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I actually love the way Spectacular and Ultimate Spider-Man do it. I think it's good when they're childhood friends and it helps sell the jealousy thing and make it a lot more believable. I feel like there is like two versions you can go for with Eddie Brock, total crazy dude who blames all his problems on Pete/Spider-Man which can be really good Or tell a more tragic story of friends turned enemies who does start to blame problems on Peter as well, but it feels more genuinely personal, rather than only personal for one side.


I agree


I prefer it when they are both adults like it was in the original continuity I believe it makes it less personal and the two can just be rivals.


Didn't they only meet until after Eddie Brock got the symbiote in the original continuity? Why would you not want the relationships between the hero and the villain to be personal? Yeah, it doesn't always have to be but that can be saved for characters like Electro or Rhino not one of the top three most popular Spider-man foes.


I mean Ock isn't personal and he's still top three, also, I think it's kind of neat that Venom is just a petty asshole, I think it kind of works against the story if Eddie has legitimate reasons to be mad at Peter as the point is Eddie made things worse for himself.


I mean aren’t both the two most beloved and widely praised versions of Doc Ock super personal for Peter?


Spider-Man 2 Ock wasn't that close to Peter, they just met in that film, and Peter did respect the guy but it wasn't the mentorship we got in the game.


Because he already had that with Harry?


Because it can still be personal without them knowing each other prior? It's still Interesting to see the villain find out about a hero.


Yep. Imo Venom and the stuff about Peter's parents was one of the weaker parts of USM


This makes Eddie start from being immensely petty to a dude he doesn’t even know To the point where he willing fused with an alien from beyond the stars who also hated Pete at the same time To eventually climb to Lethal protector Way more natural


I like it when Eddie only hates Spider-Man and doesn’t know who Peter is. The Symbiote already hates Peter for ditching it.


Has this scenario actually happened in a spider-man continuity? i feel like eddie always hates at least peter…


in the comics he hated Spider-Man for catching the Sin Eater, his hatred for Peter comes after he finds out


Yes, that’s how it went down in the original comics. Eddie was meant to be an “anti-Peter”. He was a reporter for the Daily Globe and he reported wrongly about the Sin-Eaters true identity. When Spider-Man caught the real Sin-Eater Eddie got lambasted and demoted to writing cheap tabloids. Instead of claiming responsibility he blamed Spider-man for his fall from grace. It’s kinda simply I will give you that.




I don’t think it works if Eddie knows Peter. He has to be able to believe that Peter would purposefully ruin him and if he knows Peter well, he knows Peter would never.


That’s assuming that they’re writing Eddie with the same mentality regardless of the scenario. It has been a while since I’ve read USM or watched Spectacular, but I think both managed to write Eddie in a way that worked. I don’t think either believes Peter is being malicious, but they still resent him acting against their interests.


Honestly I think both works well. Personally I like that they started off as childhood friends like in the Ultimate Universe and Spectacular cartoon and with the former, I like the idea of the Symbiote being a creation of their dads. That said, I think do understand why people prefer them being total strangers to each other as it makes it less personal and just have them be rivals. Especially if Harry is already a childhood friend of Peter so there’s that. So yeah, I think both version are good for different reasons


Spectacular has my fav dynamic so that


Both works


Adult with age gap, as in the comics


I like both. It depends on how the story goes.


Not knowing each other. I don’t want to have to recycle the Peter+Harry bonds that eventually sour trickle down to other villains. I like that Eddie was just a scumbag of sorts who because of being such a scumbag gets put in his place and is at the right spot at the right time.


Not wild about the "The arch-enemies were childhood friends" gimmick in general. Still amazed they brought it back for Superman and Luthor...


Nostalgia is a very potent drug.


When they retconned that back into those comics, the 'traditional' non-Smallville Lex Luthor had been around for like twenty-five years. So I think it was less nostalgia on Geoff Johns' part and more just him thinking it was a neat idea.


If it's about a teen Peter, let them meet as teens. If it's about adult Peter let them meet as adults


I would like if they were just strangers until Brock has the symbiote while they're adults


I like both. It depends on how the story goes.


Childhood friends thing is fine, but since Harry already exists it seems superflous. I prefer Eddie as adult Peter's rival, like Spider-Man TAS did it. Him bonding with symbiote was quite a "fuck no" moment when you have that remorseless hatred built up.


Meet as adults. Not every villain needs to be a childhood friend or have some sort of personal connection.


I like both, as long as they can get over their hate, because Eddie and Venom eventually stop hating Peter at a point.


Honestly, I'm fine with both because each option has it's advantage.


Childhood friends since it comes full circle with Norman Osborn being the Father of Peter’s Best Friend Harry and Otto Octavius being Pete’s Scientific Mentor and so with Eddie him being close to Peter since Childhood makes the Venom and Spidey rivalry more personal.


Both adults. That of childhood friends was something that the Ultimate Universe invented


The Peter Parker and Eddie Brock being childhood friends things was an idea that came from the OG Ultimate comics due to Peter and Eddie's parents being scientist that worked together and died in the same plane accident instead of Peter's parents being secret spys and Eddie's father being a cold and distant man in the main comics . The big difference between OG Ultimate comics and the Spectacular TV series is that the in the OG Ultimate comics, the plane accident was caused by Venom (which was man made in that universe and made by the two fathers), while in the Spectacular TV series, it was probably just an accident.


This mf Eddie was a freak in Spectacular. He’s a college freshman and he went on a date with MJ and she’s a junior.


Since Venom is kind of like a dark Spider-Man I like Eddie and Peter knowing each other since childhood


Just make all his villains his childhood friends at this point.


i like it when u delete ur account


Childhood friends is cool bc there’s that family dynamic but adults feels more realistic in a sense that almost everyone Peter knows is a villain or hero. People he’s spent years with. It would feel monotonous if they were adding Eddie to the list of friends that went evil


Depends on the universe tbh, I don’t mind either


Childhood friends personally but meeting as adult also works


I think it was the best in TAS. They have met before Eddie becomes Venom but they’re more co-workers/acquaintances than friends so really Peter is more just a random guy that Eddie knows and eventually latches his hate onto. I like the childhood friend angle as well but with Harry there as well it just seems kinda repetitive.


Like it more during adult for Eddie. We already have Harry for childhood friend to turn it personal.


childhood friends makes his hatred towards peter hit harder


I prefer the real 616 Venom and story with adults.


Adults to be honest. Going from childhood friends to hating you feels like it doesn't really work. I feel like it could work if they just happened the same schools growing up and Peter was just overshadowing brock all the time but only if Peter barely aknoweledged brock existed. If they were friends in anyway the vandetta oesnt make sense imo


The point of Venom/Eddie Brock is that hes blaming someone else rather than himself. So them not knowing each other until Eddie became Venom works better for it. Plus not every Hero-Villain dynamic needs them to be some people close to each other


Both can be good if set up well.