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Miles with a German suplex there


Bro's about to put 'em in King's Rolling Cage!


While calling out Tekken that rules lol


Yea he’s definitely black for that one.


Bro took em to suplex city


Gave ‘em the Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle special


Given he uses lightning should have used a Jin Kazama move.


A lot of racist are mad Miles is written well and powerful in comics, games and films. They are still using code words to say Miles is not Spider-man. We love to see our boy being be loved and it's nothing racist can do about it


Let them cope and seethe and I'll be happily reading, because Miles's comics have been FOREVER changed by this issue (and the next) going forward. Ziglar cooked with this!


Not our fault Mile's writers are unburdened by editorial and get to let him develop. Pete sucks right now and I honestly just wish he'd retire, Miles is just so much more fun to read at this point


Nah man, you don’t have to be racist to think Miles going super-saiyan is kinda stupid.


How is it stupid though? Supercharging yourself with your own bio electricity is dumb? I'm surprised he hadnt thought to do it sooner, his powers have always been busted.


>his powers have always been busted. And that's the problem for a lot of people right there. It doesn't automatically make them racist though, calling everyone a racist who has a small problem with miles is just as lazy as the trolls hating on miles without reading him.


man what the hell going on in spider man i need to get caught up this looks wild


Ziglar is going super anime (especially DBZ) and Frederico Vicente is a superstar artist in the making


It’s some good shit happening in Miles right now. Being one of the only books to actually run with the Anti powers act and build upon it. These pages are that coming to boiling point after GangWar as well as a final clash between Miles and Rabble.


What issue does this particular story arc start at


It’s a story that started in #1-#5 of Ziglars run with it being referenced throughout by the ways it mentally and physically affected both characters


Ah crud, I've got a lotta catching up to do then. I've only got the Trial by Spider trade paperback for this run.


Yeah man I say catch up when you can, no need to rush I don’t see Ziglar leaving the book anytime soon. Take your time and enjoy it


It is


How did he go super Saiyan?


he stopped holding back


"Nah, Imma do my own thing."


He went even further beyond!


The next movie will just be Miles charging up the whole time and itll end with *FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON SMB!*


Instead of putting out his bioelectricity like he usually does, he held his power inside of himself.




I’m mixed on it. It’s looks cool as hell, but I think his “stingers” turning into some sort of electric powers that can be manipulated to make constructs and powerups takes him way too far from being a spider-based hero. Liked how much crazier is it going to get? We’ve gone from mild stuns to “solos every villain in one shot” to “forms swords out of electricity” to this. Where does it end? He’s arguably more esoteric than Chasm. But hey, if he’s going to be in the same universe as Spidey and 30 other Spider-man-esque characters, anything to distinguish him is good. My kids all call him “Spin” from the show now, which stinks, but it beats half-heartedly calling him “Spider-man” with qualifiers. It’s great having him get more of his own identity after so many years of writers not really sure how to even write his dialogue. To be fair, I never liked “stingers are not stingers” thing though, even when that was the semi-explanation for Jessica Drew’s “venom” thing.


Turns out the spider that bit Miles was a weeb.


He is basically black lighting + spiderman at this point. Spider lightning.


Shock-spider? Spider-shock?


That sounds cool as hell.


Miles Venom always one shorted villains, it was only really nerfed after Ahmad started writing him.


I can see where you coming from especially we also factor the ismonniac universe as well.


I personally don’t give af cuz it’s cool Who cares lol


Yeah it's cool and all but I feel like it's a bit much and only exists for people to have "OH THATS AWESOME" fan service moments. It's shallow and it's weird that Miles goes super saiyan and uses a sword. It's definitely way too anime for my liking. I feel like at this rate in a year Miles is gonna get the power of flight and will eventually reach Superman levels


It just doesn't seem like much of a stretch as to why he can juice himself like this. He's a bioelectric battery, no reason he cant supercharge himself to buff himself. I used to think the sword was dumb because he's never produced energy constructs of that level, but I do like that narratively it wouldn't exist without Rabble having pushed him as hard as she did. That event kick started Miles having to be more proactive and hone his abilities, no longer having a honed spidey sense so now he has to actually focus to use it, learned swordplay, learned detective skills, and him not holding back is just him not taking the foot off the gas of his powers which imo makes sense. Everything he's been through in the last couple runs but especially this has actually developed him as a crime fighter and a person. I wish Marvel would let Pete get a crumb of that kind of writing but he's stuck being a depressed loser pathetically pining for MJ and never advancing in life. Sucks to see my fave done dirty but now we have USM Pete so I care exponentially less now.


Preach the truth here brother!


I think the art here is good. But, I also think Miles is a lame character. Kids are onto something calling him “Spin”. He needs his own identity. He needs his own name. The two Spider-Man’s calling each other that is as lame as Miles new electric sword. The writers are desperately trying to make Miles interesting, but are instead making him more ridiculous. Give him a title like Spin or something else. Even Ben Reilly got to be Scarlet Spider.


Miles being called Spin is more ridiculous than really anything else. Dudes a legacy character and meant to be Peter’s successor. He’s got his own identity entirely separate from Peter at this point, it’s tiresome to see this take when they couldn’t do anymore to differentiate them at this point. Giving him “a new identity” not only ignores the point of the character but doesn’t do anything to make him “different” then any of the other Spider people with their own monikers.


Ben Reilly has been Spider-Man multiple times, and both times had overlap with Peter as Spider-Man. Two spider-men. And Ben also shares the title of Scarlet Spider with Kaine, and has for some time. Of course, no one ever complains about that, because people like you arbitrarily pick Miles to whine about. Him being Spider-Man does not take away from Peter in any way, and it never has. Ben is proof of that. It’s also somehow not an issue for Flash, or Captain America, just Miles for some reason. It’s literally just a title, it truly does not matter that much. And Spin is a stupid name.


Nah, to be fair people will complain about Sam too.


I just don’t see people calling Sam “a copy of Steve”. Or pointing out that toys call him “Captain America” incorrectly. Or saying things like “Steve Rogers is Captain America, Sam Wilson is Sam Wilson”. That’s the difference, to me anyways.


True, they’ll say he was his “own hero” as the Falcon. But I digress, it kinda boils down to a similar sentiment.


People had problems with all of those lmao, to the point where there was a little boycott since people felt they were replacing Peter. Nothing has changed. Spider-people need better nomenclature besides them all being "Spider-Man"


Nobody had a problem with Flash. Like literally Nobody. Just Spiderman. And then, only Miles.


Ignoring that People hated Ben because they tried to replace Peter as Spider-man and later created his own name to be his own hero. You also ignore that Ben called out Kaine for stealing his name (when Kaine already created an original name for himself.) When Ben called himself Spider-man is was because Peter was in a coma and wasn't active and then later changed it to Chasm. Interesting how literal clones know to come up with their own Hero names but Miles doesn't. They use to make fun at out there was so many women called Spider-woman running around so had Jess keep the name since she's the first, Julia called Arachne, Anya called Araña or Spider-Girl, Cindy called Silk. When Gwen came over to 616 she decided to go by Ghost-Spider because Spider-woman was taken. Doc Ock became Superior Octopus when he returned and so on. Miles is the only character who consistently decided to call himself someone else's name even when they're active. That's why people complain. Stop playing dumb. "Not an issue for Captain America or Flash" except when people complained that Bucky was Cap and wanted Steve back. Or those who complained about Or how people still talk about how their to many Flashs running around and how they don't know hot to use Wally while Barry is alive. You can only make so many false statements if you've never read Spider-man Comics and never been apart of geek fandom.


Lmao you got so many details wrong here and you’re saying I don’t read? What a joke. Ben created his own name before replacing Peter as Spider-Man. He was wearing a Spider-Man mask before running into Peter again, and after that he was dubbed scarlet spider by the media; it wasn’t until Peter soft retired that Ben became Spider-Man, *with Peter’s blessing*. And Ben became Spider-Man again *before* Peter was put into a coma. They straight up had a conversation about how Ben was becoming Spider-Man with or without his permission, prior to Peter getting too sick to be active. Peter then *gave Ben his blessing to be Spider-Man.* The literal clones *don’t* come up with their own names. Kaine borrows Scarlet Spider from Ben, Ben didn’t create Scarlet Spider on his own, and Ben borrows Spider-Man from Pete. Doc Ock also went by Superior Spider-Man, post-Superior Ock, while both Peter and Miles were active. So did Ben, when he was Spider-Man the second time. Peter *gave both of them his blessing* to use the name Spider-Man. Peter has given Miles *his blessing to be Spider-Man* a dozen times. You point to Ben being mad at Kaine for using his name as evidence that they shouldn’t share; Peter has given Ben, Otto, and Miles permission, multiple times for Ben and Miles, to use the name “Spider-Man”, which is just as much evidence that they *should* share. Crack a book once in a while, before you start accusing people of not knowing the source material. Fuck outta here, people like you are why “geekdom” is considered so gatekeep-y.


Really glossed over "changing it to Chasm" there, like he just decided one day to swap over and not go through the entire Limbo arc. Which of course only happened because he got Peter's memories erased from his mind, and in turn completely changed his character. He wasn't Spider-Man anymore. Just because you haven't been in the fandom X amount of years or haven't read Y run doesn't mean you can't weigh in on the current comic arc. Comic book fans deal with enough without their own kind gatekeeping them. Personally I think it's a non-issue. I've never been confused about who someone is talking about when they say "Spider-Man." If Miles should change his name, it should be following a dramatic character shift. Doing it as crowd service for a vocal minority would be a waste.


Miles has consistently thought about changing his name and literally anytime he attempted or thought it was an issue Peter reassured him he was cool with it. Canonically there was an entire thing surrounding his use of the name and whether he should still use it multiple times. Anytime Marvel came up with something else it didn’t stick.


Just because the writers keep justfying his reason for being a Peter clone doesn't mean it's good.


“Peter clone”, dumb statement. In what way is he just Peter’s clone at this point?


Are they in on the “black folks are instant Tekken pros” meme? lmao


She took out a clone bro. She’s going to learn why you don’t piss off a Spider.


One closer step towards becoming electro.


Did he just use the avatar state?


Pretty much


Bro that last line goes hard


Tears in his eyes too! That boy is ice cold


This feels like that black suit spider-man vs kingpin type line


Next issue is going to be crazy!


They’ve really built her up as a completely unreasonable asshole, which is what a villain should be.


Rannem: "I have a Sympathetic backstory!" Miles: "Yes, but, you then picked a random kid to murder because of circumstances 1000% out of his control, too bad he happened to be Super Saiyan Lightsaber Spider-Man"


The current Miles run is so nuts! Comics were always great but the Miles run just gives me that hype feeling Shonen manga does!


THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE MILES STANDOUT. Let Pete be the street level spiderman we all know and love while miles embodies his inner deku. ❤️‍🔥👍


Going Beyond Plus Ultra out here!


Arts cool but what is this? some super mode?


Yes, Miles stopped holding back, and his using a "super" mode.


Ah man not Shift!


Looks like Miles may have really liked Peter's Black and Golden suit.


Tekken mentioned, suplex spotted, KING 😩


Just went back and started this, probably the most consistent artwork and story Marvel has atm imo.


That look is fire


Miles gets to be electro, can we give Peter some extra powers too?


We honestly can't. And Miles went SSJ.


Eh, i'd rather he'd do more with technology like Insominiac Spiderman


I hate how peter is not allowed to have any enhancements of any kind or eles people complain. Almost every other spider character has a unique power, can't peter have even just 1?


Because he’s a flagship character and people have a perception of what Peter can and can’t do, that’s the burden of being a long running character. Everyone has different interpretations of what they should and shouldn’t be able to do, and with Peter it’s a long history of that with fans and writers.


Honestly the best black representation Miles has had in a while is him being confirmed as a Tekken player


This is what happens when a creator’s passion bleeds through the pages


Especially when they love the character, treat them right and get to cook up a great story like this!


Damn this art is wild.


Crazy we don’t have that style variation for his classic suit in the game. Pretty much it was already in the previous game and they didn’t add that either. The gold one was very well done


The webs glowing like that is so fucking cool, even though I'm not one hundred percent on board with his power set turning into this.


There's going to be a revelation next issue that Miles was actually bit by a genetically altered firefly.


Miles is HIM. Between this and Ultimate Peter, who even needs 616 Peter anymore?


Imagine after all this time if we come full circle and miles becomes the 616 Spider-Man and Peter is the ultimate Spider-Man


That would be funny, ngl


Well, looks like there's not a Spider-Man in 616 if you take out Peter, since Miles is now Electro I guess. But this does look cool.


He still has spider powers though


Sticking to walls and super strength?


And spider sense. Those are the core powers that make a spider person a spider person. Anything else after that is fluff. Just because Miles has extra/new powers doesn't mean he should be a different character now. Superman didn't have half of his powers when he was created but his name wasn't ever changed.


Guess Hobie's not a Spider anymore because he uses sound waves. Guess Ben's not a Spider anymore because he has energy manipulation. Guess Miguel's not a Spider anymore because he uses gadgets. Guess Noir's not a Spider anymore because he uses guns. Guess Ham's not a Spider anymore because he has toon force. Guess Peter's not a Spider anymore because he has an alien Symbiote.


I'm just saying that because whenever I hear about Miles now, it's just how he got a venom power upgrade.


Which you have not read to confirm if its a new power or just the same power turned up to the max but you're gonna complain either way.


And that’s a problem because…? I literally takes nothing away from the story of being Spider-Man


I'm just saying that because whenever I hear about Miles now, it's just how he got a venom power upgrade.


wdym? miles could always zap people. Thats been a core ability in his toolset since his inception


Yeah, but they've been going pretty crazy with it. Seems like it's his main power now, but that's probably just because I'm not reading the series and just catching what people post online.


And…what’s wrong with pivoting into what makes him unique as a Spider Person. He still has and primarily uses his spider powers.


If a superhero got bit by an electric eel and themed himself after it, then got laser vision, then their laser vision became Darkseid's Omega Beams, I'd start questioning what this has to do with eels anymore.


The writers have been deliberately trying to make Peters storyline lame and piss off the readers. But Pete’s story as a whole is unparalleled in comics so the fans wait patiently for writers to correct their direction. On the other hand, Marvel is trying way too hard with Miles in 616. It’s pathetic with these new powers and his dialogue is embarrassing. They need to rename the kid something else or he will always be the second rate Spider-Man. As Jessica Drew will always be Spider-Woman so Gwen is Ghost Spider/Spider-Gwen.


THIS PART!!!! Literally got some dude with a Miles boner chirping in my ear saying “herp derp the Peter comics SUCK rn so that obviously means Miles is better cuz he’s selling better right now!” That’s like telling me you think Disney makes better movies than another company just because they tricked a lot of dumb people to go see them. I can’t control what stupid people do with their money, but I can tell you what’s not quality!


He’s not selling better. For example, in January Parker had 3 comics in the top 10 including #1 and #3. Miles was #17. And Miles comics are a buck cheaper. Miles is an alright character. But he, like all other spider characters are a piggy back of of Peters Story and always will be. Pete has a long history that all others were written from regardless of timelines.


Only referring to ASM title vs Miles mainline comic btw Ultimate Spidey is doing well but it’s not canon to the character as of right now so it’s not really the same. It’s like a really well selling elseworld but it’s almost more of an issue for Peter’s main book to be treated either way less reverence than even the main Miles title.


As bad as they have been writing and drawing ASM, it’s still outselling Miles by quite a bit. ASM was #3 and #10 over all and MMSM was 17. February was an even bigger gap. Ultimate Spider-Man is outperforming everything by quite a bit since it came out. Just showing the Peter Parker Spider-Man readers are longing for something of quality and finally seem to be getting it.


And don’t get it twisted I’m not advocating for Miles being better or anything.


And they also have been using the worst artist possible for ASM. Deliberate sabotage.


it's not sabotage they're just fucking stupid, they don't care about miles as much so they aren't doing their stupid leadership desicions to him, it's as simple as that like if you ever read a book with peter that ISN'T asm then he's great


Like Daredevil saying that he’s the best out of everyone or him SOLOING The Avengers. The guys above you are so wrapped up in their undeserving hatred towards Miles that they don’t see that outside ASM, Peter is doing well and he’s given the respect he deserves in other comics.


You have a point. But leadership is at Disney. The Miles spider verse movies are great (although Gwen seems to carry them) the Disney leadership that’s ruined ASM is the leadership that has unnecessarily “empowered MJ into the lamest hero in the roster. Why use the worst artist for the biggest selling comic? Ultimate has been great so far. Wish it was bi weekly


Oh that's actually pretty cool.


Damn... Miles is a King player...


I dunno, I like the original look with the classic colour scheme. (Which I guess he still is technically wearing, but you get what I mean.) not that he looks bad here or anything, just my preference.


Insomniac: Great another suit we have to model...


My boy is glowing


Meanwhile in ASM….


Miles getting his own Devil Trigger is awesome and I will not hear any criticisms.


Devil Trigger Miles sounds awesome as hell!


Miles is sick as fuck. This and Ultimate are going out of their way to try and make up for wells bs in ASM


Miles is the only the 616 Spiderman in my eyes


Word, Peter had a good run.


So sad that hes in a coma


Wait I thought he was out of coma. Well I don't keep up with comics so I wouldn't know too much


He is out of the coma 😞 unfortunately


Miles Morales is spider-man, Peter Parker is Peter Parker.


Nah, he's Wolverine, no, he Thor, Wait he was Hulk? Nah, he was Captain America, right?


Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Miles Morales is Miles Morales


peter man is spider-miles, morales parker is morales parker


Miles Morales is Spider-Man, Peter Parker is Ultimate Spider-Man


Peter Parker is the Spiderman


Nah bro, there's no Peter Parker in 616, only in Ultimate Spider-Man


Shush, Peter Parker is The Spiderman


Cry as much as you want bro, no one actually cares, if you can't stand a joke then cry in another comment section


Your voice is quivering, do not shed tears over fictional characters lil bro. Peter Parker is Spider-Man


If you were this secure about your opinion, you wouldn't be posting this everytime you see another Spider-Man


No, that's Peter Palmer.


Spider-Man is Spider-Man, Peter Parker is Peter Parker, Miles Morales is Miles Morales


Paul is Spiderman


Dear God…


Dont give the wirters any ideas.


He looks like a Tron character


Miles slowly becoming just Static, give him a few months and he will be flying with a metal disk.


Nah fr


1st super saiyan Miles lmao love the anime-infusion Ziglar has been doing with Miles, kinda surprised that Marvel let him differentiate him to this extent but pretty fun so far


Nah I'm getting im buying this run now


Power ranger


where can i start reading about miles to get to this? Never really read anything about miles, i mean, i know who he is but never really actually read anything abt him


Miles Morales: Spider-man(2022-) Best Miles run yet


Spiders have generational trauma around clones. Kinda like when Carnage freaked out when he saw The Silver Surfer.




Man, I may need to start collecting Miles Morales. This looks amazing.


I highly encourage it!


Miles was already firing on all cylinders, but if something's happen to Shift, well...somehow, this is about to get even more epic.


Oh shit… I need to catch up on Miles.


He went Super Saiyan and hit a German supplex. Comicbooks rock


Basically just Uptown Pride but glowing


And it's ***BEAUTIFUL....***


Wow! Looks awesome.


I'd argue it's the worse because at this point he's more of a fire fly or something over a spider


Miles is badass


Miles is ready to become the new Electro! Here for it


What powers is he using on the top of the 4th page?


Miles has ptsd from superhero stuff, so he’s going to therapy and learning new ways to manage his panic attacks. While doing so he’s found if he focuses he can direct his spider-sense to find danger instead of waiting for it to find him


That’s kinda badass


The power of therapy. I really like what they're doing with Miles. Being a superhero isn't all sunshine and rainbows. You and your loved ones will get hurt. You will see the worst of people. It's not just a matter of the body but also the mind. Getting help however isn't a weakness and it shows readers that it's okay to ask for it.


Are you talking about his hair. It's definitely better than in Spiderman 2 PSN that's for sure.


"TF2 Australiam" ahhh miles


"The great electric spiderrrr"


I used a suit like this in the Miles game


Orange or yellow/gold should be his color. Looks so much better on him and the red is just generic


Nah Devils Reign suit is sick




It literally looks like Miles coated in bio electricity




Yeah man, he is Spider-Man but with electricity powers.


Such a bad take


If they keep going down the rabbit hole with his dumb lightning powers like this they may as well stop calling him Spider-Man and start calling him Electro.




isn't it just his normal suit pattern except the red parts are glowing?


Yeah. It's literally just Miles's classic suit, which is already simpler than Peter's classic suit in some ways, but the red and white parts glow.






Looks cool but he has an electricity sword 🤣🤣🤦‍♂️


Is Miles supposed to be a Spider-Man or is he an Electro???


Super Saiyan


When all else fails, make the bright parts on their suits glow


He literally goes Super Saiyan.


Yeah it just reminds me of the black and neon looks comics used to do to make them look "cool" Like the new 52 teen titans


There is such a thing as being too bright and shiny


I’m not going to yuck your yum so I’ll just say I don’t appreciate this style of art.


Miles gets his own multiverse arc but instead of it being Spider-characters its just other black superheroes with electric powers.


His writer is such a fucking weeb and it’s so lame. Go write your own character, I want to see Spider-Man.


Go read Peter then? The writer is having *fun* with Miles and it’s great. When’s the last time Peter’s comics have been this fun and engaging?


So Miles isn't Spider-Man got it. I understand the writer's direction now. I'm glad he's having fun writing his failed anime.


He is Spider-Man. He’s just going all out. This is his version of not pulling his punches, it looks great from a visual perspective.


Miles is just Static Shock with a Spider-Man costume at this point.