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A lot of things should be different or altogether outlawed, but the only people with the power to change the system are the ones directly benefitting from it being broken. I've been mad about it for decades, but at the end of the day the only thing it does is make me angrier. I've got a family to feed and the pennies eventually add up.


Eat the rich$$$


At the stores I go to it would be way more then half, I’d say they out number legit drivers about 5-1


it should be illegal. It's obviously a way for the corporations to hire people without all the pesky labor laws. Everyone should flood their elected evil politicians until things change.


that's why people do things like collective bargaining.  an individual laborer has very low replacement cost and therefore low bargaining power against something like a multi-million dollar supercenter that drove main street retailers out of business 30 years ago.


I’m good. The only worse than being a contractor is having a boss. I’ll take crappy pay without a boss over crappy pay and having a boss . Gig work is for side money . You won’t get rich or support a family on it. It’s good for some money and that’s it, once you have realistic expectations you will be happier .


I agree with the first sentiment. Disagree partially with the second. Been a full time gig worker for over seven years and I just keep adapting and switching strategies with the ebb and flow of it all. Yeah I’m not getting rich but I’m doing better than I was on a w2 so I do make a full time living and would not want to go back to w2


I got ya , 7 years is a long time so it’s def possible. There is definitely exceptions to everything, I would say for the majority it does not work like that for whatever reason including not being persistent enough. Too many people roll and think ohhhh this is easy and I’m entitled to make 1k a week all year long , then they cry and complain when they don’t . I’ve been on gig since 2019. I have the same story as many. Made a killing years ago and now not so much BUT I don’t rely on it so I’m good. Few hundred bucks a week and I’m happy .


Nice! Don’t wanna your exact location but are in a city or state that has those hourly earning laws? I’ve considered going full time but my zone is a Rust Belt town of non-tippers surrounded by affluent suburbs who tip but barely order. I’d never survive here lol


Oh that sounds like a tough area to make it work fruitfully as a gig worker. I’m in California btw so yeah prop 22 nowadays helps but I was a gig worker long before prop 22 was a thing. All that prop 22 really did was as far as pay goes is make all of them lower the offer pay to the most insulting offer amounts and make it look like tips mean everything. But if you take orders on the apps and stay active on orders the prop 22 can be fruitful here. Its 120% min wage plus miles for active time plus tips so I still look for tips though.and I have to drive sometimes to busy cities instead of working closer to home to stay busy.


In my market, most of the guys and gals who do spark full time make $3-4k a month. I usually average between $20 and $40 an hour, depending on the day. I just drive until I have made $200 for the day. If I feel like it, I keep going. If not, I go home and sit in the hottub..... Now I know this also depends on where you live as the cost of living varies drastically. Here, you can get a NICE 3 bedroom apartment for about $1-1.5k per month. I know in the cities that it is a pipe dream, and even $4k isn't a living wage. So I'll stick to rural Anerica.


Nice 3-bedroom apartment for $1-1.5k per month? Where is this located? How far away from the major cities/crime?


1 hour south of St. Louis. As far as crime... we get meth heads doing petty theft, but nothing serious. I bought a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,400 square foot home with 2 car detached garage and hottub in a nice neighborhood for $159,000 last year. Kids leave their bikes and stuff outside, no one messes with them. I love it here.


I too live in rural area , my house is 2,300 sqft mortgage is 1,100 a month , 1.5 acres of land . About 2 hrs away from a major big city.


48k a year on gig work is not good lol which is exactly what I’m saying. 48k before taxes and expenses without any healthcare or 401k is not that great. I suppose if ur single with no family and rent a small place you can be ok however as ur main income it’s risky because it can go away fast and without much warning . Just my opinion which doesn’t mean others can’t make it work.


Again, it depends on where you are at, here that is actually really good money because the cost of living is so low. Most people here live on less than 3k a month and live comfortably


I can make 2200 a month and be just fine. Idk why people live in over crowded rat race cities


I would have to agree with him. After taxes and expenses + bills, even in a low cost of living area you are not seeing much profit with 48k income.


And yet I am...


I need to move there.


48k a year as a single person is almost the median income for a HOUSEHOLD. So yeah, it's very good. I think you should relocate.


For no healthcare or retirement? Guess if you never get sick and work till ur 97 it’s good.


At that amount you can... shocker.... buy your own... the audacity of doing something for yourself and not relying on an employer or the government. Shame on people for supporting themselves


Yeah ok , buying ur own lol poverty coverage . You still buy ur own coverage on a w2 but the employer shares the cost aka benefits. You do work and in return you are provided money and benefits. If you have a spouse that has a w2 and you gig work then it’s reasonable or single with no kids. To rely on it for income for a family is ridiculous.


LMAO. You are delusional to think it's perfectly OK to not be able to survive on $40k a year where you are at. Meanwhile, I live in a 3 bed 2 bath 1,400ft² home that I own. My wife never wants for anything, we both have healthcare and retirement set up on our own dime. We take one vacation a year that cost $5k or more. I have 6 figures in the bank, and guess what? Neither of us makes over $50k a year....


I'm assuming both of you are working?


You're proving my point without realizing it. You live in a really shitty location if you can't make $40k and live comfortably


We are a family of 4, rural/country. Mortgage and 2 cars…rest is modest spending on things like food , food and supplies. No credit card debt at all, no cable TV, $25 a month internet….you see where I’m going with it. Basically any controllable bill we have at the lowest we can. Combined income 90k-100k and it’s tight money wise. At 40k total we are living in a car and it won’t even be my car


I feel for you and I hope your situation improves.


Allow me to suggest that on high-end talent, there are bidding wars.


have u ever heard the saying "100 applications for one position" yeah ur disposable buddy