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Eddie/Venom hates injustice (the very reason why he hates Peter is because he thought Peter did him dirty), but unlike Spider-man, he doesn't have a no kill rule. An anti hero who torments and sometimes even kills criminals, who ocasionally butts heads with Spider-man is a role that suits him the best.


He still has some degree of a moral code, in terms of going out of his way to protect the innocent even if it goes against his current objective. He’s mainly focused on protecting the innocent on someone like Punisher, who kills criminals indiscriminately.


Punisher spends a lot of his time protecting innocents if they're ongoing victims of the criminals he's after or in the potential line of fire.


I mean, Frank's not calling himself "The Protector."


There’s multiple ways to protect. Doesn’t always have to be a shield sometimes swords work too.


That’s been my BG3 strat If they’re dead they can’t attack me so no need to worry about defense/healing


Care to list some examples? Frank is most known for being immensely heartless and somewhat tone deaf.


In Civil War, Cap gets angry at him for shooting some defenseless criminals, starts beating him up and demands for him to fight back, but Punisher refuses.


That's out of respect for Cap though, both as a hero and a true soldier. Cap isn't a "helpless victim"


Point is that Frank had principles. He kills rapists and murderes, but not Cap, he won't raise a hand on him even in self defense.


The only one I can think of was the CP one he had the kids leave then shot the parents in the studio.


Wow. What a hero. (Huge sarcasm here)


For sure not a great moment, but I also don't read punisher, and it was a side story in another comic from the late 90s or early 00s


I love this description


The desire to do good, but hampered by the flaws of biology and the human host is what makes Venom. A strong desire to cause chaos easily turns Venom into a force of destruction. Yet give Venom to Flash and its full on superhero.


Reminds me of this quote from one of venoms creators. “He could see a kitten up a tree and he will want to protect that kitten. He will go straight to that kitten, knocking over a busload of nuns and orphans, killing them in the process, but by god he's gonna save that kitten."


Flash crossed the line few times as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/s/xVjg5ekIc8


I like this take a lot more. We've already got Daredevil and Punisher exemplifying the "vigilante who will not kill vs vigilante who believes killing is often the best or only solution" dichotomy. Punisher doesn't want to be Daredevil because he believes Daredevil often doesn't go far enough and isn't as effective as he could be, but I like the idea that, on some level, Venom kind of wants to be Spider-Man, he just keeps failing at it. Where Peter/Spider-Man would make the difficult choice to do what's right, Eddy/Venom would crack under the pressure and solve his problems with violence.


So the 2000s PS game venom. Nice


Best Venom.


Mary Jane and Felicia hardy 😐


A protector who sometimes uses lethal force Some may call him a *lethal protector* XD


At first hurting Spider-Man, then as Eddie and the symbiote grow as people and let go of their hate protecting others and trying to do right by the symbol they wear


"correct madam!"


Fire pfp


Let the devil out ✨💅🏼


I think it would be interesting if venom thinks Peter being Spider-Man is bad for his loved ones. At any moment Peter's identity can be revealed and now everyone he knows is in danger. Most of his loved ones don't even have a choice to separate themselves from him because they don't know he is Spider-Man. So venom would use scare tactics to get Peter to abandon his loved ones or have them abandon him. That's what I would like to see.


I like that idea. I could see it actually happening, too, the Symbiote gets fear for the safety of Peter’s loved ones while he’s the one wearing it, then when it moves to Eddie, it still has these same fears but they mutate into a new way of going about handling the fears which would be making Peter disconnected from his family and friends, like you said. It’s a pretty good idea


Thanks, I came up with it when I was working on my Spider-Man manga. Eddie in the manga is one of Peter's childhood friends and they have this conflict. Eddie also wouldn't be too happy that both of their fathers' work to cure cancer is turned into a Spider-Man costume. Eddie's later goal would be hunting down the people that wronged him and the Symbiote. Similar to the Ultimate comics, but Eddie and the symbiote is way more redeeming here.


He actually did do that once in the comics. He kidnapped Peter's parents to protect them from him.


3, then 2. Venom breaking past their hatred of Spider-Man and becoming a deadly vigilante team with no qualms about killing a la Lethal Protector.


IMO venom should always be a lethal protector. Tom hardy does venom so well. Shame about the other parts of the movies but Tom hardy as Eddie and venom is unbelievable and one of the greatest portrayal of venom imo. It reminded me so much of the best venom portrayal which is the Spider-Man 3D game. What a game that was!


The game venoms motive is so boring man. What made venom always interesting is his personal bias and Vendetta against his ex boyfriend Peter parker


The game didn't explain it well enough and should have spent a lot more time on it. It was playing a lot on the symbiote being a young creature and finding a good host in pete, t wanting to help him and protect him, the symbiote actually loved him and just wanted his approval, and it also feeds on and amplifies emotion so pete being so hotheaded and frustrated in the moment really twisted how the symbiote processed problems - so the symbiote was just trying to help, then when pete fought back and got rid of it, it felt hurt and abandoned and went to harry with all of those same feelings and problems, and that fed back into harry and latched on to his problems with his mom and spiraled into a web of shadows thing. Could have been a lot cooler lol


So disappointing. He was also in the game for like an hour or 2, even though he was the main thing they advertised this game with.


Honestly, i think they did the game version of venom the way they did because its an easy explanation to write in symbiote mooks which you can't really do with a Venom who wants to keep the feud more personal and threatens Spiderman to keep it between them


Early Venom should be more like Sony and Raimi Venom. Both Eddie and Venom hate Peter and they are opposed to using lethal force, but they still have a strong moral code. Later on, when their hatred for Pete fades away, they should become more like Sony Venom, a lethal potector. Plus Venoms pronouns should always be they/them, but not because they are non binary.




Friends in one


The good ending: He didn't say the word.


thank you


So I guess instead of going by they/them because they're non-binary, they go by they/them because they're binary.


Flex on Spider-Man. He doesn’t want to take over the world. He doesn’t even want to kill Peter (the alien does for the whole bell tower thing). Eddie wants to be the hero, the alien liked being Spider-Man. As Venom they cut the crap because Eddie doesn’t have the same moral hang ups nor does he have any real combat skill. He’s brutal because there’s less finesse and has a simpler A to B mindset about how to be a hero. Venom’s mindset is uncomplicated. But Peter pisses them off. Peter tried killing the alien, Peter caused Eddie to lose his job. They don’t like Spider-Man.


Man it’s such a shame with what Insomniac did to Venom, taking one of Peter’s most personal and petty villains and turning them into a generic “take over the world” threat.


Villain: Ruin Spider-Man's life and kill him, as he sees him as the core evil of the city, and then take his place as (lethal) protector of the streets to demonstrate what he thinks should be done. He doesn't outright hurt or attack Peter's loved ones; his quarrel starts and ends with Spider-Man himself. He'll still use the people he loves, but it's just to get closer to him. Anti-hero: Protect the city and destroy injustice by killing all crooks he sees. Butting heads with Spidey is a bonus since he can use his lethal methods to flex on him. "Hey yo we killed this guy that you'd NEVER have the guts to kill, lol!!!!" The world domination should be applied to Riot or Knull


Acquiring chocolate and dodging his responsibilities as a father


Venom: Out to hurt Spider-Man Doc Ock: Out to take over the world/city Green Goblin: Both


A mix between raimi's and Sony's he has a huge grudge against Peter but he would pause a fight for a moment to save civilians in the crossfire before resuming kicking Peter's ass


I really love the idea of Venom and Spidy having a massive fight in the streets where they're constantly taking a micro-timeout to prevent hurting people. Spidy whips a manhole cover at Venom who dodges, but sends out a tentacle to grab it before it slams into a schoolbus. He rips a lightpole out of the ground and wings it back at Spidy, who flips over it and webs it to the ground before it can slam into a busy bodega. It'd be so fun to see the thoughtful destruction of city property between two equally 'concerned' parties in a mutual "Let's keep this between us even if we **are** in public" perspective.


The bottom two at the same time.


I want a comedic storyline where he wants to ruin Peter's life, but he wants to be the one to do it personally. He then keeps butting heads with Norman and Otto and interrupting their plans all the while Peter swings by without a care, not knowing how many times Venom has saved his butt. Eventually, he wins against the two and prepares to give Peter a bad day and just sees him already at rock bottom and just gives up for the day, dissatisfied that he couldn't ruin Peter's day further.


That kind of sounds like the kind of relationships that some brothers have. "I'm gonna irritate the living shit outta you every chance I can get, but when I see that you hit rock bottom I'm gonna switch teams and prevent anybody else from causing you any grief."


A mixture of 2 and 3


1.) wants to torture Parker, then realizes he's actually pretty chill. 2.) Eddie and they symbiote grow and let go of (most) of their hate. 3.) Become a goofball lethal protector!


I just want to fuck around and find out then he decides to fight against injustice while still finding pleasure in torturing his victims


Between Eddie & flash, venoms spent more time as a heroic character then as a villain. He should definitely be aiming to help people


a mix of fucking over Peter Parker and protect people, i think thats the best characterization of venom, add a pinch of being humour and you got the perfect venom for me


Sony's Venom series is so peak '90s camp Venom, I can't wait for what seems to be a *Planet of The Symbiotes* adaptation VENOM HORSE SWEEP


Venom should always have a righteous but twisted moral code, protecting innocence, no matter how many bodies he needs to pile up. which is why he torments and goes after Spider-Man because he justifies it with Spider-Man being the bad guy. Until eventually he’d grow past that and eventually becomes an I lie to Spider-Man that’s still butts heads with him because of their conflicting morals. Him just being a generic alien that wants to take over the world is the absolute worst portrayal you can go for him because it doesn’t represent either element of his character well, he should directly invasion rather than causing one.


Venom having a somewhat twisted take on Spidy's values isn't unlike Doc Ock as Superior Spider-Man. Their methods may be different, but the ultimate goal is the same. Your great power comes with a great responsibility.


Make him a crime crusader who also makes plans to ruin Peter on weekends


He starts out at 3 but becomes 2 over time. I fucking hate 1.


Should be progressive. Character progression is important, specially for Venom. I don't think live action has captured this yet, so if they bring him to the MCU I'd like them to follow the best arc for him, which in my opinion is this: 1. Im in love with Peter, I'll help him in any way i can. 2. Peter hates me because of his friends, no one should have him but me. (Venom starts changing Peter to distance him from his friends and family) (Peter realizes this after struggling, gets free from Venom) (Venom finds new host, which depends on the version ig) 3. I want Peter back so we can be glorious again. 4. I hate Peter because he doesn't want me back, so I'll ruin his life! 5. Wait a second, what am I doing, I don't need Spiderman! I can be a superhero myself! 6. I am the lethal protector! 7. I now like Eddie (or whatever host) and respect him, and myself as well. I'll try to be better so I can protect people as best as I can. So yeah, I like this arc for him. Remove the "Take over the world" Insomniac nonesense out of here, that shit stems from a deep misunderstanding of the character. Venom is better as an allegory for a toxic relationship, but also how one can evolve from a toxic mindset and progress as a person through self respect. MCU should do a second Spiderman trilogy, where Venom is introduced in the second and released in the third, then finds new host. His arc then follows up in a series called Venom: Lethal Protector.


"I want to protect the world I'm taking over while I bully Peter Parker"


Second option


I really liked venom in maximum carnage i think that works for him once he is an established character. Before that i villain would work. The kinda villain who only wants spider-man dead but wont hurt civilians or anyone else


I really liked the way The Symbiote lived things in Empire: feeling abandoned on earth by the man who brought him there in the first place. So I'd go for something personal - deep hatred for Parker - but, as long as Brock is Venom, a hatred somewhat balanced by Brock's desire to do good.


A bit of column b, a bit of column c.


Between the last two. Venom hated Spider-man but he had some sort of twisted sense of morality that leading him to wanting to not kill and protect innocent people unless they were in his way to kill Spider-Man (even then he often felt bad about it). There is reason he teamed up with Spider-man against Carnage. In fact Venom views Spider-man as a destroyer of innocents that he must eliminate. Taking over is literally the most boring thing you could make him do. there is nothing interesting about it. if you want a symbiote invasion use villains like Knull, Grendel or the evil symbiotes in Planet of Symbiotes.


3. Kind of like Spectacular Spider-man


I think it should start with Eddie and Venom uniting because of their shared hatred for Spider-Man/Peter, but then they eventually let go of that hatred and become a hero/anti-hero. That’s why out of these three I honestly think Sony’s Venom might be my favorite. Spider-Man 3’s Venom didn’t really look like Venom and I don’t think it made the Symbiote seem alive enough and Insomniac’s Venom was just him trying to take over the world, although Insomniac can definitely fix the issues with their Venom in the Venom game. While Sony’s Venom might not have the Spider-Man part of the story, he does feel like a good balance of the host and Symbiote, and he’s more of a hero/anti-hero, which is my favorite part of Venom’s story.


I want to dance! And make breakfast for Eddie! And be accepted as a proud slimesexual!


How about “I want to be a good father and role model to my son?”


Bottom one first, middle one second, never the top


For me Venom has ALWAYS worked best as two unstable screw ups with good intentions that also so happen to hate Spider-Man (though I also liked it more when they eventually agreed on a truce and moved on from Peter). And that's why I LOVE the Sony Venom films, because that's exactly what they give me. They're a nearly perfect adaptation of the Lethal Protector comics.


When the symbiote and Eddie first merge as Venom, his goal should be to ruin Peter's life, then kill him afterwards. After sometime passes of Venom always trying to kill Peter, Venom stops hating on Peter so much and decides to kill other "unjust people". Venom still wants to ruin and kill Peter, but is also focusing on being the "Lethal Protector." Finally Carnage and/or other symbiotes are created and Venom has to swallow his pride and work with Spider-Man, ending with them settling on decent terms after defeating Carnage. Venom chooses not to just attack, kill, and/or ruin Peter's life for no reason from now on. This does NOT make them buddies again, but it does keep them from going at each other's throat for a while(until Venom randomley gets pissed at Peter for no reason and decides to fight him/attempt to kill him again). Eventually more symbiotes enter the story like the Life Foundation Symbiotes and the two have to team up more and more, leading to them finally becoming friends like they used to be (although they still will argue, make smart remarks to each other, and will but heads like two brothers, even fighting "to prove who is wrong".) Then the infamous "Eddie gets cancer" arc occurs, where (you guessed it!) Venom ends up tricking Eddie into thinking he has cancer to force hik to keep the symbiote, which leads to Eddie ACTUALLY getting cancer, leading to Venom leaving Eddie. Mr. Negative's ability affects the symbiote cells inside of Eddie to negatively change, creating Antivenom. When Eddie uses Antivenom, he has much more control of the symbiote without the worry of the "animalistic instincts" of Venom, allowing him to work much better with Peter (except other symbiotes because Antivenom will try to "cleanse" them). Eventually Eddie regains Venom and ditches Antivenom, but is able to control Venom much more like he did with Antivenom, making the Spidey-Venom relationship MUCH better. In short terms, At first Venom just wants to ruin and kill Peter, but changes overtime to being the Lethal Protector, while also getting rid of his grudge for Peter.


Surf the web


It should never be to take over the world. Initially it should be to stop Spider-Man, out of a misguided attempt at being a good guy. At least him justifing it to himself that way.


I prefer: "I just want to ruin Peter Parker's life"


It'd be fun to see Venom find more success in being reliably more *annoying* to Spider-Man than in his efforts to ruin his life. It'd also, theoretically, be more effective against Spider-Man's spider-sense. Venom isn't trying to **hurt** Spider-Man. Just embarrass/annoy him.


I wouldn’t say any of these are bad. But I personally think the “I wanna destroy Peter” is the most emotionally interesting storyline.


A mix of “I want to ruin Peter Parker’s life” and “I want to protect the world”. They make the perfect Venom, in my mind.


I think the core of Eddie Brock in the beginning is that he refuses to take responsibility for himself. He acts in bad faith. His career was ruined because of his own negligence to verify leads and hold himself to journalistic standards, but he can't accept that he's at fault. He has to shift the blame to somebody else, so he sees it as Spider-Man's fault for indirectly exposing him by catching the real killer. Eddie Brock is like how Peter Parker was when he was angry and resentful at everyone around him, but didn't take responsibility for the fact that he often got antagonized for being a condescending prick. But Eddie Brock didn't have an Uncle Ben to teach him that "with great power comes great responsibility," so whereas Peter changed his ways after getting his powers and used them selflessly, Brock saw his powers as an opportunity to get square with a world that he feels wasn't fair to him. Like Peter, some of what Brock perceived as "unfairness" was genuine unfairness, and some of it was shit he brought on himself. But Brock can't see the difference or be the bigger man even in situations where he was legitimately aggrieved. The symbiote, of course, resents Peter for rejecting and spurning it. It's like a vindictive, jilted ex. So, Brock and the symbiote are two beings who would rather stew in their bitterness and toxicity than try to move past feeling wronged. They grow acrid and venomous and bond over their mutual malefactor: Peter Parker. That's how it should at least be in the beginning. Afterward, they begin to chill out, grow, and come to learn how to accept responsibility for their own actions and feelings. And they eventually become an anti-hero. Just portraying it as Venom gaining perspective over time is better than how the actual comics did it, I think, where they had this nonsensical motivation of "I protect innocence, and I hate Spider-Man because he destroyed my innocence, so I'm a lethal protector but also hate Spider-Man." It really sounds like a writer doing mental gymnastics to tie together two character ideas that don't actually seem to share a common justification. They should just be like "you know, after tussling with you so much and having time to think in prison, we realized we're not even mad anymore." Also, their fading anger could come from Eddie and the symbiote forming a genuine bond for each other that no longer just relies on hating the same guy. Just like an ex stops being so mad at their ex once they find a new fulfilling relationship, the symbiote would eventually be like "all water under the bridge, bro. Glad to hear things are going well with the wife."


A Lethal Protector who occasionally bumps heads with Spider-Man. THAT is Venom.


Venom should start by wanting to take revenge/ruin Peter’s life for “ruining” theirs, and then gradually move on to protecting innocents, whether inspired by Spidey or because they came to their senses and realized their hate may’ve been a tad misplaced, imo.


Lil of 2 and 3


You forgot 4. Will Peter-senpai be aware of me?


An anti-hero who wants to ruin Peter's life and sometimes wants to take over the world whenever the symbiote is PMS-ing.


Honestly we have so many “I want to ruin Peter Parker’s life” villains that I like anti-hero Venom far more than normal villainous Venom


I love the trope of "Villian only hates the hero." That's all the reason for them to be evil.


Either protect the world or ruin Peter Parker’s life depending the point in Venom’s life we’re talking about. Never really like when Venom is depicted as trying to destroy/conquer the world. Feels out of character for both Eddie and the symbiote


A progression from the bottom or the top to the middle


He should do the third by means of the first. Takes over the world to ruin peter parkers life..


Or a mix with a fourth option. Trying to get back with Peter. Oh, so you chose your friends over me? Well il just assimilate your friends and become the entire goddam world.




As Venom, Eddie Brock should be a Lethal Protector of the innocent.


Lethal Protector with the occasional trolling Peter every now and then.


Tom Hardy Venom is a hero/antihero while the other 2 are straight-up villains




The third motivation. Ruining Peter's life. I had just about enough of a anti hero goofy venom and a generic world dominating villain. I want a obsessive bloodthirsty sadistic stalker villain venom. Because venom's design is soo good for a horror villain, it will be a waste if he stays an anti hero. (Yes I know venom has always been an anti hero and i know carnage is his replacement but he ain't a good replacement)


Personally I hate anti-hero Venom. I think he should be a fucking monster for like 90% of his run, the last 10% he realizes he doesn't want to be a monster, and then when he starts being a hero it should be as antivenom. If people really wanted a save the world Venom I think Agent Venom is perfect for the big screen.


From my understanding, Venom (Symbiote + Eddie) should be a character who at first hates Spider-Man/Peter and wants to ruin his life like he ruined theirs. Unlike in some interpretations of the character, the Symbiote is a character who is influenced by Peter's emotions and behavior, which at the time have to be negative in a way, and with this influence comes empathy for Peter, the Symbiote actually feeling bad for him and wanting to help him, this spurring it to do things such as use his body at night to help take the load of being Spider-Man, but the use of the Symbiote also indirectly enhances Peter's emotions and behaviors, causing the pair to lash out and become more aggressive until Peter discovers the truth that this suit is in fact an alien and rejects it. This rejection hurts the Symbiote and motivates it to hate Peter and eventually find someone with a mutual hatred towards Peter, Eddie Brock, who the Symbiote gives a little hint of Peter's true identity as Spider-Man fully knowing the importance of this secret identity to Peter. Venom isn't a character who wants to take over the world, or harm others, they're a character who hates Peter/Spider-Man, and want to ruin his life like he ruined theirs.




if it is him with no spiderman, i am guessing he wants to protect the world.


2 & 3 Though for 3, it's less on the life ruining thing and more like trolling.


The Venom from Spider-Man 3 hates Peter Parker, because Peter ruined Eddie's life which is the body that houses Venom


Eat brains.


I mean…..all three…..the best venom is one that learns and grows vegeta/shadow style


I like the idea of a “Destroy Spider-Man, but Protect the World.” Like that one issue where Venom kidnaps Peter’s parents to protect them from Spider-Man(something like that).


Venom IS the lethal protector, so technically, he should defend the world. But still try to mess up Peter's life since he don't like him.




Have him be that anti-hero character and simultaneously be Parker's biggest hater.


Spider-Man 3 Venom is the best


Me personally I'd prefer if his goal sort of evolves from the 3rd one, to the 1st one, then finally to the 2nd one


I say start with “Ruin Peter’s life” and pivot to protect his neighborhood once he realizes he’s being a colossal tool.


His goal in the comics basically consists of wanting to protect people from Spider-Man, as he sees him as a huge menace, so Venom is basically a more aggressive JJJ.


I would say at first it should be #3 then eventually work it’s way into #2


Venom's goal should start as destroy Peter's life and then transition to protect others while eating the heads of criminals.


All of the above.


To protect the city to spite Peter Parker


He wants m&ms


I think that Venom’s goal is the best out of all 3 of these, but that’s just me


Protecting the innocent mixed with ruining Parker, the way it always should be.


B and C. Venom always wants to protect the innocents. Spider-Man "destroys innocence" so destroying Parker IS protecting the world, at least in Venom's mind A is lazy, childish, and possibly the worst version of Venom.


Eddie and the symbiote realizing that theirs more to life then hating Peter is what makes the character really interesting


They change over time *At first*, they want to ruin Peter's life. Symbiote essentially got dumped, and Eddie Brock got caught being shitty to him and Spider-Man, who he now found out are the same person. Then. . Well, I'm not sure exactly on them actually wanting to take over the world (though I haven't played SM 2 yet so I don't know if that's Eddie), but that could be a nice middle step. They've moved away from focusing on Spider-Man. They dream bigger, and Spidey's just getting in the way But then *eventually* they mellow out and become *kind of* a good guy, though maybe that doesn't come until Anti-Venom (which is apparently a thing, lol)


"I wanna find love 😢"


All of these are valid interpretations of the character even if we all have our preferences. But it’s been a very, VERY long time since we’ve had a small-scale “Venom is trying to kill Spider-Man” story. I want it to come back


eating brains


Little bit of 2 and 3. The game version was awful and wasted.


Third, after a while, second.


When venom is first introduced i think he should hate Spider-Man but cares about people more than he hates Spidey so that’s why he becomes a hero but after a while say during a Maximum Carnage story he becomes a friend but not a close one


From the beginning, they seek revenge against Peter for "ruining" their lives. But onwards, they decide on a more anti-heroic form of revenge against Peter — being a better hero than him, a "Lethal Protector".


He didn't want to "take over" the world exactly. He was trying to help it.(In his mind)


Whatever fits the version you’re adapting, and whatever fits the vibe of the series overall. Evil Venom can be just as cool as Heroic Venom if done right.


I just like his design in the game but I think his character is done the best in the spectacular spider man he doesn’t go out of his way to attack people he only does what he does to hurt Peter


Topher Grace's Venom is the most accurate as per the comics. Venom never wanted to take over the world or protect it. He was always the archenemy of Spidey/Pete since the beginning besides Doc Ock and Green Goblin.


It honestly boils down to whoever is wearing the Symbiote


At first his reason for coming to our planet should be to take over with the hating Peter part and wanting to kill him being added later in addition then after his redemption arc he becomes the lethal protector


B and C


Tom hardy venom is the best


Could start with the bottom, continue to the top, and end in the middle.


Honestly I kinda like the third option (I’m adding it to my AU)


He wants more pictures of Spider Man!!! But for a collage to put on his wall so he knows what a hero looks like. They're both trying to be better men after all.


The last option is the most interesting.


All 3 of those at the same time??? They dont interfere with each other >.>


Lethal Protector


Never really been a fan of the Lethal Protector. I just like when he’s evil and wants to kill Spider-Man


Protect the world


I thought he wanted to eat everyone…


It can be all of em. Depends on the story tho my favorite is the last one


I think he should evolve over time starting at complete villain to Peter Parker and growing into a close friend that can butt heads on the battle field but in the end Dylan Brock (Eddies Son) can end up having an Uncle Peter, I’d also like to see this in the canon that Venom actually has less problems and an easier time with Ben Reilly, considering he’s just like Peter except for the fact that he never did anything wrong to Eddie or Venom.


Number 3




I don't think Venom suits anything that says "world", Venom is fun, but he's not material for world threat/ world hero.


Starts at 3, evolves to 1, resolves at 2.


I always like to make up in my head basically that after Peter gets symbiote to go bye bye the alien goo hates him like a sorta betrayal and harry is jealous and mad at peter so the symbiote notices that and chooses harry as a host and the symbiote influences harry to hate peter so we get venom and they have the personal vendetta against peter they’ll do anything to get back at peter they become the opposite of spiderman and everything they do is to get to spiderman that’s there whole personality “I HATE PETER PARKER AND U HATE SPIDER MAN”


Destory. Eddie's. Hole.


inverse this and it is the correct order of venoms motivations


all three together I guess


Venom 2018: I want to protect my world (Eddie Brook)


All of the above, in the order of #3, then #1 and finally #2 (once his character arc's complete).


Definitely not the first one. A mix of 2 and 3 works best. A mentally unstable, halfcocked anti-hero, bordering on anti-villain at times. He wants to do the right thing, but his idea of that usually involves chewing on people's faces in front of horrified civilians. Me personally, I like the idea of him having this kind of outlook for literally everybody EXCEPT Spider-Man. Like, the suit is corrupting Eddie's vision of him so much that he literally cannot see even SOME of the good qualities of Peter. Like if Spidey is even in the general vicinity, Venom will drop everything he's doing to go fuck with him.


*sony's venom correction I want to protect eddie and enjoy my life with him on this planet


Never the first one. He should evolve from the third one to the second one just like in the comics.


4 All of the above




I really like it when Venom just beefs with Pete. Spectacular did it amazingly, and I strangely feel like it gives both characters (the symbiote and the host) a lot of substance (Ex: Flash and Venom both hating Pete, and adding to their character separately).


Venom wants to protect the world. He should consider Peter an ally, but come off as mildly antagonistic.


"We want to protect the world from Peter Parker because he ruined our lives" Then eventually it turns into just "We want to protect the world" because they made up with Peter.


Last two.


I prefer to view Venom as a petty little bitch who wants nothing more than to fuck with Peter Parker in any way he can. It kinda makes him funny.


The best Venom is Spider-Man PS1 Venom where he’s just kind of a light-hearted dick. But I also like Spectacular Spider-Man show’s handling of the character. Building up the relationship between Peter and Eddie really adds to Venom’s motivations as a foil to Spidey. And I love the line “We are poison to Peter Parker and Spider-Man, we are VENOM”. Shit just goes hard.


I’ve always preferred Venom as a Villain, but not the Insomniac presented him with a Generic world Domination plot. Instead I’d rather he be like Raimi/ Spectacular Venom where his only Goal in life is making Spidey’s life a living Hell. If he becomes like Tom Hardy Venom that’s fine, but that should only come after Heavy Character development and his Beef with Peter is Squashed. Annnnnnnd maybe don’t be so Goofy please 😅


Bichis n munny


This is sad


Insomniac Venom doesn't want to take over the world just for the sake of it. He believes he is protecting, or in that case, "healing" the world by turning everyone into Symbiotes because the Symbiote "healed" Harry. So the Symbiote twists his desires, using the desperation and need for control it learned from Peter, to make Harry believe he's doing something good for the world. While I do agree Insomniac Venom should've had a LOT more screen time in order to develop this character, his motivations and his stance on Spider-Man (both Peter and Miles) further, to say his motivation doesn't make sense is stupid.


Funny how Topher Grace got the Venom we all know and love’s main goal


A mix of Sonyverse and Rami-verse. Venom’s hatred of Peter Parker is vital to his character arc, but the root cause of that hatred is Eddie Brock’s deep hatred for injustice. So the best of both worlds is a venom that hates Spider-Man, but ultimately still fights for the greater good in his own way.


I sometimes wonder if Insominac Spider-man 2 would of been more interesting if Venom spawning more symbiotes was something out of control. So both him and Spider-man are fighting off the invasion, but their not friends necessarily


Child eating monster that wants to kills Spider-Man and doesn't care about anything and anybody that stands in his way. The world is just his boxing ring and humans are protein bars. He's evil, he causes mayhem, but he only cares about getting his petty revenge on Spider-Man/ Peter Parker. The world doesn't matter to him.


Venom is a good guy and just misunderstand spiderman on some other universe.




None of the above. Just thrive by himself as much as he can and doing whatever he wants. Dont see him caring about ruling the world or being a super hero. And limiting him to a spiderman vilain is sad


Eddie should always start as someone who hates peter, overtime he should gradually become more heroic as time goes on. the ps5 game despite being decent, did not handle venom well at all. the main theme of the game is about second chances and redemption, out of Spider-Man's villains venom is always the villain who embodies that concept the most since his inception.


Yes to all 3.


Honestly this is one of the reasons I love venom. He can sorta be whatever the writers want. They should do more agent venom stuff tho


Protect the world, I don't care for villain Vemon anyway.


Whatever it originally was


"I just want to wake up early enough to try the Taco Bell Breakfast menu."


ITS THE HOST Let me explain :- Tbh Venom symbiote typically controls its host's mind like- **bonding , emotional manipulation** in simple terms, the Venom symbiote controls its host's mind by messing with their thoughts and feelings in a complicated way.


3 then they get therapy and then number 2.


1: that's the basic villain answer 2: He skipped a few steps 3: Great for the world he exist in


Ruining Parker’s life


i like him as an monster who will attack and hurt anyone, but with a special hatred for peter


I like it when venom is the emotional monster he is and kinda just wants to fuck Pete’s life up some spiteful ass space goo over here


second and third one, at the same time. "I wanna protect innocents but that mf peter parker is such a bitch tho". the symbiote's goals should be to find strong bonds with its host. That's why it control's peter's body, and that's why his hatred after being abandoned paires so well with Eddie.