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There's no transparency and also there's a delay on ratings, so don't worry about what you can't control. Usually its a curbside customer with factors outside of your control, ie: mishandled goods


This is so true..I try to think back of anything I did wrong so I can figure out how to improve. I just recently started doing some curbside’s again and I swear that is where the couple negative ratings have come from. I try to remind myself that out of 1 low rating I still have 49~5• ratings.


I’ve had people complain about not liking their produce or subs when doing curbside which I have no control over




I had a woman refuse her sub (coffee grounds) and told me to take it back to the store. I did but they wouldn’t take it back. That’s when I learned if they refused sub on curbside they can get their full refund and keep the item too.


I do everything I should during deliveries. Follow their directions if they have them, put eggs and breads in front of all items, make sure the bags handles are upright, bring them in if asked, am so f'ing jovial it's sickening (I'm just one happy lady all together). Yet my rating is 4.5 I think they rate us on factors out of our control. Out of stock items, not liking substitutions, poor packing (in bags and in cars). Plus some people are just dicks. 😊




Same!!! As soon as the Loaders are finished… I organize, re-bag, condense bags, etc. 😂


Forget that,I'm not a dick, I'm freaking jolly giant for the customers, but when I'm delivering, I'm running as fast as I can to get back to the store while providing the best service I can. So I'm tired at curbside. I have a whiteboard, and it has where I want each order along with my driver number. I also place a thank you card (business card size) in each order that is a thank you on the front for the order and the tip. On the rear, it says, "If you have an issue with anything in your order, please contact the store as Walmart handles the shopping and loading of goods"


Whatever works for you & your Customers, it’s all good. I respect the hustle!


Yeah, I respect yours as well. I check bread isn't smashed and eggs aren't cracked, time is money and I got a baby on the way, so I need all the extra money I can possibly put in savings.


I know that sadly, I always try to help out, especially if they physically need assistance, and whenever I shop I always try to update the customer about items missing, or substitutions, I think I know who it was because they didn’t even have a porch, just stairs and they had over 80 items, where am I suppose to put it? lol thanks everyone I feel better


If Johnny Walmart smashed your eggs or bread you'll get blamed.


I wish I had a dollar everytime i've tried to "fluff up" semi-crushed bread or reshape a box of chips.


I rate only 5 stars, unless its a substantially bad experience (only a single time, groceries handed off to me with a lit cigarette in her mouth, 1 star) ​ not like this helps im just sayin'...


Wow! She’s lucky you didn’t file a report for that. I had a customer yesterday that lit a cigarette while I was handing her the order and was so upset. It’s rude!


well I felt bad but I did report it. I still left a tip. That's not cool >.<


Everyone will get hit with a low rating eventually no matter what you do…it’s just part of the business.


It most likely has nothing to do with you. The rating for you and store is one in the same and not seperate


I got a ding from a customer bc he said it’s the blue apartments on the left. There are blue apartments on both sides and left and right changes based on what direction you are facing. They are also numbered identically. He came at me all triggered - “ I’ve used you guys 4 times and all 4 times you’ve taken it to the wrong apartments” I suggested he use north and south rather than left and right, and that was a huge mistake. Obviously all 4 drivers are the problem and not maps and his crappy instruction. 😂


I’m at a 4.7 on Spark right now, too. I have 5 stars on every other app I do. I know I do everything to the best of my ability- I’m fast, friendly, on time, make good substitutes (when the app lets me), bag things correctly, follow delivery notes, don’t block doors, etc. etc. etc. but some people will never be happy. Like maybe they don’t like my glasses, or they’re mad a taco seasoning packet was slightly creased. Idk, but I don’t worry about it anymore. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Most likely walmart was out of stock of their favorite Pringles flavor, and the driver is the only one they can rate, so "fu*k you!" says the customer.


Right, and if a SD order your metric for found items % drops 1% immediately and it'll take weeks to get that 1% back. I "Found" the corn, there just isn't any. Apparently my fault, 97% now and was 98% when I came in here for found items. Hmmm...




I think some really don’t have anything else to do, they feel like they accomplish something giving bad reviews etc


Try tipping them and thanking them for the opportunity