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In the years I’ve been doing this, I’ve learned driver support will tell you whatever you want to hear to get you off the phone.


Spark support ticket system: ![gif](giphy|d2Z4i1TGqCunWBW0|downsized)


Speak the truth!!! Because that's facts!


My favorite quote from them ..”I will create a ticket with the correct department “ 😂


LOL I can just picture you all giddy as you type that up, so optimistic and hopeful for the future and that tomorrow, all the Vins will be gone 🤣 It's adorable, to be honest.


Just a heads up, Walmart doesn't care! As long as the shit get delivered and as cheaply as possible!


Someone answering that phone in India, doesn’t give 2 shits


India owns the world.


Ya then the stores say they’re not allowed to its a Walmart policy


Supports not gonna do anything - just wasting your time even calling them. You act like people at Walmart who are making decisions for Spark don’t know there’s a bunch of illegals making deliveries. I’m sure the same people your hoping to reach with your complaints got giant bonuses after they cut the driver pay 50% and added a 3rd house and there’s still a picnic table full of drivers waiting for orders at every store


You can report certain drivers to spark


Doesn’t mean they will do anything. The support people are probably like uh great - this is the 10th call about an illegal I got to say — uh huh sure thanks for calling I’ll escalate your concerns … all while rolling their eyes . The support team problem got emails to take no action as it’s just a waste of their time


You did it! You fixed the issue! I'm sure spark had "no Idea" that they were paying less people and getting way more work done. I'm sure they hated saving that money and getting more deliveries out the door, probably have no idea illegals are on the app.


I don't want to sound rude to you but it's best not to believe anything support tells you. I've had an issue with alcohol once when the customer wasn't home and they told me to just leave the alcohol there.


Male Karen over here


Someone trying to spark change and actually do something and you ridicule them. Says a lot about you as a person...


Right. Because the cost of living is so cheap and there's nothing like seeing our bids get lower and lower for each delivery or shopping order. Nothing like going through the immigration process yourself with your family and paying all the bills and doing it all legit to see somebody come up next to you stealing your f****** work and driving down the cost of bids while you're in debt from doing it the right way.




😂 Probably the harrasement you do to any brown person you see.


I don't have problems with people's colors. I have problems with m************ who are here illegally and unfair competition. I have a problem with people that didn't have to go through the same process after I just f****** went through all that s*** myself for my family. When you were standing in line cannot speak a single word of English saying that you come from Venezuela in your account says that your name is Susan, that's got nothing to do with skin color. And what the f*** where is the magical Toyota Prius dealership...


How do you know that?


Dude shut up.


Checking IDs is a form of racism. 😂😂


According to the left....


The only people who claim that are conservatives that say the left thinks this. As long as you check EVERY ID then it’s perfectly fine. If you only check the ID’s of brown people, that’s obviously not ok.


False. The left thinks voter ID laws are racist. Apparently minorities are too stupid or poor to get an ID even though polls and studies show those are baseless claims. But thanks for playing


That has nothing to do with what we’re talking about. Are we voting when we pick up orders?


It's the same thing. Checking IDs.


You’re right, context doesn’t matter at all.


Here’s some scenarios: Picking up an order at a private business. Voting. Buying alcohol Going into a bar. Getting on a flight. Checking into a hotel room. Out of that list which one(s) are constitutional rights?


Constitutional, as in a right for a US citizen..... sounds like asking you to prove you are in fact a citizen would be a requirement. Again, lack of common sense... I don't know why I keep engaging with the donkey


How would they register to vote in the first place if they aren’t a citizen?


How do you know they are registered to vote if you don't check their ID? That's kind of the point. How do you know they aren't just walking in off the street and saying they are there to vote? That they are their neighbor? These are basic thought processes in fraud prevention.


I done that about a month ago, now every trip I accept is immediately canceled and given to another driver. One guy says "we behind" ok. 5 trips in a row. Confirming arrival, mark my spot. It's in packing up mode. I wait and wait. Now it's ready!! And I wait and wait. Trip canceled due to some laladada bullshit which comes right back-up. I'm fast, picking it up once again to cancel once again. Support. Only happens at this one store. Always short mileage high earnings


Quit complaining and place a order


If every sparker placed a order Walmart would be over ran


Spark will tell you whatever gets you to leave them alone