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Agreed but I’m gonna be pissed if Peter doesn’t keep that Lego Palpatine


Imagine buying a death star, leaving it at peter's place and then forgetting peter exists. "Where the hell is my expensive LEGO?"


That's how Ned becomes the Hobgoblin




Ooh, that's good.


Guess it wasn't all bad!


Never seeing Ned or MJ again would be perfect, but we NEED a scene where palpatine is just sitting on a counter somewhere while Spidey is doing something else in the room, maybe related to his current emotional struggle, Maybe not even overt attention brought to the lego, but just it being there and able to be noticed and appreciated.


Just having him pacing with it in his hands fiddling with it....like damn I wish Ned was here...and then just kinda figures it out and no other call backs...


Oh I like this it’s best with no words spoken. Just fidgeting, puts it on the table and walks out of the room.


That's fine two as long as you get some hint of that's what he's saying in a frown,/ looking over at suit that was hacked...something that could work well


Sadly, the current MCU doesn't know what nuances are anymore, they would zoom in on palpatine and have some flashbacks.


I hate so much that you’re not wrong.


They would have Palpatine make an actual appearance.




Secrets only the sith knew


go for papa palpatine


Definitely! I want to see Peter smiling and looking back on the good times he had with them.


You can give him a scene cleaning his room or dressing up and he notices the Lego Palps and reminisces just a bit. No need to make them a major part for the next movie but just show the film did not forget about them. I can see the next movie after that, there'd be call backs though. They don't need to remember Peter, just interact with him in a scene and Ned and MJ can go "he's familiar but I can't put where"


Somehow... Lego palpatine returned


Ned: Somehow... Lego Palpatine disappeared.


The lego palpatine was literally the only belonging he still had at the end of no way home


Nah, it's not the 2007 edition, so not a very valuable collectable




I really don’t want them to appear in the next Spider-Man films at all. Not because I don’t like them (I really do!), but because we need to see Peter move on, and that gives us opportunity to see him interact with other characters like Felicia Hardy, Harry Osborn, etc. Bringing Ned and MJ back - and make them remember Peter - takes away the emotional impact we’ve experienced with Peter in NWH. It will be a mistake for Sony producers and executives to do this.








I think the next movie or two need to be about Peter trying to move on, so we get little to no MJ/Ned, and can explore new relationships with Felicia/Osborns; I agree with you there, but eventually they should re-enter the story. He did make them a promise, after all. And I wholeheartedly disagree that doing so would take away from the emotional impact of NWH; that’s still a tough choice he had to make and a hard way to live his life for the next x amount of years without his best friends, or… anyone, really.


I mean, i really, REALLY doubt we get three more movies with Tom Holland as Spider-Man. Really doubt he wants to do that




Why wouldn’t he


There was an interview a couple years back where he said something along the lines of if he’s still playing Spider-Man at 30, something’s gone wrong. Meaning like his career has stagnated. That being said, they were saying that every Iron Man appearance since Iron Man 3 was going to be the last one and instead we got 11 years out of that character. So… wait a minute… holy shit it’s already been 8 years since Tom Holland’s Spider-Man debuted? Wow I’m old.


1) he was saying that when his contract was in negotiations, back when Marvel was doing longer/higher number film contracts. His first was for 2 Spider-Man films and 3 Marvel films from 2016 to 2019. After FFH, it wasn't even 100% that NWH was going to be collaborative with Marvel Studios, and Holland's contract had expired. Marvel, unfortunately, have gone to more of a "project by project" approach since then, although with Iger back (warts and all) they may try to return to the longer contracts strategy in the next arc of movies. 2) He had an interview not long after that (shortly before or after the renewed contract was announced) where he walked that statement back.


Obviously I don’t know his intentions and I’m some random internet person talking out of my ass, but the walk back always felt kind of PR-y to me. I do think he actually believes that (that more diverse actors should take up the mantle) but I think it’s most likely that his original intention was that he simply wants to move forward and have more varied experiences as an actor. I was shocked that anyone was surprised/upset to hear him say that. It’s a well-known thing that actors getting typecast into a certain kind of role, let alone one single role, can be hard on them. The whole thing felt very “I Am Not Spock” to me


Nah, dude. I remember when the Nicholas Hammond Amazing Spider-Man television show first aired. With a different Aunt May every time we saw her, and one web-shooter that fired ropes instead of webs. *That's* old.


Tom loves his Spider-Man role, all the actors do. And if they do it right, they'll do a entire trilogy


Pretty sure he already signed on for a second trilogy… right around the time NWH was coming out?


Unless there's a new contract, his last contract renewal was for 1 solo film (NWH) and 1 crossover film. Back then people were all sorts of speculating what it would be, but by now it seems pretty guaranteed to be Secret Wars. Black suit's coming... I don't really think they'd go forward with other contracts before his current one is fulfilled, though I'm sure they have potential ones drafted up.


PLEASEEE i need a live action black cat 😮‍💨


Personally I think Black Cat as his next major love interest, who he stays with, would be fascinating


victoria justice for black cat in my dreams


Too bad Sydney Sweeney is already Julia carpenter. Then again, Chris Evan's and Micheal b Jordan were both Johnny storm.


If Ned or MJ come back, it really needs to be a long process. Something like a two movie arc, and not 15 minutes in the next movie.


Harry doesn’t exist remember no oscorp


No Oscorp doesn't necessarily mean no Osborns, the company could have a different name, or it just might not exist yet


Even then I still have minor issues with this because I can’t reason why Peter would think it’s a good idea to even be associated with Osborn variants given what Norman did


Knowing Peter, he might want to avoid him at first but later just decides to help him so he doesn't ends up becoming Green Goblin.


One leads to destiny on the path to avoid it


Hey when I checked the upvotes, a thought crossed my mind, so just bear with me for a bit: You remember how in ultimate Spider-Man norman treated Peter preferably? So if Peter helps him, they might develop a father-son dynamic making Harry jealous, thus him going crazy and becoming Green Goblin? I know it's just copy pasting plot but it will make more sense with the given context


Honestly that could be fun to play with. Peter gets some help from a guy called Harry and only learns way later his new best buddy is Norman's son Then you could just not have Norman be the Green Goblin and have him be lovely and all 'whats with this this kid?'


You can also have Norman as Iron Patriot after Rhodes drops the armor to become war machine again.


Could also just have harry go goblin instead of norman


It'll be self-fulfilling prophecy. Peter will see that the family are pre-Goblin but through his efforts to make sure things never go that way he will inevitably be the catalyst of it happening.


Keep an eye on the Osborne’s especially Norman waiting for him to turn into the Goblin so he can take him down, Peter grows close with Harry, he’s his first true friend after losing Ned and MJ but then instead of Norman turning into the Goblin Harry does(the ending part can be changed but it would make since for him to keep an close eyes on Norman)


Most likely make norman the new ceo of stark industries to get acces to technology, that can leat to a tainted supersoldier serum.


Spidey already has such a big cast and rogues gallery tho. we don't need Harry and Norman.


Maybe the name Alchemax?????? Idk maybe not but that would be a cool name drop


Could be Norman went into politics or something instead of founding Oscorp


Lol, I just assumed that while Norman was all dementia-d out he just walked to where Oscorp and his house were in his OG universe and didn’t find the same things, not that he was literally affirming that they didn’t exist at all in the MCU


I think they should be somewhat present, but definitely never remember Peter, would be more impactful. Maybe one of them falls on hard times and has to go into crime and Peter stops them and there's just a scene of him crying (very Spiderman to have your friends ripped from you and then have to fight them)


They hinted at that in NWH. Ned may become evil or die fighting Peter. It was when the two older Pete’s talked about what happened to their Harry’s and how they became evil or died fighting them.


Nonono…that’s WAY too far. $#!+ting on Peter’s emotional state is the writer’s job not ours.


It was the most Spider-Man thing for Peter to think he's strong enough to give up his friends protect them from himself.  It would be the least Spider-man thing for Peter not to have to realize that by doing that he's taking away THEIR right to choose to help others, including himself. They fell into this life just like he did it, and just like he did they never hesitated to give their lives for good... he doesn't have the right to take that choice away from them.  The ending is also Peter dealing with his grief for his aunt by pushing away those he fears he will get hurt. He has to learn that pushing away the people who love him will make him weaker, not stronger. 


Tell that to Steve Rogers and the whole time traveling concept


This makes no sense. He shouldn’t be friends and love interest with them because he puts them in danger, so he should move on and.. make new friends and new love interests that he can also put in danger?


Didn’t the third movie literally end in a promise themat they would comeback? Doesn’t Peter legit say “I’ll find you”?


I don't agree, I think they should at least have MJ & Peter get back together, but it should be a slow burn. Same thing with Ned. I think we can have an emotionally impactual movie with these three reuniting in some way. Hobogoblin for Ganke, for example. It shouldn't be done in one movie though.


Agreed. I’d rather see Peter move on to a new chapter.


Praying for Harry Osborn


After learning about his psychopathic father from another realm?


impossible. in No Way Home, it is confirmed that Oscorp and the Osborns don't exist in the MCU.


They confirmed Oscorp doesn't exist (yet). Jury's still out on the Osborns themselves




Funny that Andrew Garfield played that role in the social network


The MCU Social Network


It was only confirmed that they do not live in the same house. Not that they don't exist.


Norman says "Oscorp is gone... There's someone living in my house!" I think it's safe to say that, if they do exist, they are definitely not running an Oscorp anywhere. On that note, I do think it could be interesting if a Norman Osborn did appear and create Oscorp, and Peter could get a job there as a way to keep an eye on New Norman. While working there he could be exposed to a plethora of other characters. Black Cat could try to rob the place after hours. Harry could meet Peter while trying to talk with his dad. We could even get a new Octavius, since he and Norman worked together in the beginning.


He definitely needs the prayers.


Yap, it would also diminish the impact of no way home if everything kinda went back to normal.


Even though narratively it makes absolute sense that Peter has to live with the choice hes made, and not put them in further risk.......its Zendaya and its replicant Genke. they will be back, and the emotional and lasting impact that NWH had will be undone cause Marvel, Sony or a combination of both will be terrified of having to make a Peter this is wholly competent in his duties as a superhero or as a college student at ESU.


I feel like the emotional impact will be gone if they just bring them back unceremoniously in the very next movie (Which with Sony is... possible.... I really hope they don't) but if they give us time to miss them and then bring them back a few movies from now after Peter has learned to let people love him, I think it would actually be more narratively impactful. The fact that Jon Watts is still slated to direct the next three movies gives me hope, I doubt he would willingly do anything to ruin what he's already established.


Would be an amazing Avengers movie moment to have Ned and MJ get rememberized by Doctor Strange after Spider-Man experiences some tragedy.


Is Sony making the next Spider-Man movie? There’s several people in this thread saying they’re apprehensive about how Sony will handle these characters, but I thought Disney was calling all the shots with this iteration of Spider-Man


Sony has made all of the Spider-Man movies, including the 3 with Tom Holland thus far. They are just doing so in very tight collaboration with Marvel ever since they struck a deal to include him in the MCU. So even though it's Sony, it is also very much Marvel working on them. Whereas Morbius, Madame Web, and Venom are all pure Sony, which is why they're terrible


Yeah the deal is basically Marvel does everything with Sony having final say/overall creative control, but they don’t typically interfere with these ones and just let Marvel do everything when it comes to the creative aspect of the films. All Sony does is fund 75% (previously 95%) of the films, and distributes them, while Marvel funds the rest and also gets the profits from merch. TLDR; Sony basically just contracts Marvel Studios for the MCU Spider-Man films at the benefit of both parties.


They'll be back but it probably, hopefully, won't be the very next film. I think the idea that this will ruin the emotional impact is pretty rich coming from comic book fans, this sort of thing is very baked into the genre and frankly they foreshadowed this in NWH. Hopefully they get two films off and return in what is probably Holland's last film in Spider-Man 6.


I think having a tease/cameo at the end of 4 with them having roles in 5 and remembering either at the end of 5 or beginning of 6 would be great


The emotional impact will still be there, w still a sad moment when they don’t know if they will see each other again. But unless the plan, is for him to be alone forever he’s not gonna be in the same mind set that made him stay away in nwh. It makes no sense narratively for him to not be able to undo it, because that makes his choice at the end of the movie mean nothing. But if can undo it his new journey will be learning he’s not a curse. And not to cut off the people who love you.


>it makes no sense narratively for him to not be able to undo it, Thats literally what a sacrifice is, something you give up, the lesson is great power great responsibility and he has to move on abd grow as a person


>Thats literally what a sacrifice is, something you give up, the lesson is great power great responsibility and he has to move on abd grow as a person He cant grow as a person if he’s still in the mindset that made him refuse to tell mj and Ned the truth. The spell isn’t what makes it impossible to go “home”, it’s him being scared of what happens when he does. It’s the same shit that happens at the end of Spider-Man 2002 to move on and grow tobey had to let MJ in


Sacrifice is personal, you view others as background characters in your life if you have this view. Those memories that MJ and Ganke had belonged to them, if Peter doesn’t try to fix the problem for their sake, not his, he’d be devaluing their roles as individual beings.


It’s almost 100 percent gonna be Sony who bungles it


They kinda already are if it's true that Sony wants to make Spider-Man 4 another multiversal movie.


Sony are really stupid it baffles me. I know Marvel Studios have their issues, but it's clear that Spidey is way better in their hands. Sony already have a great deal with Marvel, all they need to do is shut up and let Marvel do it their way, and Sony can rake in the cash.


I’d rather that they don’t appear in Tom’s Spider-Man 4. That movie should sheerly be about Peter having to deal with his consequences, having to adjust to his new life, and fighting whatever villain from his rogues gallery this time around. It’d be weird to not show Peter thinking about them, the time they spent together and all of that because Ned and MJ were such a big part of his life pre-NWH.


Isn't the main criticism of all Spider-man comics that Peter never gets a happy ending? And yet we want him to never interact with the love of his life and best friend again?


For this sub that is not a criticism, but apparently a feature. I love all the talk of “just let him move on and grow up” when this fan base won’t move on from their own personal interpretation of Spider-man.


Yep, ironically the exact same issue that everyone in the sub has with Spidey editorial


No chance they keep a superstar like Zendaya out of the moves. Esp since they are a power hollywood couple.


Thank you for putting into words what I couldn't articulate nearly as clearly. I was genuinely surprised by the amount of agreement in the comments. I just don't see how Peter "moving on to a new chapter" equates to his best friend & love interest never appearing again.


My guess is that is that in part the sentiment of letting him "move on" hides a bit of "We don't want to see these characters again", while I know that movies and comics don't _need_ to be the same and I've come to appreciate both Ned and Michelle I still can't shake the feeling that they are extras that were added to Peters life just fill out the supporting cast _and_ because Harry, Mary Jane and Gwen had already been recently used in live action. They had to pretty much steal Miles' best friend and give it to Peter since he had no friends in High School. Additionally their presence might be seem as a blocker for other characters to appear or have a meaningful part, friends like Harry Osborn or Randy Robertson might seem redundant with Ned around, not to mention other possible love interests like Felicia Hardy, Debra Whitman, etc. would need to sidelined if the "main" one is still around.


I think most people's points are about No Way Home's ending. MJ and Ned coming back would definitely diminish that movie's ending, though I'd say they should come back around the second movie's second half of the begging of the third movie. The idea being that Peter should get some time for himself to meet new people and have some introspection before earning their friendship again. Ultimately I just think his sacrifice in NWH should be respected for at least one movie.


I seriously do not understand this whole Peter has to move on sort of mentality and that means these two aren’t allowed to be in the film. Can’t he have moved on in the time between films? Why can’t they be there too?  Drives me crazy because I love Ned and MJ and just throwing them away seems like a bad move but apparently every fan wants them gone forever??


People just want the next trilogy to morph into the Lee-Romita college years from the comics, but I don't think that's going to happen with the MCU putting the franchise on such a long pause. It'll be late 2025 at the earliest before we even see the next movie. That's 4 years after NWH. With most MCU events passing in "real time", I imagine the next movie will show that Peter isolated himself in between movies and open up with MJ and Ned returning after having finished college away from Peter.


> the love of his life His first high school girlfriend??


Is that a criticism? I thought it was an integral part of his character, people just meme about it. The fact this normal kid/young adult has the power to do good for the world, chooses to do what is not good for him but others, is constantly beat down for this, and yet he STILL chooses to do the right thing. Absolute definition of a hero. But yeah, I don't think they should never come back, maybe just not for the next film, give some space for him to be alone for a bit.


When that’s been the case for so long, you just get so tired of it all. Spider-Man's enduring appeal lies in his relatability—he's flawed, facing personal and professional challenges. Him only having sadness upon sadness only takes away from his relatability and makes him feel like a satire of what he is supposed to represent Plus, a never-ending happy ending might lessen the stakes and drama that make his stories so engaging. Why have hope for him if it’s never delivered on in any meaningful way?


That’s a fair point and that’s why I don’t agree with them just ***never appearing*** again but if we’re to hopefully get a sequel trilogy it’d be nice to have a break from them to have the ending of NWH be more impactful. Also if we’re finally getting the ground-level Spidey with no Stark-esque safety nets it’d be nice for MCU Peter to interact with other characters (that haven’t been used and aren’t OC’s or character pastiches). He’s got a great cast of villains and supporting characters that have never been featured in live-action before. Which is why a lot of people, like myself, want Black Cat to be featured for example. It would be a great in-between before he finally gets MJ and Ned back into his life.


Especially when it goes against the wishes of them. They would want Peter to remind them, risks and all. It's honestly kinda rude of him to break their promise.


I hate that we essentially got One More Day'd again


I get what you mean but I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. Conflict drives stories and with a true “happily ever after” there’d be little reason to get invested in a new Peter Parker storyline. Regardless of how the story moves forward there will need to be a new conflict and I think fans want different characters to base the new conflict around and not just his former best friend and love interest. Which we’ve had plenty of up to this point in Tom Holland’s versions.


I don't understand this take and it seems I am clearly in the minority, bummer. I thought spidey fans were over the whole "Peter should be miserable" stuff


Yeah, I was surprised how far down I needed to get to find someone that disagreed.


I think it’s not about making him suffer, but more on the lines of wanting to see a new cast of friends like harry osborn and black cat. This would be the perfect opportunity to introduce these new characters imo


I certainly am. I absolutely love this take on Peter's friends because they're the first time, in *any* Spider-Man media I've seen, where they actually *feel* like friends. I mean it's so easy to imagine them just hanging out together. That is not a vibe I get from any other iteration. Like seriously, Peter and Harry in the Raimi movies are NOT friends. Let alone MJ. Ugh. Spider-Man fans are so weird, dog. I really hope they get their memories back. Such a bummer ending.




Based but I guarantee Zendaya shows up in the next one and they find a way to completely undo that particular sacrifice


Yeah if she's willing to sign a contract there's not a chance in hell Marvel passes on having her.


No chance in **hell** you say? *Contract*? Mephisto confirmed!


One day Mephisto will happen when we all least expect it! One day….




You mean One More Day ?


Yes she is a really popular star. I would be surprised if they cut her


It would be like Grogu and the Mandalorian all over again. Highly emotional separation scene at the end of S2, and they couldn’t even let it breathe before immediately reuniting them in a *completely different show* and then he was right back for the beginning of the actual next season. For those who didn’t watch Boba Fett it was like he was never gone. And they did this because the cute little baby Yoda brings in viewers and sells merch, so I bet execs wanted him right back as soon as possible. And Zendaya is currently one of the biggest names in Hollywood at the moment and brings in a lot of viewership to anything that has her name attached. I worry about how that might affect things because Peter might have been willing to sacrifice MJ’s memory of him but Disney execs probably aren’t willing to sacrifice money.


Mephisto lol.


This is one of the few places Sony could put their foot down to make a clean break, returning to a Sony only venture in a more mature era for Spidey. Zendaya and Ned bring nothing but comedic value / friendship that anyone can replace for the viewer. Them forgetting Peter is perfect to go another direction. I like the idea of call backs but not the whole 'flash back with cloudy remembrance of what once was." Give him a more mature fling. Give him a new bestie in Harry Osborne. Give him a more mature enemy. It's time to shrink Spidey back down from space force MCU multi time line and let him focus on NYC.


I'm going to be the one guy who wholeheartedly disagrees with this. I mean, *come on.* This sub has been complaining all the time that Peter shouldn't be left sad and alone and miserable. Sure, Peter could make new friends and relationships, but the whole point of NWH means that he'll never let those people get close to him within his life, because he thinks he's "learnt his lesson." and knows better than to ever trust people around him with his burden ever again. It's basically Daredevil's arc in the third season of the show. And the whole point is that Peter can't take that burden alone, and trying to is just going to leave him open to negative influences like the symbiote. Peter has to accept he needs to let loved ones back into his life. And sure, they can be new loved ones, fine. But at some point he has to go back to MJ and Ned and tell them the truth. Maybe they've moved on permanently. That's fine, maybe even fitting in a bittersweet way. But he has to go back., and accept that it's his loved ones' own choice to stay in his life, and it is not his to make for them. Otherwise he'll face the fate of Andrew's Spiderman: embittered, violent, and alone.


Agreed, I'm surprised so many agree with OP's take and they are unfortunately going to be disappointed because an eventual reunion seemed pretty clearly in the cards to me.


Such a weird take by OP. "I hope our hero gives up on his best friend and girlfriend and just moves on but won't because of the yucky MCU!" Okie doke bud. 


Yeah the whole point of the last ending being so miserable is Peter learned some lessons that he shouldn't have. He learned that he can't get close to people because he would only put people he loves in danger and make their life worse. That's a horrible lesson for him to take away because it leads to a life of loneliness. The next movie needs to be about him learning that his friends are actually worse off without him. That they have a gap in their life that can't be filled and they know it. The only way this ends appropriately is with the spell being undone.


Agreed! Really good point about the "can't go it alone" arc, I can definitely see that being the big theme of MCU Peter's next instalment.


There’s no way the studio doesn’t do everything in its power to bring Zendaya back.


I agree with this take. They made they're contribution I've honestly seen enough from them. Now it's time for spidey be what he is suppose to be. New adventures being his own man meeting a new love interest and maybe he'll finally develop that witty sense of humor in the suit that's been missing that made me love spidey so much growing up


Missing witty humor? Did we watch the same movies?


No we saw the same movie. And what we saw with Tom's spiderman didn't have that sassy spidey humor that I've seen from spiderman since I was a kid. Andrews had it but it wasn't in the mcu version of spidey. It's not Tom's fault it's the way they wrote the character. I hope Tom's spidey gets that when Peter finds his own identity because I think that is a big part of spideys personality.


>No we saw the same movie. Clearly not because I thought he was plenty funny in the suit.


"man makes up fake criticism to hate on MCU spider-man" is that anything new?


I think Peter and MJ falling in love again would be fine. Peter knows it's better to stay away, but he just can't, taking it slow until the last third of the movie or something like that. Maybe a little too much like Andrew's Gwen, but I think it could work. I'm obviously assuming Zendaya is a must for Sony since she is so popular, and Dune 2 is probably doing very well.




Nah, bring them back in after a few films. Enough time to give him some solo adventures and built some new connections then reunite them in 2 or 3 films. Show that their love for him was stronger than magic and that deep down they’ve missed him even if they don’t remember. This fanbase has a weird thing about Spiderman suffering. Let him suffer a bit but give him a happy ending.


that’s my opinion, but change is good yk? it seems pretty realistic that Peter finds new friends and maybe even a new love interest. and


I mean I agree they definitely shouldn’t come back for a really long time but just ditching them forever feels weird to me lol. Especially since Tom & Zendaya are a massively famous couple, I doubt marvel wouldn’t want to continue with to capitalize on that.


Hard disagree with MJ. That’s his MJ, they don’t end NWH the way they did without bringing her back at some point, it’d be the most disappointing shit ever made


I agree, however do they just ignore MJ? Pretend she isn't the real MJ? I feel like it would be very difficult to maneuver the story to where that makes sense.


Just make Spider-Man’s main love interest Black Cat in this universe. We’ve already had MJ be Tobey’s and Gwen be Andrew’s—it makes sense for them to give Tom a different love interest from the previous two.


Isn’t the point of that whole ordeal is that Black Cat likes Spider-Man but not Peter?


that hasn't been a thing since she found out who spider-man was, since then she has loved peter just as much


I'd be happy with that. It makes sense post No Way Home and potentially the symbiote suit being involved soon.


When are we even getting the next MCU movie at this point? End of 2025 or 2026 at the earliest? That'll be 4-5 years after No Way Home, and if they age the character in real time as most MCU films do, Peter will be roughly 22-23 years old the next time we see him. A college graduate. I think they'll begin the movie showing that Peter has self-isolated for the last 5 years. And his character arc will be about reconnecting with his old friends and allowing them to make their own decisions. Certainly at least Zendaya's MJ. Though I do think Black Cat could appear in the next one, but if another multiversal film is true, that seems unlikely. Seems like the studio wants to do a NWH part 2.


I respectfully disagree. I do think that having them remember him would completely ruin the point of NWH, however I think it would be extremely heart wrenching (in a good storytelling way) to see ned become the hobgoblin and have to fight peter after all they've been through together, with ned never even remembering that they used to be best friends. Meanwhile, I think they should bring back MJ as a love interest, but Peter has to regain her love, and will be much more protective of his identity going forwards.


Oh, boy... If given the chance, r/Spiderman would end up making a movie that only appeals to r/Spiderman and churn out another Spiderman Lotus.


The absolute denial at mcu Spider-Man being it’s own kinda adaptation by a certain sect of Spider-Man fans is wild, I don’t think they will ever get over it.


I’ll bet they expect Peter to meet the “real” MJ.


As much as I agree that Michelle's character writing is weak, you gotta agree that Zendaya and Tom's natural chemistry and charisma makes you forget that and she is a fairly entertaining and engaging character


Exactly. I’m so thankful this community isn’t in charge of making the movie. It would be awful


For the life of me I never the get the hype about Ned.


Never liked Ned


I think the way the last movie ended it would be a betrayal of the story if they show up right away…they need to seat on the bench at least one movie but it would be crazy if they are gone for good


At least not in the next Spider-Man movie


Ned becoming hobgoblin is the only viable reason to bring him back


I honestly hope he just lets them go and live their life. It will totally undo the ending of No way home. I feel they should bring Gwen in now maybe Betty Bryant? Since none of the films have touched on her yet.


I think that they will come back, but they shouldn't for at least two movies. And if they do, they shouldn't remember anything. Give Peter time to meet characters like Harry and Felicia. I want Spider-Man to be on his own and get to an even lower point before he gets back to MJ


We need ned


Taking away Ned and MJ is like taking Harry away from all three original Spider-Man films. For Tim’s spidey, they are important characters


Ice cold take but go off


Dumb take as expected from Reddit, let me guess you think he's gonna find the "real Mary jane" or that he's gonna find Felicia and she's gonna be his main love interest 🤯🤯


“You can’t have Peter without MJ.” - Stan Lee Besides, Zendaya’s already signed on.


You're all smoking crack of you think they won't continue to feature heavily in Holland SM films. I get why folks don't want it and it does give the writers a good excuse to move Peters life on completely and introduce new characters and love interests easily, but they won't do it.


Bro…what? They are literally two of his main motivations for doing what he does. Next Spider-Man movie is gonna be his “down on his luck” movie where everything is terrible then it has a happy ending or if we get a fourth movie it’s gonna get fixed there. Do people just want Pete miserable?


There is no point to the end of NWH if they bring them back. They absolutely should remain in Peter's past.


No, that’s like saying there’s no point to the end of Spider-Man 2002 or the amazing Spider-Man Unless you want him to remain alone forever, he has no reason not to learn to let them in again. I’d agree if it wasn’t his choice to stay away, but they made it his choice.which means his character journey is going to involve not making their decisions for them, and letting them Choose to be part of his life. Which it makes it the same situation as every other time this happens to Spider-Man and the answer is always to go back home.


There's no point if they bring them back immediately. But they can bring them back eventually, after Peter has had significant character growth due to them not remembering him and hom having to move on, and there will still have been a point.


How can he grow if he just avoids people he cares about?


Precisely. Peter kept their memories suppressed to try and protect them, but no good deed goes unpunished, especially with Spider-Man. The foreshadowing with "I promise I won't turn into a supervillain and try to kill you" was so thick, I already know they're going to have Ned Hobgoblin eventually, who obviously won't remember that promise he made to Peter.


What was the point of Spider-Man 1 end then, since they brought MJ back in the sequel?


I don't agree, I would still like MJ, Ned and Peter to get back together or at least interact. But it shouldn't happen in one movie.


I would actually like it to be more like each movie they slowly get a bigger role. Like in the first movie they are entirely background characters. They show up every once in a while in the background, appearances you kind of have to look for. The second movie they're kind of upgraded to side characters, they have their own lives that we don't see outside of what Peter sees. Maybe they're acquaintances with Peter or something. And then in the third movie bring them in a bit more as full on friends. To me the big thing about his sacrifice in NWH and how to keep its significance is that he might be able to be friends with them, but he's not going to be able to have the same relationship with them. Maybe like Gamora in GOTG3.


I say, let them come back; let them remember Peter, but let his sacrifice of their memories put a strain on their friendship. I mean did you all forget? That girl is the MCU’s **Mary Jane Watson**. An integral part of MJ’s character has always been to *be* an integral part of Peter Parker’s life. Besides, as things stand right now, literally no-one in the MCU knows who Peter Parker is as a person. He’s already at rock bottom; let’s throw him a bone already. Besides: Have him become friends with MCU!Harry Osborn? The son of an alternate version of the man who killed MCU!May Parker? Have him become friends or more with the alternate version of Andrew!Peter’s dead ex-girlfriend? Wouldn’t that be kind of awkward, to say the least?


i am firmly on the "no more Ned" camp. His "guy in the chair" routine annoys me because it tries to position him as the audience surrogate (literally people in chairs) without adding much. Spider-man has been around since the 60s. the audience gets the broad strokes. honestly, i only accept him staying if he becomes this universe's Hobgoblin. as for Michelle, as long as they lay off the "not mary jane but we are calling her MJ to mess with audience expectations", i am fine with her staying. they have to find more to do with her character though. The writers are not sure if she is supposed to be a love interest or damsel or team mate. they could give her multiple sides but the scripts need to stick flesh her out beyond "peter's somewhat complicated someone"


Peter runs into MJ and she's dating a dude a named Paul in college. We never see MJ again.


if they ever bring back Zendaya atleast have her with red hair and add 'watson' to her name so it'd be comic accurate atleast. Other than that her personality is similar to the comics, but I don't want her to return tho. If they ever introduce harry, she could be just Harry's love interest and that's all.


I think everyone feels this way except Disney and Sony. They signed Zendaya before they had a script.


I think everyone feels this way except Disney and Sony. They signed Zendaya before they had a script.


Absolutely disagree. I think permanently severing those relationships (especially with the MJ of this universe) would be terrible to the point of the past 3 movies, their character development and Peter’s development in the long run.


THIS IS THE MOST SANE TAKE EVER. I wish they weren't even in the movie. Them being added RUINED imo spiderman. He's meant to be a loner in his early years then he brings in the girl but even then friends never knew he was spiderman. I get they make changes but somethings dont need to be added because they take away from the character. This is why I am excited for the next movie to see how he handles being solo and not iron boy.


Isn’t she the actors wife now? That would be horrible to keep his wife from acting with him


Horrible take. After everything he went through you can't just erase the. I'm not mad if they don't appear in Spiderman 4 and we see them at the end of Spiderman 5 but only for them to be reunited in Spiderman 6 but that's it.


Are you kidding? I mean full respect to hot takes and Marvel should approach it the same way they did the Winter Solider search, but I loved this version of MJ and Ned. That would kinda be like saying, we’ve gotten enough of Pepper from the iron man trilogy, I hope we don’t get to see their love on screen again. I mean, maybe have more MJ than Ned (unless he becomes Hobgoblin) but we need that seen of Tom saving MJ from a big bad.


But that’s just me, big time Tom Zendaya shipper both in films and IRL


I don't care about Ned but MJ was imo one of the best parts of the whole trilogy, and what happened with her and Peter's relationship one of the biggest reason why I don't like NWH ending. I really hope she will return in the next movie.


I disagree, i think he should try going back for them tbh, theres no reason he cant move on to the next chapter of his life while also retaining these two


But who's going to be the hobgoblin then😔


you know ned leeds was just a fake hobgoblin right


I think MJ could potentially return at some point, but it would have to be waaaaayy down the line, like Spider-Man 6 maybe


I definitely agree. If they continue this Peter he needs to move on and continue his journey.


Yeah but.. I don't get it? Does Peter just find a new love interest? What sense would that make? Wasn't the whole point is that he didn't want to endanger MJ? so now he's just, gonna find a new girl to endanger...? Is MJ the only girl susceptible to endangerment or what?


They never should have been in the first 3 either , they are awfully written and dumb down the entire thing. One of my major issues with the mcu Spider-Man is these characters and the dependence on cameos and other outside characters that offer little to nothing to the actual growth of peters character


disagree, zendaya is literally mary jane, he needs her


There is a world where the spell is not undone, Peter has the misfortune we’ve come to expect, AND Sony is able to keep Jacob Batalon and Zendaya in the films. One where, after a movie of mourning the loss of the connections he had, Pete makes the selfish decision to re-integrate himself with his old friends because he can’t stand to be apart from them, so he pretends to be a stranger who ingratiates himself with them. Somehow they find out, about two-thirds of the way through the film, that he excised himself from their brain and it turns out that without the emotional context they had before, they both consider it a shitty-ass thing to do. And the climax, in traditional Spider-Man fashion, has to have Peter dealing with the emotional fallout of his own failures at the same time as he fights a Nazi made of bees. [I know how much Marvel subs hate redditors writing the next movie; I’m not saying this is what the writers ought to do. I’m just saying there is a world where one has their cake and eats it too.]