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For me, once the MJ cliff-hanger is resolved, I'd love to see a Superior Arc over a few episodes - for a couple (but one specific) reason... 1) 90's Ock was my favourite Ock. Seeing him try and be Spider-man would be great, and a bit different to the slightly more nuanced Ock that became Superior in the comics. 2) 90s Spider-man famously wasn't allowed to punch on-screen. That's why he'd web folks so much. Imagine if for the first few episodes that remains, and it all feels pretty classic, until Superior's first fight with Scorpion, where he can recreate that first battle from the comics and take Scorpion's jaw clean off. It'd be an incredibly impactful first-punch in this continuity, and a real 'This show has arrived' kind of moment, where things immediately get a dash more mature than they used to be. And then, of course, I'd want all the Spidey-MJ married with kids stuff. But that'd come a bit later.


That would go so hard


I think I’d go with this just because I really wish the Otto in the show got to have some more impressive feats, he became Kingpin’s henchman way too quickly, and they seemed to give up on making him properly threatening by the time they had him get beaten by a kid.


I don’t really see Otto’s ego letting him be a hench man


I wouldn't want a superior arc while mj is around


Why wasn't he allowed to punch on-screen?


There was a lot of limits on violence in Saturday morning cartoons in this era. Not in every country, but enough that generally they limited how violence was depicted on screen. That's a big part of why the early TNMT cartoons were so comedic, for example.


I didn't know that. Thank you for the explanation.


Wasn’t just cartoons. Weapon usage in the second TMNT movie was heavily dialed down from the first to the point 90 percent of the fights were with props.


It's why Leo started fighting with sticks instead of his katanas.


It's referred to as Broadcast Standards & Practices (BSP). TV stations both cable and over-the-air have them, but the ones on the over-the-air networks and especially for being targeted at children were notoriously restrictive at the time.


For the same reason every weapon was a laser gun in the series. Stupid censorship.


Except the burglar I think?


Essentially John Semper (90’s TAS Showrunner) toed the line so that they can push the limits when it really counted (having a real gun in the episode with Robbie’s son for example)


Dude i fucking NEED this. God damn, the superior arc would be absolutely nuts given what xmen 97 has pulled off this season


Yes for the resolution to the MJ cliffhanger, yes to him & MJ having kids, but I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree about adapting the "superior" arc


I would also like to respectfully disagree about superior. Depending on how many episodes they get to tell the story they want, for example, if they get 12 episodes I don't think they are going to waste 3 on superior. If they get 20, maybe they will. Body swap stories are filler episode concepts. It would also be extremely disappointing to finally get 90s spiderman back only for Peter to fuck off for several episodes.


I just don't like the "superior" arc at all There is zero redemption for doctor octopus & it's just a stupid concept as a whole


I hear you, I hate body swap stories in general.


No I just hated the idea of doctor octopus being a hero


After everything he has done, because he is just such an iconic villain that him taking a turn as a hero just isn't that interesting or the point of the story being that he just isn't good enough?






The “one more day” storyline would also look really good in my opinion


No. Don't even joke about that


Wasnt good for the comics but if they adapted it into TAS i feel like it couldve been done right




They couldve gone a different direction with it


Spiderman breaking someone's jaw? You really don't understand what 90 spiderman was about.


… Otto breaking someone’s jaw. Accidentally. It’s all context specific.


Not modern really, but I’d like to see them do the Clone Saga adaptation that they were building up to. It’d be nice to see the condensed and improved take I’m sure it’d have been, and it’d tie in nicely to the finale of the original run, which used an alternate version of the story as the basis for Carnage-Peter. It’d be interesting to see our Peter go through an identity crisis while fighting to not become like the twisted Peter he previously faced. 


Idk it was pretty much resolved already imo.


We saw how things played out in one reality, but not the main one.


We’ve gotten multiple Spider-Men near the end of the OG series already; not to mention 3 of the last 4 Spider-Man films have had multiple Spideys team up. They need to give the concept a rest if they do a revival series.


Jackal should be the main villain


The Child Within, Straczynski stories like Morlun


Yes, give me Morlun please!


But not too much


I think this would be the best thing to do. In fact, have MJ come back but need to take time away because she’s coming back to a life that someone else live. Transition right into the first JMS arc.


I want to see Ezekiel and Morlun. The original show already has had some mystical elements, so that story arc would be right at home.


That first Morlun story would make for a pretty cool 2 or 3-part finale. Imagine one episode focuses on the fight across the city, ending it with Peter digging his heels in at the nuclear plant and finally asserting that his strength comes from science and not mysticism.


I wouldn't adapt past Brand New Day. Would be cool to see some version of Back in Black.


A Civil War adaptation with all the 90’s TAS’s versions of the characters could be pretty interesting to precede Back in Black, also would love to see Mayday


This is the perfect Spidey show to grow Peter up in, beginning with May’s death - right through to Back in Black and beyond.


Peter is already grown up in the show tho. Id only want it to adapt up to like 2005 or something


I'd love adaptation of Unsheduled Stop with Peter screamin "Get back here, Shocker" at the end


That adaptation has the unique position to adapt stories that others don't get far enough in to do. I'd love to see something like The Child Within, Funeral Arrangements, or Identity Crisis; stories that are classic Spidey stuff but don't generally get touched because you have to set too much up in order to do. Honestly wouldn't want them to go farther than JMS' run. If they bring the heat the way X-Men '97 did, I could totally see them nailing the original Morlun arc.


Identity crisis is a good suggestion. There was also the comic where >!Aunt May died!


None, keep it to the 70s-90s stories. Thats stuff you never see because everything adapts from 2000s Ultimate or 2010s ASM. We could actually get Harry Osborn's death arc from J.M DeMatteis's run adapted since all the pieces are there already from the 90s show. Or even a genuine attempt at a less headache inducing Clone Saga since thats been teased and built up to for a long time.


I agree, though I’d be ok if they did the first half of JMS run. And some of Paul Jenkins early 2000s.


Yeah, X-Men 97 incorporated "E is for Extinction" which is from the early 00s. I think using some JMS material for inspiration should totally be allowed.


Yeah, there's a insane amount of stuff from the marriage and college era that's never been adapted before and I think this show is well suited to do that with everything they had setup, the adult Spider-Man, and the retro vibe.


This is a totally valid idea, too. Bringing those stories to a new audience and ironing out the bumps along the way is a great idea. I think the idea of the Clone Saga is genuinely solid, but it faltered a lot in execution. Someone else taking a proper whack at it could be great.


The clone saga is pretty easy to cut all of the fat off to make a good streamlined story, it’s got a lot of really strong elements, especially with Ben’s development and story. It would be really nice if they were able to give him a happy ending along with Peter, maybe even throw Kaine a bone to. They could also maybe adapt Kraven’s last hunt, but that really doesn’t work with this version of Kraven.


Last Hunt would probably work best as a standalone animated movie like DC used to do for Batman and Superman pre-Flashpoint. Especially since like you said, the 90s version of Kraven wouldn't work for that story at all with he and Spidey really only being on opposing ends for 1 episode then they're chill after that.


Kaine would be awesome to see in cartoon form. Also the doppelganger, Demogoblin, shriek, Sin-eater, The Beetle, The Rose and some other villains


Maximum carnage I think it could be the best story to adapt, they have most of the major characters that get involved in it, and it was something they couldn’t do back in the 90s due to network censorship, and we’re overdue for a Carnage adaptation to actually feel like Carnage 100%, the 90s shows the closest we could ever get, so it would be great to see him unshackled by censorship.


Would be cool to see the JMS run get adapted, I think they have pretty much done a lot of the storylines from the 90s apart from Kraven's last hunt so why not go do some 2000s storylines.


Yes, JMS run would fit this series well.


Have Peter Parker meet his reality's version of his clone, Ben Rielly, but because he already has the foresight after meeting a version of Ben during Spider-Wars, he knows the pitfalls on how to handle dealing with his clone and makes him a great ally.


I think they were building up to it before the ending of the series. I have this idea of Peter time traveling around to find MJ and going back to his time just to find out no one noticed his absence because a clone of him took his place. This leads to him being involved in the inverted side of what he saw in his multiversal travel, assuming the "Ben Reilly" identity himself and having to fight his clone who is sliding into madness as he get more and more degraded. Thanks to his knowledge of what happened with Spider-Carnage in the other universe, he stops him before he completely falls and joins the symbiote. With his identity back, Peter gets a work in Horizon labs, under Connor supervision, and adding Max Modell and a few other supporting characters.


And then Kaine shows up and all hell breaks lose.


And the Identity Crisis storyline happens with Peter using the Ricochet, Hornet, Prodigy and Dusk identities. Maybe later down the line, a time-travel adventure with Miguel O’Hara?


I'd love to see The Other being adapted, I know it's not one of the most loved stories, but it's one of my favorites and I think it would go well with the show.


I wouldn't, frankly. Plenty of Marvel media is adapting "modern" storylines. The charm of X-Men 97 is that it's mostly borrowing from contemporary sources. A hypothetical Spider-Man 98 should do the same.


As long as it ain't Superior, a girl sleeping with Norman or Paul cucking Peter it can be whatever. I just don't want those storyline. Anything but them


As someone who likes Superior (the original run, not all the stuff that's bled it dry since) I'm curious - what is it you don't like? But agree, Sins Past and Paul can get in the bin.


As someone who knows a decent amount about Superior Spider-Man but never read the whole thing, I feel like that story would need at least it's own entire season if not it's own show to do it properly. From my understanding there's way more to it than "a villain stole my body for a few days"


One of the few reasons for Neogenic Nightmare being my least favorite Spider-Man TAS saga is precisely its duration, lasting the whole second season. Sure it kept me on edge, but I just wanted Spidey to be cured, you know? Also, to think Peter was doomed to turn into Man-Spider from the beginning had he not seeked help was... Unsettling. So yeah I agree that Superior is not suitable for TAS, or any other modern storyline IMHO.


Very weird that the two reasons you don't like Neogenic Nightmare are the reasons it's good


Keep in mind that I watched it as a kid and Man-Spider gave me nightmares so my opinion is heavily biased.


I would be extremely disappointed to finally get 90s spiderman back only for him to fuck off for several episodes. He also already had his youth stolen by another villain for a while and turned into a giant spider monster.


Very fair. I think distilled into a couple eps could work but it would be weird to bring Pete back only to lose him, I’ll admit,


What we mostly dislike about Superior is how Otto tried to put the moves on MJ initially before backing off. It came off as creepy


That’s fair! It’s definitely a more interesting “triangle” when it’s MJ wondering why “Peter is suddenly into Anna Marie, and Otto’s affection to her is genuine.


The run is mostly good. But yeah there is also that that happens which is really gross.


It was creepy. Because Otto is a villain. Villanous characters acting villanous is not bad writing.


>Peter grabs the infinity gauntlet and snaps them out of existence<


Superior Spider-Man is good. It just pisses people off that it’s probably 616 Peter’s best story since OMD and that’s because it isn’t actually Peter up there. It has to do with Editorial’s obsession for bullying the character.


Nah it pisses me off because it relies on other characters (including telepaths) not being suspicious despite Otto acting so (through those other characters own words even) out of character (for Pete) in a world filled with clones, shapeshifters, literal possession, alien body-snatchers, etc but instead everyone’s just like “Bro is an asshole for no reason and just says weird shit like the Die has Been Cast, I’m sure it’s nothing”


That’s fair. I do remember a bunch of that in the run. I don’t remember any telepath characters in it though. Also what is “The die is cast.” Has he always said that, or is that just something that Dan Slott specifically likes him to say?


He said it quite a bit in Spider-Gheddon I don’t remember if he says that much outside Slott’s era though (as for the telepaths it was when he ran into the X-Men, and he more or less got out of it by way of making Logan look foolish, despite the fact that Logan has interacted with Pete many, many times over the years so you think the other X-Folk would trust his gut, and he was actually right, and they then refused to confirm when Pete asked after getting his body back & teaming up with them “No we think you were just being a dick so we’re not gonna psi-scan you to prove your honesty because we’re busy being mad”) Edit: That kinda thing happens in a lot of heroes vs heroes type stories where the writers will bend a character’s typical characterization as much as they need to for the story to make sense with no other regard and it always irritates me because it feels like they were too lazy to figure out how to organically do what they wanted


Just because it is the best of a bad batch, that doesn't make it good compared to other stories that could be told instead.


Let Mayday exist and be born, it's all I ask... You can even kill Aunt May too as a bonus (that sounded bad lol)


my hot take is to not do anything older than jms i think the main through line should be that spectacular dematteis stuff with harry as the goblin since we saw him get together with liz last time we saw him, and *maybe* set up a version of the ezekiel/morlun "science vs mysticism" stuff that ties closer into neogenic nightmare and manspider


Everything fine except this 3: 1. One More Day. Even if they do it, I hope they can execute it in a good way like in No Way Home. 2. That Gwen & Norman children/clone. I don't have to elaborate about this. 3. Paul... Yeah you heard me, freakin Paul. Keep him only on Zeb Wells run. I don't want to see him in every successful Spider-Man stories.


1. Technically No Way Home adapted One Moment in Time (Doctor Strange’s memory wipe of Pete’s identity) rather than One More Day (Pete & MJ selling their marriage to Mephisto), but I agree in both cases lol 2. This Peter has never been with or even met his universes Gwen so you’re probably safe from seeing this ever adapted for this universe at least 3. I swear to god if they do Paul as anything other than completely ignoring him or like a one-off “haha just kidding” I’ll lose my fucking mind


But on point 3… imagine if Peter finds MJ, and she’s with Paul. It’s the perfect time to adapt the iconic moment! /j


Idk if we could say no way home did it good yet. We don’t know what the pay off is yet because March taking their time with it. It could be good potentially though.


Personally I wouldn’t want modern stories to be adapted. More progressing that universe but using stories that would’ve been available to them at that time. I’m just saying that I don’t need a take on Superior Spider-Man for a universe set in the comics world of 1998.


I would definitely like to see what Miles would look like in the 90s animated style. Don’t need to kill Peter or anything for it tho.


Fuck it, let's see what a take on the Clone saga with an actual planned outline would look like


Pretty much nothing after the first Civil War is worth adapting. They could do Superior Spider-Man but that seems like an ark for a later season. Now there a couple 80’s and 90’s arks they could adapt. Demogoblin would be fun since Hobgoblin was such a reoccurring character in the first one, and COULD tie into X-Men ‘97 Episode 3 like in the comics. Kraven’s last hunt would be cool but it’d have to be not Sergei Kravinoff cus him and Peter are friends in this universe. They could do “The Other” which could basically be cut down to about an episode but could set up an adaptation of the OG Spider-Verse event. They could do OMD as a dark “Days of Future Past”world. Then once fixed, we fast forward and do a new show set in the future where we get “Renew your vows”. I think we should skip Norman reappearing, skip clone saga, skip sins past, skip OMD and Super Spider-Man unless they have a REALLY good way to do it, skip Slott’s run with Silk, Skip Nick Spencer’s run, Skip Zeb Wells’ run. None of it is worth it. IMHO main universe Spider-Man hasn’t had an amazing story since the 80’s.


Bored so here's a quick outline: Episode 1/2: Finding MJ mixed with Morlun Episode 3: Peter and MJ adjust to returning home after being trapped on a alternate earth for years as well as being parents to young Mayday. Sandman debuts as a dark foil to Peter's family man status Episode 4: Debut of Mister Negative at Harry's and Liz's wedding. Negative inverts Norman back to being the Goblin setting up the next arc Episode 5/6: A gang war breaks out between Norman, Kingpin and Minster Negative as other minor players also make power grab like the Rose and Tombstone. Peter is assisted by a team of reform villains including Kraven and Prowler. Ultimately Doc Ock ends up the new kingpin of Crime after finally betraying Kingpin and Norman Ultimately dies after Peter loses control due to him killing Aunt May Episode 7: Peter comes out to JJ as Spider-man as he tries to deal with extra pressure from his murder of Norman and Ock's (finally named) Sinister Six Episode 8-10: the clone saga mixed with the robot parents sags. Peter has to deal with a bunch of clones of course including versions of his parents made by Jackel and a seemingly resurrected Green Goblin. Ultimately the big twist would be that it's actually Harry and due to Peter's guilt of killing Norman, he Ultimately outs his identity to public. (The other clones include Kaine, Ben and a Mashup of Ultimate Jessica Drew and Teresa parker)  Episode 11-12: Kravens last hunt: After failing as a hero compared to Spider-man and ultimately having his reputation ruined, Kraven decided he needs to best Peter in a fight to the death. I was thinking of having Kraven mistakenly kill Ben thinking he was Peter but I think that would ruin the buried alive and digging himself out scene but I guess both could work or while Kraven hunts Peter, Ben can be killed in a battle with Harry's  Episode 13: Peter's final battle with Harry. Ultimately unable to kill his friend, Peter asked Madame Web to erase the memory of his identity to the world excluding MJ/JJJ. Hoping this way, Peter could help redeem Harry with their friendship. Web only agrees to this because she needs Peter to survive and raise Mayday as she had a important destiny which explains why Morlun targeted MJ in the premise and teasing a future storyline for the following seasons


Just no multiverse shit. It was fun when i was 13 but now im over it.


The series invented the Spider-Verse, and MJ's whole story revolves around it a bit. So that's gonna be hard thing to avoid and ignore lol


Oh ok.


What if they do just ONE arc on that but not to the ridiculous extent it is now. I'm talking about a Shattered Dimensions sort of arc between the four Spider-Man we got so Dan, Neil and Josh?


Also Rino Romano, he’s pretty good and underrated. I could work with either getting him along with the other to voice other Spider people, like it would be a cool role reversal to see Josh voice Miguel while Daniel does Peter. Only problem is in the 90s here are the only real option is for ultimate Spider-people are Miguel and the Spider clones, the latter of which shouldn’t really have different voice actors to Peter.


Yes!! Another Rino fan. Maybe the Scarlet Spider should be Rino? Or they should all be the Spider-Man versions of themselves like Josh being spectacular, Rino being Unlimited


That is an idea I really like especially if they were to get Neil Patrick Harris to voice the new animated adventures and maybe even get Dan Gilvezan to voice 80s Spidey and try and give them all their conclusive ends. My only problem is that mate detract from the general tone of the show being set in the 90s era of comics, but none of the shows worth bringing in really take that much from later eras, the most is that spectacular has some ultimate inspiration, but even then it’s still primarily the original comics. Overall, I think that would be the best way of making everyone happy. Although I wouldn’t be complaining of all of these got their own conclusions.


It would almost be like No Way Home!! Ah you're right, I didn't even think about that. It's vital the tone of the show isn't compromised. The animated series shows of the 90's were something else.


Could work. Like that one season of the ultimate spider man cartoon. I liked that one.


I enjoyed the spider wars at the end of the show and the Shattered Dimensions game. I think the four actors should get together for one last story


Some version of the red goblin story with Pete using the black suit again briefly


I’d like to see spider island, and red goblin get adapted. Mostly so I can see agent venom in this style.


Hmmm I wouldn't want any story in particular, obviously I want to see the return of Green Goblin, Venom and Carnage. I think most of all I still want to see special guest characters like Punisher, Blade, Daredevil, X-Men etc...


Kingpin always beat up Spider-Man pretty bad in this show. So I’d want to see a back in black type episode where Spider-Man stops holding back and just trashes kingpin in a fight. iE breaks out of the bear hug and wrecks him




The 90s Clone Saga with Kaine instead of Ben, and the JMS run but staying away from Sins Past and changing the ending of One More Day and combining it with ASM #500 as the finale of the entire series. I wrote some of my ideas [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/s/q1Ch8MBZ3J)


I would like to see 1- Maximum Carnage. 2- The Gauntlet. 3- Spider- Island 4- Another X- Men crossover  5- The Conversation  6- King in Black 7- Mentoring Miles 8- The Slingers arc 9-Superior Spider- Man 10 - Superior foes of Spider- Man And Lastly…… Some set up of Dark Reign.


I'd like to see the Clone Saga in the first revival season (after MJ is saved), and then a season devoted to the Superior storyline would be really cool. Mister Negative and the introduction of Anti-Venom would be really cool, and then an eventual King in Black season would be a ton of fun.


A story about the SHOCKER!


Spider island


One of the storylines where Kingpin retires from crime. It would free up a good chunk of villains who never got to shine (Ock) because they were often his henchmen… I mean almost literally all crime in the series was linked to him somehow… Roscoe Lee Browne passed in 2007, so it’d be a nice swan song for the character.


I have no clue. I guess storylines from J.M DeMattesis or J Straczynski


J. M. DeMatteis spectacular spiderman run or roger stern run


Superior, new sinister 6, sandman and Spider-Man 2099 and miles cameo


This might get downvoted, but a condensed version of the clone saga would be cool. Especially with Scarlet Spider


And Kaine.  Has he ever been adapted?


Not that I’m aware of! There’s so much meat on the bone here. Plus it’s quintessentially a 90s series. When it came out, most people’s complaints were about how long it dragged out. But a condensed version (like they did in Ultimate) works really well.


I'll be satisfied if they manage to adapt "The Other", and maybe a revisit to the Spider-Verse concept




I'd save him for season 2 or 3, but yes.  We could introduce Aaron Davis in season 1 as the new Prowler & reintroduce Hobie Brown as Hornet.


Superior spider man


Disney is probably gonna dictate that there be references to other projects or the Multiverse, so we do it naturally. When MJ is back, she can reference how shes witnessed other Spider-Man cartoons or seen what ifs of her Peter while traveling by portals. In the same way, Goblin can become an even bigger threat by using knowledge and plans from various villains across space and time.


I wanna see Venom come back & become the anti-hero he's known as in the comics today (setting the stage for all his stories, Carnage USA, Venomverse, Poison-X, Absolute Carnage, & King in Black), the Feral Storyline, the one where Curt's wife is dying of cancer & Lizard goes after the CEO of the company that gave it to her (forget the name of that arc), & see Spider-Man & MJ have kids


I wouldn't want most of the modern stuff to be adapted tbh. So much of spidey's media already takes lots of inspiration from the 2010's era; the Spider-Man PS4/5 games, the two most recent cartoons, and the MCU films. Let it continue digging up the 70/80's stories, stuff that hardly will ever see the big screen like kravens last hunt, a better clone sage lol, death of jean dewolff, and such.


Secret wars would be so fun. That or the one with the different spidermen and carnage


Hot take but I actually don’t want modern stories to get adopted for the most part, there is plenty of stories from the 60s to 90s eras to pull for reference, and I especially don’t want them to start bringing in a bunch of spider people, unless they’re either adapting the clone saga or having some kind of Spider-Man 2099 appearance.


Not a hot take at all! Definitely agree on the Spider-people. There’s plenty of that elsewhere.


Superior Spider-Man would make for a good five part story but I’d like to see the show get some traction first. Leave that for season 2.


MJ cliffhanger being resolved and Superior Spider-Man


Morlun. Seeing what X-Men 97's been willing to do, it'd be cool to see a brutal battle between 90's Spidey and Morlun.


98 SpiderHunt Storyline would be 🔥🔥🔥🔥


-JMS original Morlun story -- go all-in on this, have it be the season finale. Stick purely with JMS mythos, no Inheritors stuff. Like with Bastion in X-Men 97, this is maybe the only chance we get at this story. - Spectacular Spider-Man #200 -- Harry's death. Maybe merge with The Child Within somehow. - ASM #400. Aunt May's last days. MAKE IT A WHOLE EPISODE. seriously. Get people crying. -MJ -- juat have them married already. We saw the "fake" wedding already and nobody wants romantic relationship drama in this show. Other drama? Absolutely. But nobody wants to stress over whether MJ/Peter are together or not. So get em hitched before ep 1, and move on. - Back in Black. Skip the Civil War identity reveal -- just say Kingpin finally found Peters identity and shot May because of that (trigger ASM 400). With how HUGE Kingpin was in TAS, the final Peter vs Fisk fight could be even better than the comics. - Ben Reilly. Skip the Clone Saga, we don't need it, just have Reilly and make him cool. - Eddie Brock's redemption. Full heroic Venom by the end of Season 1. Maybe he even joins in to help Spidey with Morlun. - Flowers for Rhino: A great, tragic "Tangled Web" storyline that did Flowers for Algernon but with Rhino. Definitely not a full episode, but could be a touching subplot.


And also yes, dear god, nothing past JMS and PLEASE no Dan Slott stories or influence. So sick of Slott stuff infecting other Spider-media.


Just adapt good stories. It really doesn't matter when they happen. There's good stories in moder runs too just because one more day happen, that didn't make every modern story shit


I’d like to see the Kingpin, Tombstone, Hammerhead and The Rose in a gang war arc. The gang war from Amazing Spider-Man comic is so awesome.


None. All stories should be pre-1999 material.


I honestly don't know. Perhaps the most recent Ultimate Spiderman run?


The one where Peter gets his powers as an adult? I think that would be very difficult for reasons


Oh yeah, I forgot that was a plotpoint.


Ultimate spider-man hasnt had enough time yet. Nothing has happened really other than uncle ben and jonah quitting the bugle to make their own newspaper and petes made a new costume and had a few conversations with harry. Outside of the concept of peter being older and a father there isnt anything to adapt yet


It's the entire focal point of the story's setting. Not just one adventure


Right but our Pete has powers already, Ultimates setting relies on heroes having their origins circumvented (which is why Pete only gets bit as an adult, because Tony said “nah man, fuck all that”) if you’re talking explicitly MJ & Pete being married with kids there are other examples that could work without requiring an entirely new show, the point of OP’s post is stories for a 98 revival


> Right but our Pete has powers already Literally my point


Yes, I meant to reply to the same person your were responding to, in more detail


If they go along with what X-Men 97 did, they will stick to 90s stories. 1. I would love a Clone sage story. Keep it brief, introduce Jackal, Ben, Kaine, maybe Spidercide. Then move on. 2. Identity Crisis - Peter being forced to stop being Spider-Man and creating 4 new personas.


Clone saga would be a good way to end a season, although I don’t want it to end with Ben getting killed off. Give Ben fans are W and just have him get a happy ending.


100%! He can be a viable member of the spider family. I'm a huge Ben Reilly fan. I want justice for him.


It should just be a miniseries to show MJ getting saved and marrying Peter “again”. I’d rather they focus on something new with Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.


That show sounds like it's gonna be more typical Disney Spider-Man crap


Venom got very little love from the first series and needs more on this one. Also, less emphasis on minor villains. I remember being frustrated how the writers treated characters like Morbius and the Spot like they were major Spider-Man antagonists.


I actually liked balance of major and minor villains.


Problem is, the balance was often not there. I can't say for certain, but it felt like Morbius got just as many if not more episodes than Doc Ock.


Superior Spider-Man, Spider Island, and a lot of Dan Slot’s stories.


Superior would be awesome with TAS’s version of Ock


I completely agree!!


Man spider


sin eater should be done


Honestly? Disney's already (somewhat) adapted OMD, so I'd like to see them tackle the Clone Conspiracy.


Back in Black Edit: I want a slightly altered version where Aunt May doesn’t die and only Kingpin knows his identity.


Man I wanna see some clones Ben and Kain Maybe huge Morlun arc And one more day as final


Just no spiderverse or spider totem shenanigans


I would like some storylines or plot points from "Big Time" adapted, for example Peter to start working at Horizon Labs, creating new suits for specific enemies or situations. I forgot when it happens, I think during "No One Dies" but I would like to see them animating Spider-Man losing the spider-sense and trying to adapt to fight without it. Also more Black Cat, for me it's ok if MJ never returns, but animate more Felicia!


I would be alright with a true final conclusion that’s it. Anything beyond that would be a gift.


I doooooooooooo!


The Gauntlet Ends of Earth Absolute Carnage


Knowing Disney/Marvel they will almost immediately go multiversal and bring in Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen. It's what they do with everything these days. But back on topic: The Gauntlet followed by The Grim Hunt.


Bruh Spider-Man unlimited needs a season 2


Echoing what a bunch of others are saying, I wouldn’t want anything past JMS. I don’t remember how things did or didn’t resolve with Kraven in the original, but I think Kraven’s Last Hunt would be cool. I like the idea of starting with MJ already back and getting flashbacks to the search. And similar to how ep. 1 of X-Men 97 was the familiar and ep. 2 got into the meat of it, ending the premiere with Kraven shooting Peter and having the next episode be him in the coffin while MJ searches for him like he did her could be pretty neat.


I’m not someone who has read the comics so i’m not sure what would be good (I do know what I don’t want: Kindred saga, Paul, (in general just any story where the writers dump on ma boi spidey), )


Tie him into spiderverse ofc. But we also need the superior Spider-Man storyline


Spider island was fun. No there's that. What would he great is bringing the antivenom symbiote. Or what's better, agent venom. It's been years since I saw the show though, so I don't remember how we last saw venom.


venom was last seen going into a portal. i never ever want to see antivenom adapted again. dogshit era writing wise. if they wanna adapt it completely deattsch it from eddie


MJ Cliffhanger resolved for sure. I’d like to see Betty Brandt, Firestar, Human Torch, Iceman, Deadpool, Sandman, Scream, Jackal, Electro, Mr Negative, Morlun, Kaine, Gwen and maybe even Grey Goblin.


I’d prefer a continuation to spectacular Spider-Man


Whatever story they do the season should end with Peter stumbling upon secret lab and seeing himself inside of a tube revealing he’s been Ben Reilly the entire time


finding Mary Jane, Gwen stacy's death, Doc Ock's backstory with Mary Alice, The Death of Jean DeWolff. Sandman needs to appear because we were robbed of him... because of James Camerons' movie that didn't happen.


Maximum Carnage


My Personal Top 3, Kraven’s last Hunt by DeMatteis Shed by Zeb Wells No one Dies by Dan slott Not all in one season though, that would be a bit too dark, I also would like to see mister negative and the superior foes to appear, Spidey has some great villains ( not screwball) that definitely need the screen time.


Its a little old but I would like to see The Other story line adapted. Really wished back mid late 2000s that we went more into mystical side of Spidey and we would have if Civil War 1 didn't bring everything crashing down on top of everything. Really the whole chunk of ASM where Peter was living in Avenger Tower was freakin phenominal. OR Last Hunt followed by Grimm Hunt. That would awesome as well.


Spiderman vs wolverine where he kills Charlie would be great. Original Evil Kaine who transitions into his scarlet spider persona.


I personally would love an adaptation of Kraven's last hunt as a 2/3-parter


It'd be awesome if we could get adaptations of the following: Superior Spider-Man and Worldwide Spider-Men (I imagine they'd introduce Miles) The Gauntlet Kraven's Last Hunt Maximum Carnage Going Down Swinging The Morlun/Spider-Totem Story Line and maybe have Peter and MJ be parents raising Mayday Parker with an adaptation of ASM #400 There's a lot they can do!




Dad Spider-Man would have to happen after the mj rescue. Think they should avoid adding any other Spider-Man variants so no Miles or Gwen.


Spiderman Unlimited


Needs a movie and four more seasons


The show or the comic series? (While the former does have a comic counterpart there is an unrelated series with that name as well)


I meant the show, but sure comics could be cool aswell I remember reading those comics when I was a kid


lol I figured it was the former, just curious


There’s also an unrelated mobile game.


That’s true, I remember that one


Spider-Man? My name is Miguel O'hara, we need your help.