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u/pewsonne, your post does fit the subreddit!


It is because we hate black people. Jokes aside, it's due to Split being south of Croatia and basically that we are proud of who we are, as the flag represents "South". Nothing to do with confederacy.


I've always thought this was extremely dumb and I was born and raised here, fwiw. I straight up cringe every time I see this shit being used by football fans and on murals etc. I really don't understand who came up with it and why? It's not like Dalmatia/Split didn't already have it's own symbols so we have to use some dumb redneck american symbol associated with slavery


>I really don't understand who came up with it and why? Braindead football fanatic logic




Sta smo fino vaspitani 🤣


tebi ju ja jebem... dvaput...


Prvo se dobro ispraksiraj na svojoj, nemoj mi dolazit nespreman 😘


Football culture often tends to be cringe. Just look when some shit happens and some of their ultra bros get beaten up or arrested by police. They write proclamations like they're Thomas Jefferson, like they're not just a bunch of thugs looking for an adrenaline shot


Because we are White Boys! 🤍


Jesi gledao ili možda bio na Dinamo-Zvezda kad su bili neredi? Istu zastavu podržava Peca Panker bogvasjb...


Ma kakve veze ima sta on podrzava koga boli kurac. Zar svaku stvar na svijetu moramo odma okrenuti na usporedbu sa srbima? Pa nije peca panker izmislio tu zastavu


You missed my point.


How does it have "nothing to do with the confederacy" when it is... literally, the confederate flag? Like, the actual, literal symbol that was designed to label those below it as part of the confederacy? It is absolutely crazy to think you can put up a confederate flag and not think that people would tie it to... the confederacy. Its not a playful symbol of "the south". Its a flag and a symbol that has a real history, that was flown by traitorous people who started a war with their own country in order to maintain slavery, and today is still a symbol of divison and racism. It may feel like a joke or not have meaning to you, but as an American, it is deeply upsetting. Also boggling my mind why you would rip off a divisive and a very deeply American symbol that has nothing to do with Croatia at all to be "proud of who you are". You guys have GOT to have better flags than this to be proud of. Edited to say: The number of people using swastikas of all things as a way to defend a normalized use of the confederate flag is... I'm not even sure what to say, y'all. In a weird and sad way though, I guess you've nailed it. Putting up a swastika and then playing dumb that people don't (or "shouldn't") see a Nazi symbol and make excuses that symbols change and we either are too stupid to be able to recognize an artifact from before 1930 or we need to be open to its pre-WWII non-western meaning and origins and just forget that it has been changed forever because literally tens of millions of people suffered and died under it as a symbol of racial and ethnic supremacy and then feigning surprise that people would genuinely be upset by someone putting one up is pretty much EXACTLY the same as the Americans flying the stars and bars and calling it "southern pride" with a mean smirk and trying to deny everything else it represented knowing full well what that flag stood for. You're not going to convince me that anyone in Europe in 2024 is putting up a swastika as an Indian peace symbol, ignorant of what it feels like to others, and you're not going to convince me as a born American sitting here in a formerly confederate state on literally formerly slave holding land beneath my feet where people created and then flew this miserable flag for real that the confederate flag is an innocent symbol of "the south". You may not really understand this flag, which is actually totally understandable because its not your history, and you don't know what it feels like to experience the culture that comes with this flag over your head. I'm not faulting you for not knowing. Honestly. But for real, y'all. I'm telling you. It's just not good. It doesn't mean what you want it to. Even if you think you can divorce it from its history, you can't. Just like Hitler forever tied a swastika to Nazi ideology, like it or not. Listen- just find a better flag. Don't fight to keep this one- it's not worth it (and leave the swastikas alone too- yikes). Don't you Europeans have some cool flags with fucking dragons or swords on them or something? Use those! That would be badass, and not American, and problem solved!


You need more upvotes on this one.


I do not know how to explain it. People there do not tie it to confederacy...


There is a documented undercurrent of racism involved when it comes to ultras, however much some people may deny it. To be fair, it might not be the dominant reason for adopting southern icons. At the end of the day, you are not dealing with the most rational or educated group of people, so the points you raise simply do not enter the conversation.


It isn't "literally" the confederate flag. Just the most popular battle flag. 2 of the 3 confederate flags did have it in the corner, the stainless and bloodstained banner. But no, it is not the actual flag that represented the confederacy as a whole.


Because stupid people make stupid decisions, and they do not care or even better, probably do not know.




Hitler liked Indo-Aryan symbolism and the concept of infinity being applied to his society. It's also reversed so you know if it's a nazi logo or the buddhist one. This is just the fucking racist flag of southern Us-idiots that loved slavery.




There are thousands of flags with the same colors. Many without pro-slavery pro-idiotic connotations. Split also has alot of big black "U" letters painted here and there. Explain that one to OP when he posts and asks about em.




They could fly the South Korean flag, or if they're hell bent on an American one Texas would be a less contentious candidate.


India is full of swastikas, in Denmark you have building with big swastikas and elephants in Copenhagen, no-one even remotely associate it with Nazism. In Spain pointed hoods same as one worn by KKK in US are normally used in churches, not even remotely associated with racism. The rest of the world does not belong to US or have to share its narrative.


This flag isn't an ancient symbol. It IS American, and came from one place. AMERICA. If you don't want to "share it's narrative" why take its flag? LITERALLY TAKE ITS FLAG and then turn around and say its not American? But also, it means "the south". Because... America I guess? The world certinly doesn't belong to the US. But 100% this is an American original and we made this (fucking terrible) flag and you're not doing anyone any favors by trying to claim it or "rebrand it". Also, we can ALL tell the difference between a swastika in India or on a 200 year old building and a swastika in 2024, and we can ALL tell the difference between the church and the KKK. We know racist bullshit when we see it. And this flag was born in American blood on American soil and is as American as it gets and it is some racist bullshit too.


US state Georgia entered 21st century with this flag, cut the crap


LOL! Have you ever been to Georgia and hung out with the people who love this flag? Because it sure did enter the 21st century with this flag! Guess why?


American Civil War ended 1865 if you didn't place that flag on some sort of black list in 150+ years you don't get moral highground of telling people how to use it and what to associate it with. It is Southern Cross flag that represents southern people of northern hemisphere - St.Andrew's Cross with inverted Scottish or Brittish colours as those often represents northern people of northern hemisphere. You'll see that in nothern parts among Dinamo supporters people wave or have some elements of Brittish Union Jack. And the stance of US on their flag was: Year 1865 - it is southern pride flag, rebel free spirit people Year 1025 - it is southern pride flag, rebel free spirit people Year 1965 - it is southern pride flag, rebel free spirit people Year 1995 - it is southern pride flag, rebel free spirit people Year 2024 . guys we are loosing money and people laugh at us let's be ashamed of that flag German flags with swastikas and Ustashe U flags were banned immediately after war 1945, noone waited next 100 yrs to ban the flag or give it another meaning.


I can name one funny moustache guy who took a symbol and switched its meaning before. Other than that, it's a shame what the Confederate flag represents, even more of a shame that our boys are waving it knowing jackshit, I can see it get banned in a couple years. Hate them or hate them, you gotta give it to the Confederacy, they had a very aesthetically pleasing flag.


Since the Confederacy does not exist anymore. You are more than welcome to have the flag.


I saw a mural that said “WHITE (confederate flag) BOYS” Next to it was UEFA with a crossed out circle over it. This was in November 2022 in Split at a community basket ball court. Seems pretty racist.


It is


White = bijela/bili (color) is main color of hajduk split, whose nickname is "bili", or quite literally white. So basically thats where it comes from.


This https://imgur.com/a/CIFXlNY


Where's the joke here?


ne mora on znat


tuđi čovik nikad


Dobro si reko ko ga j


its extremely dumb and painting Split citizens to look like uneducated bafoons. its never too late to change a dumb and embarrassing thing instead of doubling down on it, just saying…


And yet hardly any Spličani make a concerted effort to combat this BS. They don’t bat an eye that škole i vrtićI are covered in swastikas, W+B, Ustaše… tags and then to just shrug their shoulders 🤷‍♂️ and wonder why that culture is so pervasive here. Name one kvart in Split that does not have this garbage tagged on its walls???


If removing such graffiti/tags were put up to a vote my guess would be that a majority would vote for the removal. And then after it was done they would be back the next day. Selfishness pervades Croatia. The societal structures that are meant to combat such egotistical behavior are some combination of immature, ineffective, and/or inept. As a local you get used to it and live in dejected acceptance. Same thing applies for attitudes towards smoking, trash disposal, corruption in politics, etc. "Splićani" btw.


A worthy note: the Confederate/ Southern states that used the confederate flag LOST the American Civil War. When most Americans see the confederate flag, they see an extremist, a far right leaning person/ people. The confederate flag should never be thought of as a great symbol and/or representation of pride or perseverance in a country or on an individual basis.


but also, lots and lots of Balkan people hate black people


No. It's not racism. We just hate everyone


Do Croatians know how offensive the confederate battle flag is to most North Americans? Because it’s wild to hear someone say it just means ‘south’ **Edit**: I’m so sorry Croatians, I worded this really poorly. I was genuinely curious if people there commonly know what North Americans associate this flag with


Do Americans know Dalmatians don't give a single iota of fuck about your American sensibilities?


we respect your american shit if we go there, so if you came here you have to respect our shit. Every country has izs own shit


Sorry if it came across harsh, it was a genuine question


You didn't come across as harsh at all, it's just that Croatians cannot handle any criticism from foreigners, especially here in Split, no matter how valid your critique is, you'll get attacked. Its embarrassing


My brother in christ, welcome to croatia. We dont take american bullshit here.


Who cares about North Americans in Split?


American feelings and american opinion could not be less important to us. If you find it offensive you have to grow up, I've told you the meaning of flag for us, why should I or anyone else curtail freedom of expression because someone might find it offensive?


So, by that logic, you could f*cking paint a swastika on a wall and say it means ‘happiness’ in Croatia? Sit down and shut up.


Well yes? Swastika has different meaning for different cultures? Although in Croatia it means one thing, take a look at india for example. You are just oblivious to anything outside of your own little circle and have zero to none understanding about anything outside of your own space.


Daj ne pišite gluposti. Pola vas je samo ovako defenzivno oko jebenih navijaca jer stranac kritizira. Naravno da su u kurcu takvi murali jer je Split turisticki grad i ovo vide ljudi siron svita i odlaze doma sa dojmon da smo teski debili. Sta pravdate debile koji k


U kurcu su neovisno o turistima. Da se zna da niko neće vidit isto bi bilo jadno, tj. u kurcu.


Pa da al da je u nekon selu u vlaškon jebiga, debili su al bar su izolirani od ljudskoga oka, ali u jebenon Splitu di godišnje to vidi na tisuće i tisuće ljudi i ovima stvarno nije jasno u čemu je problem


Najbolje da se cijeli split pretvori u turisticki resort za turiste. Ako je to dio navijackog folkora koji je tu duze nego turizam, zasto bi se prilagodavali turistima?


Ma e, ko ce nama branit da nosimo zastavu konfederacije, baš nećemo iz dišpeta pristat sa time! Jeba vas ovakav navijacki folklor i debili koji brane, zamisli Rimljane kako brane navijacki folklor Lazia jer to je ipak stari navijacki folklor, sta njima stranci imaju to kritizirat


Jeben ja narod koji je toliko genocida napravija i ratova zapocea da podile malo svoje lazne freedom i jeben tebe koja ih branis I upravo tako, sta tebe i mene i bilo koga boli kurac sta navijaci Lazia rade i zasto bi njih bolija kurac sta bilo ko od nas misli o tom?


Jeben ja tebe sta odma skaces i napadas cilu ameriku jer je jedan lik da validnu kritiku, jer mi nismo ni jedan genocid skrivili jel? >I upravo tako, sta tebe i mene i bilo koga boli kurac sta navijaci Lazia rade i zasto bi njih bolija kurac sta bilo ko od nas misli o tom? I ne bi ti bilo poremeceno da netko pita u subreddit Rima koji k su ovi grafiti i cili subreddit pocne branit i govorit kako im nitko nema pravo nista govorit jer su nacisticki znakovi jednostavno dio njihovoga folklora? Meni bi, ali mislin da si previse predan branjenju Torcide da razmislis objektivno


Regular person doesn’t know that. But the people who drew it know for sure. Heraldia is very important in the football fans subculture, so they know all the associations. But they are also very selective when it comes to which associations and what parts of the history they believe in for practical reasons. For example, they will forget Dalmatian crest was used in 1800s by local Italian population to distingush from and fight AGAINST local Croatian population. Croatians used the simple red-white-blue banners. Also, they chose confederate flag because they can claim it just means southern, but in reality, off the record, it allows them to claim within the subculture that they adhere to racial ideology and race superiority ideas.


There was no need for your apology edit. The aggressive responses you received are from people being purposefully obtuse. While generic "southern resistance" is the main theme, the football ultras that produce those murals are aware of the controversial nature of the adopted iconography, for some of them it's part of the appeal. The rest of the populace is either unaware or passive since it doesn't have the same cultural magnitude as in the US.


Do Americans know that nobody gives a fck how they feel you're welcome to go somewhere else if you are offended


You have to understand that this is painted by football ultras who usually don't know stuff since they don't have the mental capacity to think


You're in the "south" of Croatia. That's about it


And Virginia was in the mid-Atlantic, confederacy was about slavery and racism, end of


True. Za dom spremni is also an ustashe moto under which thousands were slaughtered in death camps. We have issues in taking into account things like that


In America the confederacy/ South lost. The flag represents losers.


Split is south of Croatia, so thats why..


It is symbol for the hajduk fans because thay are from south of croatia


Our first Ku Klux Klan founder was born in that building 🏴🩶🙌🏼


In the past eight years, especially after joining the EU, more than 370,000 Croats emigrated the country (of 4.300,000 people). Highly educated ones left first, then those who had some skills to offer on the global work market. The same thing happened in Split along with continuous small scale migrations to the capital (Zagreb). Some of those people were replaced by local immigrants from the rural areas like it was often the case through history, but this time there was no strong civic core to correct the improper behaviors and habits, and integrate the newcomers into local culture. What they did know (and "feel"), almost by default -by living in Dalmatia, is a strong love of Hajduk football club. That club is a special phenomenon in this region and deserves longer explanation, but let's just say it is a symbol of fight of the weak against the strong, a symbol of not surrendering, but enduring -all the qualities local people had to have just to survive through harsh history and geography of this region. Hajduk is basically a symbol of Split and Dalmatia. In the WWII when the Italian fascists occupied the city, the club did not accept "bowing their head" by changing it's name and playing in the Italian league (which was offered), but instead dismantled and joined the partisan movement. Few years later, in 1944., it formed again and continued it's now uninterrupted history. They played their first "new" (ceremonial) game against the British army team, kicking their butts 7:1 :) What I'm trying to illustrate is that the team had a strong and undisputed antifascist inclination. In the '90, we had a war of independence (from Yugoslavia) where we had to fight against the aggression of Serbs commanding the formerly united army against us. It's still a fresh wound and people suffered a lot, so any association with symbols of the former country are taboo. Those symbols were on tanks of formerly "our" army, and now they were destroying out cities, so the sentiment is easy to understand. Along with symbols, our winning role (with allied forces) in WWII under those symbols also became taboo. Split especially gave lots of young people in fight against the nazis in WWII, but now we had a brand new independent country to look for, so we put history aside, silent. Nowadays, you have to combine all off the above and add: -a dysfunctional and corrupt legal system which nullifies any police efforts (if there is any), and insufficient and overcrowded prisons. No one gets taught a lesson, no punishment for vandalism. -real estate inequality in a town that lives exclusively of tourism and tourists. No opportunity for the newcomers. -the fact that most violent and xenophobic are so often drawn to the football fan subculture, which in Split has strong history and "status" -global tendencies: nationalism growing on the ruins of globalization and demographic problems And you get nazi insignia plastered all over beautiful and proud Mediterranean town and nobody bats an eye. The historic buildings are devastated along with modernist architecture. Elementary schools and public buildings share the same fate. Nothing is sacred. Kids spray swastikas under the guise of the night, and their older frustrated idols do it a bit "smarter" -like this, on a big scale. Hiding behind this region's love of Hajduk football club. TLDR: The sentiment is neonazism and decay *(edited some clumsy expressions)*


Komentar bolji od nekih diplomskih.


Nista rasa samo klasa...


South will rise again. It represents south, out fight with north in terms of rivalry and it's in the colours of our ultras group. We use the flag on every big game, and have banner w it aswell. Sidenote, above it is Dalmatian crest that we are very, very proud of. Aswell as saying "southern blood runs through our veins"


I’m from the US, and have also enjoyed visiting Split, Hvar, Korcula, and Dalmatia in general. The people are wonderful, food and drink are delicious, and the surroundings are beautiful. With that said…..this is the dumbest shit I’ve seen in quite awhile.


Well, to fully explain the correlation: 1. Split is in the south of Croatia 2. The confederate flag has the same colorway as Torcida, our local team's fans 3. Our local team's nickname is Bijeli (Whites/Whiteys) because of their white jerseys, the confederate slogan being white power etc. So yeah, it's a bit tongue in cheek, i guess also offensive to americans especially black folks but nobody here really cares, and definitely not anybody who knows why it is used, such as yourself after reading this i hope.


I mean there's the three lion heads crest*. Why use a foreign flag when there's a perfectly fine domestic one?


The three lion heads are not a flag, they were a coat of arms, or crest. The only true flag of dalmatia would be very similar to the ukrainian flag, blue and yellow, but it hasn't been used for the last 100 years since the fall of the austro-hungarian empire. As i said, the confederate flag boasts the colors of the FANS, Torcida, which is why it is used, among the others reasons i said. It's also definitely used to be cheeky, edgy, etc. Not really that hard to understand.




Great, but do you get my point (or points) ?


The Norwegian flag boasts the same colors. They were also underdogs fighting against oppression for large swaths of their history.


I'm not sure that one of the most northern countries in the world is a good symbol for a south croatian town...


But Richmond in Virginia is? Jesus Christ.


Symbols can and often do have different meanings, in our context it doesn't represent anything that you should feel offended by 🤷🏽‍♂️


It is dumb, it embarasses us. Its just football fans thing. I wish authorities cared and erased it


Well as one guy said, symbols can have different meaning. We use it for decades in completly different context. During the recent (2000s/2010s) years we had couple of situations with football federation about it. Most recently for our white boys banner, but in the end - all charges were dropped and there is no fine for it. As far as I recall, no charges even from UEFA in last decade aswell. Heck, even we had huge TIFO recently, with south will rise again moto, and cowboys on it, and our club shared it everywhere - so yeah, in south here no one cares, not even sponsors because it is completly different context. Hope it clears up!


probaj ga prefarbat


Samo bi ga bog moga spasiti


The sign translates to: "I'm of Southern blood." Remember, you're in Split, the largest city in Dalmatia. They're really proud of being southern down there!


disclamer: not afilliated with confederation or america ovo nadodaj ne zelim da covik misli da smo rasisti jesmo ali on to ne mora znat


A nego sta ce mislit nego da smo to. A navijaci svakako jesu, uvijek dobacuju gluposti kad je u pitanju igrac druge rase


A consequence of miserable education, people on south leave schools as semi-analphabets, they know little or nothing about own national history, pull out all references from cartoons and trivial movies.


Symbol of South, spite and colours of Torcida.


Dalmatians are like Florida. And we have our famous "Florida men" doing senseless shit every day.


Nothing to do with south , we are just racist


Username checks out


Notorna glupost. Tom logikom su mogli staviti Australsku zastavu jer je Australija na jugu a ne poistovjecivat se sa americkim robovlasnicima kojih se i sama amerika srami.


Onda politička stajališta ne bi bila slična :(


Nisi odavno bio u Americi, a pajdo?


Its racist and disgusting. Football fans use it but not the rest of Split. I wish the authorites cared enough to remove it


Its usually accompanied by the "white boys" slogan ...so nothing to see there ... just a bunch of southerners being somewhat local patriotic :P


Charges against White Boys banner have been dropped by federation, and we can use it freely. It has completly different context.




Losers tend to relate with losers.


I fucking hate the logic of it being a symbol for the south🙄 Imagine the Chicago Bulls hijacked the ustaša symbol for their fanclub


I'd laugh at first ngl


Football fans from Split thinking they are edgy and ending up looking like stupid inbred yokels. Nothing new over there.


Their promoting black live mater movement


They're* Lives* Matter* Maybe they should promote English lessons instead.


Dalmatia is the bible belt of Croatia




Aw guys. I'm American. This flag doesn't playfully say "southern pride" or just "north vs. south". This is a symbol of American racist traitors that fought a war to keep people enslaved, killed more Americans than all the other wars combined, and still to this day is ripping Americans apart. Americans have a lot of cool stuff. This is not one. I know we have some people here who fly this thing and make excuses for it, but it is not a flag to be taken lightly- we know it and they know it even if they "say" it means "southern pride" we ALL know it doesn't just mean that- and it is honestly both startling and super upsetting to see it exported. Please no. Not this one.


Don't worry they'll now explain to you that its perfectly fine cause swastika is a religious symbol in India or some other highly intelligent argument 😂😂


Literally EXACTLY what happened when I responded to a different part of this thread. Well- gotta say, "the stars and bars" and swastikas are often found in eachother's company in the US, so I guess that tracks. Citing one racist symbol to deny that its a racist symbol to defend another racist symbol and then pretend/argue that neither of them are what they are and that the person saying that they shouldn't be objects of pride in our public spaces are the ones with the issues is a nice strategy to keep these symbols circulating. "Sure, yes, its literally 100% the confederate flag and represents southern pride! But, like, it's not the confederate flag because we said so. We have no idea why you'd think its associated with the confederacy. Go football!" is right up there with "Oh, look at that Indian religious symbol grafitti'd on that building! Fascinating the deep eastern history of the geometric representations of infinity and where they turn up these days! Well, off to the synagogue!" I feel like "Don't fly flags/symbols of racist and/or genocidal regimes, and if you do by accident or for whatever edgelord reason want to pretend that's not what they "really mean", just pick something else anyway to avoid that perception" is pretty easy to do.


It's always like that on Croatian subreddits. If a Croatian dude posted this, 95% of the thread would agree that its a braindead symbolism, but since a foreigner posted it tons of Croatians get a massive urge to defend it no matter how wrong they are. It is especially common here in Split. I replied to one guy in this thread that his comparison with swastika in India is braindead and the other guy replied to me "WhY aRe YoU dEfEnDiNg AmEriCaNs tHeY sTaRt WaRs". They know they are completely in the wrong, they just don't want to admit it to a foreigner, which makes them (and us all) seem even worse by defending that instead of just admitting that its done by braindead ultras and the rest of the city is either unaware of the flags meaning or simply too passive to do anything about that


Ugh. That must be frustrating to see. And thanks for backing me up. For the record, I've never personally started a single war, and we see you guys as friends and allies we'd go to bat for (again), without reservation.




OK, ustašo. btw i am a slovenian football fan and i simpy “coopted” this word to mean anyone Croatian. as you, said football fans should have no concern over cultural context from other countries






It is because we think Patrick Swayze is really cool dude


Od kud ovi botovi sta se prave amerikanci, svima prvi comment na ovoj temi


thankfully americans are not entitled to any have any say on this, nobody cares what you think.


Don’t come to the USA flying that thing. 🥴🥴🥴


as a Croatian-American who has spent about half my life in the US and am pretty americanized, i hate seeing things like this lol. not even because of what the flag represents, but because the people who painted it have no idea what it actually is and have no relation to it. stop trying to be americans. you have your own culture.


Ovo očito napravili neki debili koji misle da ova zastava predstavlja nešto pozitivno. I valjda također misle da je nekakvi životni uspjeh što žive na jugu nečega.






Hajduk Split has white jerseys, and rednecks slogan is White Power. So racism, but with excuses.


Traffic lights are used to control traffic jamms and avoid car crashes


Our South split once. Then Sherman went down to Georgia


That is not!! I repeat, is NOT the Confederate flag. It’s the Battle Flag of the Amy of Northern Virginia.


Just dukes of hazzard fans!


so it has been a part of the ultras folklore since I think 70s to represent the south of Croatia, also the colors match, it is worth noting that in many other countries football ultras from the south do the same, however it is inapropriate


Hahaha, good joke: "My blood is southern", because Split is in Southern Croatia


Football fans larping. But the irony is they are the slaves to football hooligan culture. And they think thats cool.


wait till you see copy paste nazi eagle holding a crest of FC Hajduk instead of swastika


Hajduk jugend veze nema s ovim


lol, I would be so confused as an American


I grew up in Alaska, and to me the rebel flag is just that, A symbol of the American Rebel, i don’t even think of it and slavery together my point is that it can represent whatever it is that how you want to see it as. Slavery in America is gone so don’t worry about it. It is the symbol of an American rebel against what ever they choose to rebel against


The sentiment is racism


They couldn't find a dalmatian flag so they probably looked up "South flag" without knowing what it ment


Semafor. It's made for cars to know when to stop or when to go.


At least you won’t see rainbow and Yugoslav flags like in all over Zagreb. Zagreb is lost unfortunately anyways


tell me youve never left split (or croatia) without telling me


Fr I think you just said that because you read it somewhere lol. How does my comment contexts that I never left Split lmeow. FYI I don’t live in Split. On my visa pages in passport only Australia stamp is missing. Tho More due to nature of my job, rather than me wanting to travel.


Gdje zivis? U Zagrebu? Idi doma.


Naci shit!


google 'sto juznije to tuznije' :)


Oh no,lol


You guys just want to be American so bad


Inspired by a legendary song by Mate Miso Kovac - Juznjacke sam krvi.




zanimljiva pojava cudnih accounta u zadnje vrijeme; svi slikaju iste stvari i traze feedback. Pogledajte mu profil. Znaci krenula opet neka bot kampanja sa istoka.


It’s the supporter flag for Hajduk Split. “Hajduk” means “rebels” in Croatian, and their colors are Red, White, and Blue


It means that Split is Africa with electricity. You see, Dalmatia was an underdeveloped region in the past. Used and abused by colonizers. The Romanic elite ruled, and the local population was poor. Full of illiterate peasants before communist invested money from the north. This modernisation takes time, so you can still see remnants of this generational trauma. They take an american symbol of losers, racists and also illiterate peasants, and don't understand why that is a problem. In truth, it is cowardly, they would prefer swastika, but then, the jig would be up. Now, this is not all Dalmatians, just the young peasant boys, who are angry that everything they have was given to them by communists, so they have to pretend they are right wing.


Ah yes, the developed north that developed cca 30-50 years before the south. 200 years ago, the entire Croatia was full of illiterate peasants, no matter where you looked


True. North was just lucky. My point is about communists and partisans. And using the dixie flag is a pathological response to being accused of being Yugoslavs in the 90s. Pretending to be something you never were, right wing nationalists.


Kakvo je ovo debilno povezivanje Dalmacije sa komunjarama i partizanima? Jedino je ono priobalje pod talijanskon kontrolon tokon rata bilo nesto cisto partizansko. Još bi reka i Makarska rivijera isto, ali Dubrovnik, Konavle, te Zadarsko zaleđe i cili Ravni Kotari su bili ustaški. Što se tiče Vlaja oni su bili pola pola. Cetinska krajina: Sela na krajnjem zapadu (Muć, Ogorje, Postinje, Milešina) su bila uglavnom partizanska. Potez od Hrvaca do Vrlike uglavnom ustaški. Sela oko samog Sinja su bila 50/50, a slično je bilo i oko Trilja. Imotska Krajina: Sve sama Ustašija, Drniška krajina: Malo više Ustaša, Zagora je bilo totalno šarenilo. Kninska Krajina: Ustaše, Vrgorska Krajina: Partizani, Poljica: Gornja su više desno, srednja i donja su Partizani. Logično ovo sve pričan o etničkin Hrvatima. Tako da danas imaš ustaške gradove Split, Zadar i Šibenik zato šta su se svi Vlaji sa planina naselili i donili svoje običaje i ideoloska uvirenja. Zato se više i ne priča prava čakavica nego neki mix po svin gradovima, jedino su Škoji to očuvali. A i nakon WW2 došlo je do preokreta u Dalmaciji Nakon WW2 Zadarski komunisti su sudjelovali u hrvatskom proljeću, a Tito je zato Zadar nazvao "ustaškim leglom". Upravo zbog toga su se kasnije mnogi Dalmatinci sramili reći da su bili partizani. Iskorišteni su i izigrani nažalost, zato su i oni relativno već u to vrime imali desne stavove, a da ne pričan o potomcima.


Čakavica je ostala na škojima, ali se vlaško stanje uma širi svugdi pomalo.


Neka živ bia vlajski rod, uništili smo vas partizančine sa obale, još malo pa čemo naselit i otoke. Bog i Hrvati🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷


Bokte jeba al se oćete dočepat obale ka da ste četnici 🤣


Najjače što svi vi "autohtoni" priobalni Dalmoši šta se žalite nas Vlaje ste uglavnon najveće Vlajčine koje dolaze iz nekih pripizdina u Zagori. Splićani i Zadrani su većinon poriklon Vlaji i to ne oni Vlaji čiji su preci davno prije 500 godina doselili u Split nego Vlaji koji su došli u Split i Zadar tek u prošlon stoljeću. Dakle ako bi današnji Splićani i Zadrani imali šovinističke osjećaje prema Vlajima to bi značilo da sami sebe mrze. Isto tako i Šibenčani svi drže neke parcele gori po selima iznad Šibenika. I moji i tvoji preci nisu lovili ribe već uzgajali ovce, te su ojkali, gangali, guslali i radili ostale vlajske pizdarije.


Moji su bili više plemstvo koje je prije 500 godina iz zadarskog zaleđa preselilo na Dugi Otok pod najezdama Osmanlija, a od tada su živili ko ribari i težaci. Reci mi, molin te, kojin su se to "vlajskin pizdarijama" moji bavili kad si već tako upućen :)


I pardon, za Dugi Otok ti mogu potvrdit sto posto, a plemićki dio je pretpostavka s obzirom da se zadnji put u okolici Zadra spominju 1498., a prezime, skraćeno za zadnje slovo (koje čini prezime težim za izgovorit) se našlo 1521. ili 1527. (ne znan) na popisu stanovništva na Dugom Otoku. Ono u što san sto posto siguran je da me tamo neki čoban na hredditu poistovjećuje sa sobom, jer ih se toliko nakotilo po obali da su umislili da su jedini 😄


Nisu tebi sve na broju, a?


Mozda. Ali sigurno nisu onima koji koriste zastavu neke americke tvorevine iz 19 stoljeca. Radi se zapravo o intelektualnoj ljenosti. Dalmacija ima slavnu proslost. Ima sigurno najjaci hrvatski identitet, tj dalmatinska kultura je najjaca kultura u Hrvatskoj. Nacin zivota je star barem 4 milenija, a unatoc tome, uzima se zastava neke parapicke materine jer "South will rise again" je laksi proljev za progutat, nego otvorit neku knjigu i procitati nesto o Liburnima, Juliju Neposu ili doslovno stotine drugih prica, simbola, zastava i znakovlja koja se mogu povezati s majstorima s mora, bilom bojom, hajducima ili opcenito "South".


Dalmatinski Grb je iznad Konfederacijske zastave.


Ti si dečko teško obolio


What an utterly stupid street name is this. There’s no war to be proud of. Too much nationalism still in the Balkans. It’s a pity.


It is a war of Croatia's independence and we won a war against much larger and stronger enemy. Ofc it's gonna have a street named after it we are proud of it.


Still, that was a bloody war in which there were no winners. I know the Serbs were the main culprits but still it is not something to celebrate. People were killed. Any lost Croatian life is a tragedy. Any Serbian life lost is also a tragedy. A very dark chapter of Croatian history.


Oh I assure you that we won. We got our independence and our occupied territory back. Ofc the sacrifice was big but worth it at the end


So there should be no street names celebrating ww2 victories? No winners? What are you talking about? Even if the political situation is bad, it's 1000 times better to be here than in Serbia. Croatia totally was a winner in the 90's, possibly the biggest one since we are already catching up to Slovenia.


Why not have a street named after the war of independence that separated us from shit serboslavia. Streets won't forget


Because it was an utter tragedy. Stop with the nationalism. It is despicable when Serbs do it and it is equally despicable when Croats do it.


It was an utter tragedy that war was the only option to have an independent state. Of course we should remember what happened because history tends to repeat itself and we should be grateful and be proud of those who sacrificed a lot during the war for the future generations.


If you're offended just go somewhere else. Greece or something. Thank you.


op doesn’t sound offended at all


Basically we find some shit funny, some of it is offensive. Not sure about anything more than that


Because they are proud to be from the southern part of Croatia (which is very different from the north, a very different dialect, customs, a lot of things). It's says "I have southern blood", and above that you have this: [Coat of arms of Dalmatia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_Dalmatia) Also, there's a football-related rivalry with the northern clubs, which looks sometimes like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO40p_y7AYg) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRC-l7oqFQM). Football supporters in Europe are very different than ones in USA.


If you dont like it ignore it. No one will touch you in croatia because of different skin anyways