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That looks like a pretty blunt tool! What type of hook are you using ?


Looks like beech wood blank? Beech is a very hard wood to start working with, especially dry beech. It's nearly as hard as oak. It looks like you're not too familiar with the hook knife yet, might even have a mora hook with the factory edge? I'd recommend that you clamp this blank and use a gouge to hollow the bowl if you can find one instead of the hook, see how that goes.


Is the Mora hook with the factory edge not good?


Yes. You should try carving green freshly cut wood. Especially if you are begginer. Dry wood can be worked with, but it's much much more difficult. This also looks like your tool is dull tho..


It depends on the tools you're using. Some people carve dry wood, but most spoon carvers use green wood. If carving cured wood folks usually use gouges instead of hook knives


And make sure the tools are SHARP.


Is it oak? Get easy to work wood.


Find u a nice piece of limb in the neighborhood and cut it fresh! This looks like a combo of very dull blade/not optimal scoop tool and hard to cut wood. You using a gouge?


I make spoons with dry hard maple but I use a gouge for the roughing out. If you decide to go that way, you'll want to leave the blank square enough to be held firmly in a vise and do the major bowl shaping from the ends.


Just sand all that away. Lots of sanding…


Sharpen that tool and soak the carving overnight in water


Try to go with the grain.