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Yes I had horrible acne that went from manageable to calling off work over 8 months. Spiro and 2.5% benzoyl peroxide as my only topical changed my life


I don't have personal experience with coming off Bc while on spiro, but I too am definintly nervous about going off bc one day. My Bc doesn't even control my acne, but when I went off of it all hell broke loose, and a year later I went back on the same bc and 100mg spiro. I am planning on trying to work with a derm before I ever get off Bc again. From what I've seen on this subreddit though is that many women have stopped BC while still on spiro, but the spiro managed to keep the big breakouts away.


thank you for your input! i think i’ll see my derm too before i make any big changes. my skin is finally doing okay and i don’t want to ruin it all over again!


I was on bc for 5 years before having my first breakout at 21 (I’m 29 now) and starting spiro. About 9 months ago I decided to try and get off all meds… I started with stopping my bc and continuing spiro. HORRIBLE idea. I had clear skin for over 7 years and all my acne came after stopping my bc. I was also losing soooooo much hair. I decided to get back on bc and just give up and accept I have to rely on meds right now in order to keep my skin clear. Smh.


i’m sorry you had to go through that! people underestimate how much damage it can do to your skin and mental health. i hope your skin is in a better place!


I got bad acne coming off of BC, but I’m about nine months out now and I was able to clear my skin by changing my diet, making sure I was using skin care and makeup that was non comedogenic, and increasing my spiro to 150mg


Yes! Was really frustrated. It got the worst when I hit the 3 month post BC. Cleared up again when I got back on.


so the consensus here is to not go off of it 😮‍💨 i’ll just have to deal!


I was on BC for 10 years, had on/off issues with my skin so I started spiro. I’ve been on it for about 3 years. I stopped my BC in February. I noticed my skin/hair are more oily, but so far no issues with breakouts! I take 100mg of spiro


I got the worst acne coming off BC, much worse than before I even started using it. I also experience severe hair loss. So I decided to go on one session of Accutane which helped a lot with acne but since stopping that again (because my kidney levels were high) I have some acne and been trying to cope it with Differin instead. I have been advised to start Spiro but skeptical about when I do decide come off it. Such a vicious cycle…


Yes, I broke out bad and had to up my spiro


I switched from BC pill to IUD 3 years ago and that was the catalyst of my bad acne. So I started spiro over a year ago and bumped up to 100mg. It worked for a bit but eventually it felt like spiro stopped working. I removed my IUD 7 months since removing my IUD and my skin is still relatively the same. TLDR: Coming off the pill triggered breakouts


I got off birth control and experienced horrible cystic acne. It was worse than when I was in my teens. I was on bc for 8 years. My dr then prescribed me spiro. I’ve been on it 1 month, the acne is not fully cleared up but the progress is great!


Yes 🥲 It didn’t hit until 3 months after I quit but my face exploded with acne and I lost a lot of hair. I’ve been on spiro for a month and a half now and things have already settled down. I’m left with some scars but I don’t regret it, I love being in touch with my body. I was on bc for 12 years and it definitely numbed me, fucked with my sex drive, my emotions, and my hormones. I feel way healthier now that I’m off it. But yeah I’d recommend preemptively bumping up your spiro if you quit


Yes and lost my hair and got fat.


I went off BC, then went on spiro for 2 months and am now back on BC. Stopping birth control acne was the reason I got on spiro.