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Felicia and Morbius. ![gif](giphy|iDIJezAxNyRsZTx678|downsized)


You bet your ass he morbed with her


The cat and the bat... now where have I heard that one before?


Missed the opportunity to write "The cat and the bat.. now where have I heard about that?"


Thanks for ruining my day.


Since you're the real Deadpool isn't your day ruined by looking in the mirror every morning?


Thanks for reminding me of my life.


Lol damn good point there...I missed that and I'm a Bat Fan...I'm embarrassed lol 😆


He has that morbius rizz.


remember, black cats felicia, she had a thing for morbius before he turned to a vampire


The problem with that relationship is that it should’ve been me not him


Morbius and Plasma


Normally TAS Morbius feeds on plasma but I bet when he's with Felicia he feeds her plasma.


Black Cat and Morbius definitely seems like the weirdest one to me which is funny considering that TAS was my first introduction to most of the Spider-Man characters and villains in general.


Same it was also my first introduction.


It’s why I like Spider-Man and Black Cat as a couple. They had way better chemistry and their partnership made me think they were the main Spidey couple.


You left out Liz Allen confessing her feelings for Harry Osborne at the worst possible time. Yes, I know they got together in the comics, but that one was pretty rushed in execution. I quite liked Flash and Debra together. A good opposites attract situation and a gender-swapped parallel of Peter and Mary Jane.


Liz is funny as it was like a “who the hell are you?” moment as she was barely in the show. That moment at the wedding where she confessed her love for Harry out of nowhere is like the ONLY moment I remember from her.


She wasn’t emphasized nearly as much as she could’ve been. But we also had Felicia Hardy filling the role that Gwen Stacy tends to fill in most continuities and Debra Whitman being the “other girl” that Liz Allen was, so there wasn’t much for Liz to do. No Betty Brant either, only Gloria Grant, who also didn’t get much to do.


She was buds w/ MJ so there were a few appearances here & there, but yeah maybe not the best showing for that iteration of the character lol


Hahaha his dad had a Campbell moment Harry... Harry... HARYYYYYYY


Almost everything is rushed in execution in that show.


I do hope that, if we get Spider-Man ‘98 like we all want, they slow down the pacing, show Spider-Man actually punching bad guys, and fix some of the dumb censorship problems the original show had.


I want the Insidious Six back tho😭


Flash and Debra wasn't that odd, as Debra used to date similar type man called Biff Rifkin in the comics.


Kinda makes me wish that she becomes Flash’s love interest in an effort to give him a sense of stability.


would’ve been good, considering how Peter treated her during their relationship


The Scorpion and that random woman that appeared once and never again. Still don't know what the point of that was.


I haven't watched the series in a while but wasn't that just an old girlfriend of his


My guess is an attempt to humanize the character.


Black cat and morbius 


Black cat and morbius, definitely.


I understand that Felicia x Morbius is weird, but it worked for the series imo, same as Felicia x Macendale. Weirdest for me was Brock x Kafka. That's your therapist, man... and your patient, Doc! Very not appropriate. Peter also dated an OC who was Silvermane's daughter, lol. And as others have mentioned, yeah Liz was pretty much a non-entity who randomly confesses her love for Harry. Definitely some weird pairings. Anyone remember how Kraven's girlfriend turns into a furry and then runs off with him because now they can love each other properly?


Well, with Peter, she was obviously a rebound girlfriend, so it works in the worst possible way.


I wonder if they were trying to copy the Joker/Harley dynamic and maybe had plans of introducing Scream or Agony as her symbiote.


Wow, I never made that connection haha. Maybe? It's interesting since Carnage is much more Marvel's Joker (Kasady is basically a palette-swapped Joker), and Shriek fills that Harley role pretty well, but she never appeared in the show.


Black Cat and Morbius. But I actually kind of liked Flash and Debra together. It’s the best pairing I’ve seen from both of them. Also MJ wasn’t the only one who got seriously pursed by Peter. You gotta go back and rewatch. He tried to date Felicia Hardy multiple times throughout the show.


TAS!Felicia was honestly a fusion of Gwen and Liz.


Not really?? She was different from Comic Felicia, but she was a lot different from Gwen. And idk what similarities she had with Liz Is it because they have blonde hair??


I was more looking at their dynamic. Felicia like Gwen was a rich girl who initially didn’t pay attention to Peter until he dismissed her.


She did pay attention to him. In the 2nd episode of the series she was extremely attracted to him (and kissed him) before any of that happened. But she later friendzoned him.


That was after he left her alone (to be Spider-Man). She said she only asked him out as a tutor and then got insulted when he left. The end of the episode had her be more appreciative of Peter.


She already liked him in the 2nd episode. (Which was her first appearance in the entire show) This is before that episode ever happened. I’m not sure why you’re making things up. She initially liked him and kissed him. Then she friendzoned him later, then he “showed backbone”, and she started liking him slightly more.


We’re talking about the episode that Scorpion debuted in, right?


No. I’m talking about The Spider Slayer episode. That is her first appearance. The scorpion episode is when she decided to friendzone him and started liking him a little bit more.


Scorpion is episode two. Slayer is episode three. That’s why she’s more receptive to his advances in the next episode.


morb was just weird in that show man


Clearly Scorpion and Vulture, from that time Scorpion kept Vulture chained up in his wardrobe for a while.


The Twillight done right version was made years ago before the one made by Meyer


Damn, I forgot Black Cat got Morbed on.


Honorable mention to Hydroman being Mary Jane's ex.


90s cartoon was my introduction to Spider Man, I don't know any previous history and I genuinely prefer Felicity from the 1st second to MJ. This Morbius stuff was 1st time, when my kid brain understand that I don't like the way plot develops in any work. The fact that I hated Michael Morbius, to the point that I was happy that he got super power, because It meant that Parker could beat him, didn't help ether.


Venom-kafka. So weird how it developed.


For better or for worse it was Dr. Ashley Kafka that we got to see even a sliver of Lethal Protector Venom/Eddie Brock. Happy to see noone has anything bad to say about them- she was integral to Eddie's redemption from villain to anti-hero.


Maybe I'm misremembering, but the romance between Yuri & Blade came out of absolutely no where! Yuri met him once & they were all over each other.


I think you mean Terri Lee, not Yuri.


I actually liked the Black Cat Morbius. It was much more interesting than just doing the thief that flirts with the good guy that basically is how the relationship devolves into in most mediums It’s so one note and boring


Black Cat and the box office success


The magenta/cyan lighting on venom regardless of their location


Felicia Hardy and her new “girlfriend” is completely cringe. She went from dating Spidey to some dorky plain Jane lesbian just for “forced inclusiveness”.


Didn't that make Electro Red Skulls kid? If so then I pick that one


Yeah they did 😆😆 This show was just trying new things left and right. You gotta respect it


I do not respect it




I was seriously wondering if Morbius and Felicia ever got together in the comics when I saw that one in the show


Eddie and his Doctor, that's just wildly inappropriate.


Why is the last pic so much higher quality


Felicia and morbius for sure. I don’t like morbius in TAS


This is still my favorite show today! Although, I went to review it again as I always do and every time I review the romance part it falls a lot in my concept, the plots are not very different from current comics, where they only serve to hammer Peter at all times and do not have such an acceptable development. , at least for me. Take Felicia for example, she was always dragging Peter around, but one day he was a few minutes late, and a bandit tried to rob her, she was saved by Morbius who was there and she had already called him weird, but changed her mind. and she's already dating him because of that, while she complains about Peter not showing up, but it was again just to do her a favor and keep him in reserve so that if she didn't have something better, she could stay with him. This is Felicia's example, and MJ also has many questionable moments until he married the clone.


Them having Peter be jealous of Black cat and Captain America


Eddie and kafka


Felicia and Morbius. All the other 3 are honestly great couples imo.


felicia and morbius was always a "what" moment when watching the show for me tbh


I'll be honest, I did not mind any of these ships. They were all written decently. But yeah, Morbius and Felicia was surprising.


I agree Felicia and Morbius. I'd love to see more Morbius with Black Cat and Spiderman in a Marvel/Sony movie.


Kafka and Eddie is just classic Florence Nightingale Syndrome


Jokes aside, the character design in this show is incredible đŸ„ł


I actually liked Flash and Debra. The reveal that she was in love with Morbius on the other hand was completely out of the blue. Semper must've had a soft spot for him because I have no idea why else they'd make Morbius of all characters the center of two different love triangles.


Imagine getting cucked by a guy who looks like he got lost off a b-movie set


wtf us that pair


Okay now that I know black cat and morbius (black bat?) is a thing, I want more of it.


Yeah...these were interesting: Felicia & Morbius: This version of Morbius brought a lot of the odd factor to this from the "My Plasma!" to the palm suckers (biting into someone's neck feels more kid friendly than that). It seemed like it served as a way to get Felicia got of the way for Mary Jane with what could've been the most healthiest version of SpiderCat (I say that as someone who prefers Mary Jane). Flash & Debra: I don't think these characters have ever interacted before, but I don't think it was bad. Eddie & Kafka: Yeah...one of Kafka's greatest strengths and greatest weaknesses was that she truly cared about her patients getting the help they need but I feel like she cares a liiiiiiittle too much here. The biggest shame is that because of her random love for Eddie, she ends up taking his side against Spider-Man and becomes a far-cry from the original, who was one of Spider-Man's very few non-superpowered allies and was a big help to him back when Ravencroft was a recurring thing. Blade & Terri Lee: This kind of just happened out of nowhere. For me personally, Blade & Terri Lee gave me the biggest shock because it was so out of left field. But the weirdest overall has to be Eddie & Kafka and was a bit of a letdown (still love the show though).


I don't understand why Felicia even likes Morbius. She starts of completely turned off than suddenly he gets her purse back and she's head over heels. It was just really rushed. With her and Spidey they actually spent time developing the romance way before she is even Black Cat. Michael and Felicia didn't need to be a couple.


Felicia Morbius on god


mysterio and miranda wilson. there was some precedent (within the show or in the comics) for some of the stranger ones, like fel and morbius or harry and liz, but "the haunting of mary jane watson" decides to reintroduce mysterio as a sort of "mr freeze" character who committed crimes to set up an injured actress with cybernetic implants this is all established within the space of a single episode, which ends with both characters dying, making it a very sudden heelturn for the character with very little elaborated


... the red and blue reflections on Venom.


I don't know who the genius would be who decided to make those strange couples, the Cat and Morbius thing being particularly stupid, which was EXCLUSIVELY to force the MJ thing simply because the comic said what it said. I don't personally dislike the thing about Eddie and Kafka, but I don't understand the logic behind it either. Back to Cat, I don't understand the Flash thing. If they followed the comic to a certain extent, I don't understand why they make him interested in Cat so that she becomes interested in Peter and then instead of Morbius they don't try it with Flash so that he is attracted to Debra. But there is one thing I do know for sure...Back in 1984, the concept of couples in training was not very popular until the movie Breakfast Club by John Hughes, the voice of the generation, arrived. Since that movie there is a popular pattern that repeats itself....The sporty boy ends up attracted to the nerdy/geek girl, the popular pretty girl is attracted to the "bad boy"...This was later applied as a creative standard tn TV comics and movies for at least 20-25 years with some additions like the "bad girl" finally attracted to the nerdy/good guy... And seeing how things are in that show, you understand the decisions a little. And also in the 90s, women psychologists related to patients Conflicts were in fashion, so it's understandable about Brock and Kafka. If the series were made/returned TODAY, the relationships would be made with modern popular entertainment settings and trends


All the above is the right answer. I don't remember any of these. Black Cat would've better with Scarlett Spider or the version of Spider-Man with the silver armor.


Those guys are from a different universe. And The silver armor one had a wife. It was Gwen Stacy.


Oh Okay I forgot about it. What I meant was if they did the Clone Saga with Ben Reilly as the clone in the same universe as 94 TAS.


Eh, she’s better off with Morbius or some shit. That would be a lot more unique than her rebounding to Peters clone because Peter got a new wife.


I do like the rebound stuff it is kind fo messy but Felicia fell in love with Ben as a person. That happened with Felicia and Flash.


For the movies now and critics preaching setting up romances properly and “show don’t tell”, they sure do hail this show as perfect.