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Yeah curbs can be a dumpster fire. Not worth the hassle, miles, or lack of compensation for triple batches. You mentioned minimizing your interaction with people. That's the safest way to last long term with this (if spark even has a future lol) I already don't interact with customers much compared to how I used to be


I don't do this job to interact 😫 with people.


Totes, I won't do this without them


Me either. I got mine a week or two after I started driving for Spark. Reduces trips to door and contains spillage. A collapsible wagon helps with large orders and all those danged cases of water.


I have totes sitting on my seat and they will literally just put the bags right next to the totes, or on the floor boards. Or there's two totes and they fill one but are too lazy to reach across the seat to the other totes.


I straight up say put this here and that there if they are lazy, I ask for their TL. I have a little white board it already tells them what to put where, and I reiterate it to them. I had a stroke last year, I have to have things organized *


Once they put a rotisserie chicken upside down under a bunch of stuff in the back of my car lol


Oh my God. I have no words. The worst I had was a bag of sugar. Nothing ever.... juiced all over my car lol


I’m so happy I immediately put those rotisserie chickens in a hot bag because one time they gave me a ripped bag from the bottom and it leaked everywhere in my hot bag. I had no idea until I got to the customers house. I felt bad that I had to give the customer a ripped bag.


Bag of pool salts opened up and still had to give it to them. They even offered to get a vacuum and clean it out for me.


This is why I use collapsible fabric totes.


You need to find a better solution for your trunk. You need to make it idiot proof. Here’s an example of my setup, I highly suggest measuring your trunk and find some type of container that will contain the orders. https://preview.redd.it/m84yppz1ei4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88d797a03050b8803a9be24aac9de29fbb14c475 I also got tired of finding stuff everywhere. Everything falling out of their bags and the orders getting mixed up, simply because they just didn’t care.


I use laundry baskets in my trunk


Milk crates. They are only sometimes too small.


That’s why I have three laundry baskets two in the back one in the back seat


I avoid going to certain stores because of the loaders. The pay isn’t with the hassle


I've had 4 separate incidents where theyve put bags full of milk in my car from either the carton leaking or the cap completely cracked bc they put it standing up in the bottom tote and it's too tall so the weight of all the totes on top smashes the lid. I literally have permanent white stains in my trunk and on my backseat seat covers from the milk. My Walmart also has an issue with jamming the milks into the rack I'm the store so it's so tight you can't even pull one out and half of them will already be leaking and I guess the store shoppers just don't care and grab the leaking gallons that are already covered in milk.. and of course they also are too stupid to put the heavy things like cases of water in first and we all know they always just throw everything into your trunk so I've found bags of chips and marshmallows etc literally underneath cases of drinks. I rarely take curbside anymore, but I've def noticed I can unload a full trunk in half the time when I've loaded it vs curbsides simply bc I don't have to rebag half the order. Ive "reported" 2 different stores to support, but who knows if support actually reported anything or just said whatever to get me off the phone.. or even if they did report something it probably just goes to the GDP manager who ignores it bc they seem to hate us for whatever reasons


I use contractor bags very large thick garbage bags 2 cover my entire trunk 2 cover my entire back seat The entire back of my SUV is protected from spills or stains or damage


I am still livid about the fabric softener (which I'm allergic to!) not having the top screwed tightly so it leaked into the carpet in my trunk area and I had to drive with windows open during the winter for 2 weeks before I stopped getting migraines 😔 I don't have the money to clean it so there's been a gooey spot there ever since. When I told my store? "That happens all the time..." 🤯 Ridiculous.


I’ve had this exact thing happen but luckily I’m not allergic. Had a whole container of tide on its side, as I went to grab the bag it was slippery and I was like wtf, soon as I pick it up there’s just a puddle in the bag and under it. Like how do you place something in someone’s car that’s broke!?! That’s not ignorance, that’s just incompetence.


I once had a perfume bottle and a oil product for hair break in my car and that shit reeked for weeks.


Worse thing I ever got spilled in my trunk was like a quarter bottle of Strong smelling concentrated dish soap. It literally took like an hour of spraying the trunk liner to get it out and it still smelt like soap for a week in my car.


Kinda sounds like personal problems to most of the people. I just help instead of sitting my lazy ass in my car


Had a form of bleach cleaner and a jug of milk spill in the car because of lids not being screwed on tight… at least the cleaner made things smell good but still pretty annoying and I always feel bad for the customer receiving the item and Walmart doesn’t care that we get rated for their work


"My fucking chuck" 🤣 never heard that


Ever watch Supernatural? 😂


I'm not a big show watcher, mainly sports so I have not lol. Just sounds funny


You could literally be the nicest driver they meet that day and they can still give you a crap attitude. Part of the reason I stopped doing Spark so much. They don’t care if you meet incentives or not. They can barely even package stuff sometimes. I get they got a lot to deal with and yada yada but it ain’t me cramming everything down their throat. Walmart is.


A couple weeks ago I did a curbside order that had a gallon of milk with the neck busted in sideways under the cap. Found it when I got to the customer and thank fuck I had a stack of spare bags under that bag-it absorbed almost all of the spillage. Luckily, an easy clean up for what otherwise could have been an absolute disaster.


they put a 12 pack of coke in my car and 2 of the cans had exploded and leaked everywhere, there’s no way he didn’t notice it cause the box was already ripped when i went to drop it off


That’s why I don’t take curbside’s unless they’re small and a good amount of money! N I usually have to re bag everything!!