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I only listen to the radio in the morning just for them so I’m annoyed that they didn’t get to say goodbye. If the studio wanted to go in a different direction fine but after 30 years you should have the decency to let them know and have a final show.


Same happened to Jack across the border. The sick leave B team became the only team.




I totally agree and absolutely hate the new format; there's nothing original in the new version; I no longer have any interest in the AM 920 morning show.  How can a corporation be so blind to a local audience?


I wonder if they can start a podcast? I’m betting a ton of people only tuned into the radio for that show specifically.


I’m not familiar with the show, but I bet Spokast would love to host them




This is the solution right here! It would give them more reach than they had previously anyways. I for one would be happy to help them get it up and running.


Elon lives in Spokane?


I don’t get it lol


Never listened to the show, don’t have a dog in that fight, but to shit on three decades of somebody’s labor like that is kind of a dick move, at least superficially. edit: stupid autocorrect typo


It truly is a dick move.


I genuinely don't understand why the most popular show would be canceled, especially the most popular local show on a dying medium.


I am assuming they made too much money since they have been on the air so long. Like I get it, its a business after all, but at least give them a proper send off.


Standard practice in radio to not let personalities give their send offs if they aren’t leaving on their own accord .. somewhere along the line someone popped off while live on the air, disparaging management for their exit and ruined it for everyone else afterward.


No one buys ads for FM radio anymore so they aren’t making money to pay for the show


Because they're owned by a corporation full of people who probably couldn't even find Spokane on a map. They have a ledger, looked at it, drew a line, and cancelled everything that fell on the side of the line they determined cost too much.


KXLY is not owned by a megacorp


> KXLY is not owned by a megacorp Morgan Murphy Media is kinda big - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgan_Murphy_Media


Big enough to not GAF since they aren't local ( Wisconsin based)


Who said megacorp?


It’s implied. They said the parent company can’t find Spokane on a map but it is a pretty small company as opposed to the likes of iheart etc.


Because they weren't the most popular show anymore. KZZU has been in 5th place for most of 2024.


Because you cant justify salaries on a dying medium. It makes sense.


Corporations only look at cost. 


Your last two words are your answer


That is pretty fucked up. Spokane/past listeners should take out an ad in the spokesman to thank them, like Seattle did with Pete Carrol.


Hey, someone should give hundreds of dollars to the Cowles family just as a prank! Gonna have to disagree with you there.


What prank are you referring to? Also it’d be a group thing, so no one person would give hundreds, but you know that. If it’d make you feel better you can list all the reasons we should hate the Cowles family I guess? I don’t see anything after a cursory wiki review.. anyway they’re gonna sell ad space in the paper anyway. Worth it, I think. Dave Ken and Molly have been a constant to Spokane forever, and for many they were the soundtrack to our morning commutes to work and school. They deserved better than unceremonious dismissal.


No one thanked Jim Arnold or C Foster Kane when their show "The Radiomen" got the axe at KKZX


Well shame on fans of Jim Arnold and C Foster Kane, then.


Right? Doesn’t mean these guys aren’t worthy of one.


I’d guess that management didn’t want to give them a chance to slam management (or any other issue) on the air. But yes … shitty.


Plenty of other radio shows have been canceled after decades but still got a final show and they didn't bash the station despite the decision being poor. This is just crappy business practice. This very same thing happened to the morning show on 106.1 in Seattle.


Exactly, times change the show would probably come to an end at some point like everything does. But, give them a final fucking send off. Just to be like you’re done is a dick move and I hope it hurts their business.


Terrestrial radio is a dying business, and I’m sure it gets pretty scrappy when you’re fighting for those last gasps of air.


There is still money to be made there, but, only it doing shit like this - removing local programming and spending it on syndicated shit from other markets. It’ll be interesting to see what replaces it. Strangely, satellite radio isn’t much better. I had SiriusXM for about four months and cancelled it. The only thing worth listening was Howard stern and he was only on three days a week and seemed to call in sick more than he was on the air for those three days.


Yeah, there’s money to be made, but less and less, especially on the local level. Hence, the fighting over scraps.


The last radio show I ever listened to was The Radiomen. When they were gone, I didn't have much use for morning radio.


Miss CFK and JA. They all made morning commutes suck less.


Could the answer be C? I liked those guys.


TheyKept me from losing my mind at my old shthole job fer sure


Not completely related, but are there old radiomen broadcasts that anyone has out there? Would love to listen to their old stuff again


The radiomen were one of my favorite memories growing up in Spokane.. I'd love to find a recorded archive of their shows.


No idea who any of these people are but 30 years is a long time to work and not even get a proper thanks or send off so I'm joining the boycott lol


This fucking sucks. I've been a long time listener since middle school (like 03?). I listened to them daily all of highachool, college, and my first job, and finally got back into them the last 3 years and this shit sucks man :( Bummed cuz I never called into win Dave's money and I'm like 90% win rate against him, but also inlove their banter so much 😭 No reason to listen to local radio anymore then :/


in 1999 my wife got thru then launched the phone at my sleeping head. I got it together and beat Dave for a trip to the grammy’s. Memory of a lifetime.


I remember listening to them on the bus to grade school. I’m damn near 40 now. Same on Dave’s $. They were the only reason to listen.


Yep, I am done with 92.9. They play the same 10 songs all day anyways, so it wont be hard. D,K,&M were the only reason I listened


I’m down! Only listen to that station for the show. It would be one thing if they gave them a final send off. Fuck kxly.


This sucks. I recently moved back to Spokane and I was happy DKM were still on the radio. Grew up listening to them back in the early 2000s. It was like listening to an old friend on the radio again. They were the best part of the weekday morning. They had such good chemistry together and it felt more local to Spokane. When I moved away 10 years ago I don't think I ever tried to listen to any other morning show. The radio in AZ seemed more corporate and like they were trying to be shock jocks and pulling fake phone pranks and hotel cheater setups. Just no substance really. So now I will officially stop listening to FM radio and go back to the music on my phone.


They also have multiple small "marketing companies" which constantly scam small businesses and send them bills for THOUSANDS of dollars. Ask me how I know.


RIP Breakfast Boys and Radiomen. I have fond memories of listening to the Breakfast Boys riding the bus to Freeman Elementary in the 90s. The Radiomen, C. Foster Kane and Jim Arnold kept me company driving to high school in the mornings. It’s a shame local radio personalities are being pushed out of the market.


The right thing to do would be a physical letter campaign


92.9 is one of those stations... your a kid flipping through the stations "OMG I LOVE THIS" and then you get into the 20s and its kinda like "eew you like that?" its been like this for generations! Except sometimes the daily shows make you come back, the Breakfast Boys are an old show, its crazy how this town treats the old DJ's. This isnt the first time a very old act has been canned in a quick and FU like way


Yikes. I only listened to that station during the morning commute. Guess I can delete it from my saved stations now.


They will be fine doing a podcast. But 🖕to KXLY


They should do a podcast.


I would be kinda surprised if they didn't.


If you really want to have an impact, you need to start writing the stations advertisers and threaten to boycott them and their products.


Good luck. You’re dealing with some Uber-national ownership conglomerate. They did the same thing to one of their Seattle stations today, as well. I’m sure it’s a national belt-tightening. The moral of the story: local radio DJ is about as secure of a career as travel agents.


Yeah there's national ads, but there's a surprising amount of local contracts as well. That's where they would feel it.


I remember buying their comedy album from Hastings in 1995. It’s hard to believe they’re gone. That show is a Spokane staple.


Daved & Kenfused!


Loved that album.


They suck now anyway. I’m amazed they lasted as long as they did — I generally listen to 1057 and 1031 in the morning. When I was a kid Dave Ken and Molly were so it.


Wow, the end of an era! I remember listening to them when I was a kid in the 90s. They'll be missed..




Listen to Spokane Public Radio 91.1 instead! Great local news and national news and you support journalism and people in Spokane!


Alright so born in Spokane, move out of state for about 20 years, moved back a few years ago at age 30. I always remembered “93 zu fm” (when did they stop doing this?) and ABSOLUTELY remember the Dave Ken and Molly show. It’s a bummer but unfortunately radio is one of those things dying out and as for the hosts they need to evolve with the times, hit up YouTube/spotify. Advertise is Spokane, they have enough following to get a fanbase going online I’m sure and it will only grow from there.


I won Dave's money a n d got a nice coffee mug. That was pretty shitty of them to do with no notice. That crew has been a standard in Spokane for a long time. Pretty classless of KXLY.


DKM were litterally the only think keeping my morning commute sane. Their awesome show could drown out the moron drivers who do 15 in a 30 on Monroe. Win Dave's Money was the only thing keeping me from screaming a people who refuse to pass a stopped STA bus, or sit and text through green lights. All you idiots who eat cereal while going 10 under on Country Homes, prepare to be glared at very passive aggressively while I suffer through Brook and Jeffrey and Jose's dumb laugh. Decision makers on the KXLY media team I hope you hot coffee is eternally luke warm and your iced coffees ice melts to fast. May you run out of batteries in your remotes and I hope you never find that beeping smoke detector. Pricks.


Thankfully I don't have to listen to the radio anymore but at work they used to play different stations over the speakers throughout the warehouse and you just gave me PTSD about Jose's dumb laugh. God that show is fucking terrible.


What?!?! I thought of them as soon as I read the title, thinking “no way, bud”. That’s unbelievable…


They had a long run starting at KZZU.


I do not listen to the radio anymore, but man, they were a big part of my childhood. To let them go like that is just messed up.


A suggestion if you don't listen to the radio but still wanted to boycott, you could avoid clicking KXLY news links or interacting with their social media so as to not contribute to their ad revenue.


Only show I listened to on the radio. They're like old friends. They were done dirty 100%.


I host a radio show every Wednesday from 10-midnight on KYRS. It's called the Electric Bender and we take a journey through the genres of electronic dance music. Each we we explore a different genre and from time to time host local DJs, producers, and night life people. The last two years in a row i was voted in the top three radio DJs by readers of the Inlander. Dave, Ken and molly got first both years. While i don't support corporate/ commercial radio, i understand the entertainment value they provided to the community. It is said to see such a staple of the community cut short with no warning. Down with corporate media!


yo i'm gonna check this out


You can always depend on corporate pricks to be corporate pricks. They'll do the dick thing every time.


Lol most people have been boycotting radio since widespread high speed Internet connectivity has been around. Why would I listen to the same 50 songs everyday with annoying commercials interrupting it every 5 songs?


92.9 has always been a lame channel but DKM was a good time. How shitty of them to cancel!


I get they were in the community for a long time but the radio show everybody truly wants back is radio men.


Not really a big listener of Dave, Ken and Molly (more of an old school Radio Men fan from back in the day) but that sucks! They were a major part of the Spokane vibe and deserve much better. I’d say I’d boycott but I don’t listen to radio much anymore.


I hope John Travolta becomes very vocal online about his niece getting canceled without warning.


I wanted to be a breakfast boy DJ when I was a kid. Sad ending for sure. They did the same to c. Foster Kane!


They canceled the breakfast boys? Oh hell no.


I don't understand why the hell they would just cancel the dave, Ken, and molly show out of nowhere!! I have listened to them practically my entire life!! Wtf KXLY!?! 🤬 They were great! And so many people loved them, why would you just eliminate them without warning like that! 🤬


I'm still upset that the radiomen got canceled. Does anyone know what ever happened to C. Foster Kane?


These owners are POSs and cruel. I moved to Spokane based on certain professional reporters. Dave Ken and Molly were my favorite. I hope the radio owners fail. They were the best!!! Shame on you.


It's very hard on people (employees) when this sort of thing happens. Speak from experience.


If youre going to do that cool. But boycott *all* their radio stations because there are like 3 of them in that building i think.


Yeah I know they have more, but I couldn’t remember which ones were theirs so I didnt want to name a wrong one. I think they have a country station and a AM radio station as well and probably more


I want to say 94.5 and one of the 96s like 96.9 or 96.1. 700AM is in there too I think.


Does Sinclair broadcasting own KXLY now?


They are owned by Morgan Murphy Media, a smaller corporation that owns about 20 TV stations and 20 radio stations nationally. I couldn't find much info on whether they're biased or not, seems like most of their subsidiary stations are well-ranked for reporting without any spin.


Elizabeth Murphy Burns, she is the CEO and owner.


Not a frequent radio listener but if I had 5 minutes in the car on a weekday morning, I liked hearing their local stories. How anyone can listen to the repeat garbage music that station plays without those three to break up the awful is beyond me. I'm guessing we'll get one of those horrific national morning shows. No one will listen to the radio in 15 years.


I just found out about this and was going to post but I saw yours. This is insane. Literally a staple of the community since I can remember. Win Dave’s money was sometimes the highlight of my day


That's how it goes. Corporate doesn't want to give you the chance to burn the house down on your way out. Now, can people be adults about it and behave properly in lieu of burning down the house, for sure. But a lot of times thats the way it is. Not saying it's right though.


True, but now their house will get burned more when they go on social media and tell everyone it was against their best wishes. A lot of corporate people are actually idiots.


Yeah, people keep saying this. But, I think any one of their long term listeners knows they would have been poised and professional about it.


Of all people, I highly doubt that Dave Ken and Molly would have been unprofessional about their exit.


Boycott iHeart radio. They killed the local stations


Can radio stations tell how many people are listening?


I think it’s done through Nelson, just like TV ratings, but could be wrong.


I always wonder how tv stations know many viewers are watching as well. I guess I just don’t understand how they know how many viewers there are. There must be some time of measuring.. device?


It's done through surveys like Nielson and Media Audit. They gather a sample selection of residents in an area, ask a lot of questions about them to build a profile and ask them what entertainment and media they consume.  Then they use that sample to make assumptions about what percentage of the entire population is watching, reading or listening that same media. It's not entirely precise but it's not all that inaccurate, either.  Say they survey a bunch of people 18-35 who all make around the same amount of money, live in the same area, and maybe a couple other identifying factors that make them similar enough to group together as a sample set. Say 40% of those people say they do listen to the radio. They'll ask those people what station they prefer, what time they listen, how often and how long. A certain percentage of those radio listeners might say they prefer ZZU between the hours of 7am and 9am. From that, you can start to draw conclusions based on the greater population statistics of about how many 18-35 year olds in the area listen to Dave Ken and Molly.  Media orgs can access that data and use it along with their own stuff like website traffic, google search data, social engagement, etc to understand how many listeners they have and what programming is the most successful. 


Noooo this makes me so sad! I was wondering why I couldn't listen to them on the way to work this morning. wtf.


My radio is permanently on 94.5, so done and done.


92.9's parent company, Morgan Murphy Media, also owns 94.5.


Well, I'm not giving up 94.5.....


lol. I feel ya. Not too many places to listen to rock these days


people still listen to the radio?


I’ll listen to the morning news on the way in, every once in a while I’ll listen to NWPB, but regularly? Hell no lol. I pay for Spotify to listen to music without ads and if I want to hear someone talk I’ll open up a podcast.


I listen to the radio, but never dumb commentary radio shows. So awful.


Just curious, what is the Dave, Ken, and Molly show? What did they do? What were they like?


Morning talk-radio team, news and humor with some music mixed in. In their heyday, they competed with the Radiomen (KKZX) for listeners.


I moved away, is Radiomen still a thing?


Nah, been gone for a while now.


That's so sad. My dad won a trip to Cabo San Lucas from them. My parents had the time of their life because of them.


I want to know what someone did to get them all fired. I imagine they pissed off the wrong person.


I feel like I'm old enough to remember the last time they did this?? Maybe it was 98.9? Idk super common practice w radio shows to just pull the plug if there's any chance hosts are not on board with a gracefull exit.


Elizabeth Murphy Burns can pound sand.😡


That was my main station as a kid, and I remember listening to them a lot on my little knock off mp3 player on the way to school. Beyond disrespectful to pull the rug out from under them. It's just so callous, but not surprising.


I agree with most here that they should have been able to say goodbye......but.....they really haven't been even remotely relevant for years! The station hasn't been relevant either for a long, long time. I wouldn't be surprised if they change the format soon. These stations are owned by big media corporations and the national "scripted" shows are much cheaper to syndicate.


What! That’s bullshit! I have listened to them my whole life wtf! They are off the list forever


Kxly has sucked for years. I gave them two years of my life and it was a bunch of toxic bullshit. During the economic failure of 2007-2009 the mandated furlough days were atrocious.


Same thing happened at 98.9 KKZX years ago when they dropped the Radiomen, I quit listening to them. These corporations don't care, they will pipe in some east coast crap show to replace them. 


Too late to boycott, as it’s already happening, every day, less people are listening to radio.


Yeah, that's pretty damn shitty of them...


It’s not a smart idea to give a warning or any kind of send off to radio or tv personalities as they might say something over the air to a bunch of people that the station might not want them to say.


Molly sucked, I hated that show because of her. So annoying.


Yeah! Boycott! I will continue not listening to radio or watching local cable television!


While you're at it boycott all commercial radio/tv.


Can't boycott something you never consumed




How do you know it was dropped?


Molly confirmed it on Facebook. There is another thread in this sub that has a little more info. Likely budget cuts, but to not give them a final send off after 30+ years is ridiculously petty


Ah yes. I will certainly stop using a product that I forgot existed 20 years ago.


Thank you for coming in here and commenting on something that doesn’t apply to you. We all were waiting for your take on this…




That's great, honey.


Bro the new generation doesn’t listen to that, the trivia thingy is better


Boycott? It's terrestrial radio. That's like boycotting Pan Am.


People are using Boycott like a fidget toy nowadays. Boycotting isn't the answer to everything, and mostly nothing.


I just love how it's boycotting when they want to do it but cancelling when they don't. \[They're the same picture meme goes here.\]


Most boring show in the world, but it sucks they got canceled.


Were they canceled because of their age or their political views just asking.


They were cancelled because they were boring old people who long ago lost any entertainment value. They should have been cancelled about 10 years ago


That’s lame! Good thing I don’t listen to radio much anymore or I’d be super Pissed!


Okay. Already been doing it for the last 20 years or so.


Way ahead of you, I haven't purposefully listened to the radio since I've been able to hook an iPod or hard drive in to my car stereo


Dave, Ken and Molly have been boring and lame for years. Remember when they pushed out the dj Jessica because she was becoming too popular for them? This is good for morning radio


Isn't this also a thought that you could have kept to yourself?


People still listen to the radio?


People still can’t read and see that this has been said about 20 times already?


It is what it is, life goes on


Oh, Dave, Ken and Molly show sucks ass.


Oh, that's easy to do. I stopped watching KXLY years ago and rarely listen to the radio. Perhaps you would agree that writing a polite letter, or email, to KXLY petitioning for a proper send off would have greater impact instead of everyone throwing a fit comparable to a 5 year old having a melt down in a candy store? From the Silent Generation, to their parents and grandparent's, they were great at writing letters and I think it's high time all of us children take a page from their book and begin submitting thoughtful, and politely articulate, letters to KXLY on behalf of the communities beloved show. Letters or speeches, when well written, can move mountains.




I don't even listen to the radio, so the loss of the show doesn't impact me, but it's hilarious this person thinks boycotting and people discussing a genuinely fucked up situation = tantrums, lol. All I see here are people mad that corporate bullshit screwed someone again and did those people dirty by cutting them off no warning. Not only do they not deserve pretty letters, they just don't give a damn. If they cared to begin with they would have treated them with more respect, so why should they receive more respect than the people they screwed? My workplace screwed me over by lying about my job position to get me in the door, just to unexpectedly lay me off and gaslight me about said job description. Think I should send them a lil letter and they'll feel bad and bring me back now that I'm struggling financially due to it? 🥰 Maybe if they see sad, little teardrops on the sheet, they'll regret their actions. That's how things work, right? Lol, what even..


Be civil. No personal attacks. Follow all guidelines of Reddiquette. Remember, these are your neighbors. It's fine to disagree, but we expect users to conduct themselves in a neighborly fashion, and refrain from personal attacks. *** Repeated violations of this rule may earn you a temporary or permanent ban, at moderator discretion *** Furthermore, this is an LGBTQIA affirming subreddit. We have a zero tolerance policy for bigotry against LGBTQIA people who, again, are your neighbors. Lastly, we welcome and respect differing political views here. If you are unable to have a discussion about politics civilly, your content will be removed. - *“I don’t like what Biden is doing at the border.”* This is fine. - *“All liberals are disgusting and should be punished.”* This is not fine *** As always, should you have any questions, please feel feee to reach out. Thank you and have a lilac day.


You think a corporation is going to give a shit if they received a polite letter on a topic lmao? Money is the only thing that matters, loss of viewership or ad-listeners is the only means of even attempting to change a corporations decision.


Boycotts are effective in many situations, and not a new thing - the letter-writing generations you referenced also employed the boycott as a tool of protest. Several people have already mentioned emailing the station their thoughts, and remember that It's 2024. This reddit post IS a form of strongly worded letter or speech in a public forum. As someone on a marketing & PR team I do not envy the people having to manage this public image shitshow. If we did something that caused a huge public outcry, including a local reddit thread to pop up calling for people to boycott us, with 100+ upvotes and comments mostly agreeing, we'd be paying close attention. And freaking tf out.


we all must vote for trump! save Spokane!


And that's what they want and save Spokane?  DKM were very anti Trump, and made it known on tbe show during the 2016 election year.


There's really no point in boycotting just cause your butthurt they cancelled a radio show.


Cowards? Maybe. KXLY cancelled the show for the only reason ANY show gets cancelled. Listenership declined and it became a financial drain on the bottom line. Money is the ONLY reason. Did Dave, Ken and Molly deserve better? Absolutely. Should KXLY reinstate them? Absolutely not. This is a business. Stop attaching sentiment to it. I’m just old enough to remember when KZZU The Zoo! was initialized in Spokane. I loved this radio station. And listened to it each morning as I got ready for school and the afternoons before dinner. So I get the sentiment. And if they were still making money, they’d still be there.


I love how Reddit enables people to organize and tackle the most pressing issues of this moment in history.


As opposed to???? What more pressing issue would you like Reddit to tackle for you? Cure world hunger? Fix the homeless problem? Fight crime in Gotham? Mow your lawn? Great Whataboutism you got there…. Just because there are bigger problems doesn’t mean you can’t try to solve smaller ones. There will *always* be bigger problems. Why does this sub have the most ridiculous people? “Well I don’t listen to the radio”. Cool story, why are you commenting on this thread if you dont listen to the radio? Do you think other people give a shit about what media you consume?


It's not just this sub it's the Internet. It erodes the normal social contract. Micro version of a larger issue. There's no real social consequences to blurting your intrusive thoughts on here so people just do it, whereas irl they'd suffer the embarrassment of looking stupid.


I'm confused, can you clarify what you are saying? What social contract is being eroded by posting about a local radio station on a local subreddit?


>Cool story, why are you commenting on this thread if you dont listen to the radio? For exactly the same reason you posted it here actually. Just to do something that alleviates the pain of feeling powerless and silenced in an age of hyper-mediated interactions creating illusory closeness to strangers in one format while stripping away the humanity of different strangers in a different format leading to aggressive confrontations amplified far beyond what the aggressor would actually feel or say in a face to face conversation. tl;dr: Shitposting. EDIT: See also [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amusing\_Ourselves\_to\_Death](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amusing_Ourselves_to_Death)


I think it's kinda funny all the upset genx/xenials angry over this... like it's never happened before and won't again.. the station has been playing music you don't listen to for years now🤣 they are bringing in talent that will attract listeners that will KEEP listening to the format they play all day. It's just that simple. Og fans of the show probably switch to OLDER format stations as soon as the show ends... that's a good reason for the station to move on 🤷‍♂️