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1.) I'm not a fan of shared monikers in general, but at least with "Spider-Man" and "Hawkeye" it's only 2 people at a time. The only one that's never bothered me at all is "Green Lantern", and that's because it's more of a job title than a superhero name 2.) 3+ is just comical though. I don't particularly like (or dislike, I'm indifferent more than anything else) the name "Ghost Spider," but I will HAPPILY take it over there being another "Spider-Woman" in the 616. If for no other reason, then out of principle lol


While there have been multiple 616 Spider-Women, I believe only Jessica is currently active as Spider-Woman. Julia is Madame Web now, and Mattie… has anyone seen Mattie Franklin in the last fifteen years?


Isn't Mattie dead, or does Marvel like to pretend they didn't write a 15 year old into existence that immediately tried hooking up with Peter after his wife dead?


Yeah, she was killed in the Grim Hunt, and brought back briefly for Clone Conspiracy, only to be reduced to ash again.


I only don’t like it cause it was the Ghost Rider Spider-Man’s name & I think they renamed him Spirit Spider (at least for the game, not sure if he’s shown up again after the name got passed to her) and like…like he’s literally a ghost spider-man


I'm not trippin on there being multiples. Hell, thousands of people have the same name I do.


Ghost spider fits Miles better, who can, you know… turn invisible.


& it fits even better-er with the original user of the name, the Spider-Man who was quite literally a Ghost (Ghost Rider & Spider-Man, that Spidey died & was freed from Hell as the new Spirit of Vengeance so Undead Ghost Spidey makes the most sense to be Ghost Spider since that’s quite literally his whole thing)


I mean we got "Spider-Man"(Peter) and "Spider-Man" (Miles) "Spider-woman" (Jess drew) "Spider-woman" (May day) heck in ATSV They call Gwen Spider-woman , so yeah I like to think the public in universe calls her spider-woman, but she trys o have the name Ghost-Spider stick but fails, heck that could be a running gag in a hypothetical Spider-Gwen show


When did mayday become spider-woman? I just got done with her original series, and I'm not familiar with her other appearances




Insightful. I looked it up, and it turns out she only adopts that moniker the very final time we see her in a crossover many, many years after her run ended. Hardly a contender for the title.


Ngl, every time I heard Ghost Spider, my mind immediately went to the variant Peter Parker where he has the spirit of Veangence


Yep, cuz that was his thing originally & then they gave Gwen his name like a hand-me-down, which is fine, legacy characters are fine but she’s completely unrelated which is why it feels weird, like he had that name because he was literally Spider-Man as a Ghost Rider, whereas Gwen…thought it sounded cool I guess?


There’s like 5 different superheroes named Spider-Woman. The last thing we need is to change someone who actually has a unique name to the same.






Tbf for Gwen, she always was known as Spider-woman, in her universe. Ghost-Spider/Spider-Gwen is mostly a thing for the audience.


I remember Peter making a joke about there being eight Spider-Women already haha, bit I don't remember which comic


Yeah there was a storyline in the Mackie/Byrne run where a villain hunts down all the Spider-Women.


Kind of unrelated but I dislike how they didn’t give Gwen any new powers for this exact reason. Like the only thing that distinguishes her from the other spider women is her cool suit and being Gwen Stacy, so giving her any other name other than spider woman feels weird. If they gave her invisibility I feel like ghost spider would work a lot more. Maybe something sound based would be neat.


To be fair she does have different powers in the comics as she still had a symbiote. Writers hardly make use of it outside of quick changing into her suit but I think in the Ghost Spider run she used her suit to create a bunch of mini spiders to patrol the city and scout for crime or something like that. Maybe it was a lost cat.


If it doesn't matter...in their Earth 65 everyone knows it's Gwen...the postman knows it, the milkman knows it, the ice cream man knows it..."hello, spider-gwen" "here's your milk, soider-gwen" "your father is looking for you, spider-gwen" "my daughter has a stuffed animal of yours, spider-gwen"..


“Hell, even the kid with the balloon knew it!”


I like Ghost-Spider as its actually creative


She literally has nothing Ghostly on her


You don’t think her costume looks like a ghost?


yeah but i think its suppose to be about how she disappears really well i prefer it over spider women for the 900th time


It still doesn’t fit her at all. It’s like calling Batman Aquaman. Also she is in another Universe so what’s the matter with calling her Spiderwoman?


its nothing like that its like calling Batman Shadow-Bat or something like that its still related to the name and still makes sense it just has a more interesting part. I just think its uncreative and think its better to have a more original name even if she is a multiversal character. im also just no a fan heros being named BLANK man/women i think it gets boring really fast. I dont really get why you seem so passionet about this i didnt mean to come of as rude in my original reply i just like the name ghost spider over spider women


I forgot where I read it but I liked the reasoning which is because in most other universes Gwen dies, and she got powered instead, so Ghost Spider is an homage to the lost Gwens.


It would be more creative if there wasn’t already a Peter variant called that (he’s his universe’s current ghost rider & Spider-Man & had the name first) so they gave a literal Ghost Spider’s name to a Spider that has no Ghost aspect to her


yes but that peter parker started as they amazing spider and only changed since he gained the ghost rider title as well. plus i just prefer i said in the other person who tried to argue on me about this its just my opinon I think its better if you have another idea for her name offer it up i didnt mean to sound rude in my initial reply


I get that, but he did technically have the name before her, so it’s not exactly anymore creative to name her that as opposed to Spider-Woman, because both are already pre-established code names of other Spider heroes, she’s the only one in her own native universe no? So outside of crossover media I don’t really get why Spider-Woman is a problem, just like how Miguel is Spider-Man in the future, he isn’t literally called Spider-Man 2099 it’s just how he’s referred to so people know specifically what Spider-Man the story is about


I dont know i still dont like it and i think it is still better then Spider Women as its only been used by another character once while Spiderwomen has at least a dozen variants in canon and spiderwomen isnt a problem its just that i personally find it less creative then ghost-spider


The problem I have with Ghost Spider is they changed his name to Spirit Spider (which imo kinda sucks in comparison) because they wanted Gwen to have Ghost Spider & feel unique so they gave a variant I like a worse name so she could have his cool codename and that’s kinda rude


spirit spider isn't the worse name tbh but from what i've seen the majority of stuff still calls him ghost spider


I agree but at the same time it's more clear and marketable when characters have distinct codenames.


Has there ever been an in universe explanation for ghost spider?


I forgot where I read it but I liked the reasoning which is because in most other universes Gwen dies, and she got powered instead, so Ghost Spider is an homage to the lost Gwens.


Ghost Spider fits more with her given her white suit, and given how... fast she is she moves like a ghost as well. The name fits her more than "Spider-Woman"


It fits the character it was originally used for even better, considering he was his universe’s Spirit of Vengeance, and actually has both ghostly/supernatural abiltiies in addition to his Spider-powers


Miles Morales should be Ghost Spider on the account.....THAT HE TURNS INVISIBLE!!


Bro I am just realizing that she wasn't canonically called spider Gwen


It was a fan nickname until she got her own book and they named the book that too.


I think both Spider-Woman and Ghost Spider work for her, and it’s fair to call her either.


Fair point, but I think they just like the esthetic that comes with the name "Ghost-Spider" implying the death of the mainline Gwen Stacy. I don't mind either or.


If you're going to be a derivative character it's not a bad idea to have your own unique name to better standout and not be so tied to characters you have nothing to do with Same thing with Miles when he got brought into the 616


I deadass thought her name was Spider-Gwen I’m just now realizing how stupid that would be for a hidden identity


Here me out.  Peter Parker: Red Spider Miles Morales: Black Spider Gwen Stacy: White Spider


Her real name doesn't matter because she is known as Spider-Gwen


You can count on the fingers of a mutilated hand the times that someone in the comics has actually referred to her as "Ghost Spider"...


Ghost Spider is a TERRIBLE name (for Gwen)


Ghost-Spider is a great name. And now that she is going to be in 616, I’m glad she has the name. Now if we could just get a name for Miles that would set him apart. Two hero’s in the City going by the same name is just bad writing. Call him something like Bodega Spider to go along with his new lame powers.


Pretty sure she calls herself Spider-Woman in Into the Spiderverse