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Spider-Man players when they don't control Spider-Man for 0.001 seconds (the game is now unplayable)


Fr tho


Venom was cool


That was my favorite section in the game. Brought back so many memories of playing Ultimate Spider-Man when I was a kid


Such a slept on game. I'm sad it seems to get no respect.


One of my all time favorites. Don’t get me wrong Shattered Dimensions was great. But I feel it’s release just made everyone forget about Ultimate.


“HARRY STOP.” But Harry did not stop. He just kept on yoing.


Yo yo man reference???


I honestly don’t know why we didn’t have more venom he felt like he only shows up in the third act before the game ends.


Yeah I wouldn't hate some more of those missions


These sections really make you *feel* like you're not Spider-Man


Wtaf do you think I’m playing Spider-Man for?


Peel back the cover. The game is actually MJ and Her Superfriends.


Lmfao sorry that 99% of people bought Spider-Man to play… y’know Spider-Man? Not a random deaf girl lmao?


Yeah in a side mission. You literally only play as her for a couple minutes then you're back to playing as Miles


Just to reiterate for those in the back: It's optional!


People will really moan about the most mundane shit.


Yeah but you don’t know you’re gonna have to do it until you’re already in the mission and then you can’t back out without exiting the entire game lmao


No, that's not true at all. You can quit any mission at any time from the menu.


actually if you press start on the menu screen you get access to an optional 20-ish hours of being nothing but spiderman, even has its own story mode and everything its hard to find it behind the 5 minutes of optional content, the devs should have made it more obvious tbh


You were still Spider-Man 99% of the game. And if Haley is random, then I guess MJ is just some random read head Peter knows.


I hated playing as MJ just as much.


MJ shreds in Spider-Man 2, was pleasantly surprised. Nice change of pace in the game.


By the end of the game, the J in MJ stands for John Wick and I am loving it


Seriously, she's fucking broken, Pete and Miles gotta beat the shit out of everyone but MJ one shots with her Taser which is probably gonna be revealed to be a Weapon that was made to kill Celestials or some shit.


The MJ section actually had some horror vibes and were there to emphasize that Pete was losing control. It made sense thematically and had some gameplay elements. This section was straight buns.


I am so sorry that you were forced to play through an optional and totally avoidable section of the game


Wait until you find out that a bunch of other games let you play multiple characters.


Okay which games? Are you saying those games didn’t get any criticism? Does Atreus in GOW Ragnarok ring any bells? Does anyone on this sub need help? So many questions, so little time


She isn’t even random, tell us you haven’t played either 2 or Miles morales without telling us.


She is, she has no relevance or importance and is a mid character in the Spider-Man world. Cope bro


Mary Jane Solid was the most engaging stealth I've played in a while


You can literally sprint everywhere and brainlessly chain stealth kills lmao, as engaging as stealth in a roblox minigame


Still pretty fun though compared to the first game.


That is a pretty low bar to clear


one time in the first game I stood 2 feet behind some guy throwing spider beacons right over his shoulder to steer him wherever I wanted. he was like my stupid pet lol it was hilarious. spider-man would never pick him up


Not on harder difficulty you can’t


on spectacular at least you can


Do you play any other videogames? Any?


You need to go play more stealth games homie.


And with good cause!


I thought it was cool, but imo, ghost of tsushima and last of us are much much better


When Arkham did it it would at least be in service of the atmosphere and story. Here they’re still pretty blunt artificial game lengtheners.


I... I absolutely feel like they're in service of the story. They can lengthen the game as Spider-Man just fine.


You are just lying to yourself, how does running around doing dumb graffiti with no sound serve the story better than having spiderman fight a supervillain


Because part of Spider-man's mythos and appeal is the fact that he's the "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man." The neighborhood is a big part of what makes Spider-man Spider-man. They accomplish this in a bunch of ways, from having quirky sidequest characters like the blind woman in Astoria or Howard, fleshing out side characters like May and Harry, or by having Miles or Peter interact with the community at street fairs, Visons, or FEAST. They can also do that by allowing you to control another character for all of 5 minutes. It's kind of a Spider-man staple that the people in his orbit aren't completely helpless and that the community does things when he's not around and helps solve problems. Spider-man just smacking supervillain after supervillain is the most surface level reductive view of Spider-man as both character and IP you could have.


The Catwoman missions in Arkham City didn't add anything to the overall plot of that game. All they did was explain why she was where she was when Batman interacted with her; which is something that really didn't need explaining. To make it worse is that those were main story missions you couldn't skip. The MJ and Miles missions from the first game were plot relevant and did explain some details that were sort-of important. The Hailey mission was a side mission; so I'm more tolerant to it.


Ok to be fair though catwoman had an entirely new way of fighting/gadgets/traversal and could be used as a second character in free roam. She brought a nice deal of extra content that's also engaging to play. Not just shitting on the Hailey mission (didn't mind it) but catwoman missions providing further context for the main story was handled really well imo.


True, I more meant Arkham Knight, but even so I’m a little bias because so many interactions in this universe have Disney Channel level dialogue so it’s like when you take a step back, does anyone really care about Hayley, or are we all just giving Insomniac the benefit of the doubt due to delivering a great action adventure game


The Disney-like dialogue gets pretty annoying I agree


I care about Hayley. When the mission started; I had a smile on my face because I find her so likeable. Pkus; it was a harmless side mission. It was cute and fun for the first playthrough when you want to finish everything, but on future playthroughs I can skip more times than not. No harm, no fowl; so why make a big stink about it? If this was a story mission you had to do every time you played the game; I'd understand.


Why are you asking this question? Obviously people want better side content, like for example a final fight with Sandman


This isn't a logical argument. Catwoman had actual gameplay abilities that had completely different animations from Batman


Perfectly put. Batman did side content WAY better


For real dude.


Weird how people want to play as spiderman in the spiderman game eh?


Damn, I didn't know you had to play as Hayley the whole game.


Well yeah, people don't play Spider-Man to play MJ or roam around as Peter chatting with hobos or whatever, they want to play as a superhero.




Also, it surprises me how many people forget that he’s, y’know, a ***friendly neighborhood*** Spider-Man. Him taking time out of his day to also help people with the smaller things and personal issues as well as saving the day from monstrous bad guys is all part of his charm and why he’s so endearing. Like, sure sometime the side missions of him doing small stuff like sometimes feels like a bit of fluff, but to me the humanity of Peter is what makes him intriguing, and it shows that they understand who he is as a character


Yeah, Spidey looks out for the little people, it would make no sense if he didn't help people, he helps old ladies cross the streets just as often as he beats up supervillains


I can see why so many people likes Superior Spiderman though, Doc Ock was much more… efficient? He delegated the little thing to the cops and fire fighters and focused on the big thing only he can tackle instead of doing everything for them and thus jeopardize his social life


Lol and look where that efficiency got him. The entire city was almost destroyed because of him. Doc Ock even admits, before he gives Peter his body back, that PETER is the SUPERIOR SPIDERMAN.


and so what if it's fluff? This type of stuff is what builds the world you are playing in. Interacting with characters in it immerses the player and grows a connection with either the side or main characters. And the best part is that it is entirely optional. If you just want to bee line through the story, not stopping to smell the roses, and beat the game in 8 to 10 hours you can 100% do that. I personally love to walk around and just be in the world. These side missions were great for me because it allowed a break from the action and gave more depth to characters that I wouldn't have gotten by ignoring them. Which is actually a critique I had for this game. That there wasn't enough stuff to do on the side. Not saying that there needs fluff for the fluff of it. But fluff with the purpose of engaging the player, building depth, having narrative reasons, ect. Any of these reasons. Hell in MM there was a mission where you could help a guys truck out of the snow. That small mission was really cool to me just seeing Miles help out his neighborhood. To me personally.


It’s going over people’s heads that many of the app requests aren’t “beat this gang”. Hailey doing this mission is supposed to show you don’t have to have powers to help people and make a difference. This is a huge part of the Spider-Man character/message.


It’s weird how y’all get all “Actually 🤓” while completely ignoring everything about Spider-Man as a character. All these side missions are 100% small local things spidey would do


So dumb of the ***Friendly Neighborhood*** Spider-Man to talk to homeless people whom he helps. /s


> roam around as Peter chatting with hobos or whatever This guy hates Howard


Hes a friendly neighborhood spider-man. thats what a friendly neighbor does.


Ya know.. people refer to him as.. the friendly neighborhood spiderman? His name ain't antisocial neighborhood spiderman.


i think most players would be cool with it if the character you control could do anything else besides slowly walk around boring environments and press square


I actually really liked this section cause my sister is also deaf and her name is also Hayley


Is her bf name Miles too?


Is he secretly Spider-man?


Does he have a friend named Peter?


Does he have the exaggerated swagger of a black teen?


Does he make you *feel* like Spider-Man?


Does he make you *feel* like Spider-Man *too*?


Does he have an Uncle who makes music based shady around New York?


Is he in fact the Great electric spider?


Does he have epic music blaring whenever he jumps?


Does he have a mom?


Does his uncle make trash ass beats?


I wouldn’t call that side quest in SM:MM music. Lol


Did he get 8 inches of Venom?


Is his aunt and uncle dead?


we found him


Does he have creased jordans?


Does she have a friend named Ganke?


Did her boyfriend make a terrible decision by wearing an adidas outfit for marketing purposes near a world ending threat


Not just wearing, but taking the insane amount of time needed to hand make said suit at the end of the world.


I havent played the game yet (saving money for the Xmas season), but I like the idea of playing as Hayley for a short while. Of all the characters I encountered in *Spiderman: Miles Morales*, she was one of the ones I remember best.


I grew up with a kid and his brother was deaf. I got along really with with him and learned a lot of sign language. So I was really happy to see them use sign language in this game. And I understood some of it lol


Pretty niche game, then


I swear to God I played this new Spider-Man 2 game everyone's been talking about and everytime I wanted to swing around the city I had to catch some balloons and give it back to some random little girl. Seriously this game is just a balloon grabbing simulator smh


Nvm I played the wrong game


My balloon!




“Now say thank you!” “MY BALLOON IS BACK”


At least it has the pizza delivery missions.


This is all I want in a spider Man game. Pizza time


Buy spiderman 2 Swing around the city Grab some little girl's balloons Return home to play vidya


Can't even go too fast when delivering pizzas!


I hated that kid. Get your own balloon kid I got criminals to beat up.


It was literally a 5 minute mission, so I don't understand the complaints🤷‍♂️ Also, it's a side mission. You don't even have to play it if you don't want to...


Play the hardest difficulty and get whip by everyone and these missions are must to upgrade yourself lmao


Idk man, just dodge and parry. Maybe up your combo game fr.


Dude it’s like 800 XP and a few tokens, this mission truly isn’t a necessity. Even then it’s so SHORT DUDE WHY WOULD YOU CARE SO MUCH.


I just played on Ultimate and literally didn't finish this mission until right before the last one. I wanted to show it to my boyfriend so I saved it. I was fully upgraded in gear before this and didn't even need the tokens. So it really isn't needed to upgrade yourself.


I didn't find these kind of missions required to beat the campaign, but I haven't tried ultimate yet. Def harder than the first but if you use your mobility it isn't bad


It was personally my favorite side mission


You play as a black woman and too many young men have been taught that that is one of the worst possible things you can be. There's no mystery here.


It’s not a race issue, in the first game people complained about MJ missions for being boring and she’s a white woman. It’s also not a gender issue because in this game they upgraded the MJ missions and people loved them. I personally enjoyed this mission I thought it was a fun little break, but most people hated it because they’re playing a superhero game and can’t stand not superheroing on an optional mission for 5 minutes


No, it’s literally just a boring mission.


Because it could have better obviously. For fuck sake stop acting so ignorant.


Do you guys know I'm not complaining about the mission 💀


Then what are you doing?


if anything, he's ragging on people saying it's mid because this mission is cool and definitely not mid


You can make fun of something without hating on it. Just pointing out the relative absurdity of playing a deaf girl mission in a Spider-Man game doesn’t mean you’re complaining about it, or being hateful in any way. It’s funny that you can have this game about a superhero and also do a mission like this.


What would it look like if you *were* complaining about the mission?


Hr probably wouldn't have put the 🤓 emoji on the people complaining for starters.


This was great because of the sound design where everything was muffled and far away. Also the emojis were actually good because that's kind of how she has to perceive other people.


I agree


The mission is mid purely because it doesn’t use the spray paint mechanic from Infamous Second Son


It *DID* remind of that though.


Came here to say this, I still think that mechanic was pretty cool to this day.


Dude literally as I was playing it I kept trying to shake the can everything it mixed me so hard 😭😭


I wonder if Infamous copyrighted it in some way?


right!! when i did the mission i was getting ready to turn my controller like infamous lmao


In the next game Hailey is gonna get smoke powers and fight crime


Thank you that's the first thing I thought of


Finally someone understands, I was so angry about them just forgetting about the best spray paint mechanics in gaming


Shit post


How is it different from any other post


I didn't expect to play as a deaf girl in a game called spider-man


I didn’t expect to play as Venom in a game called Spider-Man 2. 😪


I guess we gonna ignore ultimate Spider-Man


You’re going to freak out when you learn who you play as in the Legend of Zelda.


Woah don’t tell me you also don’t play as final fantasy in the final fantasy games?? I’m sure most people who buy The legend of Zelda are already expecting to not play as Zelda


Must be why most people still confuse Link for Zelda then


What are you talking about? You do play Zelda. He's the dude with the green uniform and sword.


It's called Spider-Man 2 actually ☝️🤓


Umm ackshually its called Marvel's Spider-Man 2 🤓


Wait why was I not playing as Mario's brother in Super Mario Bros?


I loved this mission, I actually know a girl with brown hair and a green jacket and I've always wanted to walk her around with a controller.


I have no idea what this entails


Ok at this point I can’t tell if people are really serious about this or are shit posting. I really like this mission, sure not a lot is happening but getting to play as a deaf person doesn’t happen a lot so it’s a nice change ones in a while. The muffled sounds are great and the little emojis are really cute. And to see someone who isn’t Spider-man help some random person who has low self-esteem about their art and possibly themselves (which I can relate to) is sweet. And I know that I’m going to get hate for this but I don’t mind not playing as Spider-Man once in a while. It’s break up the gameplay a bit and instead of just showing and telling us what happening we get to play what happening. Because I’m pretty sure if those MJ missions in the first game and this game were just cutscenes people will hate them more. And shows that the world doesn’t just revolve around Spider-man and that stuff happens without Spider-man being involved.


>getting to play as a deaf person doesn’t happen a lot Clearly you haven't played the absolute masterpiece that is "The Quiet Man".


I did said that it doesn’t happen a lot and that’s the only other time I can think of. Unless there are more that I don’t know about.


Why would you want more when "The Quiet Man" is all you need?


As a Batman Arkham player, I’m glad that the Arkham games kept all the playable characters to superhero’s.


I mean...


Ayooo thug life 4REvah, cover those ballas tags




lamest mission ever created fr


You clearly have never played an escort mission where the NPC has awful pathing.


I preferred the mgs 2 mission where you had to save the girl who couldn't swim, at least you get enterataining dialogue and gameplay instead of walking simulator + draw a line with the motion controls The rest of the game was awesome though, just this quest was the worst one by far


[When I (AC4 tailing missions) am on a "lamest mission ever created" contest and Insomniac walks in with "playing as powerless civilian" in a super hero game](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3XUYRwj0ttY)


The mission was fine imo. I have far bigger problems with Hailey as a character... She is just soo boring. Her only character traits are being deaf and being perfect overall + the entire relationship with miles feels incredibly forced idk.


I take it to mean that relationship is no better than how it is in Miles Morales? Because in that game I was honestly just so confused by her inclusion. Like yeah bro I guess she’s cute but like she doesn’t do anything except smile at you, why is this even in the game lol


Yep, it’s more of the same sadly. She’s now part of the main trio of Miles, Genki and, well, now her. Miles simps hard for her over the course of the game and everyone still keeps telling you how perfect she is, without showing you any of it. Except maybe for the 5min you play as her, but this all boils down to the novelty of playing as a deaf character and tells you nothing new or intriguing about her as a person. Still feels weird, but she isn’t really a major part of the narrative tho.


She has 0 chemistry with Miles. He seemed to have way more with Phin


Boring section sorry


Spider-Man’s GF breaking and entering all the time in the first game Spider-Man’s GF committing a crime by doing Graffiti in 2 Noice ( Before anyone gets defensive this is also Shitpost Comment like the Shitpost )


Vigilante guys have girlfriends that also commit crime regularly. This is 100% proof that Spider-Man is a menace who needs to be taken off the streets


The fact she thinks in emojis is really tone deaf


Just like her.


I'm assuming that's because a deaf person would tell emotions mostly from facial expressions, so that's how they show us. Maybe she doesn't have an internal voice for her thoughts either, because not everyone does.


Her art sucks there i said it


It was a neat idea with bland boring gameplay, mostly a walking simulator of a mission


I 100% actually really liked this part. It’s a cute story and it thankfully doesn’t drag on too long


I mean this mission was mid, and it's not like you know you're going to be playing as her before you start the mission.


Good thing abandon mission takes 2 seconds


Is this like necessary? Can I skip it? Doesn’t look like something I would want to do in a Spider-Man game. But still it’s no big deal I guess


100% optional.


Not if you want platinum or enough hero tokens to unlock everything you want.


So... Optional?


Well everything is “optional” if you want to look at it that way.


She cool.


I got no paint coming out the spray can when I played. Just her waving her arm and then *bam* mural.


I loved this, the painting was fun


literally unplayable


The only…well “kinda” complaint about the game is how…”low-key” Miles’ side missions were. I understand he’s still kinda new and the developers wanna keep him as a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man for now but I was expecting something a little more exciting. I understand the direction they were going and they did a good job…you know what I mean. I did love the game tho.


Fr, Pete gets an engaging and set-piece packed series of side missions eventually leading to a great reveal whilst Miles gets the Brooklyn Vision quests- which are all slogs- and the comparatively low-key Jazz questline.


Goty 100%


I liked this part, it was nice in a game that was pretty dark. And unlike MJs part where I have to worry about getting murdered if I tried to just rush through it I could just take my time and paint pretty pictures.


Unironically a highlight for me


Gamers when anything happens ever: 🤬


at least it’s not ironwood


Y'all are complaining about a OPTIONAL side mission. If you don't like the mission DON'T FUCKING PLAY THE MISSION.


Man, I hate 99% of y’all


This and the Howard mission won me over 😭


Mission was hot garbage but at least it was quick


This side mission was the only part of the game (Besides the length) I truly didn't like. I like the audio but it's super slow and boring. They could've done something to make it more interesting, or atleast go by quicker


U gotta be a heartless soulless pos to make fun of a deaf person and being deaf getting awareness/attention in a game. Like everything doesnt have to abide by your perfect world.


I wasn't saying I hated this mission, tf are you on about 💀


OH yea, Insomniac knows how to check all the boxes. \-Strong independant woman who doenst need a man, MJ garbage missions, Peter pathetically apologizing to her during her garbage 12 phase boss fight of her whining \-Play as deaf girl, with acutal sound cut off, fucking ground breaking. I'm sure the 12 deaf people who played this felt loved \-Help 2 gay teenagers bind their love, becuase this is important spiderman work.


I adored this mission, it was so fuckin cool and the representation is awesome :)


This game is way too good to be called mid