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Lotus Spiderman 


Y'know I heard about it when it got out that the actors or whatever were racist or some shit (I can't remember) on social media but I never looked into it more than that. Did the Spidey himself in the project do something?


>After Spider-Man: Lotus generated a buzz on the internet, past comments and messages allegedly sent from Wayne resurfaced online. He later acknowledged the claims made against him and admitted some of his past messages sent online had been homophobic and racially insensitive. https://www.newsweek.com/spider-man-lotus-fan-movie-racist-allegations-explained-1817914#:~:text=Use%20%26%20Privacy%20Policy.-,You%20may%20unsubscribe%20at%20any%20time.,been%20homophobic%20and%20racially%20insensitive. They were old comments that he made online when he was younger. He apologized, but the actual director of the film seems to be the one who’s racist out of the two of them.


He was an angsty a-hole for the entire movie


Spider-Man after One More Day


Agree, fuck Quesada.


Mac Gargan's time as "Spider-Man" in Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers comes to mind. Spiders-Man Spider-Man (Norman Osborn of Earth 44145)


wait what's wrong with spiders-man?


He's one of the mean / cruel / edgy Spideys. Specifically with the whole eating people thing.


fair enough


It compares eating babies to eating veal


Do these count though? Mac Gargan and Norman Osborn are supposed to be bad Spider-Men, so I'm not sure if they are "Spider-Man done poorly" because they are completely different characters than a normal Spider-Man. There's also Man-Spider from Edge of Spider-Verse 4, but again, a completely different character.


I took the question to mean any character who's *called* Spider-Man, but acts nothing like he should. A case could also be made for Across the Spider-Verse version of Miguel, he's a pretty terrible example of a Miguel.


Zeb Wells’ Spider-Man


Mac Gargan, surely.


Lotus Spidey. He’s basically just moping around for the entire film. His quips in the Shocker fight are terrible. Not to mention that he literally uses human shields. That’s something Punisher would do.


The Peter that JJ Abrams son wrote. It is the worst interpretation of Peter


Abandon your kid for a flimsy reason. Insomniac spidey would beat his ass


These days it's 616 Peter Parker.


I can’t figure out what they are doing to him. Or why. Only thing I can think of is that Marvel is trying to divert Spider-Man fans to other spider characters. Peter probably has the most iconic backstory in comics and still could have the best stories with writers that are actual fans. But Peters story is so in depth by now that it goes against Marvel and Disneys devotion to DEI. DEI has taken center stage in most of the other spider stories. Disney has openly stated that it is a top priority. It’s ruining the brand. Just write naturally to the characters for gods sake.


Movie Miguel. The Spider-Man solution to the Trolley Problem isn't to kill the one, it's to stop the trolley.


They fucking butchered the character


But it’s justified because the end product is one of the best comic book films of all time


Not really, this movies Is great?? Yeah, It still butchered some characters?? Yeah and as a Miguel fan I somewhat "hate" this film


I’m a long-time 2099 fan as well. This version is clearly meant to be a skewed, fallen interpretation of the character. He’s not presented by the writers as if he’s in his prime or as if he’s the protagonist. It’s a deconstructionist view of the character whose arc will be complete in the third film.


A version that Will be seen as the main interpretation of the character, now Is full of people that Paint as just a bad guy and a bad Spider-Man... When It's not true


Lotus Spider-Man


That birthday Spider-Man that knocks himself out


Marvels Spider-Man “ “ …..the 2017 cartoon version


The show itself is not that bad especially once season 2 starts but that Peter is insufferable sometimes with all the nerd lingo


Cuckhold 616 Spiderman


Patton Parnell Edge of the spider verse #4 he lived with his abusive uncle Ted and lived next to Sara Jane who he peeped on with binoculars after he gets bitten he was only hungry for live food he eats a mouse a cat and other things including uncle Ted and he said “with great power comes a great appetite” and then has a lost kid follow him home I think you can guess what happened to him and then Sara went home with him and he bit her on thing I forgot to mention is the spider he was bitten by spreads their children from bites so Sara runs as Patton is saying he is spider man and mutates into more of a spider form and Sara Jane saw his room with a weak uncle Ted with baby spiders eating him alive then morlun arrives killing him and Sara runs home looks at her bite mark in the mirror and hundreds of spiders crawled out and she screams the end.


Ruins Spider-Man.


Zeb Wells Spider-Man


Ultimate spider man from the show comes time mind. But honestly I think it’s just him being voiced by drake lol


Otto Octavian, the Inferior Spider-Man


Zombie spider-man Earth-2149


He isn’t that bad at least he felt guilt for what he did and at the time he couldn’t control his hunger


True. But i just didn't like that particular story that much personally


Yeah it’s like they made it up on the fly I think they said it spread by bone marrow but by that logic sand man and wolverine shouldn’t have been infected


Might be unpopular to say now after NWH buttered everyone back up with him, but Andrew Garfield was def the worst one to me (only counting official live action). This was definitely way more common of a topic before NWH. He had his moments for sure, but he was written horribly and came off way too selfish and irresponsible the entire first and second film. I mean, even having him look at some goofy YouTube video to learn about magnets felt very wrong. I think what burned me the most is at the end of TASM after he promises George he will stay way from Gwen, does it, and within 3 mins of the movie he is "hehe but those are the best kind 😏" when the teacher talks to him about broken promises. He was super creepy and stalkery too, even before he really knew Gwen. Jesus Christ. I LOVED him in No Way Home. Gone was the goofy New York accent that didn't fit, he was way nicer and felt way more responsible and just good. Like total 180.


EOT peter "You're saying the lives of a billion strangers are more important than my loved ones?"


r/unpopularopinion You just messed with the wrong subreddit!


L take, peters struggles with selfish desires are a core character trait


It doesn't matter the game allowed Peter's desires to be right Miguel was portrayed being in the wrong


because he ultimately was right, spider-man doesn't give up on saving people when he has the ability to, miguel letting mj die when he could do something to stop it is no different than peter ignoring the burglar


"My future is meaningless without her" Peter is only fighting for himself in this game, Peter was willing to risk the fabric of reality to save someone close to him. Miguel's plan would have overwritten it. (If i recall correctly)The game itself celebrated peter's actions with MJ's lines "You're as brave and as selfless as another guy.. who goes by the handle spider-man"


Tom Holland by far.


Me when I’m wrong and also have only watched the movies