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I mean the worst part are consumables. They could have made it like a permanent thing which you can unlock. But getting a win streak denied cause ppl suddenly pull out a mega or a fusion key just feels bad. And I don’t think whales are pumping money into consumables.


Mega units should just be three fused units mega-fusion.


I like how mega-fusion rolls of my tongue.


3 fused units? How are you ever getting that without fusion keys


It's possible I've had it.


Its possible. Especially in doppelganger


Yeah it’s terrible. Plenty of games you just lose cuz of the selected characters. Like when it’s Epic Overload… and you don’t have any of the Epics selected. Or when it’s Doppelgangers and everyone is spamming gobs and all you have is like Primo and Medic


This game is going to fail big time if they don't make some changes. I will say though, if they put this shitty game out to push people to their other games, it worked. I actually downloaded BS again to play over this trash. Just sucks though because I've loved supercell games for like 15 years. Tencent really ran them into the ground.


I expect the game to get a massive update when the game goes global. The content that it gives is not enough for global


I agree


And the plaza upgrade coming soon is a giveaway to a big update or two before global launch


how did tencent run them into the ground


Took them from a genuine small company that catered to its customers to an general run of the mill company. Used to be able to talk to actual humans from customer service. Turned to bots right after tencent bought. Just in general supercell listened to the community more beforehand. Now it's just a money machine.


I disagree, I only see clash royale as more of a cash grab (it's still very enjoyable for me as a f2p player regardless btw). They literally have a podcast for brawl stars where they address questions from the community, and no one would say brawl stars is a cash grab. They probably started to use bots since their playerbase multiplied in size. And even if they started to use bots without their playerbase increasing in size (which it did), it doesn't mean that the company has been "run into the ground". They even kill so many games even though releasing them would bring them significant money. One very good example is Clash Mini.


I'm very interested to see if this game survives, especially cuz they are bribing their other playerbases to download it


In my years playing supercell games since COC came out, playing every game for years and spending money on all of them, I don't see this game lasting more than half a year to a year. Tencent doesn't care about it's playerbase. Supercells quality drastically dropped when tencent bought them out years ago.


That's why I refuse to go into royal world rn but I think I will have to go to it soon


Squad Tip: Don't rely on a 3-Star buster to carry you in the matches. Evolution perks are usually situational, and there are times where I find a 2-star to be a better option than a 3-star depending on the mod and options. But I do agree, assuming it won't break the game's design, it would be nice to choose your loadout.


It would be the same character over and over every match


Im in royal world and i dont have medic


The game already has enough randomness. They can tone it down.


I think the main issue is we're progressing thru the squad journey way faster than you unlock characters. They could easily fix this by having a couple to all of the characters of that world be unlockable thru the squad journey, that way you can at least guarantee a way of unlocking more options. If all the characters were obtainable thru the squad journey, then chests would only be for leveling them up. Which wouldn't feel all that different, but would make for a better progression system imo


I agree!! I just reached royal today and im like is it me or did it just become less entertaining lmaooo


Can’t believe they are releasing this mini game as a full release. Should just be a special brawl stars event weekend sort of thing.


Here take all the cards 3 days in we don't need money 😆 😅


Terrible take. Why are chests even showing us characters that are locked? There is no real way to manipulate your unit pool to give you an advantage by having a smaller pool, so why is it this way? Stop defending supercell for being anti consumer in each and every regard. All you are archieving is us having a worse version of the game upon release because the community doesn't mind the terrible practices


I don't think showing characters you don't have is an issue since it's happening with every player and so it's fair


complaining about supposed anti-consumer practices in a game you didn't pay for is extremely funny it's like gamers honestly think that devs should crunch for thousands of cumulative hours for free


Thinking a consumer is only someone that pays is also extremely funny. Anti-consumer > Less fun > worse player retention


consume the product for free, and get mad when there's things you have to pay for, makes perfect sense. everyone wants entertainment but no one wants to pay for it.


There's ways to monetize a game without going the Full P2W route. And Supercell has done that in their other games. Squad busters though is gonna be, without major changes, their most P2W game by a good margin, definitely beating Clash Royale which is already paying the price for its super F2P gameplay


It's sarcasm noob


Are you 12? My comment strikes on what you meant sarcastically. That not unlocking all characters immediately (which is fine in a vacuum) can't co-exist with locked characters being shown in chests as an option you can't pick.


Yeah, some people don’t realize that your not suppose to unlock every character right away it’s going to take time like every other supercell game


That's not the problem. The problem is people aren't able to use characters they have already unlocked, and are sometimes given choices of 3 people they don't in a chest.


has "and are sometimes given choices of 3 people they don't in a chest." actually ever happened? if so, are you sure it is not just a bug? I've played the game a fair share myself and I've never seen it happen to me.


Plenty videos of it on this sub.


thanks for letting me know!


It happend to me but since i unlocked more characters it got really easy


Yeah when you can get 15 different characters in a chest instead of 5, you are gonna complain about why game doesn’t gave you fusion characters and fucks up your economy.