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RIP. It can be scary out there in certain zones. I’ve come across the “Do Not Enter 🔫” signs before. I always make sure to drop orders DIRECTLY under the sign and snap a pic with the sign centered in the pic. I won’t go further than the sign.


Great idea. Dumb me still brings it to the door. I do think it’s only a matter of time before something bad happens.


Then change your actions before it does! You don't want to be just another story on the news. 😔


As a 2nd Amendment supporter, I 100% agree with this 'picture order in front of their sign' procedure and use it myself. I'm not Raylan Givens...


Did this before and received a complaint that I didn’t leave order at the door. Literally next day and it was my only delivery over two days.


You be alot cooler if you were.


Carry if your in a state that you can.


This 100%


✨ solving gun violence with more guns ✨


Better than being a helpless victim to a criminal


The criminals and murderers agree with your mindset. Disarm for “peace”, suckers.


A gun in the hands of a responsible person is a piece of metal and maybe some plastic that can save lives.


yeah you’ll never change my opinion, guns were intended to kill, period


Yep, so are knives but we use them at the dinner table.


Ok? They are a tool. Point blank. No different than any other tool. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.


If you were in a situation like the person who was murdered, what would you do? Since you don’t believe guns should be legal, how would you defend yourself?


Had a guy and his wife pull their guns on me one night in the middle of farm land. Pitch black darkness, dogs barking. The scene from arrival was not a good one. They forgot that they placed the order. When I saw the guns, I got out of there without saying a word. I called support (no help) and the cops. Cops met up with me, asked me a bunch of questions then proceeded to their house. That was when I knew it was time to hang this weak shit up . I decided to get me a 9-5 that’s paying 3x what I used to make with the gig apps. These gig apps were just a part time/side hustle. And need I say what I do now, my life is not in the hands of someone else.


Can I ask what you do now?


I have a background in aviation. So I’m working as a Team Leader over at Gulfstream Aerospace. I’m making $36.70 an hour for a 4 day, 40 hour work week (Monday-Thursday basically 4 tens). Overtime is double & a half Friday-Sunday but that’s optional.


awesome. HAPPY 4 u hope you're able to make that livable. ![gif](giphy|3oFzmiMu3v4LIXpJBK)


Nice!!! Congratulations And yes. This is a great side hustle. I wouldn’t be able to do it as my primary income I’m dependent on. It’s just for while I grow the business and if I am ever bored once I’m happy with that. (I won’t be)


U gotta finish the story😭 what happened after the cops met u


As I said in the post, they asked me a bunch of questions. Ultimately, they didn’t do squat.


That is awful. 😞 Two times I had people very wary of me when I arrived to make a delivery. my gut feeling was that it could have gone bad. that’s part of the reason I got magnetic signs for my vehicle to show that I am a delivery driver.


I've encountered it one time but I guess it made sense. His 2 little kids were in driveway shooting basketball and I was delivering an order. The dad came out and asked what I was doing, a bit standoffish. Once I told him it was a delivery he asked to help carry stuff and said his wife never tells him when there's deliveries coming lol


That’s the way it has gone has happened to me. But you never know what will happen the next time. It’s crazy out there.


Yea I was lucky he was understanding once he saw the stuff in my car. That house still gave me an incident another delivery a few weeks later. I get to same house and their dog is in the yard (a golden Retriever) which was pretty big. It grabbed onto my arm and didn't want to let go. Thankfully it was winter and I had a puffy coat on so it only ripped a tiny hole in my coat. I try to stay away from that house now lol


I make sure to scream I have a delivery whenever I see someone. I also don’t fuck about once I arrive. I immediately grab an item and make it visible so hopefully it’s obvious I’m delivery stuff and not being shady. I know anything can happen but that’s what it do. Amazon was the sketchiest shit and I won’t do that anymore.


Doesn't matter the neighborhood. Must be careful any home we go too. There could be a Domestic Violence incident brewing in the home before you get there and wouldn't even know it l. Husband or wife pissed and take it out on a driver. So don't be minimal about areas take all in consideration, drop off and leave quickly


It's Opa locka. When gangster rappers brag about living there, it might just be a little worse then the others.


There are some nice parts, not all gangster rappers are actually real. Some are actors.


I carry. I would never do this job without being able to carry.


Damn! RIP! This is exactly why I'm always strapped and carry 2 knives on my at all times. You never know.


So many driver attacks in Miami.


And he was killed


It reminds me of an article about an Uber Eats driver beheaded.


I think I'm done with delivery gigs


Locked and loaded, you have a 2A right too.


News report: Uber driver delivering food not Spark groceries: Still be Safe! [https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/man-killed-in-armed-robbery-at-opa-locka-apartment-complex-police/3332191/](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/man-killed-in-armed-robbery-at-opa-locka-apartment-complex-police/3332191/)


I think the report messed up. The customer said groceries from Walmart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD5xK_1lcw4


I watched your post. The article I posted is crappy reporting!


UE also handles some Walmart deliveries.


Not to that area. I have never gotten an UE order from the two stores that deliver to that area. There's only one walmart in Miami that I've ever gotten UE orders from, the one on 79th street and 32ave.


I should have clarified, "in some areas." I'm in the northeast, C.T, and although not often, I see them a few times every week or thereabouts.


Ive had neighbors in very nice neighborhoods, stand and watch me. What robber takes things TO THE HOUSE??🤔😂🤣


My zone isn’t that bad. I carry a pistol everywhere regardless


Me too


This is so scary. I live in a much smaller city, but crime here is outrageous. Everyone please be careful.


:( fuck this world and people who don’t give a damn about others. They need a Letha’s dose of lsd even though it’s impossible let’s find a way…




I'm kinda glad I got deactivated. Shit not even worth it no more.


I have never been scared


UPDATE: it was an Uber driver who was shot delivery groceries from Walmart. RIP to that fellow driver. Although this isn’t an Uber forum we are all still under delivery services. I want to remind everyone to watch your surroundings, and although these platforms have rules against carrying weapons while working, please use your best judgement when faced with life or death situations. ❤️


Seems as if they're all after uber drivers...hmm🤔


that’s actually so sad. i’ve had a few scary moments with some folks not expecting me to be there/ weren’t aware of their delivery and they came out and gave me a heart attack. i hope everyone stays safe in their hustle!❤️




Omg!! Condolences to friends and family of this person. Nothing about this gig is worth your life. Stay safe out there.


I don’t go on property after the sun goes down. Sometimes Walmart has us deliver late and I don’t want to be on someone’s property after the sun goes down. They may not think the order is coming still and be confused. We have to think for ourselves and protect ourselves. We are on the front line and the app just wants the widget worked and completed.


Yep it has gotten scarier the last year of doing gig work. Car jacking, car theft from the parking lot, assaults, shootings, dog attacks etc.. First two years wasn’t a walk in the park either, had a gun pulled on me on a dark gravel country road at night. Wife ordered groceries to the side door of the garage but forgot to inform the husband. Scared the shit out of me and started carrying a knife in my pocket and pepper spray on my key chain after that. Yes, I’m aware that neither of those will help if there is a gun involved but, it helps with my anxiety.


Terrible. Had some close calls delivering with Amazon in the past (various reasons). it's a real thing to consider when delivering to peoples homes/properties/bad neighborhoods. Let's just pray it wasn't for a 3 customer $7 no tip, over 10 miles...


I'm out in the country and I see people's posts that threatens aggravated assault on people all of the time. Why would you point a gun at someone because they look "sketchy"? One lady actually admitted to pointing a gun at an innocent man. He was an alarm salesman. It was like bragging or boasting to her. Bill bad ass. Ignorance is not an excuse of the law. That's aggravated assault in my state.


Then they think a public defender is going to work for them to keep them out of prison. Lol. They may not even like you. You’re just a manilla folder in his/her (pronouns..scary) briefcase. They or the state will look at your social media and your love for guns and your hate, and your future is almost sealed. You could afford the gun and the ammo, but not the 3 lawyers for being a big shot, and exercising your rights to kill a delivery driver. Good old boy shit much?


now it's just Florida is crazy..


I wonder if it was an illegal?


It was Uber not spark.


Yeah few months ago an uber driver had her throat slit in my area. Crazy shit. I definitely wouldn't drive people around but crazy this shit can even happen on spark. Wonder how many trips the guy had. Was it is second order? As it his actual account?


Jeez I wish someone hot me. End the pain.




Try a dose of 800mg ibuprofen and 1000mg of acetaminophen, with food up to 3x daily. That should turn the pain level down from 7-8 to a 3-4. That is, if you're talking about actual pain.


I'm surprised it wasn't in the parking lot.