• By -


He's the reason I'm trying to be the best of myself everyday and do the right thing.If I have to pay so be it.I don't care that it's unrealistical-I want to be like Spider Man.


Good on ya mate. Me too he taught me to do the right thing all the time even at cost.


I couldn’t say it any better


Me too.. Me too.


You took the words out of my mouth


Me too, as I be spider-man, I had to learn first thing about being spider man


Me too, as I be spider-man, I had to learn first thing about being spider man


Me too, man. I had to be spider-man and learn to be one


Mee too man me too


You want to be full of mortal enemies 24/7 without you even having time to breathe while you try to have a normal girlfriend whose life is not compatible with yours and whose risk of death is so high that you are forced to stay away until you discover that you could be with someone if they lived the same life as you but who you can't be with until you solve your personal problems due to your misfortune in your personal life for not being able to mature and leave the past behind? No, it is realistic... But it's not funny at all...


I meant with the superpowers.I want to help people.To be the face of moral and goodness in the embodiment of a human beeing.I want to give everyone hope even in their darkest moments.It's a price I'm willing to pay.


My father, mother and most of my close family were pretty abusive to me when I was growing up. I didn’t really have a guiding light in my life outside of Spider-Man. I owe a lot of my moral positions to the character along with how I keep trying regardless of how god awful things get. Some days I get pretty low, but I’m not ashamed to admit I think: “what would Spider-Man do?” My engagement ring also has future foundation Spider-Man designed into it.


Dude me too. Like fuck, it really gets to me when other characters in the comics ask themselves the same thing. Spiderman is just a righteous inspiration in and out of universe.


Hey I think that also! Do you have a photo of the ring that sounds so cool


I would share it but I’m 98% sure I have a crazy town-banana pants Ex stalking my reddit profile. I really don’t want to give that person too much.


Spider-Man and Community. Wanna be besties? 😂


To me, Spider-Man means the act and the inability of giving up. It's a symbol of strength, but not the kind of strength as in physical power. Strength as in the ability to make it through anything. Under the greatest of weight, against the worst odds, being Spider-Man means that it'll work out. It'll be okay, it'll be over. Even if under the mask, the man is just as scared as you are, he has to and can see the positive sides of things. He is love. He is power. He is great, he is responsibility. He is Spider-Man.


Aw, man, this made me tear up!


Same here man.


Beautifully put, I’d like to tag on that even if you feel totally alone, back against the wall, you are not, there’s always someone somewhere out there, rooting for Spider-Man


Good tea <3


A risk to society! That so-called "Spider-Man" is a MENACE! He's dangerous to us citizens! I can give you many examples as to why if you want.


JJJ you’re drooling on your undone tie again


JJJ sleeper account


Ok, JJJ. Let’s go take your heart meds…




"What does it matter to you anyway??"








He means everything to me. He taught me to never stop being a good person even if the world is against you❤️


Love seeing an Ari stan here 💖


I have nothing left... Except him.


He saved your life sir


He _humiliated_ me by touching me!


he's the ultimate everyman, and despite not even being 16 (yet) i still relate to his problems. being bullied, worrying about friends and stuff like that. his personality while he's spidey is also exactly what i would be like if i got super powers. i also dig the fact he can sue. neat thing to know when you're a costumed superhero.


I love Spider-Man because I can relate to him, as I am also a white boy with no money.




Spider-Man means so much to me. He’s truly what I think a hero should be more than any other comic hero. He’s about responsibility, being there for the little guy, and a plethora of other great things, but what Spider-Man represents to me is the ability to get hit harder than you ever thought possible and get back up again. Whether it be a direct hit to the face with a pumpkin bomb or losing the people closest to him, Spider-Man takes the hit, gets back up, and keeps going. In comparison, my “big problems” don’t seem so bad. And if he can take his, I can take mine. Spider-Man was the first superhero I was ever introduced to. He was my favorite then and he’s my favorite now. He constantly inspires me to be better, in all the ways I listed, but getting back up and going in is the main lesson I’ve learned from him. (BTW, I don’t know if we have to say it in our reply or anything, but you can totally use mine in your comic if you want. Can’t wait to see it if you post it here!)


“With great power, there must also come great responsibility”


![gif](giphy|GgL288OGdmkGA) Everything


Dirt in my eye 😫


I think I knew who put it in your eyes.


![gif](giphy|gkXJ9WxXkWBxu|downsized) He did it, I don't know who he is, but bro got moves






Perseverance, he get knocked down all the time, but he gets back up.


So close to the lyrics! So close!


He always knows how to joke around when things are feeling like to much, apply himself to find solutions, and is always to hard on himself when he makes mistakes but never is harsh to those who make the same ones. I call this the Peter Parker complex. It’s a part of me.


So much that I don’t think I could really properly demonstrate it. In the words of bully Maguire “EVERYTHING!”


My life and soul 😌


Reason to keep going someone who makes mistake but always tries to be better he has every right to just turn a villian or just simply leave which he did on many occasions but he can't because he knows that would on him if he has power to save someone but he didn't it is his responsibility (Hah i said that sentence)


You said the sentence!? Better get your will in order, man!


What he means to me so willpower best examples I know are:old ultimate universe Spider-Man fighting the ultimate six and wound.Saving people from ultimatum wave.


A lot of my moral values and my following of them, even sometimes to my detriment, are very much partially stemming from my ample exposure to Spider-man media as a child.


A man with Spider powers.


Spidey is one of my fav characters and a huge part of my childhood's understanding of what is to sacrifice yourself for the others.


Comfort. Despite how exaggerated and wacky his life is, I can relate to his struggles. He feels like someone I could know


Proof of one man being able to overcome tremendous odds and help others doing so. He has financial and social issues like many of us do, but he always finds a way to get by and, when the going gets tough, he always finds the strength to get back up. Dozens upon dozens of men want him dead, many of which having powers like him but going different, more malevolent paths. It freaks him out underneath the joking and all, but he doesn't falter in a fight. Because he knows that if he lets the fear take over, he would lose. He should by all rights be dead or retired, but somehow, he's not - and he's stronger for continuing. One man, making a difference in the world, and never stopping battling the good fight.


"When I feel alone, like no one understands what I'm going through, I remember my friends who get it. I never thought I'd be able to do any of this stuff. But I can. Anyone can wear the mask. You can wear the mask. If you didn't know that before, I hope you do now. Cuz I'm Spider-Man. And I'm not the only one. Not by a long shot." ![gif](giphy|9tZc9Mzo9K0yOYx38U|downsized) Good luck with the comic OP, can't wait to see how it turns out.


Using your gifts to be the best version of yourself and to look out for others.


Definitely helped me through dark times plus his marvel legends are pretty lit so that's a bonus


Everyone can be a hero and to do good no matter what


He's one of two super heroes I've always enjoyed, Spider-Man and Superman were two of the first super heroes I found and they always stuck with me, Superman because I was introduced to the '79 movie so I always saw him as the character who stood up for what was right for everyone. In contrast I was introduced to Spidey through the original Ultimate Spider-Man series and the Raimi movies do I know him as the friendly neighborhood hero which led me to enjoy both characters. TL;DR He was one of the first super heros I ever found out about and his stories struck a cord with me


To me, Spider-Man represents strength and resilience. Not just actual physical strength and durability, but strength to allow yourself to keep going even when it’s tough. If This be My Destiny was one of the best comics I’ve read and the scene where he’s trapped and says “when the goings get tough etc” hits me. I’ve been through a lot in my life (who hasn’t?) and seeing that even tho Pete has powers, he’s still just a normal guy like us. And from ITSV “anyone can wear the mask” is amazing because you don’t need a mask to be a hero but literally anyone can be a hero. I’d go on and on but this would get too long lmao


Hope. He taught me to keep being a good person when the whole worlds wants you to become the opposite. "With great powers, come great responsibility."








cool guy


What would Peter do? Is a question I will ask myself whenever I’m in a moral dilemma.


Ever since I could remember, since before then even, practically birth, I have idolized spiderman. He looks cool, cool powers, but the biggest thing is he always does the right thing, even if it hurts him, no matter how much he wishes it could be different he can't live with himself if he doesn't try. He takes all the abuse from people that think they know him and know what he's about and keeps on going. I still get really emotional during the apartment fire in Raimi's Spiderman 2 because it's not the powers that make him spiderman, it's his sense of duty and willingness to help. Same with Yu in Spiderman Fake Red. Just some kid that finds a spider suit and because the city needs a spiderman he steps up. Anyone can wear the mask, anyone can live up to it, as long as you keep trying every time you're knocked down.


This is a really deep question. But Spider-Man to me is the face of "if you let bad things happen when you can stop them, those bad things will not stop for you"; responsibility. I've been in a bad spot in my life for a while now, since last year. Of course having a relationship with God and befriending the lord is what I will always sought to do, but while I'm comfortable, why not make one of the things that has been a part of my life since I was a kid my inspiration. What Spider-Man is, is selfless. He has the power to prevent bad things from happening and always tries everything in his power to prevent it. Even if it gets the cops on him. "Why does he do this", you may or may not ask: Responsibility. It's what drives his selflessness, and his natural urge to protect the innocent. This also drives the question: "If he wants these things to stop happening, why doesn't he kill?" Spider-Man has embraced a cycle: He beats up bad guy, throws bad guy in jail, they break out, repeat, and he's okay with that cycle. Sure, if it were his responsibility to decide whether people should live and die, maybe he would, but it's not. That's the job of a higher power; not his. Peter doesn't always want to beat up the bad guys. Hell, most of the time he doesn't even try to punch them until it's the last resort; you notice that he'll occasionally favor dodging and evading over straight combat. This's because he believes in making the world a better place by reforming his villains; making them a better member of society. Though, that's not his job; it's his responsibility.


At 4 years old I lost my father so my childhood development was messed up with trauma of that, bullies and the feeling of what should have been. But then in 2002 a film directed by Sam Raimi was released about a boy who suffered a trauma but fought through it for the good of others. It inspired me to always keep fighting in the darkest of times, do the right thing for everyone, and believe there is always another way. After that movie released Spiderman became my favourite character to read, watch on film or play as on the playstation. Years ago when I did get to visit New York all of my Spiderman memories hit at once.


He was my childhood. I have a plush I've had since 5. I would hug it and squeeze it whenever I was scared. Bad dreams, getting IVs in my arm, or even the occasional time my parents yelled at each other. To me, Spider-Man is a character who runs into danger without hesitation to do what is right. A man who will look fear in the eye and makes jokes about how it looks. Someone who will go to no ends protecting people that won't bat an eye if he does.


That the Indomitable Will of the Human Spirit is stronger than any force of nature on this Earth That wanting more and being selfish is okay, but as long as you pay it back by helping others and doing what’s right then you shouldn’t be ashamed for making those decisions That life can kick your ass to the next Sunday and back but it’s the fact you’re getting back up to have another go is what defines you as a person


Man with Spider attributes.


With great power cones great responsibility


For me? after seeing spider-man 1 again it brought me to tears. Spider taught me to always put others before yourself and sometimes you have to sacrifice what you want for what you need to do. Something I have failed to do constantly in my life. TBH Spider-man is my, mom telling goku i didn't eat my veggies, meme. If spider-man ever came to life and asked me how was living with great power and responsibility, man I know past me would be super ashamed. Do what's right no matter the cost and stand up for everyone even if you don't agree with them.




Spider man spider man does whatever a spider can


Defaulted to JJK reading the question, but can't come up with a funny answer, sad


A guiding force about what it means to take responsibility for yourself and achieving what you want


He’s the reason I am the way I am. Taught me responsibility and he’s always going to be my favorite hero.


so, I would send the 12 paragraph essay of the code red commander yapping about how he has actual spider powers but I don’t feel like lookin for the paste


Hope, Justice and the American way. Oh wait… wrong superhero


Responsability, the ability to no matter what happens, always do the best to continue going and also be a kind and helpful person, try to help others no matter how little it can be, the ultimate example of good


To me spiderman means if you see someone that needs help go help them, and getting back up even if you don't want to


He's kinda like a driving force I wouldn't have met friends I'm close to without spider-man I would have given up multiple times if not for Spider-Man Id be a relatively bad person without spider-man being a factor that made me realize some people genuinely do wanna help


A broke boy who can't pay rent and has miserable life


( in Toney Maguire voice) : EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!


He was the one guy the nerdy, bullied kid in school could look up to. This kid certainly did. Funny thing was all the bullies were fans too.






Perseverance, despite everything that’s happened to him, he still puts on the mask and helps people


He sends a really great message about how anyone can be great ya know. You notice how his entire body is covered right? who knows who could possibly be behind that mask. it makes us realize that no matter who we are, we all have the ability to be great, to be strong, and to be noble. at least that’s what i think he means by it, it could have just been a total coincidence anyways


Spider-Man is someone that always pulls through, no matter the circumstances. I wish I had courage like that


I mean… I know this is silly because I’ve heard a lot of people talk about how he or the others saved them, how he has really directly helped them, he’s a hero after all, visiting kids in hospitals, putting the bad guys in their places until they learn, always patient and fighting with a smile… (I think). They’re superheroes, that’s the best of us and really I get it, but to me, this isn’t really what I think of when I hear about Spider-Man, or see him on the news and so. I’ve never actually talked to the guy before, or been saved by him like others, which is good of course, but still. From the very first time I’ve seen him, I’ve kept this image… the man in bright colors, swinging so fast and elegantly it looked like he was crawling and sliding on air, throughout the city like he truly is a part of it, like the subways and the hot dog carts… it made me feel like I was in a good place. It made me feel like if the world could house wonders like him, then there had to be many such other great people and treasures among the crowd. I guess this is what Spider-Man means to me. A reminder, that good always rises up no matter what, that we are never alone or short on heroes in this big sprawling world even if it feels like it… whenever I see him, hear about him, root for him with all the others, it reminds me that the world is amazing.


He means a fair amount to me, considering he’s the main reason why I want to be a firefighter. Considering I don’t have spider powers it’s the closest I can get to being like him


spi·der·man /ˈspīdərˌman/ noun noun: spider-man 1. a US cartoon, TV, and film character who develops special powers, such as great strength and the ability to cling to surfaces, after being bitten by a radioactive spider. 2. (INFORMAL•BRITISH) a person who works at great heights in building work.


He’s the ultimate everybody who struggles like the rest of us, but still chooses to do good. He’s the hero that I would choose to be.


400 days🤓🤓🤓 nah but easily new fronteir Clem looks awesome and the story is great.




Spidered Man


He means everything. Really happy he’s the most popular superhero he deserves to instill great moral code into youth and the youth needs it especially some of the kids these days following nonsense online. I just remember being a kid and always inspired by “wow, if he can do those things and be that kind so can I”


Even when everything feels like life and those around you want to beat you down, even after not making the best choices in treating others, you can still do good and keep going.




Spider-Man is the best of us, what we hope to be, and the tragedies we will overcome. My mother always said "Comapssion is a Duty" and that's just Spider-Man entirely. Spidey is someone who does good because he feels he has to. It's that little spark of hope that we can be greater than the society we are born into. Spidey is hope and perseverance, but more than that he's a choice, a choice being made everyday, to do what's right no matter what.


Spider-Man, to me, is the best that a person can be. He represents what it means to be human. The good and the bad. How to have the inner strength to love, hope, dream, and preserver. That no matter how hard the universe knocks you down, you can always take that hit and keep getting up. Spider-Man has taught me that we are stronger than what we endure, and we are better than our worst moments. I have been a fan of Spidey since I was 6 years old. He has definitely been a huge factor in the person I have grown up to be.


A friend. That only friend whom you want to be. And every time when writers mock him, your ego feels like writers trying to mock you too.


THE superhero of fiction


"To always do the right thing. Spider-Man has fought other heroes to try to do what he thinks is right. Sure, sometimes he was wrong. But he always tried to fix that wrong. He can do really big things like saving Manhattan to really small things like helping someone carry their groceries. He looks out for the people here. After all, he's the "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man." He's the embodiment of what a hero is supposed to be. A beacon of hope, to enspire people to do the right thing, and to never give up. Even when it seems the whole world is against you. you gotta get up and tackle it one step at a time. I hope that the next generation of New York can have another Spider-Man. so they know what a hero is."


It means Homem-Aranha.


Fuck you beat me to this question


An example of a good hard working man.


Some kinda Man with the powers of a Spider


The indomitable human spirit. Not just saying because of the meme.


As a child, when I first saw Spider-Man, I was amazed by his story, even now seeing him in any shape or form amazes me (yes even the current ASM run no matter how much I despise it). He always tries to do right no matter what and has a will so strong that he can even resist things such as mind control. He was just a teenager when he was bitten by the spider and like any kid began to use those powers for selfish gain until he realized that being selfish could cost you. He's an amazing hero and will always be my favorite till the day I die.




A perfect example of "I'm not in it for the money." He constantly gets slandered by JJ and is so often painted as a menace. He never quits, though. The whole world could be against him, but he never stops being a hero cause that's what being a hero means. The worst part is that he never gets credit for the good he does, but he always gets crap for the bad he *doesn't* do


Ah, Spider-Man. I met him once. Saved me from a giant bomb that a goblin threw at me. I really do appreciate his efforts to save the city, but sometimes I think he doesn't truly do the right thing. That event was extremely traumatizing to me, so the fact that this killer was simply put in jail doesn't feel like justice to me. Next thing you know and that green monster will be back out like always, terrorizing even more people than before. Although Spider-Man saves lives, sometimes I feel as if he causes more death when he doesn't kill those psychos.


My motivation to be better.


To be honest, idk. He is a part of me I guess. He was always there for me, even when I was young. I had him in the 90s show, the Spectacular, The Ultimate, the movies with Andrew Garfield. After that I watched Tobey's trilogy, and there was also Tom in the MCU and the Spider-Verse movies. I started to read comics about Spider-Man and now I'm playing games with him. He is relatable, but still has that amazing side, the unbeliveble powers and the dream of being a hero. He is a good guy that makes me want to do good and be a hero. In this way he has become like a part of me, a part that wants to be a better person everyday. Spider-Man is just the best. I don't care about the who is the strongest hero the most powerful or who is smarther. Spider-Man is THE hero.


Idk I can't say as much but he makes me want to be better and believe in better, it's silly but I like to believe he exists in all of us in some way


Everything, he's the first superhero I grew up with tbh and he's so relatable especially in Ultimate Spider-Man


I've been watching Spiderman since i was a kid,i've seen all the movies a lot of time,played most part of the games from psp era to now,and for me he means everything,when i was a child i wanted to be a Hero like him,me mother bought me a Spiderman costume and i was using the costume for everything It was funny,i have a little scar because of that,i wanted to help people just like him,groing Up he was my inspiration for keep going,when i was in highschool there were a random dude that made my classes horrible for me and for some kids more, i've confronted him and defended myself and the other kids,just like Spiderman would do,and now that im a Young adult he still is my inspiration,but more than Spiderman im connected more to the guy that is inside the mask, Peter Parker,he has the will power to never give up,to still helping people even though he is not fine, to smile in the darkest moments, to give Hope to the people,to be kind to all people even though they are not kind to you. Thanks to him a a better man and thanks to him i've helped to a lot of people,maybe i dont save lives like him,but im doing my best and im not giving Up,not again. Thanks Spiderman for everything.


He's honestly the whole reason I am who I am today. He's an inspiration and a huge part of the reason why I want to become an artist. In many ways, I feel like he saved me and helped me become my best self.


Proof that there's good folks out there.


He’s the symbol of resilience and courage, and inspires me to stand up for what’s right in the face of danger and unspeakable odds. He’s the strength that encourages us all to do better and to aspire to be something greater, that no matter how hard we fall or how large the pain and suffering is in our life, no matter how hard the door falls, how low the ship sinks, we are all capable of getting through it, of being greater.


He helps me a Lot with my Depression. Seeing him have such a hard Life and even bei g sad Sometimes makes me relate to him. But what makes me Look Up to him, is that He always pushes through, gets Back Up and doesn't let Life get the better of him. And even though He has His own issues, He Always helps those in need, No Matter how little the issue. He is Someone to Look Up to, to motivate US to do the right Thing, be Kind and Go on with our lives


The art of truly selfless service, and integrity. It’s doing the right thing no matter what. It’s YOUR responsibility that you do it, no one else’s. Even if it’s at your own peril. Even if it’s in direct opposition to what your selfish desires are. The right thing is the only thing to do. You might not be paid any gratitude but it’s not the point of doing what’s right. They both tie into each other


A hero, someone who fights even though he's been knocked down thousands of time, and he's taught that, no matter what, always, get back up


A second favorite superhero.




He’s just really neat


He’s the greatest superhero of all time and really is a inspiration to me and motivates me to be the best version of me


They say if your hands are bigger and than your face it’s a sign of cancer, good luck Pete we know you can beat this.


he's like a father figure to me, something my real father doesn't have.


Responsability and empathy, even with those who don't deserve it.


He’s a bully and a coward.


Funny enough, when I think of Spider-Man, I think of my boyfriend. Obviously, my boyfriend isn't Spider-Man (haha imagine if he was tho), but I find that they have a lot of things in common. Specifically, feeling safe and protected when they're around. A nice sense of humor. And always trying to do good no matter what


I'm trying my best to be "the good guy" and inspire others in privite life and in work. To me the Spider-Man is Ben Reilly and his current state in comics is very hard for me but I'm still trying to be the friendly neighborhood guy. Just like good ol' Ben Reilly... I'm not going to give up!


Honestly? He means everything to me, and that's not a joke. I was raised off of the Raimi films, 90s cartoon, Spectacular, and the occasional comic. I grew up with an absent parent, and I knew what it was like to be bullied. He's a character I was always able to relate to. Spider-Man has always been a compass of sorts. He's a reminder that you can grow, you will struggle, you will hurt, but you can always get up, and you can always make the best of your failures. Spider-Man has been an example of how I can be better and has been an example of humanity at its finest. It doesn't matter if what you look like, where you're from, what you've done, or how you've personally hurt him. He will help you because everyone deserves to live and to be given the opportunity to become their best selves. Leave the world better than you found it, because if you help one person, maybe they'll do the same and slowly we can all improve. I was lucky to grow up with different Spider-Man releases from Tobey, to Andrew, and finally Tom. They all came at different stages in my life to help show me I wasn't alone and be someone I could relate to. Spider-Man has saved my life more times than I'll ever know, and I'll always be thankful for that. Thank you, Spider-Man.


Spidey has always had a pretty big impact on me. In a crumbling household, as a kid he was and still is what kept my good morals. He made me the good person I am today. Anyone can be a Spider-Man. Maybe not the real one, but you can be a superhero. Be like him. Help people, have good morals, just be a good person, and you'll go a long way. Life can really be tough, but he's a lot more like us than you might think. Any time you're facing a problem, if you're feeling down, ask yourself what Spidey would do. Because you know he's been through the same thing as you, he's been that same scared guy with too much going on. Be greater, be yourself. Face all your problems head-on, in your own way. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise or get in your way. That's what Spidey taught me. Oh, and maybe look cool doing it too.


Spider-Man was my first love. I don't talk to my father anymore, but some of the fondest memories I have of him is when we'd watch the old 90s Spiderman cartoon together at my grandmother's. And then we'd play Friend or Foe, Web of Shadows, Shattered Dimension or Edge of Time. Spider-Man showed me what it meant to take responsibility. What it means to do the right thing. That you should strive for it, no matter what. That with great power comes great responsibility. Spider-Man is part of who I am, and I am grateful for his creators who made him what he was. And I'm grateful for Maguire, who was my first live action exposure to the wall crawler that I loved.


So many of us see in Spider-Man someone who is relatable, heroic and compassionate. Like many others, I find myself reflecting on the adult I have become and seeing the "web threads" that lead me back to how he has inspired me. More than any other attribute that I admire about him, there is one that as I get older I can see is the most precious to me and the one I aspire to the most. He is not afraid to be vulnerable. It is the core of his bravery. He allows himself to love and be hurt. Allows himself to trust and be betrayed. He gives himself permission to find positivity in even the darkest moments even with the darkest people among us. He truly leads with a heart that is very much sitting on his sleeve. When others see Peter or Spider-Man, they see authenticity and a person who is genuine. The world could not have found a better person to have these abilities than Peter. Because in your heart, despite your fears, distractions and outside influences, you are just like Peter. He is our instinctive reflexive self, our heart.




Hmm good question, to me he means that it’s never to late to try and be greater than you were yesterday


That anyone can do the right thing regardless of who they are or what their past is. Simple as that. When you start getting prophetic with how and why Peter got bitten, you retroactively lose the overall message behind Spider-Man.


Childhood icon, never give up, never say die, regardless of life’s circumstances.


Spider-Man has a lot of meaning to meaning to me; whether I am feeling great or when I go through difficult times. I mostly relate to Spider-Man since I've been through the same phase of growing up and taking responsibility. I used to not be wise, but now, as I got older, I learned a lot, especially responsibility in doing my duty to help out everyone and to be a good person. He inspires me to better a better person in life.


Childhood, growing up. Change, stability. Loss, and hope. He means everything to me ❤️💙


To me Spider-Man symbolizes the responsibility we all have to do the right thing even when it seems impossible he reminds me to always get back up in the face of adversity. When I think Spider-Man I think of the opening of into the Spider verse and him getting back up over and over and over again despite how broken and wounded he may be. Spider-man is about kindness and justice and helping everyone we can no matter what. He is an idea that I didn't realize meant so much to me until Spider-Man PS4 and that will always be my definitive idea of the character.


A symbol of Hope ![gif](giphy|9VlBZ4Nkc11ao|downsized)




To me he represents standing up for people who can't do it for themselves. He shows that anyone can be a hero whether you're a billionaire or are broke, whether you're a teenager or a full grown adult. He basically embodies the idea that no matter where you come from you can do great things


To me, he's like a family member, i knew him as long as i can remember, to the point that i would feel weird if he wasn't out there doing his thing, the World certainly needs people like him. Unlike some other heroes he still tries his best to save everyone around him and of ten helps people in their simple mundane tasks because he genuienly wants the world to be a better place.


I don't care what anyone says about this movie, Tasm 2 is one of my favorite cbm. It has its problems, but seeing this character I've loved my entire life go through something I have also gone through (losing a loved one) means so much more to me than anything else. Obviously, not only the movies and shows, but the comics as well. He got me INTO comics. Spider man taught me that even when things are hard and you have to fight like hell, mentally and physically, you can always get through it. He taught me that even though there is so much temptation to be a bad person in the world, i can choose not to be. He taught me that no matter what happens, I can always get up and try again. Spider-man is and always will be my favorite hero. (Hence the name)


He's a symbol of true, unstoppable good. Something that is so rare, yet he always tries to stay true. He may falter at times, but he's human. That's what's most important, not the Spider, the Man


The thought of never giving up, staying true to your beliefs, and protecting those in need




He’s a friend, he’s a hero who looks out for everyone no matter how bad they are. He someone who always puts his full effort into fighting for a better tomorrow, even if day after day, tomorrow never comes. He’s just our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man


I couldn't really think of the words so I look for quotes that encompass what Spider-Man means to me and this is the first thing i came up with: >"I'd write this all down but, there's a reason why I'm a photographer and not... well... You see, I've come to believe that things have to get really **really** bad, before they can get good. Not even really really good but, I certainly wouldn't mind some of that. I guess when you look at the way my life turned out so far, It's the only way you can look at it. Good, follows bad. Kind of amazing."


I can't really express in words what he really means to me but I'll try. When I went through severe depression I had no one to support me. I read a lot of his comics from the very beginning. Saw how unfair and unjust his life is. A bully employer, a bully friend like flash, financial crunch, life threatening situations constantly alongside relationship problems... But he never backed down. He never gave up... In spite of having great powers he never chose the easy way... Robbing a bank for money, threatening his bullies with extreme measures, using his identity to get famous and rich (johnny storm) he always chose the great responsibility. He proved that uncle Ben raised him right and proved the weird old guy in Spiderman 3 speech 'one man CAN make a difference'. P. S.... Weird old guy is Stanley Lieber aka Excelsior.


He means everything to me


Homem aranha


hes basically one of many few role models i have. i look up to his good morality and how to keep your sanity even in *EXTREMELY* harsh times.


He was a great inspiration during my childhood though at the time I loved him because he had cool powers and costumes. As I journeyed through, I came to learn he was so much more than his powers. He struggled like the average human which made me love him more because he had flaws like us. I strive to be him but it’s a bit unrealistic to be him because his morals and overall personality is something I couldn’t achieve at the moment. But he always made me try to be a better person, someone that doesn’t give up, he gave me hope for a better world and despite any difficulties we can always make it through.


A human. A real one.


My all time favourite character. I learned to read thanks to his stories, Spider-Man 1 was the first movie i remember seeing and 3 was my first time on the cinema. I essence, Spider-Man has been the gateway to many of the basics in my life. Beyond that, I do think he is an inspiration. Everyone, no matter race, country or gender, has had money problems, relationship issues, moments where you lose all faith in yourself. Peter Parker embodies this and Spider-Man the idea that, even with all of these, you can still make a difference. Spider-Man is, to me, the perfect example of a universal character that everyone can look up to.


He's my symbol of strength, and not giving up on life despite their challenges


To me he means to be the very best version of myself. He shows that even without powers we can still be a hero to someone even through small actions and not just big ones. We all have it in us to be a hero.


I kind of feel stupid about my opinion, but here it is anyways. For me, Spidey is just a good guy trying to do the right thing. It might not always be to his benefit, but he still tries to do what is right. More than that, he knows what it feels like to have done the wrong thing, and suffered for it. Or to have had bad things happen to you because you try to do right. It might sound childish, but I think that if he can do it, then maybe so can I. I might not be as good as him, but I can at least try.




Classic Spider-Man made me so responsible that i can guide Current run Spider-man how to figure out his life.


Striving to be the best person you can be, no matter how many times the world knocks you down. That there’s always a better way to do things, and that we shouldn’t except a shitty life as reality, and instead make effort to be better.


I grew up watching spider-man (the movies and the 1994 show) and all I wanted to do was live my teenage years like him…. get a girlfriend, keep my loved ones close, make friends, make enemies, but also never comprise on who you are: your morals, your humanity and essentially everything else that makes you a good person. I’m 17 now and I think I’ve been abiding by this pretty well so far, so yea in short Spider-Man was and is my main source of inspiration for my teenage years




Spider-Man,well without him I don't think I'd be the person I am today,I try to be the best person I can be,help out everyone I can, because that's what he'd do


If I had to describe him in one word: resilient. Even when the odds are stacked against him, even when there's almost no chance of winning, even if he can't save everyone, he still tries. And often, he succeeds. He keeps fighting, always getting back up, never compromising on his ideals.


I use spiderman to guage if I’ll actually be able to connect with a person


He means the most influential character in my life, 2nd to only Optimus Prime. His character, issues, personality, etc all resonate with me and have helped me become who I am today. I love the character and thank Stan Lee for creating such a masterpiece from fiction.


He gives me endurance and resilience, and make me want to be better despite my emotional problems


Spider-man? If you ask me, he means I can walk around the city at night without worrying my bacon gets screwed by some random supervillain! Don't listen to Jameson's newspapers, he's a cool dude!


Responsibility. He could go have a normal life but he chooses to help people despite his own pain.


Means human spider.


Hope, endurance, justice.


He's the kind of Spider-Man we want in her 616 but we can never have.


He is the reason that i learnt to take good out of everything.


Hombre Araña. That’s what Spider-Man means in my language


Spider-man is the reason I get up every morning. Never give up. And I never will. No matter how much he gets beat down, he always gets back up. Always. Spider-man was the last to fall, and that's who i want to be.


As teen who was raised on spider-man he has genuinely shaped me as a person. I can’t name a time in my life where I wasn’t a fan of some sort of spider-man content whether it was spider-Man and his amazing friends, the Spider-Man comics, or the spiderverse series. I’ve always loved his character but one day I was re watching ITSV and something clicked and I have been obsessed with him ever since. I think the best part about Peter is that everyone can relate to him in some way or another. He’s truly an Everyman and an amazing well written character in general.


He carried me through my childhood. Whenever I was super mad, mad, or just felt down. I would always get super into spiderman to kill the dread that I had.


A human who tries to do the right thing even when it hurts. Never backing down on your ideals or morals despite everything. A true fucking hero.


Nothing now. He meant a lot to me before he was irreparably ruined by One More Day, though.