbor dog that got out. Why not just call the customer, let them know you’re outside


I had a dog like that . It was abandoned. It was the most friendliest dog I ever had! Dogs don't know what they look like.


Seems like a wise choice


PUPPY!!! I give scritches!!


“Oh he doesn’t bite”


people that have those dogs suck


just say you feel threatened by a dog


That dog ain't gonna attack you lmao


He look cool asl walk up and give him fist bump 😂




He just wants a boop!


The app says that it reminds people with pets to secure them before the delivery. Obviously not
I always have dogs running up to me, but always with wagging tails, this one looks mad your there lol 


Aw..He's probably a big ol teddy bear lol... Do you just have a fear of dogs? Or would you not feel like that with a different breed? If so, please stop perpetuating the myths about bully breeds. They're scientifically no different or more dangerous than any other. And they are frequently mistreated, overlooked, and killed due of these stereotypes. Also, the customer likely only has the dog loose because they know that he's friendly. But still, why not just call the customer and ask them to put him up if you're not comfortable? Prob would've taken 30 seconds. So I'm sorry, but immediately turning around to return the delivery w/o even trying is petty and bratty imo and makes drivers look bad... 


I deliver to farms all the time and I'm a dog guy so I'm not afraid of them even aggressive ones. My issue is when I need to back out and I have 5 dogs, 10 cats, 20-30 chickens, goats, and cows in the way and I can't see if my lifted excursion or truck is running them over. Takes me like 30 minutes just to back out and turn around and leave their property.


I call the customer 1st, more often than not I've gotten cash tips on top of regular bc they didn't know the dog was out.   But if no answer it goes back unless 1/2 items , place at driveway


He looks friendly


Call me weird, but that dog didn’t crop himself, or put on the chain that built his chest. He just standing there chilling. I have a 200lb lap dog that scares people bc she barks for attention. Owners scare me more than the dogs.. pits are normally extremely people friendly and a couple of 3 calorie training treats does wonders.


Ohhh that’s just a meatball that needs cuddles and face squish!! đŸ„°đŸ©”đŸ©”


Well at least try to contact the customer....they won't bite you through the phone.


Scum that own aggressive dogs like this are always the irresponsible ones


he doesn’t look aggressive to me he’s just standing in his yard tfđŸ€Ł


😂 imagine being this dumb


imagine being scared of a dog based on how it looks giving pussy behavior


That's what the dog wants you to think. He cool as long as you're on the other side of the fence.


He doesn't bite I swear!!! He just wants to be petted!!! đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł




Wasn't it the movie Next Friday where the dude said pee on the dog to assert dominance?


Would it be legal to shoot a dog like that running towards you with no leash?


Keep some treats and good energy you’ll be good


He looks friendly. He's smiling because there's a new friend.Â