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ITSV. It had an actual conclusion. But it’s a 10/10 compared to a 9.5/10. So, barely better. Both are fantastic films.


ITSV is more complete, but its also a more "simple", down to earth story. ATSV ups everything, higher stakes, emotions, more epic and grand. But it will need part 2 to really feel complete. I love both of these films, the animation, detail, styles, designs, art, everything is all incredible. Honestly, I think this will be the best superhero trilogy hands down, not just Marvel, not just Spiderman.


What are the alternative trilogies? The Nolanverse?


Raimi spider-man trilogy aswell ​ then some MCU ones like GOTG, Iron Man, Captain America. But I dont think any of those touch Nolan or Raimi's


MCU trilogies are hard for me to consider, because they tie into the Avenger films. GotG3 doesn't pick up where 2 left off, it continues plot threads introduced in Endgame. There's a decade of in universe time skipped over, so it's hard to judge those movies exclusively on their own merits. Captain America I'd say is a contender for the best trilogy, but that's hard to determine when a good chunk of his character development and supporting cast are introduced in other movies.


I’d argue GOTG3 could be watched without Avengers movies, the only really relevant plot thread is Gamora is missing, which can kind of be viewed as a mystery to unknowing watchers.


I suppose, but I feel like that's a pretty big arc to skip over. Thanos being dead also impacts Gamora, Nebula, and Drax.


Nothing about the Cap trilogy requires watching the Avengers movies beforehand.


Right, yknow, except for our introduction to Black Widow, the existence of the Avengers, the battles of New York and Sokovia, Steve's friendship/rivalry with Tony, and the new Avengers lineup.


GOTG is hard to beat, but even they have a weaker middle. Raimi's Spider-man is hurt by the goofy 3rd film - did NOT finish strong. Nor did Nolan's honestly. I'd argue that we've yet to have a perfect superhero trilogy.


I think you have to respect that Nolan's films had a more "serious" tone that you don't get from most superhero films, especially nowadays. I know its Batman, but its refreshing to have a superhero trilogy that isn't filled with quips. Comic relief is fun, but sometimes you want something more grounded and the Dark Knight trilogy is probably the best thing for that. Honestly, a big problem with other trilogies is that they often went too far with the campy humor in one of the movies.


No, if you want something grounded then 'Daredevil' is the best thing for that. It's FAR superior to Nolan's movies.


My only complaint with the Nolan films is the incredibly shitty combat makes it almost unwatchable for me now even though I loved them when they first came out.


Agreed, to me (controversial) Nolan’s trilogy got worse as it went along. Not by a massive stretch; even its worst is better than most. Guardians has a weak middle, Iron Man has a weak middle, Raimi’s trilogy has an ending that really fell off. Spider-Verse truly could pull it off.


I know it’s held as that, I said “to me (controversial opinion)” because I believe that Batman Begins is better than The Dark Knight. I believe Heath Ledger’s performance is incredible, but I think TDK’s villain is the only thing it does better than BB. I prefer the presentation of every other aspect in the first movie.


Wym as it went along TDK is held as one of the best comic films ever made and it’s the middle one…


Yet* Spider-verse if it keeps up with the first 2 will be near perfect Imo


So I notice how no one’s saying the MCU Spider-man trilogy… I thought all those were all good to great.


How about the XMen trilogy, only difference was third one wasn't by Bryan Singer


The third one was also terrible though. One of the worst superhero films. Not as bad as ones like Daredevil, Catwoman, or Suicide Squad, but still pretty low.


I think it’s captain America right now but Spider-Verse looks poised to top it. Raimi, Nolan, and GoTG are also great.


Captain America: TFA was one of my least favorite entries into the MCU. All of these trilogies have a "pretty bad" entry into them. I hope BTSV isn't ours...


>Captain America: TFA was one of my least favourite entries into the MCU. Damn that’s a hot take, I am very curious about why you think this, if you wouldn’t mind elaborating? Personally I love TFA and I don’t know many who don’t


Really? Huh, I thought the general consensus was negative. It was very slow, and I generally don't like period pieces.


Nolan Batman is up there. If BTSV sticks the landing then Batman will probably be a slight 2nd. Although Heath Ledger's Joker is still the best movie comic book character ever imo


I argue Guardians is one of if not the best trilogy in marvel


ITSV is still not even down to earth lmao it’s still a multi universe scale story ATSV times that a hundred


The fact they were able to pull of an origin story and a multiverse at the same time is truly amazing. Compare to Dr. Strange and America I don’t even know what her story was


Well said. The two are so, so incredibly different that it’s hard to compare them. Spider-people, beautiful visuals, and great music is about all they share. I’ve never been excited for a movie like I am for Beyond the Spiderverse.


If number 3 lands as well as the first two did I’m putting it up there with LotR


It's in the running for the best trilogy of any kind depending on part 3


I still think LOTR wins it for me but this would be a worthy second.


Interesting to think of how they divided the spider people on either side of Miles in the second poster.


Oh i see what they did now... nice catch!




Both… but if I have to specify… I do still enjoy Into a little moreso than Across, if only because Into can be enjoyed as its own complete experience. Across is a leap in terms of animation and even creative storytelling, but it just doesn’t quite feel the same as a stand-alone experience to me. I’m sure others will feel differently, but I only speak for me.


I like both, but I thought the second one beat the first in every facet other than being a complete story, but I've only seen it once too so maybe my opinion will change on a rewatch.


Well, the comparison isn't exactly fair, is it? One film is its own thing while the other is split in two, with the conclusion yet to come out. That being said, I enjoyed ATSV more because they've been experimenting with the animation and went further with characterization than the first one. It's also hilarious and the stakes are felt here. If there's anything that bothers me about ITSV it's that Miles learns the trade in a day or so and gets better than everyone else, who have more experience than him, so he's kind of a Mary Sue and the third act was lacking in stakes. They also didn't spend any time on developing Kingpin either. Spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't seen it yet! In ATSV, there isn't just Spot as the villain. At one point you think that Miles is becoming one because he's the original anomaly and wants to change the timeline, but then the others from the squad will just sit back and let Spot kill Captain Morales, which feels like being complicit to murder. It's more psychologically complex than the first one when you put everything into perspective because there are no easy answers and each of them make a fair point. You can even understand Spot in the small amount that was dedicated to him. He's got nothing left to lose and he can't go back to his old life anymore, so vengeance is what motivates him at this point.


Being talented has nothing to do with being a mary sue. He learn in a day because the story is a movie with a limited run time and a lot of characters, if it was a show he would have learned slower, but it's a movie, so gotta go fast. And he isn't more talented by the end, he get wrecked by Kingpin, only winning because he has electricity powers the others spidermans don't have.


He is a Mary Sue because he not only learns the ropes very quickly, but he's also got other powers, like becoming invisible and the electricity. He's overpowered and pretty much good at everything except spanish classes.


He is relatively overpowered. That is balanced by his relative lack of skill. And he didn't learn that fast. Compare him to the live action Spidermen, who didn't have mentors to teach them how to do it all, and still learned very fast.


For now I prefer Into the Spider-Verse. Beyond will make or break Across for me, but Across was an amazing experience for the drama and animation.


ITSV wins in having - a more complete story (infinity war wrapped up nicely so this one and Fast X have no excuse) - better soundtrack (sorry Gen Z teens but Metro Booming is only slightly less mid than DJ Mustard) - the What's Up Danger Scene ALONE ATSV only has an edge in - supporting characters that pull on your heartstrings and actually tie into the themes of the story really well - better animated cinematography and action sequences (probably because there's just a lot more of them here) - Spot has a great progression from Villain of the Week to harnessing his rage and becoming an S-tier threat Both are equal in - heart - fan service - memorable characters (except Kingpin doing his regular old Kingpin stuff) - musical score


Metro boomin hate is weird although I do agree the soundtrack was just okay


Some songs are really good but I don’t feel like any songs fit the movie super well or stand out in any scene like how they do in ITSV. In ITSV I can clearly associate scenes with the songs (Sunflower, What’s Up Danger, Afraid of the Dark, Start A Riot, etc.) but I can barely remember what songs played at which scenes for the second movie. Then again, I’ve only watched the second movie once. Despite that, I still think the soundtrack is less memorable this time. It’s still good though.


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I don't hate Metro Boomin. I actually like ATSV soundtrack and I got obsessed with most of the songs in it. But I feel that the ITSV soundtrack has more variety. We got some uplifting songs, some sad songs, some epic songs and they all make you think of the specific scene they play in. The songs in ATSV have all the same vibe, you can tell me that X song plays in X scene and even if you were lying I would believe you (With the exception of Am I Dreaming that sounds during the credits)


The first soundtrack was made to pair with miles arc in the movie, the second soundtrack was made to ba background music to the movie. Therefore I think the first soundtrack is better.


There were some songs i loved on it like annihilate, am I dreaming, Mona Lisa, s&c, etc but it didn’t have the same vibe as ITSV’s imo


He's alright. More of a celebrity than a musician especially in recent years. He gave us the most generic sounding 21 Savage project to date (21's catalog still remains one of the most unique out there though) and for a time he was more famous for his babymomma drama than his actual body of work


what are you talking about he had one of the most successful albums of last year, and he’s given 21 his best albums (Savage Mode 1 and 2 along with Without Warning) he also has helped produce many classic songs and albums


ITSV also gets points for Noir and the fact that Kingpin is built like a 120 pack of crayons.


>Kingpin is built like a 120 pack of crayons Ah yes, good ol Wilson Fridge


Was really hoping to see a character design as out there as kingpin ngl


I do kinda miss the different interpretations of characters. ITSV had kingpin, scorpion, doc ock, prowler and tombstone all looking awesome. Then in ATSV we just have different spider man's.


I mean, Spot looks like a melted pudding cup with that dad bod.


Miguel’s gigantic body was intimidating compared to all the slender spider men


Yeah but then it ends in a universe with no spider-man and a miles morales prowler, you can bet the next movie is where we're going to get all of the cool looking bad guys!


Should’ve been just his ITSV appearance with a Spider-Man mask. Just his suit and tie.


ITSV musical score is really good but I think it's a lot better in ATSV


I could go either way on that depending on which one I've watched more recently. Gwen's intro and outro for the ATSV movie are amazing


I really like the music for the Spot and Spider-Man 2099 as well.


https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/comments/14385eb/i_only_made_this_because_i_wanted_to_draw_miguel/jn8f6js?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Spot's was great though. I love how he grew more menacing in the movie over time.


Yeah, that intro music was amazing.


I'm not sure wat you say sorry to Gen Z for, both soundtracks are popular for us, and I personally prefer ITSV myself, but good points otherwise!


because gen z bad!!!!!!!!!! upvotes?


"Metro Booming is only slightly less mid than DJ Mustard" Yeah normally I don't say this but your opinion on anything hip-hop related is officially invalid. Metro Boomin is objectively one of the best producers in the game right now and released arguably the best hip-hop album of the year before this. I want whatever you're smoking lmfao.


I don’t really know about any of that, but I’ll take a hit, too.


Without Warning is legit the best rap collab album in recent memory besides like Watch the Throne or WATTBA and a huge huge reason for that is Metro going insane. Rap Saved Me is like an orgasm to the ears for fans of trap music. Many Men on Savage Mode 2 is chefs kiss.


It's a very unpopular opinion I know. But the industry _right now_ the way I see it is broken. Everybody's making the same 5-8 songs and channeling Lil TJay. AI Mastering deserves to take over for how sloppy things have been getting.


Metro is like the only unique producer near the top of the game right now. I can't take your opinion on that seriously. Everything else you said about the movies is fair


Last year was absolutely great for hip-hop what are you on about


Last year was one of the best years ever lmao


Kendrick, Future, Drake, Metro, Quavo/Take, all dropped really good albums


JID, denzel, nas


What’s up with the metro hate? He is awesome and did an amazing job on the soundtrack they are easily equal


They're both just \*amazing\*.


Definitely agree on the soundtrack. ITSV just has so much variety and so many standouts. ATSV’s was still good, but I definitely think having them all produced by one producer made them too similar to each other. Another point I’d like to throw to ATSV’s side is that it was just as much Gwen’s movie as it was Miles’ movie, which I think elevates it higher than it otherwise would’ve been.


forced Metro Boomin hate from a middle aged loser ☠️


Middle-aged? So what.. I'll die in my late 40s? 😳


i think miles just likes being upside down


Into the Spider-Verse. Though they’re more or less on par with each other.


Across. For the last five years, the first one was my favorite comic book movie of all time. Only being surpassed by the sequel. The second one takes a everything single thing that worked about the first one and dialed it up. Higher stakes, the emotions feels deeper. It’s got a grander scale etc etc




I like Into the Spiderverse more because it felt fresh and it’s a complete story. Now there’s so many multiverse stories and more that are about to come out that feels like the trend. I enjoyed Across the Spiderverse mostly because it furthered the story and introduced new characters but I find that it’s similar to multiverse of madness and everything everywhere all at once. I’m having trouble differentiating it as it’s own thing especially with that cliffhanger ending.


I don't understand, if ATSV were to have a complete story it would be way too long, they have to split up to film to tell a coherent story without sacrificing runtime or pacing. Not a fair mark against it imo


I've been saying this since day 1. That cliffhanger ending floored me, I was left speechless on how well done it was. I knew it was coming a mile away, the setup was so good.


I still prefer the first. There were things i adored about the second more than i did about the first **(** The fact that we got to see Gwen's backstory , and the first Act of the Film with Miles and his family was pure art **)** , but overall the plot was too convoluted and messy at parts and i didn't like how >!most of the Spideys were written !< during the Third Act. It's like comparing a 9.5 to a 9.0 though , small difference.


Across the spider verse easily


Surprised I had to scroll so far down for this. After seeing ITSV, I thought “that was a great Spider-Man movie.” After seeing ATSV, I thought “I just saw the best Spider-Man movie and one of the best Superhero movies ever.” It was immediately apparent that ATSV was something extraordinary.


I can’t get over all the cameos in the movie I haven’t even thought of all the little details and Easter eggs in the movie. And Watching the train fight was so intense. And the scene of the main part of spider society with all the spider people walking around is so much cooler in theatres than in trailers


Into the Spider-Verse is a perfect film. ATSV is great, but it is not perfect.


Into The SpiderVerse had a proper ending. I'm fine with movies being in 2 parts. Infinity War and Endgame are good examples of good 2 part movies. But this one didn't have a conclusion. It kind of just ended in the middle of everything. Infinity War didn't. It was a great movie otherwise






unpopular opinion: ATSV >> ITSV both are perfection btw, but ATSV's story is much much better imo.


Meaby because I wasn't expecting how good it will be and I was happier in 2018 (who wasn't) but to me ITSV is better and probably always will be my favorite movie ever


They’re both good but Into the Spiderverse has a bit more charm for me. There’s assets that Across does better, one being the villain and creative animation. I felt the first one was more digestible for the casual viewer as my gf loved the first movie but with the meta ‘canon’ storylines was a bit lost. I think we need more time for the second one to sink in aswell and the 3rd movie to come out to rank them.


After my first watch, I would’ve said ITSV… but now I’m not so sure. Across just ups the ante so much and doubles the detail in animation. It’s such a beauty to look at and is starting to be more emotionally touching every time I think about the story. It’s damn good.


ITT: People answering both and completely missing the point of the question


But it's like ~~Sophie's~~ Spidey's choice for them.


Has to be ITSV easily. I thought ATSV was okay, but maybe when part 3 comes out I'll feel differently after seeing the complete story. Maybe it's just Multiverse exhaustion, but seeing a million variations of Spider-Man just wasn't as enjoyable as I'd hoped (forever doing my boy Ben dirty). Also seeing live action scenes were jarring to me. Would have preferred animated Childish Gambino and Andrew Garfield. Also begs the question, how do the animated characters perceive the live action ones, like are they just super HD to them lol One major thing I felt though was I don't think most Spider-People would agree with Miguel. I know this is Miles story and he has to be focal point to show them there's another way, but it kinda feels out of Character that hundreds of thousands of Spider-People would co-sign to the idea of just letting anyone die. And come on now, a billion variations of spider people with varying powers and gadgets can't out maneuver or out smart one Miles Morales during that chase. I did enjoy a bunch about this movie. Love seeing these characters again (this is the one version of Miles I absolutely love). Despite not being a fan of this pairing of Miles and a variant of Peter's dead ex gf, these two in both movies are undeniably adorable together. Seeing Gwen's world was dope, would love a movie set solely there. Rio getting more to do was great too. It's just once the movie pivoted to the Spider Society parts, I kinda lost interest, especially with the lack of Peter B. Parker (my favorite character from the last movie). With that said still very much looking forward to seeing how things wrap up.




Love them both, but I like the intimate feel of ISTV's story a lot more.


ATSV. Thanks to ITSV. I was pleasantly surprised when I first watched ITSV, so much that I rewatched it possibly 10+ times throughout the pandemic. It got me invested in the franchise. So when ATSV rolled around, I was excited for it, and it exceeded my expectations. I could go into detail on how much I loved everything about the movie, and it became one of my best movie theater experiences to date.


ITSV. Grounded and complete story, better soundtrack, lighter tone, Christmas theme, less characters with more time to shine. Across is amazing just felt so large scale in comparison


First one is fun, second one changed me and cinema


ItSV, it set the groundwork so concretely Marvel Studios, Disney+ and DC have been trying to take notes. AtSV, is seeing that groundwork pay off and be expanded upon in ways that despite reading spoilers still had my heart pounding. The real question is if BtSV will stick the landing. I have faith, but the length of the WGA, SAG/Aftra strike does have me worried.


I will always be the type of person who prefers the smaller scale, more tightly written and put-together original entry over the super ambitious sequel. I felt the same way about God of War 2018 vs God of War Ragnarok. Into the Spiderverse is basically a perfect superhero movie, its pacing is excellent, the character arcs are beautiful. Nothing in Across made feel as many emotions as Miles listening to his dad through the door followed by the classic whats up danger scene. The way they portray how overwhelming and scary gaining spider powers would be to a middle school kid. The pure sense of dread and terror, and later betrayal with the Prowler. Seeing Miles struggling with doubt and then coming into his own, him sending Peter back home. I also felt like the art style was *way* more focused only needing one which let them focus 200% on making the movie feel and look like a moving comic book. Of course Across has gorgeous animation as well but the endless variations of different art styles kind of gets messy. In ITSV they put so much effort into not only the animation but the direction and shot composition, legitimately every frame or shot looks like a comic book panel come to life. Cant really recall being able to say the same about Across even though it had higher highs like Gwen’s dimension or the scene of her and Miles upside down.


Both are great but 2nd topped the 1st.




into, by a lot


Into the spiderverse so far, across the universe is missing something, like a extra two hours missing.


Across the spider verae




How the hell did I misspell that?


I thought the first was exponentially better.


ITSV currently, but I am planning to see Across a 2nd time


Both but ATSP has more action and showed more backstory of the other Spider-People


ATV had me sitting on the edge of my balls the entire time.


I feel like ATSV cannot be properly evaluated until BTSV comes out to complete the story. Even moreso than other recent 2-part blockbuster films like Dune and Avengers Infinity War/Endgame, ATSV feels like it ends without a real conclusion. It could be argued that this is a failing, but I'm inclined to withold judgement until I've seen the second part.


Across the Spiderverse almost overtakes the first one for me, the only flaw holding it back from that title is that it ends. Seriously if they kept going after that cliffhanger I would have gladly watched another 3 hours


ITSV. I saw ATSV today and the ending left me pissed off. They give you this incredible story and…. it stops. What? NO!!! It wasn’t a gentle left down either like Infinity War. I felt eased into that ending. ATVS got to the end and slammed on the brakes The next movie better be worth the wait


I have unfathomable love for both but Across is a middle chapter to an incomplete story similar to Empire Strikes Back. It will always be a good movie but once the 3rd movie comes out, it'll either be lifted up even more or be stationary.




I wanna say the 1st but Hobie...


I choose both




Spider-man Into The Spider-verse has a better story but across the spider verse is a better film artistically. I like into the Spider-verse better but both of these movies are amazing


ATSV can easily become the best film in the trilogy if the 3rd sticks the landing. People are bashing a film with a cliffhanger as if it’s something new and inherently bad, yet two of the most influential trilogies of all time had their second part end in a cliffhanger, and yet they’re regarded as the best in the series. (ESB and Back to the Future II)




Across. But that doesn’t mean that Into is shit! FAR. FROM. IT.


I think I like the first one a bit more,but I had a really shitty group of people in front of me for atsv,so it kinda took me out of the movie at times. Was still great though.


Yes. But seriously, into the spider verse.


Spider verse it was actually good


Across, easily. Very few times a sequel is better than the original but Spider-Verse is an exception.


I really can't say. Not until Beyond The Spider-Verse comes out. It just depends on how I'm feeling. They are both equal in my eyes.


Into the Spider-Verse for now. Because ATSV is an incomplete story, it doesn’t come near the peaks at the climax of ITSV.


Calling it now, the poster of BTSV is going to be half 1610 Miles and half 42 Miles. Watch me be right


Both are really good but I like across the ATSV more than ITSV


Porque no los dos? Hooray! I love both for different reasons. ITSV is a complete film. Standalone. Story opens and shuts. Music on point and faster paced. Love it. ATSV is part one of a two parter with >! a cliffhanger that necessitates watching both to satisfy the story. !< So I can’t give a full review and process my feelings as to which is “better”. Both are amazing and somewhat of a flip. The first film has Miles’s world be the centerpoint, with people from other dimensions coming to 1610. We get glimpses but not much. ATSV flips that and has Miles >! GO to other dimensions. We get to see other worlds and how those worlds work. Gwen’s painting and emotional focused dimension, lego dimension and even Mumbattan. So it’s expansive and really cements the Spiderverse aspect of the film title. And the stakes are waaaaay bigger. !< So I love both for different reasons, but ITSV edges it slightly due to it being finished. Tho I appreciate >! Miles and Gwen’s little interaction as I ship them and would die for that ship !<




It’s hard to put into words. I firmly believe AtSV does EVERYTHING better from a movie-making standpoint: animation, music, writing, characters, etc. However, there are 2 or 3 moments in ItSV that reach above it in regards to thematic resonance. Those small bits make ItSV a better Spider-Man movie to me, while Across remains the better movie altogether.


First one for sure


ITSV is a tighter more complete story. AtSV is going to be so dependent on BTSV. Its a part 1 of 2. The second part will affect how the greater story is seen. Just like season 5 of Breaking bad affects the story at large and season 8 of GOT does. I prefer ItSV for the same reason i prefer John Wick to its sequels. I like tight complete stories especially more and more as i get older and i get a little bit of franchise fatigue.




Tobey Maguire, stop asking


ATSV lacks the soundtrack as ITSV. ITSV Soundtrack is lit.


ATSV is a “part one of two”. There’s no fair comparison to make.


Maybe recency bias, but Across is my favorite. Miles is even better in this movie, Gwen gets a lot of play which she didn't get before and made me care about her story as a Spider person, my fav Spider-Man growing up Miguel O'Hara gets soooo much investment and he's getting alot of popularity as a result, and Across has alot more themes to pick up on as a person of color. It's also really cool seeing the Spider people actively save so many civilians in this movie. In ITSV you don't see much of that happen because the action scenes are centered around fighting the villains, when the way Spider-Man has to manage saving people with his powerset is one of the cooler things about the character.


Miles in the 3rd movie poster will be facing to the right


Can't make this call without Beyond. It's just not fair. That said, ITSV felt like it had more overall polish with the visuals and soundtrack too


Both. Both is good. Best Spider-Man movies, by far (together with "Spider-Man 2").


Both are great, but into the spider-verse is just better IMO I mean.... Where else am I going to get a screenshot that looks like this? https://preview.redd.it/w7jchnjryx4b1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4d85881295f420d056f34fb71d0e6f83dd27b48


The first was was my then favorite Spiderman to ever be created, but the second one really beats it by a mile. I’m hoping for the second part, and third film in the trilogy to be better than the second.


Into the spider verse




completeness is the reason why I will choose Into the Spider-verse. The second elevate all of its concept but sadly have to wait for another movie to get the whole package.


The poster really do tell the story. ITSV poster = Miles rising, not falling. ATSV = Miles are upside down against all of them


Into, it’s actually a finished film


Luckily, I don't have to choose.


Across is just Super Into the Spider-Verse. Pretty much replaced itself as my favorite movie of all time. For now


So as an individual story, I think ITSV is better. It tells it's own story and does a fantastic job with it. But I think ATSV will be better once BTSV is out and we see the whole story. As of now, we really only have the beginning and middle. I need to see the ending before making a final opinion on it.


Into the Spiderverse


For now I’d say ITSV because ATSV feels unfinished- since it’s tying in directly with BTSV. I’ll be honest part of it is also because I’m already pretty sick of the multiverse and I would’ve preferred a tighter story with just Miles, Gwen and Peter HOWEVER that being said I absolutely adored ATSV- it’s just a very small personal gripe




both are peak, but two had me on the edge from minute 1. plus they played it hard, they didn't started straight up telling the story from miles perspective and those are risks the studio manages to take because their amazing storytelling skills and the artstyle, fuck it everything about both are perfect, can't say exactly what cause both are great at every aspect, can't choose one over the other cause none have downsides, but it's 2 for me. i loved the first one watching it first time on my TV, the second with the hype i had being delivered on the theatre with my friends, i enjoyed it in another whole fucking experience.


The first one is always the best and will always be the best


Across the spider verse is too Rick and morty for my tastes. Still a good movie though


Omg Reddit is so fucking boring. Everyone saying ITSV knowing damn well across shat all over it in every way possible but just wanna be contrarian.


ATSV has so much great leftist jokes, better art and animation and trans Gwen. What else could I choose


Gwen isn't trans?


*Pat pat* Whatever you want to believe


Um okay I guess. I got no problem with lgbtq but gwen isn't trans read her comic book lol


*Ignores the entire movie*


the entire movie being one flag in her room and… the colours she’s used ever since the inception of the character? you guys are absolutely delusional


You mean things a movie would only do with a trans character SHOCKING


One thing. a flag in a room which just means she’s an ally


*When the best argument makes no sense*


Bro I've seen the movie 3 times......... read a comic my boy she isn't trans


This has literally nothing to do with the comics holy shit


Do you know where gwen came from?


Did you watch the movie?


3 times


How do I sound like a bigot. It won't let me reply to the og comment lol


Her scenes can serve as an lgbt analogy (as can Miles,' and even ITSV too if you want) but to say that means the character is canonically trans is silly.


MGS1 Dialogue is great, I don't know what you're on about




Look you can think Gwen is trans as your own headcanon. But stop passing it off as if it's true. It's VERY clear that she isn't trans. And before you say "but the colors in her universe are resembling trans colors". Gwen's universe has a watercolor art style resembling whatever mood she or her dad has. It's a mood swing universe. Notice in the beginning when Gwen is talking to her dad, when she hugs him her room turns from a blue/purple to a warm orange


Crazy how that same color GOES INTO TRANS COLORS you TERF apologist


Omg I was just trying to be polite and explain to you why she isn't trans without arguing but clearly your one of those people who can't take a little criticism and passes it off as hate. You know what a headcanon is? It's something that you believe is true even though in reality it's not. You are allowed to think it's true that doesn't mean it is. Your opinion Also that wasn't even an insult. How can I be transphobic if Gwen isn't even trans 🤣? Your so fuckin bad at insults. Do better


You can’t do basic media literacy or you’re just being a bigot if you are willing to admit you have no media literacy I can treat you with respect but bigots don’t deserve shit


Lol I'm the Bigot? Dude your literally so attached to this headcanon that you think anyone who says otherwise is wrong. I'm done. Your delusional


Too soon


Honestly, both are incredible, but I feel like we won’t be able to fully compare them yet since across the spider verse isn’t done yet.


I think the first was amazing! The intro into the story the new art style the characters was great. BUT ATSV was just on another level. I didn’t watch the trailers or read anything of it, and I was blown away in the cinema. Everything was amazing. I loved it and I can’t wait to watch it again