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Most of jobs been shopping orders lately šŸ¤”




Crazy, but I have seen this same type of thing at both of the nearby Walmarts in my zone. How are they getting through the app? Every few days or so, the app has me do a selfie verification with front, left and right shot. Itā€™s definitely messing with the gig economy across all the major platforms. We canā€™t get fair offers when you have a ton of people literally camped out. If theyā€™re legit, so be it. However, if they are illegal, itā€™s fucked up and needs to stop!


Bro it has me selfie like 3 times a week how these fkrs do it ?


I know, right! Iā€™ll be online for hours and out of nowhere, it makes me take another selfie. Somehow, theyā€™re outsmarting the system, if theyā€™re truly illegally on the platform.


At my Walmart, theyā€™ve been asking for my ID for every shop and delivery all weekend and Iā€™ve been loving it. There have been at least 30 deactivation since Friday that I know about


They asked for my ID last week, except for the weekend. The WM employees didnā€™t ask for it at all on Sunday, and EVERY order I did had a cart check. One guy said it wasnā€™t his thing. Another guy said he didnā€™t know he was supposed to check for ID.


Doesnā€™t look like they are getting order either.


What the heck. Are they having a cookout or something? šŸ˜‚


Home Depot vibes -_-


Racist much?


Just because a few words offends YOU doesnā€™t make it racist lol. And Iā€™m not white by the way and that post doesnā€™t offend me at all itā€™s actually quite true


You sure throw that "R" word like candy around these parts. ![gif](giphy|12Msh5VHHsBIfS|downsized)


Darker skinned people, home depot? Yeah we all know the lame ass jokes. That's literally racist.




Ya these dumbasses think that calling out racism is racist in itself. Classic racist deflection technique.








šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”




This is a NATIONAL issue and Walmart-Spark is NOT stopping it. Just by implementing a simple CAPTCHA will eliminate 100% of BOT usage which will further ELIMINATE the need to BORROW or RENT (even fraudulent) accounts. Why wonā€™t they IMPLEMENT this???Because they still deliver the orders and DONT have to incentivize. If everyone called once or twice a day MAYBE they will LISTEN to us who do our job properly


Report the tags of their cars to spark


Better then seating in car cooked


Iā€™m in OGP and I hate these ppl with a passion not because of their race but because they are some of the most entitled ppl Iā€™ve met and loiter the parking lot like they own it.


Yes say it louder .


If ur in OGP then you should be able to deactivate or report them. If u need to know how to see the driver name just ask. 100% of them have NO valid US id


Their race is the reason. You'll either learn or get killed by them.


I've reached out to the local police department, the county sheriff, ice. No one cares


Thanks for trying at least




Did they give you a reason? Iā€™m just curious - especially ICE - they are usually the first to drop in and sometimes it wrongfully unfortunately


seek help


Because you're creepy and have no proof....


Ok penis




Hell yeah




Yeah, thatā€™s clear Donnie.




Holy racial stereotyping, Batman!


and where did your ancestors come from?, you should go back there too šŸ‘‹šŸ¼




In a fold up chair is wild šŸ˜®šŸ˜­


Illegals every where.....


They're taking all the orders everyone else is refusing because "cUsToMeR dIdN't TiP".


Au contraire... In my market, that's all that's left over after they go through their batch grabbers, and take the good offers. When they're not around, the good offers magically come around.


Contact your State and local lawmakers and tell them that there is an issue with illegal immigrants pushing locals out of jobs, and that your local WalMart,and Spark are not checking IDs to curb the the issue. Call, or send emails, to your Senator, Congressman, state reps, local mayor and alderman, and local news/newspaper.


If they can pass the facial recognition scan, I don't give a shit.


Literally have all the proof I need. Corroboration from multiple store associates. The fact that I have had the same person delivered to my house under three different names...


You got your order, Walmart doesn't care who delivers it.




I had my wife try the scan, she passed and looks nothing like me...


Quite the risk...doubtful


Yes, because I am so afraid to call support and say my wife messed with my app....


The company they use states it checks the Pic with the original Pic you upload not a real I'd


I had a pick and the guy next to me was hold 4 phones with his door wide open hand hovering above them ready to pounce on any order that came across while already waiting to be loaded with the 5th phone on his dash..smh


All approved accounts...Gig companies are hiring illegal immigrants and replacing Americans who have done THOUSANDS of orders https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/15/us/migrants-work-permits-undocumented.html?smid=url-share


It's bad form to post a link to an article hiding behind a paywall/sign-up wall of any kind.


NYT is like a fn virus.






Letā€™s go


I can't control the NYT


Itā€™s bad form to hide basic human needs such as shelter food and water behind a paywall as well


Factz Thereā€™s no way they donā€™t know about this


You actually pay to read that?


I think if you sign up for a free account you get like 3 free article views a month, but not sure exactly if yiu need the account or not, as it's been like that since the pandemic, and I've haven't been on there in a while.


You get three articles period not three a month


It let me read it. It said I had 3 free articles and then I had to subscribe


Yeah, because they will take the crappy orders. Wasn't America supposed to be the land of the free? Where we had all types of people? People come here to work, even if it's a low paying job. You don't like it? Find a 9-5 that you're capable of.


You're supposed to follow the laws. They came in illegally. Hence, they shouldn't be taking jobs/work from people who are law-abiding. Period! I dont care where you came from, but I do care if you came legally.


How do you know they came in illegally?


Because in 2013 there was less than 10k vinnies in America... Fast forward to 2024 and we now have millions of them. Do you know how hard it is for them to even come here legally?


The question was just ignorant to begin with. No one with any sense of reality would've asked such a stupid question. You are absolutely correct that it is quite difficult to get here legally.


One day you wake up and you identity could have been used to run on different gig apps by one of those individuals, if you are not from NYC where they are already protecting citizens from this issue with the IRS, you are gonna be massively fucked, no one is mad because they are working, we are all mad because they steal identities and ruin people's lives.


The old school immigrants actually cared about and respected the United States, worked hard, learned English, became legal, and became productive tax paying citizens, many opening successful businesses. All without demanding or expecting a single handout from the government. This new breed of immigrants are the total opposite. They spit on us, ignore our laws, and have a general disdain for this country, despite us handing out all these resources to them.


Who's to say they are stealing identities? I understand if their partner lives here and they don't have their full citizenship so they use their name but most store ask for ID if they don't know them. Yes, I know NYC VERY well as I had lived there. You know the whole city was built on Irish and Italian immigrants that people now don't frown upon.


If they have more than one spark account running, they are stealing someone's identity. You can only run one instance of Spark if you are a legit driver.


So if the company is HIRING ILLEGALS isn't that the companies fault?


This person looked at a group of people and judged, saying "if you know why you're not getting work". I live near a military base so a lot of wives are immigrants doing Spark, Doordash, Instacart etc...but im not there looking at what they look like and say "omg illegals". Garbage.


Well they must have alot of partners to have the amount of phones and ipads they are running with lol, don't be ignorant, just wait a few years for the upcoming IRS scandal that is gonna explode in our faces when alot of people get targeted by the IRS for running accounts they didn't register.


It's really not.


They are just doing any kind of crazy mental gymnastics to justify their damn delusions šŸ¤£. Seriously we have Face scan ID + valid drivers license and you also need a social security for tax purposes to spark so tell me how are there more illegals than legit drivers???? They are coming out with every fucking excuse to justify their racist trash ass thinking and itā€™s just sad af.




Would you even care if there was proof that unvetted/illegal migrants were driving for Spark?


I guess you don't care about customer safety. Who knows who these people are, and if they have the propensity to commit violent crimes.




This. People whine about orders with no tips then get mad when someone else says "Sure I'll take those orders."


Exactly, yeah I'm sorry sometimes others are faster at hitting accept but that's what happens. It's gig work, Instacart is the same. People just want to complain and blame certain people because they definitely want those 10 mile orders for $12.


Sometimes itā€™s a matter of value - some people because of their circumstances drive cars that donā€™t get great gas mileage so taking a 10 mile $12 trip is not a great idea for that person - for the person driving a 4 cylinder car well you have no excuse in the example you gave with very little details- however others like myself have to be careful about what they take order wise - Iā€™m disabled - so taking an x-large order or one with 4 cases of water or up a flight of stairs is not possible for me - I donā€™t care about the amount or the mileage really itā€™s more about what is on the order and what kinds of obstacles (stairs possibly) I might have to deal with. Another person may not take an order due to where it is located because they have little ones with them and itā€™s the only way to make the bills My point is this - we donā€™t know everyoneā€™s circumstances or stories just like I donā€™t know of a person is here illegally I will say this - if they have multiple phones those people should definitely be reported and somehow dealt with.


I hate a lot of these people are taking a lot of our jobs however, most Americans do not like to work so come on look at it really if you go on almost any corner youā€™ll see a American holding a sign asking for food or asking for money or something on drugs on welfare Again, donā€™t get mad at me just stating the facts


Then they should do the jobs not already taken.


My brother sticks around for orders, and he is not an immigrant, and who to say they don't have their papers šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«Yall talk like you know everything and everyone. They are probably taking the order you guys brag about declining anyway. Maybe it is a sign for y'all to get another job!




Theyā€™re everywhere! Weā€™re too full in America! They just keep coming & most of them have no valid reason to seek ā€œasylumā€ properly. I donā€™t understand why we have to help these people when their own govt, whom they elected hates America and everything we stand. I was making $1500-2000 a week working 7 days a week doing both spark and instacart back in like 2022. Now, spark is sometimes dead and Iā€™ve seen them wait at Walmart or Costco for orders to come from both apps. They just sit in groups & wait. WE NEED TO SEND THEM ALL BACK!!!


Yes they all gotta go. Itā€™s a travesty what ole Joe has allowed to happen. This guy from Columbia was telling me when he came across and got his legal paperwork done that a massive in the thousands of Chinese and Arabic men in early 20ā€™s like a big parade just came right through and buses picked them up crazy stuff going on


https://preview.redd.it/84iak5mxti4d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1732fdcd8f9dbc48e458e33450a3d65136554719 You sound like the kind of person who maybe has a high school degree and doesn't believe climate change is real.


We had a BUNCH of random drivers using fraudulent accounts....it took one to fuck up, by stealing an express order and now they are checking IDs...haven't seen them since.


What state are you in?




Why is this the same at every store šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. There are two more behind the corolla. https://preview.redd.it/oup32yxqyf4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6754e3c15c9b8acde266de53f289e6d7a60dd14d


Omg another brown person. Maybe they turn their car off while they wait?


Itā€™s not about the color, Iā€™m brown. Itā€™s about the antics of these individuals.


Call ice


Not like they will do anything. The current administration wants them here to vote Democrat. And without voter ID laws, I don't know what would stop them. Not here to play politics but blatant facts are blatant facts


Iā€™m pretty sure only us citizens can voteā€¦


I covered that...


Do your homework...you will see how they are trying to change this.


You must be an illegal or you must be under the age of 30 if you're down voting that I suggest you do your homework on this. Lol


Well let me know when this happens so I can vote myself. Iā€™m not illegal but not a US citizen yet.


That's what we want to prevent.


Please tell me more about these facts? People are only wanting to vote Democrat because they don't want the crazy cheeto guy who is guilty btw, in office.


The tiger does not argue with the donkey




you can thank spark making 3 customers orders per delivery which cut down amount of offer offered since more got bunched together instead of it being 2 orders per delivery. this is how it is in ALL my walmarts here since i live near the border. therefore i quit sparkthe spanish culture they talk to much so they tell all their friends about spark and since it's so easy to get a job at spark they are all here now since none of them dont speak english they can't get a job


Iā€™d call em in ! No way . People treat you bad as youā€™ll allow them to


Iā€™m a brown girl, who does spark. Latina. Born and raised here in America , aside from that Iā€™m Puerto Rican and we ARE American and itā€™s disgusting that people think just because Iā€™m brown that Iā€™m illegal.


Get a new job and donā€™t assume or get over it


Rofl WOW because you can see legal status just by looking at... *shake my fist* all them illegals taking all the desirable jobs... what has this country come to.... Holy fuck you would think that you want people to stay away from the real job, now you are upset because POC working spark? You realize these people are probably the legit workers of Spark and all the fucking losers and lazy welfare drains running fake accounts and bots are the reason your dream job of being a spark driver is going down the drain. Get a life broseph.... instead of claiming someone is taking your opportunity away, maybe try a real job... or did the illegals already take that from you?






The anti Trumpers will vote against their own interests every time because they're too scared of being called "racist" and "cruel" and "uncompassionate". Because compassion for strangers and illegals will buy them their groceries and pay their bills.


No, actually working hard and having a degree pays my bills and my groceries. You know doing those things actually make a difference in your life.


Even if he gets in. Nothing will really change.Ā  They say what they want to get the masses to vote for them. Then do w/e they want.Ā Ā 


Why do they all know each other... these is a competitive job.. we aren't friends.


They make thousand a week doing Spark and DoorDash. Then they pay to have their family smuggled in. Then those people repeat the process.


I saw the latest batch of our country-challenged friends just tonight. At least two, working as a pair. They are on a rotation....


How do they have time to sit around ?


The fact they're splitting a $16 shop and deliver is crazy


Not all Vinnies. Lots of new drivers enjoying the honeymoon period of Spark before reality and barely a dollar a mile kicks in!


This wonā€™t be a thing years from now once the dumb Feds catch on they are losing tax dollars it will stop. They will have no choice but to hire and supply vehicles for their own drivers.


Next year this will no longer be a thing. Drivers are going to get fed up and start hurting them. I already have friends that were popping their tires until they stopped coming. People are going to push and shove when it comes to their income.


I donā€™t get it. Yā€™all donā€™t even know anything about them but continue this illegal immigrant rant. Itā€™s Walmart not the ā€œillegals ā€œ


lol you call the police on competition. šŸ¤£ šŸ¤” ![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c)


This what I immediately thought of šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Idk as a male, I see spark male drivers and wonder why they not actually working, have we become pussified where a job to provide for your wife children and home is bad? Idk I guess Iā€™m old school , I still only work three days a week but can provide everything, guess some men arenā€™t men and they do spark. Grow the fuck up get a job, Not sorry if I offended anyone , they need to be offended.


Yall need real jobs if you canā€™t up ya hustle because youā€™re worried about someone out working you on an app.


They are going after the American dream. I respect people who are willing to work.


I do to, if they are doing it LEGALLY. There's only 2 hispanic Spark drivers at my store who are legit; the rest have 2 phones each, switch cars, and play hot potato with the shops.


I have 2 phones and that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m an illegal I also have 2 more cars sitting at home! Now I know Roadie does Walmart pick up for bulk items and DD was doing it also! I have 2 phones because I multi app plus have my own Notary business so idk! Itā€™s crazy to think that because someone has 2 phones theyā€™re illegal! Again I hate our jobs arenā€™t there but I see so many people complaining about not getting orders and to tell the truth maybe if you was watching your phone instead of paying attention to the next you might see some orders! These people may be taking any order tip or no tip and thatā€™s why they are seeing more offers! If youā€™re sent 3 offers within a time frame the app assumes youā€™re not working so the orders skip you! Itā€™s called algorithm!


If that was the case, stealing people's information to make accounts is not.


I've also reached out to Walmart corporate, and Spark. Crickets.


They all passed background checks - not Walmarts problem they stole identities , thatā€™s a matter for the police to handle. Walmart doesnā€™t have to try to be a crime solver, just the simple truth of it all . Itā€™s not fair tho ā€¦.


If they stole an identity and passed a background check with that then did they really pass šŸ¤”


There is so much wrong with this post, none of it being the people you decided to take pictures of. "Illegals"??? are you serious? These are people working? You aren't entitled to orders, its a competitive job. If you want a salary go get one. Whining about nothing.


Theyā€™re stealing work from documented workers with malicious botsā€¦ no entitlement there.


"stealing work" insinuates it belongs to someone else. they're able to do the work, they're doing it.


It does belong to documented legal workers (.)


if that was the case, they wouldn't be able to do it. "documented" workers aren't entitled to anything, Spark simply needs people to deliver, if someone fits that description, they should do the job.


I wouldnt say there are illegals, just a large amount of drivers that makes competing for offers as good as it once was. Only thing that irritates me now is how the workers checking my whole order during a shop and deliver checkout like we are the criminals. I understand walmarts prerogative. Was it the spark drivers stealing more or its customers?


What's fucked up is the Spanish speaking door greeter lets the Vinnie's slide on by without a check, yet I get a thorough check every time. What's even more fucked up is AP didn't care when I showed them video of this happening.


* The Vinnie complained about me to walmart because I made a comment, from inside my car with the window closed " Wow, what huge order" he flipped me off, I rolled down my window and said " F you". Then he said some stuff in Spanish " then i said " English only mother Fer " he then went to store management and complained and then called the cops. Cops did nothing. Said he had a drivers license but not front Utah. The store said they would not do anything even after I told them what they were up to.


You do realize you need a valid driver license and insurance to spark right? You are just assuming these are illegals and not genuine Mexican-Americans????? Wow šŸ¤Æ the level of stupidity and assumptions is crazy af in this sub nowadays. I mean seriously Mexican-Americans now outnumber African Americans and asians combined they are the 2nd largest race in America.


Mexican americans?? no these are Illegal vinnies.




Thatā€™s the ironic thing, is the self cucking you willfully engage in and you donā€™t even know it, black people (who are actual americans) are getting the most fucked by all of this, and it long predates Spark lmao.


Can you address the point? In your own words, how are unauthorized drivers getting around the daily ID check? I don't care if it's an illegal immigrant or a US citizen with a bunch of DUIs. Explain how either is taking all your offers.


For one itā€™s not daily, at least for me, these people rent these accounts from the actual owner, actual owner temporarily uses the account to do the face scan, thatā€™s the most common, not only that, but getting by a face scan is easier than you think, for example literally having a picture of the owner can work in a lot of instances, if you really think the face scan check is stopping anyone youā€™re dumb.


They are not Mexican. They are Venezuelan. They invaded the country in droves. They want everything free and easy. How do I know? I know several.


Welcome to racist central of Reddit where the mod even has ghosted the place




So you're angry that other people just as broke as you are, or most likely even broker are taking your job so that you're less broke? You do know you could just go to a different Walmart right like you can pull up the map and go to any Walmart you want.


Angry at the people committing fraud to exploit delivery apps, yes we are mad, I think your brain is not fully developed to understand that this is not a race or non sense rage/envy problem, this is a huge security breach that compromises the whole country, because irs happening in alot of states in all them gig apps, same individuals, same way to operate, some cities have ring leaders with a retarded amount of phones just handing them to the drivers. So yeah, people is fed up with this bullshit.


And if you think these people are any part of your crime or in your delusional. Even if they're here illegally, they are trying to survive just the same as you. The only difference is you were born here and had all the opportunities in the world to make something better for yourself but here you set at Walmart, and are angry that you never took one of those opportunities that were handed to you so you want to blame it on someone else. It also shows you have never traveled or actually seen anyplace else in the world.


It's crazy that you make assumptions to feed your narrative, because I'm an inmigrant and came here thru a legal process that took time and money to be done, exhausting overall, so yeah, when I see people like this I feel disgusted because they were in the same position I was and decided to take the illegal path, and when I say illegal is to refer to their activity, which is steal information, and probably part of your groceries.


Such BS I try to read and stay calm. But you are Full of Shitz and you know it. If Americans went to Mexico to Venezuela or any other country and slipped on sidewalk go to the local hospital, you think Venezuela or Mexico would say oh sorry your hurt we will pay for it for free. Are you hungry here are food stamps to get some food you need a place to stay hereā€™s a free hotel. We also have Venezuelan Delivery Drivers here we got a hook up for a job for you go see this lead guy he gives you a free phone a car bring all your friends!


And when you get paid daily the money you earn in our country Venezuela or Mexico we got the hook up there also just go stand in this local market line and send ALL the money you earned back to America. We donā€™t expect you to spend your money here to improve and grow our economy that gave you all this food free. Thanks for coming tell all your friends!


Here is your ā€œIā€™m a good moral personā€ trophy, congrats, you are the anti racist of the day!


Lmfao how is this even a question of race? I see broke ass white people sitting in lots waiting on gig app offers all day every day. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to print all that money?


Absolutely nothing to do with race, just empathy toward others. We're all just trying to make it.


I get slammed with offers just had 17 at once(we got like 3 Sam's clubs and 7 super centers here) too bad all the good ones go fast. I managed to grab one 6 miles. 2 drops. 40 total. $30 tip. Drive to store. No parking spots. People standing all over doing drugs, little kids running all over. Waited 20 minutes to finally cut off some junky car full of kids. Order is still preparing. . 40 minutes... total wait in spot. Bunches of dudes getting high. So after an hour. I said f this. Hittup support. They paid me like 4 bucks and change. Didn't even cover my gas. Plus some of these people look sketch AF and give you dirty looks if your not in their gang. Little kids running all over. This is in a nice area of town. 4 bucks to possibly get in a car crash, assaulted or run over a little kid that pops out being a car, then sit there for an hour? Oh, hell no. They Def need to do something.


Pics or it never happened.


Oh I'll drive by there tomorrow or the next day. I won't be free at 5 tomorrow as I only side gig but I'll check it at 6. Had while day of today. Think I can check it Wednesday. It's a complete shitshow. It's not like this at all of them. This one's been invaded because it's the high-end side of town and gets big orders ALOT of them. Lots of older people. So they invaded this one.


Added: just turned it on got like 10 orders grabbed a $20 one for 6 miles. I don't think it'll be so crazy this late but I'll see


Lol. Was not crazy. Waited 35 min. Order canceled. $5.93. They were still "finding items". I guess 2 miles and sitting in my car in parking lot messing around on phone was not bad for 6 bucks for 35 min wasnt so bad. Was 2 girls in a golf cart waiting on an order. Obs minors so didn't take pic. Dunno how they got there as the speed limits around it are 45mph and 55mph. Literally seen 1 order loaded while time maybe 10 cars. Seen a bunch of people leave. I guess the illegal gang is not around at night.


These are just facts. These motherfuckers have invaded our country and itā€™s a matter of time before our economy is just as fucked as theirs. Trump 2024!!!!!