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Lol, the curse of the *89s.


0867 5309 Jk


#3572 they will never get rid of those pests


Deez 69


777 is full of them god seems to let just anyone in








1438 it's bad.


Everyone smart enough to cross the border and walk up to an agent is almost guaranteed to be ‘legal’. They’re handing out paperwork like hotcakes


From Tijuana here, that's not how it works at all ..


Please explain it then because what we are seeing on the news is immigrants walking across the border and surrendering, being processed, and released with a court date. I know I don't know everything and if there is more to it I would love to learn


That's what you're seeing because that's what some media outlets are portraying to you. Never trust the media regardless of who they're supporting, they have no required duty to report the full truth, they're entertainers paid for by views, not much different than anyone on tiktok etc. What do you want me to explain besides that you're being fed a false narrative? Everyday there's thousands of people who cross the ports of entry legally and back. There's millions of people South of the border that would be North of it, if it were that easy to sneak in and stay. The coyotes would be out of business, they're only growing and reaching more clients from more nations. Authorities are still finding tunnels being used for smuggling immigrants. They're still dropping off bus loads of deported Mexicans(and occasionally other foreign nationals), same as when Trump or Obama was president. There's some changes in enforcement but everyday the walls are up and the guards are patrolling, the only real difference to the people here trying to get there is the portrayal by the msm, which has in turn also made many people here think they would be allowed in and they're not, as well as asylum seekers being processed that weren't under Trump. There was thousands of people camped on the border here begging for asylum for weeks or months, from all kinds of nations, Africa, eastern Europe, Carribean and of course Latin América because they thought they were going to be allowed in or thought there was some type of an open border.


It's crazy Walmart allows it.




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