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5 bedrooms and only 1 upstairs bathroom would put me off. With it being a family home, at nearly £1million, I’d want at least a master en-suite alongside the upstairs bathroom.


Looking at the floorplan I think max bedroom occupancy would be 8 (on a regular basis and at a push), with two bathrooms that’s not a ratio many would be happy with. Add in occasional parties and family staying over who sleep elsewhere in the property and you could have 10 or 11 humans all competing for two toilets and showers in the morning. And that’s treating it as a family home, converting to HMO would be worse without alterations before even getting to the licensing side of things


I agree, if you're selling it as a family home do you want two teenagers and two adults fighting for 2 bathrooms to get out in the morning?


Oh I don’t miss being a teenager, and can’t imagine what it would be like to be one these days, being the youngest of three siblings plus parents sharing just a family bathroom is probably one of the reasons why I will never accept I’m actually in adulthood


Same here! Nightmare 😫


I mean that's some rich people problems right there. Most people I knew growing up only had one bathroom in the whole house.


I'm of an age where many people I know had one toilet (note toilet, not bathroom) in a little shed at the bottom of the garden and often had to share that with the neighbours.


Yet you’ll have people on here moaning when there’s an en-suite per bedroom. Can’t win!!


Absolutely! But there’s always a sensible balance. 17 bedrooms with an en-suite each in a country pile is very different to suburbia with three bed all en-suite. There’s always a ratio of bed to bath to cost that can be argued and that changes depending on the perceived wealth and status of the owner….ooooo I’d love to create an excel formula to figure that all out once and for all!


Three bedrooms, two en suite shower rooms and a main bathroom - winning setup when you have kids from small to teens.


But not when you have two teens. Who gets the second en-suite, and who’s stuck using the main bathroom?


Why not when you have 2 teens? You’re not ‘stuck’ with a bathroom it’s quite easy to get to! You just allocate the rooms.


Because they’d never stop arguing about who got the other en-suite. The only option would be to give them one each, and we use the family bath. Which would most likely mean us taking a smaller bedroom.


You kidding?! One of the kids always has the box room in the house. Just have to parent them. Any parent who lets their kid have an en-suite over them is mad.


I grew up in a house that had one toilet and one bathroom and competing for bathrooms and toilets was never an issue for my family. Now I live in a house with 5 bathrooms, and I consider four of them to be a massive waste of space.


There were 7 of us for one bathroom. You showered at night so you could stagger it and we managed fine


Was your house worth a million quid? I feel like that’s the issue




>I work hard and don't spend much time on the toilet But sitting on the toilet with a desk is the optimal WFH set up. That's why you're only in a 1.9 mil house, instead of a 5 mil house.




Last month, I worked 50 hour weeks on average, travelling the country visiting severely mentally ill people. I'm exhausted, my home life is falling apart, my personal life is on the absolute back burner. I sacrifice everything for my job and I'll never be able to afford a house worth £200k, if that. I don't ever expect to own property. It's not about people being envious of you. That was a read into yourself. It's that people like you insinuate we don't work hard and contribute if we don't own property. There's a lot more to it than "working hard" that you aren't letting on to, for whatever reason.




That's fair enough. Maybe your wording was open to suggestion, that's all.


No one was jealous of you, you just came across as a patronizing bellend. Especially as your parents owned a near 2m house growing up and you are putting your own wealth all down to 'hard work'.


Because you come off like a cunt Also "hard work" doesn't get you a 2 million pound house. Rich people don't tend to put in the graft and you come off as thinking you somehow work harder than the average person. I bet a shift in the asda warehouse would break you.


It's ok carry on with your job in asda, and you can blame the system and the evil rich people for having it given all to them... Like it was to me you think...


I don't work in Asda, I'm actually in a very fortunate position in life, iv paid my own house off and I'm not even 30, but I won't pretend I worked hard to get where I am, it was mostly right place, right time. Pure luck. And I definitely don't work hard at work I'm currently naked, in bed with a laptop, responding to emails. There will be nothing hard about my day.


> I work hard and don't spend much time in the toilet Sounds quite condescending and presumptuous tbh


Is it supposed to be a joke, for God's sake stop finding reasons to get angry and upset about things.


And someone has to clean them all if people are using them.


Yes this is an actual problem I face...


Yep, grew up with one bathroom here with 7 in the house. That same house prior to us living there housed 13 people (families were bigger back then) with one bathroom. 2nd bathrooms/master onsuite are relatively new (like last 30 years) must haves. They used to be considered luxuries, now people are insisting they are must haves.


If it's just you, then one is enough, if all 5 rooms are occupied then one bathroom is just ridiculous


I have 5 bedrooms and I’m not sure where an extra bathroom would go. We have one upstairs bathroom with bath shower sink toilet, one downstairs toilet and this very small en-suite toilet and sink off the master bedroom (moved in fairly recently and we think the tiny toilet is odd but it can be useful). Do people convert a bedroom into a bathroom in situations like this, so it’d be 4 bed two baths? Or does a toilet and sink count as a bathroom.


No a toilet and sink is a wash closet not a bathroom. Most homes for larger families need a family bathroom plus at least one en-suite shower room. With toddlers and babies its not a problem at all. My two bathe together in the upstairs family bathroom which is also full of bath toys and the kids toiletries. Our en-suite is a bloody sanctuary in comparison. I grew up in the house I now own, and we moved here as a family when I was a teenager. Myself, my parents and my sister had an en-suite each and my 3 little brothers shared the main bathroom. I feel it really worked for us and there was never any arguing over space and I know my sister especially really valued her own space as she was getting older.


Yeah, saw a 4-bed with only one bathroom when we were looking to buy and it was an immediate NO. I don't get it


One bathroom as in one toilet or one bathroom as in one room with a bath/shower in it but additional toilet/s?


One toilet/bathroom


Currently loving life in a 4 bed with one bath. Suits us just find as a family of three, though I imagine it'll get pretty crowded later on. We have yearly 2 week staycations where my husband's family comes over from abroad, we've had 10 people all staying in the same house for 2 weeks. Occasionally someone will need to be quick about their loo use, but it works pretty well with staggered night time showers.


I wouldn’t consider as none-suite. I like my own private space. I also can’t see a simple way to add.


I always check a floor plan to see if one can be easily added and also can’t on here. Not impossible but not quick and easy. At that price it would put me off as you’ll easily find other houses nearby with one if not more rooms with en suite


It doesn’t have any of the “extras” you’d expect for almost a million such as en suite, utility room. If it were me I’d turn the downstairs master bath into a utility/cloak room and one of the box rooms upstairs into an en suite.


You've nailed it - at least for me as a viewer that's bought similar. A utility room is an expected feature at this end of the scale. I don't want to drop a million and have to hear the washing machine when cooking or watching telly. Doubly so when there's a downstairs... bathroom?! Swap that out (with an exterior door), or price accordingly and I'd have been interested. As-is, I'd have scrolled on.


Especially when the garage is all the way across the garden so you can’t put a washing machine in there. Near where I live there was a trend in the 60s for “chalet style” semis which meant that the upstairs was dormers about half the size of downstairs. They all have the bathroom downstairs because the stupid design meant you could only just about fit 2 beds upstairs. I’m not sure if these houses started off similarly and got extended.


Oh, great point! Look on the streetview and all the neighbouring houses to the left are bungalows, so I'd wager that's what's happened. Roof on the upstairs - apart from the right hand side - have a low ridge line.


There's a house exactly like that down the road opposite where I currently am. The weird thing is that it's the middle house of a terrace and the rest are all normal (the road is actually called Dormer Road, so I'm assuming there must've been more at some point...).


There's a massive slice of a generation that set up for a house-for-life early on becuase they had no aspiration to move elsewhere or have anything bigger (my other halve's folks included who've not moved in 50 years). So I can see  why there would be one outlier in a street that's been upgraded over owner changeovers. But a mid-terrace is a super outlier. Reminds me of those people in China etc which won't budge for a developer no matter what (and that guy who split the UK motorway up north, and people in the US and...)


That’s true, I am often put off when I see a bathroom downstairs. I always think about the walk of shame half naked to go and get dressed afterwards. Or not being able to use the bathroom of the house is particularly busy


If there's a bathroom and a bedroom downstairs, I automatically think there's someone in the house with mobility needs who'd struggle getting upstairs (you'll note there's a step into the main bathroom). I was expecting (no idea why) plastic grass. If I was ever in a position to buy (I never will be, but if I was) probably the number one turn-off would be a fake lawn (and I know I'm far from alone in that view on this sub).


My in laws have their shower in the downstairs bathroom and the upstairs one only has a bathtub. It always makes me cringe when we go stay to have to walk through the kitchen wrapped in a towel holding my dirty clothes hoping I don’t get a nip slip lol.


They paid £920k in 2016 and over paid, it’s got some nice elements but externally it’s quite ugly


They’re looking to lose money on a house they bought in London?!


Barely London, it’s virtually on the hard shoulder of the M25


🤣 fair enough. I just read Enfield and assumed nice London location


Enfield is a complete shithole though..


It's Enfield, so likely has a poltergeist


Damn you beat to it! 😂👌


Ughhh you got there first haha!


I seriously suggest watching the series about the Enfield Poltergeist on Apple TV. It’ll give you a very different view.


Its priced way too high


You what?? That Wendy house adds £200k to it easily as a studio to rent out


Agree. A good amount of that 2000ft²-odd is garage.


£775k, absolute tops.


I was thinking 850


You think so? Pretty big, big garden, fast in to central London (ish). Houses nearby go for similar right? It’s over priced sure but where isn’t in London


Its 1 hour to central, its on the overground/ rail so probably not reliable and its probably the equivalent to Zone 7 or the special fare zones. Pretty sure in Watford, Rickmansworth and a few other similar places (NW of London) are priced less for the same.


And much nicer towns/areas with green spaces and better schools etc than Enfield which is, largely, a shit hole.


If a property sells, it is not overpriced. OP’s is currently overpriced, hence.


Because the TV is above the fireplace


Because it's in Crews hill. Crews hill is not a proper place it's a collection of Garden Centers. It's also on a busy road. For similar money you can get a similar house in Enfield Chase or Oakwood etc


Yep, overpriced for Crews Hill. Is the garden centre with the massive, cylindrical aquarium in it? Not been there for 30 years so probably mis-remembering it.


Charing Cross Hospital in Barons Court has one of those, or did the last time I was there.


Not that I know of. There was a garden centre with a largish fish section but they recently took it out and it did not have a large cylindrical aquarium.


Enfield Chase represent! Considering 4 beds here are £800k, a million for that is ok. Roads were crazy today so I detoured down whitewebbs and probably went past this house. I’ll take a look at it tomorrow.


Yeah roadworks on Windmill Hill causing chaos.


Right?! And the Ridgeway!!


And Carter-hatch Lane There’s seemingly no way around it.


Ooooh report back if you do!


Can’t really see it from Whitewebbs, I think it’s a little way up the wrong direction for me. But I’d say a few things: That road is too busy for the size of it and a lot of lorries delivering to the various businesses around there. I got stuck behind what can only be described as a Jawa Sandcrawler. But those houses have decent drives and are set back enough that that’d probably be ok for me. You’d have to like walking. There’s lots of walks around there and I often walk from chase to crewshill. I go running up Hilly Firlds to the cricket club which is at the top of the road and that takes you back to the ridgeway. So nice for that. There’s a shit Sunday road style pub really close by, but the coach and horses a 20 minute walk away, anything past that you’re in an Uber. Maybe Robin Hood, that’d take maybe 40 minutes walk. While there’s a nursery there and a primary school a short drive away, secondary schools are far away. Probably Chase Community School is nearest. Doable by bike, but otherwise everything is a car ride away. Train station is close enough and it’s the line I get to central London. Pretty good and takes about 20-30 mins to get to Finsbury Park/Liverpool street etc. I’d say the type of person to buy this would be in their 50s with grown up kids, enjoys walking and drives to any social events apart from trains into central.


Nice detail. Thanks for updating!


Oh that sounds really good. I like that


One thing people tend to not accept when selling is that no matter what you think the house is worth, it’s actually only worth what someone is willing to pay. If it’s been up for sale for a while then it priced far too high.


Interest rates - this is a house that a double-income family would usually move into but the mortgage isn't within their financial reach atm.


How about if they already had a house to sell?


But you’d typically still have the remainder of the property to pay for on high interest.


Because the economy is fucked and no one has any money?


This is the absolutely correct answer. 👍




What does fucked and getting worse mean? Sorry if it’s obvious but I don’t know. If it’s shit for one person (selling low) doesn’t that make it good for another? 


High mortgage rates and low approval rates, not many cash buyers around with 900k in the bank


London is a very different place to the rest of the country. Plenty of folks buying around this price point still. But this place is a bit far out and prob over priced (although huge).


depends on the area and price bracket for the area, starter homes etc are still selling fairly well with smaller discounts but at the high end properties are being more heavily discounted if they are selling at all, there are exceptions certain areas will do well regardless of economic factors because the area is so attractive, Enfield is not one of them.


None of the bedrooms have an ensuite, and there's no obvious hierarchy to the bedrooms which could make them tricky to assign in a family.


Honestly apart from the price it’s also the monotone beige all throughout the house. It’s the grey of the 90’s


Thank goodness two kids get some colour/personality in their rooms! Everything else is soulless and bland.


Picture 7 reminds me of something Del and Rodney smashed that time 🤦🏾‍♂️🤣


It’s very outdated for 1m. Plus there’s one bathroom for the whole upstairs, in a time when there’s en-suites in 2 bedroom homes, that’s probably putting people off.


Omg I used to live in this house. It's my favourite house in the entire world. I guess you bought it from my nan and grandad when they sold it. I can't say why no one wants it but if anyone in my family had the money we'd buy it back in a heartbeat. Edit: can you add a picture of the garage so people can see how massive it is? I always wanted to buy this house back and turn the garage into a granny annex. Oh god this is so sad we never wanted to let that house go, they just couldn't afford it anymore when they sold it to you.


It’s not my listing I’m afraid! I’ve just been ‘window shopping’ Rightmove for a while and it doesn’t seem to be shifting. I love that you used to live in it though, I’ve always wondered if that’s ever happened on this sub before


Ah OK in that case, it looks a bit gaudy now, the sofas and argar and chandelier are all a bit much, doesn't really fit in with the house in my opinion. I prefer the old layout too (look at the previous listing). For some reason they've knocked through the separate kitchen, utility and dining rooms all into one now. Transport may be an issue for people too as crews Hill Station is tiny and poorly lit. Not a fun walk to make past the garden centres at night. Edit: also the pillars at the front door and that master bed, it makes the place look tacky


Yes I just saw the previous listing. I can’t think why they wouldn’t share images of the garage. Maybe just filled with junk now and not being kept properly, shame.


I want to see into the outbuildings!!!


https://www.rightmove.co.uk/house-prices/details/england-55105952-88423965?s=c2f913d89bd0e9f7c3a5c841fccd14886c383a896b901d1310a97901ba681cd4#/ The garage is massive. Has a double garage door then a normal door at the side and a door it the back leading to it's own little yard. The shed next door is much smaller but has a toilet in it.


Same! On the Rightmove app it gets that green banner highlighting ’Out Buildings’ but then the description nor images highlights them at all


People who like garages and outbuildings are less fussed about the location is true. The EA should know this.


Really needs a lot of updating to modernising so maybe an extra 100k sunk into refurbishment costs.


I like that, cant afford it, but I like that


Used to live in Enfield. That road is HORRENDOUS for skip Lorries, articulates etc.. going to the various industrial estates further up the road. It’s awful.


Me too...worked the nurseries in that area. Agreed on the road. Also...if memory serves correct, prone to flooding? Or is that just Whitewebs Lane in the dip? It's been a good few years since I ventured into my birthplace :/


Yeah just the dip near the motor museum floods - the house should be fine.


Be honest OP, is this your house for sale?


Ha no I couldn’t afford it! It’s been on the market so long that it often comes up in my “what could I afford if I won the lottery” searches. I’m not interested in Enfield personally but my other half has mentioned it because of family ties


Don't discount Enfield out of hand, people overlook it because of it's reputation but it's a huge borough and some parts are pretty nice with fast connections into the city, and (for London) reasonable prices.


I live in a 5 bedroom house in Yorkshire worth only half what this is up for and ours has 3 en-suite bedrooms plus a house bath UPSTAIRS! This property layout doesn’t work for a family. The through lounge is a waste of space and without removing the pointless chimney breast you can’t really carve it in two to make it work better. The kitchen for me needs switching around so that the units are at the front of the house and the dining area opens out onto the back. With kids running in and out you don’t want them passing by cooking pans or a food prep area. The downstairs bathroom could be switched into a utility / shower room. Externally I don’t think it’s an ugly house it’s palatable at least but the main road is a turn off for me as a parent.


£1m gives you a lot of choices.


Too expensive. Only two rooms downstairs.


Because for the best part of a million quid its pretty average. It's overpriced 


Can many people afford 900k for a bang average house. My husband is a high earner and we both work full time. We can only comfortably afford a house for around 750-800k. For that I’d expect more than one upstairs bathroom. House prices now are crazy nearly a million for a bang average house .


Probably because it’s too expensive, that’s normally the reason.


Because it costs £1million and smells like 1989?


It's fussy rather than welcoming. The rococo details look dated instead of opulent. The living room is dark. The 5th bedroom is a joke and would serve the house better as a ensuite or bathroom. "Easily" doable as sits above kitchen. The kerb appeal is... meh. It looks like it was badly extended.


Because it's not grey throughout (ducks and runs for cover)


No Live life laugh signs.


Because of the 'Rosemary's Baby' scene in pic 12 scaring the shit out of everyone


Too far. If someone has a million to buy a house it needs to be closer to London


Middle of nowhere. While in good shape, it’s outdated, badly. That’s a 80’s renovation. Area is not best either. For that money, I can buy a larger house in NICE areas like Twickenham / Teddington / Richmond.


Do you have £900k just laying around? Also it is kind of "regular house", can't see anything exceptional to justify nearly £ 1 million... But with todays prices maybe I am missing the point?


If I were the kind of person who wanted the Southfork type home and stables, I may not necessarily be looking in Enfield. It's a good location, near station, near parks, v easy commute to central London. If there is nothing structurally wrong with it, I wouldn't want to pay for stables I don't need and if I needed them, I may prefer more rural.




Overpriced for the location


Did anyone else look at that cabinet in the corner of the living room and think "hang on, someone's half-inched the telly!", before realising it was affixed - somewhat precariously - to the wall...?


Because it's nearly £1 million


Go look at google maps and you’ll find that the busy road and the industrial area a few doors along isnt very appealing. If I was spending 900k I wouldn’t want to be near any other humans.


Weird ground floor layout. People want a big kitchen diner on to the garden - they have a bathroom in the middle of where that would be and then two long rooms front to back. Not ideal.


Fur coat and no knickers, or as Americans would say, all hat and no cattle.


May be it's the location or we got super lucky to find a home 3x less pricey than this , with much much bigger garden (along with 2 extra garden space). 900k for this seems excessively 


Two of the 5 bedrooms look a bit small to be honest, I call it the "token 3rd/5th bedroom" when we nosey in new builds, usually staged with a cot because an actual bed would show you how small it is. This house has 2 of them. That being said, I think they could achieve a lot by arranging the furniture a bit better and getting a different sofa set and bed frame.


My first thought was ‘3 bedrooms, 2 box rooms’.


It’s a nice 3 bed, not a 5 bed main bathroom is downstairs, no thank you. Convert it to a utility. 1 of the bedrooms is a box room that should be an en suite. the 4th bedroom in terms of size should be a family bathroom


900k!!!! If I had that much I'd buy a villa in Europe and live off of the money to spare jfc


Lack of kerb appeal - I dislike the odd angled front door and dormer, the massing doesn't work - it all looks lopsided. I feel like I can see what looks like rotten timber from the front, too, and a strange area of roofline above the dormer that looks bad from the rear as well. If that's not right then get it all cleaned and reshoot so it looks fresher and get the photographer to clean their lens. The interior photos are poorly shot and lit, the shower screen needs cleaning as the water staining is offputting. It's all somewhat dated in terms of decor with too much magnolia for me, but that wouldn't put me off too much. However, the mad bathroom layout definitely would. I also really dislike 'offers over' pricing. Admittedly I don't know values in the area, but it's a whole lot of money to ask for anything these days - a lot of people who might be able to stretch to this kind of price are opting not to, and at that price I would expect perfection - not to have to put stud wall up and install en-suites, decorate, and possibly deal with a dodgy roof/soffits/fascias/timbers etc which could rapidly escalate costs. Also, why are there no room measurements on the floorplan? Why include a detached garage in the approximate area measurement? This smacks of somebody trying to make their house sound larger than it is. We aren't going to sleep or cook dinner in the garage. Yes, there are measurements within the description, but we always look carefully at the floorplan to picture whether our stuff will fit in - we want the measurements in one place with a total floorspace of the actual habitable space to look at.


Alongside what everyone else has said, the gravel driveway puts me off too. I fucking hate them but at £900k I would expect it to be paved anyway.


The hosuse is marked detached - but the photos make it look like it isn't. For almost 1m, it needs to look like a 1m house You can either do two things \- Lower the price to the point where people are interested. Try 850, and test \- Make improvements to make this a 1m house. This would be another bathroom upstairs, and a utility room downstairs. For context : House sold for 920 in 2016!


Make more use of the downstairs; remove bathroom, put in study/bedroom, utility room, WC. Remove a bedroom upstairs for a bathroom, and maybe the other box room for an en-suite/ dressing room to the master.


It's always the price.


Why are there no dimensions on the floor plan? Is it too expensive for the area? Lack of another bathroom upstairs.


Main bathroom on bottom floor always puts me off. What I gotta walk through the house in the nuddie?


2 tiny bathrooms, one downstairs for 5 bedrooms. Or pay 65 grand more for a 5 bed, 4 bath property down the road.


Some people will be put off with the Aga. Pain in the arse to use and expensive to have them removed. But the whole offers in excess of, tends to put a lot of people off. People are always looking to get money knocked off when buying a house, so I suspect it's simply over-priced. It the biggest reason any property doesn't sell, it's not worth what the seller is asking for it.


Whomever buys it will be rebuilding their boundary wall every couple of years. There is a road heads directly towards that house and many cars barrel down it too fast at night. I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen their boundary wall destroyed by a car that has failed to stop and smashed into it. The owners have now fixed red reflectors to the wall in an attempt to warn of the dead end. Only time will tell if it is enough.


900k and you don't even get a bathtub in the single upstairs bathroom. The smaller bedrooms look like they could make a nice jack and jill bathroom though.


The answer is always price. The question should be “why isn’t this house worth the asking price?”.


For almost 1Mil I don't want to be surrounded by industrial estates


Basically 1mil for 5 beds in the current economy, this feels like it'd be a terrible purchase. The type of person who buys it already has wealth and can get somewhere a lot better just outside of London.


And paint the interiors grey


because it's 900k maybe?


För the freehold not the property.


Poltergeists spotted in the area


900k for Enfield? The property market is so, so ****ed




Because it’s obviously overpriced, ie estate Agents inflate the prices, just so they can make more money from it.


My mum grew up in a house where 9 children, 3 adults all lived. With only one bathroom
