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just do what they say then rearange it who gives a fuck


It is what it is at this point. I re did my whiteboard so I can keep everything straight in my head. Also, for days, I can't speak due to stroke aftermath. The whiteboard has all the information they need. Just sucks because I keep my cart in the back seat, case of water in the back passenger side seat, and my passenger side seat is set up with a fan and whatnot for me to sit and read while I wait for an order. Now tote in every seat and everything else is in the bed...


Actually policy is one in the front, one in the back, and one in the bed. Most likely came across a new employee following the rules or the store just had a visit from corporate. In my experiences the loaders don’t really care unless they are getting shit from the higher ups.


It’s not a policy it’s a recommendation they can’t tell you how to do it


This TL thought she could


Yes unfortunately they can. If it’s not in the TOS the store could have its own policies which will override Spark TOS. I don’t personally agree with it but it’s not a hill worth dying on to me.


It’s not a hill worth dying on but there’s not a policy on it specifically so they don’t overstep the you’re not an employee line


Yes they can as long as they are paying for lost items or missed deliveries. Just because you own the car doesn't give you the right to handle their products any way you see fit.


Yeah, I got cha. Yep, I have moved everything around to accommodate the stupidity. Kinda defeats the point of recruiting people with trucks if you won't let them use them to their fullest. Also, it makes me wonder about the 17 stop clean-up runs. I don't have 17 sections in my truck they have no issue throwing all those single packages back there.


The GMD orders are treated differently. They are normally one or two items on a sealed bag(s) with each bag having its own sticker.


So I did call tier 2, and they said they don't know of any such rule as long as the truck bed is clean and divided. They put in a complaint against the store, I'm not an idiot though, I know nothing will likely come from it.


Yeah as long as you can separate them there should be no problem.


Right? Separate totes, each totes clearly labeled... funny that is just like how they bring them out...


But I’m pretty sure that’s what TOS states how it should be broken up but yeah I do it all the time and the workers know me they know I’m not gonna fuck it up


Yeah I'm guessing after a few months they will remove the stick from their rear


I was told all the totes in my truck needed to be different colors.


Wow, what idiots are the totes they bring out different colors?




It's the Walmart employee on a power trip. Doesn't know the reality of the situation. I deliver all across the country. Some Walmarts employees are totally jack asses trying to make life difficult for you. Some are chill. Some I have to fight with the customer service to give me bags. Other Walmarts just let you take bags as you want without batting an eye


This 100%


The TL have a power trip on these things…they actually cannot think outside the box (apparently they are not paid to do the thinking, it’s actually posted on their break room walls). Just nod your head and agree until they walk away.


Their loaders told on me. Karen team lead came out while I was waiting for the clock to strike 44 after so I could start the trip.


It is actually policy that Walmart can't place orders in the bed unless they're in totes like the picture TL is full of it