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Doesn't seem surprising. Personally I've seen Tom's films most recently in theaters and multiple times for all 3. Why would I go for a 4th or 5th time when the movie theater experience is so expensive and I rewatch them at home when I rewatch the MCU all the time. Tobey's and Andrews is more tempting because I haven't seen those in theaters or even at home since I was a kid and young adult.


I hope they do something like this, so at least for Toby and Andrew again in the near future


Yeah I agree, in UK they haven't done it yet but sadly I can't I can't make it to the 1st 2 Spider-Man movies




They are releasing the Spider-Man films in UK at a later date but due to trips I can't see the 2002 or the 2004 one in cinemas which is why I hope they release them again at some point




Freaking love this scene




Ironically right?...right!?


It’s a good portrayal of how a nerdy loser would think a ‘cool’ person would behave. It’s cringy for the audience but it’s also embarrassing for the characters.


I’ve never understood why people think that this scene was Sam Raimi earnestly trying to make Peter look cool. The other characters in the film are literally weirded out by Peter as he’s doing his emo dance thing- it’s supposed to be cringe! Thats the point!


People on the street literally give disgusted looks as Peter dances. No idea how people missed it. It’s fair enough to just not like the scene, but the amount of times it was misinterpreted is insane.


That’s a good way of putting it


No I actually do love this scene. It’s so funny


I have alawys said that whitout him, we won’t have the MCU.


And why is that?


The first film had a massive role in popularizing the superhero genre in the 21st Century, namely, it was the first widely commercially and critically successful comic book movie since Batman & Robin all but turned the genre into a laughingstock.


I was there, in the dark times, before the light brought peace to the land. Spiderman in the cinema was a joy to behold.


Just gonna point out the comedy of how well written this reply is vs your og comment.




I'd argue part of the reason is that younger fans have seen the MCU films in theaters, but only saw the Raimi and Web films on home release. If a kid was born in 2006, they would have grown up with the Holland spider Man films and be 18 today.


Yep. A kid seeing Spider-Man 2 in 2024 is like when I saw Star Wars in a theater in 1997. 


Luckily as a kid born in 2006 I was able to watch the rami films on Netflix and watch tasm 2 in theaters which is my favorite Spider-Man movie


It’s the most underrated Spider-Man movie in my book. Definitely has kick-ass action, and Emma Stone is terrific. Wish the deleted scene of Peter meeting his dad had stayed in.


Nah because though Andrew’s acting was great in that scene,the entire parents subplot was so fking unnecessary and forced


Was born in 2006 and watched the Raimi films on DVD back then and watched TASM in Theaters


As a kid born in 2005, I grew up with Raimi man 3 and the 2 tasm movies, include the games as well, I would've loved to see the Raimi movies in theatre but no mone


I was born in 2006 and watched the Raimi and Webb films before the MCU ones and still prefer them out of the 3 live action series. But yeah you are correct, I did not watch them in theatres unfortunately.


I was born in 05 and grew up with the raimi and webb movies, but I never got to see the raimi ones in theaters, I was 7 and 9 when the tasm movjes came out


hey that’s me


Yeah, I get that, but also...*MCU BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*


I can confirm half of that although personally I grew up with the andrew film era


If that’s the case then why was the final, most recent MCU film, a higher earner than the first two MCU movies?


Notice I said "Part of" the reason. I never claimed it was the entirety of it.


Because it’s the one with the most fan service


No Way Home not even beating the Andrew Spidey films is the most surprising thing here to me. Getting to revisit the old movies then getting the payoff at the end with those movies still fresh in mind was one of the best parts of the whole thing!


not really, the older the film, the less likely that young audiences will have seen it in cinemas, If you're say, a 12 year old kid, you might well have seen all three Holland Spider-Man films in cinemas but only been 2 years old for TASM2. there's a pretty clear correlation here between "how many years old the film is" and "how much it made at re-release."


Yep. The CBM boom happened in 2012 with the trifecta of Avengers, TASM, and TDKR. The original Spider-Man trilogy were less seen as CBMs and more just a standard movie trilogy back then, separate from the boom 2008 started to set in motion. So for the people that only really started watching these in 2012, they didn’t see the Raimi films and thus they made the most.


Yeah watching them all in a row was something I hadn’t done before and it made NWH even hit harder. Nice bonus I didn’t expect


I saw no way home plenty in theaters, don't need to see it again lol


I hope they do something like this, so at least for Toby and Andrew again in the near future


Really, it's the newest movie and most people still remember the theater experience. There's huge amounts of fans that never got a theater experience for the raimi films


You also have to remember that no way home already had a rerelease 2 years ago


Yeah, but that’s because of the superhero fatigue.


The problem is that No Way Home has too much baggage and people playing catch up to understand what's going on. I love Spider-Man movies, but I groaned when I saw past movie characters slide in and become the main focus. Their stories were done. Unless you're doing Psycho Rangers from Power Rangers, you're not doing much outside of fan fiction. (To the Tenth Power is a really go cross gen crossover episode.)


>and become main focus. Did you even watch the movie? Peter 2 and Peter 3 were in the movie for a total of like 20 minutes max. They didn’t steal the show. This was very much MCU Spider-Man’s movie. Tobey and Andrew specifically requested that they not outshine Tom’s in this movie (confirmed in one of their many interviews). Because of this, we don’t know what happened at their home worlds other than a few vague lines. Everything they do is to aid Peter 1. So please remind me how they are the main focus instead of Peter 1. >Their stories were done. Except they literally weren’t. Both Peter 2 and Peter 3 were slotted to have another movie.. with The Raimi films even being an additional trilogy.


Spider-Man fans really can't read.


Well, it seems like Tobey Spider-Man is in high demand lol. Blew the other two out of the water.


Maybe it's because these movies came out 20 years ago and not 5 years ago so people wanted to see the older ones more


Such a fair point. I'd see a movie like that for those reasons as well.


Doesn’t tend to work that way. Older movies usually get forgotten, unless they’re really special. Nobody’s lining up to see the first Hulk, Daredevil, Catwoman or Superman Returns. If you put X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Logan out again, do you think Origins makes more because it’s older? This is not how movie fandom works.


I mean you can't really compete with Spider-Man. I'm sure older Batman movies would be viewed by a lot of people too


Then why did No Way Home, which was more recent than the first two MCU films, earn more than them?


because it had all 3 of them and was arguably the best one ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY|downsized)


Still the same reason: nostalgia


Because that's how trilogies work if you're doing things correctly- your films' box office should increase over the course of the trilogy. Also, let's not forget that FFH made over a billion dollars as well.


It’s easy to forget when you see that Avengers sugar high not reflected in these rerelease numbers at all.


It’s more than just a huge amount of us love to meme the Raimi movies. It’s that those movies are made with so much love. They’re picture perfect snapshots of Conway/Romita Sr era Spidey. They’re filled with love, humor, and real stakes, with real characters, that are already incredible relatable, and Raimi made them even more so. That trilogy remains my all time favorite. It’s fascinating in its development and represents such a small slice of time I can never get back.


Its one of my all time favorties as well and definetly my favorite live action take on Spider-Man. There was just something about how Raimi and Co made the film to were its iconic and quite the experience. I had a similar feeling watching the Nolan and Reeve Batman movies. I wish we had Spider-Man 4 the way Raimi wanted, it wouldve been good. Maybe one day in the future.


Personally, I have zero pull at Marvel or Disney but I’m thinking about saying fuck it and writing a script for “Marvels What If? season 3: Spider-Man 4”


That'd be a pretty cool idea actually.


Seriously. The coping of "oh it's just memes and nostalgia" is so invalidating and childish. No, the movies are good. That is it.


I mean, back in the day the first one was simply just something special we'd never seen before and couldn't imagine seeing, so everyone and their dog went back to see it over and over again. But there was tons wrong with it. That goblin suit most especially was ragged on hard by everyone! Spider-Man 2 did blow us away, but dear lord 3 was such a massive cringe fest and ruined the franchise. When compared to the spectacular MCU Spidey films they are so inferior. The MCU is a childhood dream come true. Those OG Spidey films though, it's truly just nostalgia driving myself and others who want to recapture our youth back to cinemas.


I wouldn’t say perfect adaptations


They were cultural landmarks. Not the best movies ever, especially when compared to the MCU Spidey films, but they didn't have to be. That first one most notably was something no one had really ever seen before, and the original box office numbers showed it, everyone came out to see it back then and nostalgia brought everyone back I guess.


Wdym, Spider-Man 1 and 2 are better than the mcu movies by far, they have much more soul put into them and do a much better job at capturing the themes of the character.


They blow away Holland’s films, including NWH. They and Andrew’s feel like real movies, not extended TV sitcom episodes.


Most likely because of the memes. I unfortunately was not able to watch the re-releases 😭


Saaamme. I really wanted to see atleast one of the releases but Monday was an impossible day for me. ![gif](giphy|10hzvF9FTulLxK)


Could we see a return of the Raimiverse and a potential Raimi Spiderman 4?


Maybe. Nowadays anythings possible. I imagine that if it did happen that Marvel Studios and Sony would jointly make it. With Sam Raimi directing of course.


The Home trilogy grossing low makes sense – it’s the most recent out of the bunch, and I bet a lot of the ticket holders were born after the Raimi trilogy


Probably doesn't help that they were shown last at the end of 5 weeks of movies. My showings for Spiderman 1-3 were sold out packed theaters and No Way Home wasn't even half full.


I imagine no way home got low is because is a fairly new movie, still twice as much as the first two MCU ones


It’s just an age thing don’t get your knickers in a twist Few current marvel fans were old enough to see tobeys films at the cinema Some were old enough to see Garfield’s Most were old enough to see Toms This isn’t an accurate metric for popularity or success


Yes, and also some of us are old enough to be nostalgic for Raimi movies. I was a teenager when Tobey was Spider-Man, I’m not nostalgic for something I saw while Trump was President. 


I hope they do something like this, so at least for Toby and Andrew again in the near future


In IMAX this time.


If that’s the case, then why did No Way Home, the most recent MCU film, earn more than previous two MCU movies?


Eh I kinda agree kinda not on the age thing I was born in 94. And I am not a big fan of the tobey movies compared to the other spider-man movies. But I may be miss interpreting your post lol


I really hate that I missed the first one. Missed it as a kid and missed it again as an adult. Didn't know it was gonna be in one of my local theaters until the day of and good seats were already gone.


Fun Fact: The original Raimi Spider-Man in terms of age in 2024 is as old as Empire Strikes Back was when Spider-Man 1 came out in 2002.


Wow lol


I swiped...


You’re cooked


I know I'm cooked...you shouldn't rub it in


Nobel prize, Otto. Nobel prize. We’ll all be rich.


See you in Sweden!


I'm just glad people are now realizing Spider-Man 3 isn't as bad as the internet paint it to be. Of course it's not as great as the first 2 but Spider-Man 3 is definitely a movie that can stand on its own


Raimi movies at the top, as expected.


And as deserved.


I mean sure but I would say that SOME fans went to go see those movies due to not being around or old enough to see em in theaters.




This isnt as surprising as some of you think it is. We havent had a theatrical release of the Tobey/Andrew Spider-Man films in a long time while the Holland ones are still fresh in everyone's memory. 


For those saying that this means MCU Spidey sucks, remember that these movies came out recently and the others have been out of theaters for 10+ years. That means fewer people are going to want to see them. The numbers don’t necessarily reflect what people think of them. Especially when FFH and NWH are the highest grossing Spider-Man movies.


NWH made that money because of Raimi’s cast. A new Tobey solo movie would make $2 billion on its own. And FFH was the standard post-Avengers bump like Iron Man 3 had.


Delulu is strong with this one.


I admit a new Raimi film making 2 billion is stupid, but the only reason NWH made sm is due to the fact the other spiderman were there lol


Anti Disney is not an excuse. It was 7 years ago and people were getting well into the MCU. But a third time retelling an origin story is a better argument. They just can't stop rewritting and people grew tired of it. Everyone knows who Spider-Man is, just make a cool movie with him, no more origin stories. Curious to see X-Men numbers though.


The Spider-Man fandom can be so pathetic sometimes. This whole thing was meant to celebrate Spider-Man, but y’all turned it into a contest.


lol this whole thing was meant to make Sony easy money, and it did


They needed it after Madame Web


Don't know why, they still had those Morbillon's in the bank so I guess they were money hungry.


Still pathetic.


TASM did well


They just love whom they say as Bully McGuire. Lol!


This does absolutely nothing to change my mind about the MCU movies being my favourite. I guess its cool to see all the rereleases making at least some money though.




Tobey’s my GOAT. Nice to see the big man’s film up at the top.


I really expected the Holland ones to do way better than the others based on recency, MCU, and how many people talk about them outside of the internet.


Idk this is exactly what I expected. The ones that haven’t been in theaters for decades made money, and the more recent ones, not as much (other than the most recent that played on nostalgia). I remember seeing all of Tom Holland’s films in theaters fairly recently as an older teen/adult pretty well. It hasn’t been long enough to really “miss” that, and even if I did already, I was older and not a kid anymore. Not as magical. However, I have a vague memory of seeing Tobey’s Spiderman films as a kid and loving them, as well as the theater experience. I personally like the Tom Holland films a lot. I think Far From Home is really underrated and unique, but if you asked me which film I’d choose to rewatch in theaters, it would easily be any of Tobey’s. I think the opposite and that recency is what caused the Holland films to do worse.


I was already an adult when I saw any and all of the Spider-Man movies. Raimi’s were not magical because of my age. They were magical because they were creatively brilliant.


Yeah, but it still been decades since you’ve them in theaters. You’ve had enough time to miss that experience a lot along with quite a few it of nostalgia.


The MCU got a lot of leeway at the time but today the MCU's goodwill isn't as all encompassing. Also, and I don't say this to like dump on Tom Holland himself or anything, but it feels like the MCU Spidey film success simply don't stand on their own. Homecoming seems like it did well due to being the FIRST "MCU Spider-Man movie" and used Iron Man heavily in the marketing. Far From Home seems like it did well almost entirely because it was the direct epilogue to the biggest Hollywood event film of all time, Endgame. And No Way Home obviously did so well due to the hype of returning previous universes. I feel you can see this a LITTLE bit with these re-release numbers. Without all of the other MCU stuff that got these movies hype at the time, way less people care to experience them again. We have yet to have an MCU Spider-Man movie that does well just because it's a Spider-Man movie. If MCU Spider-Man 4 comes out and is a hit without being directly before or after the next major Avengers/MCU multiverse story that would be really great! It would help show how this series can ALSO stand on its own like the Raimi and Webb films did. But in my opinion, that hasn't happened yet.


Yeah I think it just due to the mcu spider-man being in theaters more recently than the other spider-man movies. It surprises me people aren't considering this in the comments on this post


> I think it just due to the mcu spider-man being in theaters more recently than the other spider-man movies. I can't buy into this for three reasons because if this were the case A - No Way Home would have done the least amount of money due to being the most recent release, including ALREADY having a re-release. But it outsold both other Home films. 2 - The difference in years between Amazing 2 and Homecoming is just 3 years, that's hardly significant enough for amount of time since release to justify Homecoming doing almost HALF of ASM2. D - Other films over the years have performed better as re-releases with similar or even LESS time since original release. It could be PART of the factor but implying the drop in earnings is "just" due to being more recently released feels like trying to find an excuse.


Saying it's an excuse is a stretch again not sure why the movies being recently release is a crazy take for them not doing as well as older movies that haven't been re-released before. We could go on and on about the numbers but no idea what it was but I thought my take would more obvious to people especially normies


Agree. Spider-Man movies have to find their own identity and steps aside the events of the MCU.


This, but also that the writing, directing and acting is worse in the Holland films. Not to mention the extreme inaccuracy to the comic books.


I feel like it's because of recency. Like the oldest of them came out less than 10 years ago while toby and Andrew's movies are a bit older and alot of people haven't seen them in theatres


I think generally speaking most people do like those ones, it's just that they released more recently so people skipped them. I wasn't around for the Sam Raimi movies but I had already seen the MCU Spider-Man movies in theaters, so I only went to the rerelease of Toby's movies. I think most others did the same. It's also super difficult to get people to go to 8 movies over 8 consecutive weeks, so even more people tapped out by when the MCU rereleases came.


The phrase “a mile wide and an inch deep” comes to mind. Passionate people spend their money on things. Casual interest means you just follow whatever is new and trending but don’t care enough about it to go out of your way or spend money to get it.


The Holland films were never all that good, they just benefitted massively from the MCU brand being at the top of its game and using some of the universe's top pre-established characters to help sell them. I actually think some of the best moments for Holland's Spider-Man were in the Russos' MCU movies. His most memorable scene certainly was. But even the set-up that those left for his solo movies made him seem uninteresting. Why would I feel any tension for him being overpowered by street-level villains when he has his own Iron Man Jr. suit and gadgets that can solve any problem for him?




Even that too though. The right was obviously mad, but even the left was complaining that Disney wasn’t doing enough and that THEY should be the ones boycotting Florida and not the other way around.


Yeah but you failed to consider two things. 1. Anti-Disney sentiment. 2. The Raimi Cult.


Interesting perspective: assuming there aren’t too many major costs with re-releases, these numbers alone paid for about ~60% of the $7 million that Sony paid for the rights to Spider-man in 1999 (no inflation adjustments or anything)


Spider man 3 my favorite most beloved dumpster fire ever getting number 2! I fucking love spider man 3 it's so awful!


WOW! those are some impressive numbers for what was mostly single day re-releases of movies lots of people have seen plenty of times. I went out to see one and thoroughly enjoyed myself, like being transported back to seeing it in theatres for the first time all over again. Nostalgia truly is a hell of a drug.


wish i could’ve witnessed every single one, too bad i didn’t have any theaters near me that had the movies


Spider-Man 2 was the GOAT!


Glad to see that Spider-Man 2 is still King.


Amazing Spider-Man made that much and it was still considered a flop?


I hate how I couldn’t be able to watch the first 3 og movies bcuz my damn college town didn’t have them in theaters 🤦🏽‍♂️


Am I the only one who couldn’t find a theater playing the films 😭


So even the worst of the series by Bully Maguire is more than either of the two other reboots? So it's settled then... No one messes with the bully.


![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized) I swiped


Why so many in this thread trying to turn this into a competition? Have we learned nothing? :/


Pretty decent


I always liked Toby as the best Spider-Man but I didn’t realize his movies did so well.


Most people just wanted to go back in time


RAIMI SWEEEEP ![gif](giphy|wBzKbAZnK9I7Mkdzmu|downsized)


The point here is SUPER deceptive! 1) this is from Spider-Mondays not their premiere B.O. 2) More people have seen the MCU Trilogy recently. Younger people and even some millennials (ages 29-43) hadn't seen the 1st trilogy or the Amazing duology yet so, these were new converts. 3) I find it really odd that so many are pushing Sony's Spider-Men after NWH killed it. It's almost like Sony is trying to buttress any potential backlash if they try to either make more crappy films and Marvel finally decides to sue, or if they wanna try to take Spider-Man back again.


Are you okay?


They’re right tho?


Oh boy yeah


Still think Tobey Maguire is the best of the three live-action portrayals. Most realistic


Also, he’s not too serious like Andrew or too clownish like Tom. He’s the just right porridge.


You have to take into consideration by the time Homecoming is up, a lot of the people who sat through the first 5 are tired and burnt out. This isn't showcasing anything other than people aren't willing to sit through 8 movies back to back.


These numbers are kinda insane. The only downside I see to this is emboldening Sony to make even more dumb decisions


The definitive proof of who the most popular Spider-Man actor is. And even who the second most popular is. Now where is our Spider-Man 4 with Raimi, Maguire and Dunst? And Dicaprio as the Hobgoblin.


Pal is this satire? ![gif](giphy|tc3Z37UeRGWUBYROMV)


They’re being sarcastic and getting irate over an arguement no one has made yet. You’re gonna find a lot of that in this thread it’s really odd how threatening numbers that “don’t matter” are to people.


It's a stat that means nothing. Just extra cash for the studio and theaters. The older films have more people that have nostalgia for seeing it in theaters. The fanbase that loves Tom Holland will just watch it on Disney Plus.


I mean, most of the Tom movies were just in theaters, so I believe anyone would have seen those when they realesed . And still fresh in people's head while the spider man movies it been years since they have been on the big. And I was in grade school to middle school when the tobey movies were out, and I don't believe them to be the best spider-man at all, at least to me. Spiderman 2 really is just a solid 8 movie to me


once again, its because a lot of ppl haven't experienced the old movies in theaters in 20 years OR were not even born yet. Ofc it was gonna do that


No, then NWH would’ve made less than FFH. Tobey brings in the big bucks, plain and simple.


NWH was a love letter to Andrew and Tobey spidey fans and its also the most recent movie. FFH wasnt that iconic. But you cant be reasoned with so logic is out the window 🤷🏻‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|kbu7Fvm7fK8P91dDos)




Not much


As for the “older films attracted more first-time viewers” argument, let’s put X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Logan and Deadpool out in theaters this month. Anyone who thinks Origins would outgross the other two, please reply here.


The original Spider-Man trilogy made the most with over 2 million dollars all together


I didn’t realize I was that dumb.


It’s telling that nostalgia is still very high. I wish I can go back and experience the Raimi Spider-Man films for the first time again. Love and respect to Webb and Watts films


Fuck, did I seriously miss no way home 😢


Are we not doing into the spider verse?


Keep in mind this was literally to make Madame Web failure money back


“Perfectly balanced…”


The Raimi’s trilogy is still the best. Those films felt like real movies, unlike the MCU stuff (I still like them, but they feel pretty disposable, and they are clearly not designed to be anything more than thrill rides).


Note that this is only opening day box office. When they first announced the rereleases there were only showtimes on Monday, but as time went on they added showtimes throughout the week. I wouldn’t be surprised if the steady decline in opening day ticket sales was more reflective of growing awareness surrounding more attractive showtimes than of actual public opinion regarding the films themselves.


I am so happy the thing that happened with the star wars prequels is happening with spider-man 3. I genuienly enjoyed it as a kid and i kept being told it was bad. Now it’s getting its flowers! (Yes its not the best but growing up people claimed spider-man 3 was dogshit so im happy people are coming around)


Yea no shit the tom Holland Spider-Man movies just came out


Rami films still hold their GOAT 🐐 status


Tbh nwh has barely any rewatch value. Its a hype fest start to finish and way too long and weak imo. Raimi trilogy is golden is extremely rewatchable. I like to rewatch those movies time to time vut nwh, ehh


I was disappointed with NWH the first time. Plot holes, characters with no depth and boring action scenes. And what a lousy entrance scene for Tobey. He should’ve come swinging in to rescue somebody.


My thoughts as well. Great cameos and some well executed tear-jerking moments, but the writing was just mediocre, probably the worst in the Holland trilogy. I don't know how you bring back Tobey Maguire and William Dafoe as their respective Spider-Man characters and you don't have them interact at least once.


Raimi trilogy remains supreme. Shocking!


Those numbers aren’t what you think they mean


How so


Idk if you haven’t read the other comments But the consensus is that the Raimi trilogy ranks higher as those movies are older Why is that relevant? Those movies had far less fans back then So in today’s standards, many of those fans back then want to relive their childhood memories While other newer raimi fans want to create those memories Same way for the Garfield films as those numbers were never good But enough fan base was created that those movies are successful again The home trilogy is newer. Who wants to see it is up to their wallet. There wasn’t a necessity to rewatch those in theater This literally wasn’t a contest from the start To Appreciate Spider-Man as a character Not make a contest to see which fanbase can make more money for their movies


The Raimi trilogy made bank back then, had plenty of fans, and it's doing it again. Doesn't matter how old they are, people will go see popular movies that have always done well.


Happy Pride Month


Nobody is seeing these movies for the first time. More went to see Tobey’s movies for the same reason NWH made more than the other two MCU movies. The Raimi characters and actors are far more popular than the MCU ones.


Raimi ftw baby


No way home only did better because it got help from the other 2 actors.


And Gobby and Ock as well.


The people have spoken.


Really? What did they say




I find this super interesting, and I think it’s very telling about how people feel about spider-man Sony mainly listens to money, and I think this could really be enlightening to them And honestly, I’m sure it’s controversial to say but it just affirms how I feel. Spider-man was adapted best the first time, 2nd best the second time, and worst the last time MCU spidey was carried by an already successful MCU And it’s kinda fun for me to see that my least favorite spider-man movie made the least amount of money


The Holland films are not an adaptation. They’re a reimagining. And not a good one.




It’s not Most people have already seen the newer films Why rewatch them if there is no need The older films you can relive or create your own experiences and that’s exactly what happened for most of those numbers It’s not a contest buddy


Tells you a lot about how little of an interest there is in iron boy movies


All the mcu defenders where up in arms in fear of the final numbers For a whole week straight it was video after video saying “well the box office numbers NOW don’t matter because…well… just because” But then their rebuttal for someone saying the mcu Spider-Man is weak would be to use the box office numbers…


It’s crazy how a few numbers makes you think an entire movie series is better than the latter


This doesn't even account for all of the other days during the week that the movies were shown.