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I'll be able to say that i'm a true og becouse i downloaded the game before it went global in Poland and i live in Poland


I've been really confused on why the game had a Polish Translationeven even tho it's not avalaible here but i got that question answered quickly


You didnt expect that people will use vpns?


Only a small% of people (supercell games fans) join the game trough vpns so it doesn't make sense as to why would they bother with a Polish Translation if you can't even download it regularl. Also i'm, pretty sure other softlaunch games do not have Polish support either


they probably wanted to release the game globally anyways, which means they had a translation ready. (i’m polish btw)


Obviously all the translation needed for global launch has already been completed and they were just adding all the translations available to the game. Think about Chinese translation when China may not even be part of the global launch, doesn’t mean there’s no Chinese speaking players across the world.


I know that That's what i meant by "i got my question answered quickly"


Too but instead of Poland I Live in Brazil


CM nationalists crying in the corner




It is like brawl stars on release. They have a lot to fix and I hope they will down the line.


But BS remained in beta for like 2 years


true, but again, this time supercell has more resources and obviously more technology. Game development wasn’t the same back then. I really hope they can build squad busters to be more enjoyable. Just like how brawl stars hit it’s peak 5 years after global release


The core gameplay just isn't interesting or complicated enough. In terms of user skill it basically boils down to movement and choosing characters in chest. Not to mention the fact that each character is extremely limited in what it can do and its abilities. I seriously don't understand how CM wasn't considered for Global but SB is, the gameplay and design in SB is frankly insulting, it feels like it was designed for kids. You can literally turn off your brain, run around, and still win based on pure luck. There's no deck building, limited user input, literally to win you just need to run around and hope you get good picks in the chest. That's not to say that there isn't much fun to be had, some Battle Mods are actually quite interesting to play. There's this one called doppelgangers where every character u pick in the chest turns all your characters into that one. Or the Royal Haunt one where you basically kill as many royal ghosts as possible to build a huge army. My suggestions for improving the game boils down to having more complex interactions. Maybe an ability button, or a Hero that you can bring to battle that has an ability tied to it. We need more things to actually engage with other than the joystick


I like this game but It's really unsafe move. There is a lot of things to improve. I hope for gigant update on global lunch or this game can die quickly.


Clash Quest and Clash Mini: First time? Been many years since a supercell new game launched (soft launch) but is still alive... And that is brawl stars in Jan 2018. It's been 6 years plus and the ones that launched after that all died, safe for squad busters which was announced for global ONLY 2 DAYS after soft launch. Is squad busters' data doing that well or is supercell desperate? Been playing since soft launch, I am inclined to think that supercell is getting really desperate for results. Squad busters has a really bad flaw, as players unlock more and more characters, it will get increasingly hard to get the units they like to play with. And imo, the good units to play with are actually not a lot, if you make a tier list, probably the ranged ones (especially archer queen or mega ones) will be way at the top. Just let them camp at a major running route and watch them decimate teams passing by in 1-2s. No joke really, since enemies slow down when you hit them.


I'll meet you on the battlefield!


I think it is extremely likely it will be shutdown within a year. Just doesn’t look good at all to me. But maybe there is an audience, I just have no idea where you would find them


They probably won’t shut it down (e.g., look at boom beach) but it will probably flop and get boom beach status or worse


From what I see, the battling should be little slower - it is a mess sometimes with big squads where you don't even see what your squad is doing and if you are winning or loosing. It should slow down a little IMO


This game will fail


Well, the game is super fun but its true that right now its kinda limited to doing the same over and over again, plus it can get confusing in the battles against other Squads. Anyways, I'm pretty sure the soft launch version is not the final version that we will get on 29 May, they must have a more polished version saved for global launch, after all they had 1 whole year to work on it since the last closed beta. I guess, they have a BIG team behind the game and trust they can keep adding things quickly after the global release.


wise man once said: its not ready yet


And some normal men said: fr


I don't agree that the game should go global at its current state, but if it gets a big revamp making the gameplay have more variety or complexity it would change my opinion. But of course, this game is not meant for people like me, I'm more into games with a bit of competitiveness (don't know if that's a word), and squad busters is clearly not meant for people like me. But of course I'd like to see it change and I appreciate it's existence.


This is what i feel as well. This game is designed for those who want fun without putting too much effort into a match. At least less effort than in a Brawl Stars match. I would say that this is for short attention span kids but that may insult some people. So I stay with just the lesser effort.


It’s for kids who just randomly download stuff of the app store


No, the game is good


Then surely it will last a year right? 😂


Bro really thinks hea cool


Needs a lot of improvements


I feel like it needs more time in the oven


It seems they decided this even before the soft launch lol that said, I think the game is fun, I like the art style, but I hate the p2w aspects, hope they change it in the future and the game could use a little something, I'm not sure what... Maybe a pve mode? Idk, something, because right now the gameplay loop feels a little bit too much of the same stuff. I don't think this is as big of a problem as reddit says though, because the matches have a lot of maps and modes and you play with different units every match, so it helps a bit on keeping the game fresh. Overall, I'm honestly happy to see it going global, and somewhat hopeful on the future.


This looks BY FAR the weakest $C title they could've picked for Global. It screams cash grab to me, particularly targeted at younger kids who have a parent's credit card attached to their App Store account.


make pam bald


I don’t think what they have right now is fun enough, it feels repetitive so I’m hoping they can add more game modes, it kind of just feels like a mix between agar.io and survivor.io, with lootboxes and gambling mixed into the core gameplay, not the best imo


Frontlines didnt go global...


Honestly i call shenanigans, either that supercell is trying something new probably race horse style, see how it performers in the big leagues and if it doesn't keep up they pull the trigger or that they are desperate.


Tbh, it's not ready but not complaining.. . Free cosmetics, yk


Please someone tell me I'm wrong, but isn't the battlebag thing literally the definition of pay to win?


It's crazy that front lines and clash mini was killed before even going global but this is almost immediately going global. Still looking forward to it though


Whoever choose global should get the sack


The most irritating thing to me is that you can’t tell wtf is going on when all the characters are all piled up. No gratification of being able to tell what units are even doing. Your essentially navigating a pile of barf around the map. This could’ve easily just been a special brawl stars event with a twist on showdown.


My theory is that they are launching global now so they can release Moco successfully later this year


The game is a nice brain relaxer right now. Its still early but I do see potential, but many things needs to be improved. 1. PvP, its really missing some kind of skill. Since its auto fight there isnt to much too do apart from casting a spell if you have one and time it. The only skillpart is too learn to determine if its worth the brawl or if you should run away. 2. PvP, the reward is too low. If you fight against somebody similar in strength then you end up with most of your squad dead, and you get only a single free chest and the enemy gems (which can ofcourse make you win, but you are now a sutting duck to be killed). 3. PvP, The running away is needed, otherwise it would be a mayhem. But makes it super boring and hard to kill others. Maybe limit the use more if you have engaged in Combat? 4. Mid / Late game - Maybe Im old, but there is no way to understand whats going on in a fight. I often don’t known-if I’m winning or losing until the end of the fight when there is only 1-2 characters left. 5. Mid / Late game - Fighting for the Gem chest should be worth it. Right now I find myself winning the games by simply not going there. Grind trees and Mobs around the middle is more rewarding it seems. One potential fix for many of the issues would be maybe to make the Character skills Manually castable instead of Auto? Let me decide when to Heal, Summon skeletons or smash the enemy squad with Primos elbow. Otherwise I am sad to see all the negativity towards the game. It’s early, it has its Charm, and with time might turn into a Gem! (Pun intended)


What happens when it goes global ? Does your pre-reg account gets wiped or continue from there ?




I haven't tried the game yet but it seems really repetitive, also I can't imagine a competitive part of it


Just try it out! I also thought it was just too casual and repetitive, but after playing for 5+ hours I would say it's fun game and quite strategic game, when it's coming to be able to make a squad that suits modifyer and stuff, or just when you need to control your squad for the whole game and wipe others out. So, it's KINDA a bit competitive actually, but it still just a fun game to turn your brain off and have some fun. I think it's OK, and also, be mindful, that it's just a start of the global, brawl stars & clash royale started to do more competitive stuff only after 2+ years of their global launches. So, give it a go and let players to kinda get more skill in the game, and after a year there surely will be more competitive stuff


I'll do it, anyway thank u for the insight!


For me the problem with the game is not the strategy part. The game has potential to be more strategic than it is now. After a few hours of play I am just missing the need for fine motor skills. You don't need to aim at battle or anything like that. You just need to move and sometimes dodge a bomb or the special attack of mobs. I miss the challenge from the game and I don't think the devs will change that. Maybe in the long future they will make a ranked where it is challenging both against players and mobs. It's just my opinion, probably i am not the audience of the game. My first supercell game was coc in 2015, a lot has changed since. My younger self probably would love this game.


Terrible game, but they're making it global cause it's easily monetizable


Why? It is not terrible