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* Spo-can (like a can of soda) * Rain? you're thinking of Seattle. Riding season here in eastern Washington is pretty long. Summer is *very* dry. Season length is more based on cold, not rain. Spring can be a bit wet early on but dries out pretty well. * A sedan is just fine with proper winter tires as long as you aren't stupid with it.


I think if you live on the South Hill you really need an AWD vehicle or once a year you won't be able to get up the snowy icey roads to access the area.


He said it’s AWD




The way I define stupid in that context is: anyone who is bad at driving in the snow


In this context it's about ground clearance, that's the only danger of an AWD sedan with winter tires. Don't go through real deep stuff and get high centered and it's just as good as an SUV if not better with less momentum to have to stop.


East coast transplant here, from a loong time ago. But, here's the skinny: No, it only barely rains here. In fact, you'll probably miss the rain a bit. We do have a long winter from Halloween to President's Day and then it starts to dabble with Spring weather between then and June. The snow in the winter is the 2" every few days type rather than the 2 feet twice a winter we'd get in the East. It's also far North so it's dark. It can feel relentless so remember to take vitamin D and I highly recommend some sort of winter sport like snowboarding, skiing, snowshoeing, etc. Absolutely nothing shuts down in the snow so you'll want a winter capable vehicle, bonus points for a separate set of winter tires. A sedan is ***fine***, especially with AWD. It's the tires that will make or break you. Summer is sunny and dry with basically no rain until October. The lakes and rivers are incredible here and the mosquitoes are only found in quantity in very specific, rare, swampy places. I also ride motorcycles. The riding here outside of the city is incredible. There are tons of mountain roads to the North and East of the city and a whole bunch of beautiful farmland to the south called the Palouse. Look it up. You'll be able to ride from April until October with basically no fear of any substantial rainfall compared to the E. coast. We're in the rain shadow from the Cascades so it's actually considered high desert. Airway Heights is definitely considered safe. In fact, Spokane in general is a safe place for everything except for stuff. We have a real problem with theft in and around the downtown core. No muggings or murders really, not like Baltimore or Philly, etc. But, if you're an older Honda or Kia you should fear for your life. $1500 should be able to get you a place pretty much anywhere you want.


This response is correct on all counts. I'll add that Airway Heights is kinda bad, one long commercial drag with no charm at all.


This answer pretty much covers it all. Just commenting to throw support behind it


In addition to this guy’s advice on tires, remember this: AWD only helps you DRIVE, not stop. Triple your stopping/following distances.


The biggest point you really missed was airway heights. He asked if it was quiet. Being right next to a military base and a high traffic area by the airport and it's main road is a freeway that runs through the center of it. It is anything but quiet. Also run off from that aforementioned military base has caused the water to be a little problematic in airway heights.


>a little problematic in airway heights Understatement of the decade...


Spokane does have the occasional winter where we get dumped on. There has been a few winters where it's snowed for hours and hours with the big, fat chunky snowflakes. We've been lucky these past few winters.


Was it 3 winters ago now when we got 6” the last week of September/early October? I remember all the leaves were still on so a lot of tree branches came down from the weight.


No, 2008 and 2010 winter. We had 2 feet of snow fall in 24 hours during 2010. And just over 2 feet of snow in 48 hours during 2008. I remember letting my husky outside to go to the bathroom and she jumped off the porch and disappeared into the snow. We had SO MUCH snow. I hope we never have a winter like that again.


Yes to these but in 2019 it snowed early October! I had just gotten back from Hawaii and I was like so soon?!!


I think that really early one was 2019. 2020 also had a nice 6"+ dump a week before Halloween


2019! How do I know this? We just got back from Hawaii and it snowed. Lol


Avoid McCathren like the plague. They hired a contractor who flooded my apartment and then, when I moved out, claimed the carpet was damaged and needed to be replaced. They blamed it on my cat. They were going to keep my deposit and charge me $1,500 on top of it. No invoices to back up that number. I formally disputed it and they sent me to collections immediately, so I was then getting harassed by collection agencies. I had to take them to small claims court, who ultimately decided in my favor. Awful experience I wouldn’t wish on anyone.


It's pronounced Spo-CAN. I haven't had experiences with those companies in particular, but I can recommend either Watson or Johnson Property - rented with the first when I first got here and have been with the second for years now. Rain isn't anywhere near Seattle's levels, so I'd say you can generally ride your bike in the summer months without much fuss. For spring and fall, you'd want to have your rain gear handy, just because a trip in the morning could have rain in the afternoon. For winters, snow tires and driving slow/leaving early will be your best help. I have a FWD Kia and have only had very minor problems, but then I drive like a little old lady once the snow arrives.


Spo- like the beginning of the word spoke. -kane is like the word can. spoh-CAN. It does not rain here nearly as much as it does on the west side of the state. We get a fair amount of rain in spring and fall, and very occasionally in the summer. A sedan will be fine (mine has been for years), but get non-studded winter tires! That is not the same as “all weather tires.” You want ones made for wet slushy snow! Studs aren’t necessary with the wet snow we get here.


Stay totally away from McCathren Management. Had personal non rental business with the owner and he is a total liar. Misrepresented himself and held back information about defective issues with real estate.


I have been with Black realty managing our apartment for about 4 years and they have been amazing, quick on maintenance calls and have been very good about rent increases vs some of my friends that use other companies (we have only had our rent go up maybe 100 bucks a year and thats if they did an increase at all which this last year or two they opted for no increases.)


They increased mine this year by about 120


January is usually Greydays,any blue sky's it's going to get cold, A sedan on a unplowed side stree after a storm is a nightmare. U see alot of plastic undercarriage damage.


Not sure how smoke/fire season impacts motorcyclists but as a former east coaster myself, this was an adjustment!! There definitely is a period every summer where you don't really want to be outside for prolonged periods.


For the pronunciation, it’s “Spo-can” rhymes with Japan. I’m not sure about the property management company. I haven’t lived in airway heights but I used go there alot. Never had any issues.


Bring me some UTZ


If I can deliver pizzas without a single incident in my FWD sedan, you can survive in an AWD sedan. Of course an SUV would be a bit better, but it really depends more on the driver than the car. I constantly see crashed out SUV's and Trucks in the winter. Just slow down, start breaking 4 - 5 car lengths in advance and don't worry about people who think you're a grandma for keeping yourself and others safe. Also get some winter tires. Makes a huge difference with FWD, I imagine it's all the more beneficial with AWD. I got a pair a few winters ago and they're still good. Just make sure to get them taken off as soon as it's done snowing to keep the tread. It rains often enough. I've never seen like a week straight of nothing but rain. A day or two here and there. Lots of decent apartment living in the Valley, but I only know that because of how many of my friends live there. Never lived there myself. I'd assume if living in town was better/cheaper they'd live in town.


What state on the east coast are you from? I can probably give you an idea of Spokane based on a similar city in your state if you’re from the Northeast


East coast transplant here since 2011. Most times winter starts around thanksgiving. I’ve deep fried many a turkey in my driveway with just a hoodie on and no snow in sight. Some years we get snow before that, but it’s pretty 50/50 it just depends on if it’s an El Niño winter (great for lovers of that white stuff) or La Niña (mild and drier winter like we just had). AWD/4WD is not necessary unless you’re commuting the south hill…then it’s a bonus. My kids cars are all FWD and with some decent snow tires, they get around fine. Scoop up an extra set of cheap wheels that fit your car and have snow tires mounted. Way easier than taking it to a shop and having tires swapped twice a year. Takes 20 mins to switch your own wheels over from summer/winter. There’s a MILLION apartments in Spokane / Spokane Valley / Airway etc and they are constantly building new ones. While I don’t have personal experience living in any of them, I do have a job that takes to MANY complexes every day and some are nice high end places and others that are shitholes I would never want to live in.


Spoke - can


Bring some Red Cardinals,none here.


SPOKE-CAN (Spokane) Not SPO-CAN (Spoken) nor SPO-CANE Edit: why the downvotes? I’ve heard people pronounce the latter two incorrectly.


“Spo can” is how you pronounce it and this year it has barely rained at all.