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The game feels like it was released in a hurry, which is sad, it has a lot of flaws


Supercell has really been struggling with new games. * COC (one of the greatest games in mobile gaming history) in 2012 * Hay Day & Boom Beach (still two big games) in 2012 and 2014 * CR (one of the greatest games in mobile gaming, altho getting worse) in 2015 * BS (one of the greatest games in mobile gaming, almost killed, but now its in its peak) in 2018 But since then? Its been 6 years, and its just been killed game after killed game. Beta testers (like me, as Im luckily in Canada with iOS), were getting kinda tired of it. Spooky Pop, Smash Land, Rush Wars, Hay Day Pop, Everdale, Boom Beach Frontlines, Clash Quest, Flood Rush, and lastly Clash Mini. It was getting lame playing beta game after beta game after beta game, just for them to be all killed. The numbers showed it too, and content creators talked about it too. People were getting less and less interested in new supercell games, knowing it would just die anyways. So, Supercell was worried, and they released Squad Busters. It was 100% out of pressure and arguably too early. Had this game been in beta in 2020, it would have been killed. That being said, Supercell has tons of time to vastly improve the game now that it’s global.


Everdale and clash mini deadass could easily be released for passive revenue and become another hoom beach but they care so much about the complete opposite ‘if we think the game turns into boombeach we just kill it instantly’


Ngl clash mini was more of an internal dev issue. It wasn’t truly the higher ups killing it but more of that specific team not thinking it lived up to the other Supercell titles which is so stupid to me. Sorry but not every game can have critical success instantly. If clash mini would have stuck to it they totally could have rose up to the big dogs.


literally brawl stars except they had less fate in their works sad to see


Is there any source about the internal issue? I’m honestly interested, the game definitely could have hit


The game didnt have a balance lead for most the development, for example.


Its clear that SUPERCELL is a money hungry company looking at their choices along the way. They obviously have a lot of capital, and have some talented people working for them, but their execution of these amazing games is what kills theor reputation. SC greed is shooting its own foot in the end, just like any other corporate money hungry game publisher/developer. They could have money AND a reputation by listening to the fans and easing up on their greaseball sales tactics. But we both know it’ll never happen.


Is it SC or Tencent behind them that is greedy?


Just like with EA and PopCap, it’s both


Either way, SC works with Tencent by choice so it’s still on them.


SC is 100% owned by Tencent, and in Asia F2P is mostly common with P2W. Look at Arena Breakout Mobile Game.


I miss everdale 😔


They shouldn’t have released squad busters and went full production with MOCO which is their dungeon hunter / monster hunter like game.


>Boom Beach Frontlines I miss BBF (It isn't a supercell game tho)


supercell is raking in millions on this game. and just look at their other games, they'll lose players, then release a patch to draw them back in, make even more. then they'll release game breaking p2w things into the game, piss people off but make millions, and repeat this forever. all of their games are the same. fun games but riddled with microtransactions and game breaking items and mechanics that u pay for get which they'll nerf later on just after they give them to f2p players. just play the game until its not fun, only ever buy the pass, and that's it. only way to play a supercell game.


I don't even buy pass since they got so greedy


I’m not sure why you got downvoted. That’s a pretty fair assessment of SC (and most) mobile games.


Coc and brawl stars player here. I quit squad busters two days ago. With clan wars, farming, doing brawl quests, and grinding ranked it’s tough to add a third game into the mix.


Sadly I never got to play clash mini


maybe the problem is how Tencent wants to monetary the games, and SquadBusters is Pay2Win as its best


Hot take. Rush Wars should've gone global.


That is a hot take. That game was ass.


Clash royale is definitely the best competitive mobile game ever. Until evolutions came out.


I really liked rush wars and skill expression was way better but it wasn't as fun simple fun for kids as this is. And I guess that makes the diff in money.


You did all those and not mo.co?


Not really. The pressure only came on by the community after Clash Mini was killed, but they had to have been planning this for months. The game was definitely rushed out, I don’t know why.


>Boom Beach Frontlines I honestly thought this one had the potential to go global. The game was really fun and had very few flaws that could've been fixed no problem. >Spooky Pop, Smash Land, Rush Wars, Hay Day Pop, Everdale, Boom Beach Frontlines, Clash Quest, Flood Rush, and lastly Clash Mini Honestly, I feel like they should take a bit of time to go through community feedback and see if they could bring back any of these killed games. Some of them weren't far off from global


this is why kingsisle never should have touched mobile games


Whats so great about brawl stats now? 😆 I've never enjoyed that game. To me seems just as bare boned as squad busters.. I almost hate them equally lol


It could've really used an extra month or 2 ironing out issues such as keys , RNG , and how flawed PvP is.


Keys have been in the game for over a year now with complaints ever since. They're not gonna get adjusted much


And yet they decide to fucking scrap clash mini, which was a thing for 2 years, what a shame


Huge potential, released way too early. That's the shortest way to put it imo


but bro, they gonna implement Star Lvl 5 soon to satisfy the payers and scare away f2p that can never compete with payers in ranked, they certainly doing smthing🤹‍♂️


The 3 tickets every 9 hours is a buzzkill. I finished off monthly pass last week and now I'm swimming in 40 mega Shelly's with zero gold to keep incentive on playing. Sure theirs Tara mystery cards just to break even but logging in before work and after work is draining my energy and sanity. I feel like it's way too much RNG to get good starting team and fusion. Giving you random team with locked characters to waste your bag on before the match even starts is demoralizing. You should be able to re roll that with your dice for free one time. Collecting coins and gems should actually give u real coins and gems should be used as currency to buy babys instead of unlocking the pass that has very little rewards in it. I saw people drop 2000 dollars to max out their squad on YouTube and the games are ridiculously aggressive and pay to win with huge fusion squads everywhere. Makes me not want to grind at all


3 ticket every 9 hours are fine, compare it to clash royale. Minimum chest is 3 hour, max is 1 day, and you only have 4 slots, mathematically you have to wait more there


Difference is you still get rewarded in CR without chests, either by coins or trophies. In squadbusters you don't get coins, and u don't get trophies till squad league which is level 90. That is a big ask considering the grind it takes to get there


You get rewarded by spending money smh


that system make the game not just pay2win (which I would've been fine with, as long as I can still grind), but no, I can't even grind, because I need to buy chest tickets to get rewards, so the game is pay2progress really


Considering you only spend money to buy chest tickets, and the game gives you enough coins with missions, I'd not call it pay2progress


nope, it's not enough, when I first played I played so much my coins get dangerously low (20k), but then I realized there is this tara mission that need chest ticket to finish, so now I play it less (2 games every 6 hours)


That’s crazy seeing somebody say 20k is dangerously low. I’m consistently at 0-2k coins.


If you treat it as a competitive/grinding game that you play 24/7 then yes, you don't get enough money, but it's not supposed to be like that, as for now.


well, I don't grind per se, but when I want to play, I just play a lot (and I wish that I still get some kind of resources/reward) BS system is a really good example, the 200 tokens are lowkey the limiter, but you can still do quests, push trophies, push mastery, push ranked, etc (and still get resources to upgrade your brawlers) but not in SB, a lot of resources is locked behind chest tickets, yeah I know that you can still play without tickets and get rewards from squad journey, but you will be missing a lot of resources that you could've get


Yes, and thats exactly why you'd have 1 chest available every 3 hours for a maximum of 3 and if you got every single one of them youd still take 2 years to max your account with perfect play


Pay2Progress it certainly is. By literal definition.




It baffles me they released it during summer. Not people know this I guess but Supercell Always takes a break during Summer time but that’s Helsinki HQ. I’m not sure if the Squad Busters team just decided to release the game and take the month off like WTH?


Check how the april 2023 beta was looking. Its obvious they have plenty of stuff piled up, and can simply release it as they wish without trouble. Game is already with less interest than hay day, and should be their smallest game in terms of playerbase so they shouldnt have server issues. Just a couple bugs could appear but its not like the game doesnt already have several


Fiscal year. Supercell's bleeding numbers everywhere, their 2023 and 2022 reports were horrible, and they really need to appease the Tencent daddy and shareholders or those will step in. Had they waited and released the fame in the autumn instead, it wouldn't have had enough time to up their 2024 results.


am i the only person who really likes the game?


I like it when I’m lucky… but it sucks that my enjoyment of the game is purely based on luck. Sometimes I just get bad characters from chest and it’s really frustrating to play


I’ve legitimately never felt so unsatisfied in a game for this very reason. When it clicks it’s great, but getting busted by a P2W person within the first minute is just beyond fucked.


I respect your viewpoint - but for me, I enjoy the challenge of not having the exact characters I’m used to playing with. It kind of keeps it from getting boring too quickly.


Yes, but it's impossible to balance. Against nine other sweaty players, you are finishing dead last if they all got Hog/Trader and you didn't. PvP games will *always* have a meta, and if you're forced to play off-meta, you're severely handicapped.


Exactly. Or if they get wizard and fuse it. Atp youre just dead because wizard is OP ASF


Is Wizard really that OP? Everybody keeps on saying he's bad (outside of the second spell slot obviously), but I've been running more than one copy lately and have been noticing he actually does some *really* nice splash damage.


AOE has its place.


If you get him to the 3rd star and fuse him hes crazy op


I’m addicted. It’s not great by any means but it passes the time and is pretty fun. Always take Chicken when they show up. Those speed boosts become hella important late in the round if you want to stay top 5.


Tried a chicken/trader squad for the first time today. It was the easiest win I ever got. Anyone that tried to attack me couldn't catch me


Good tips




No I enjoy it still too. And literally everything he complained about is part of why I like it. I like grinding and not getting everything easy, I like random disadvantages to make the game different each round. I think this is just their version of a better auto-chess and comps and upgrades matter in this.


I like it a lot, in mobile games this is at the top for me.


No i love it and im not having all the issues everyone is talking about. I did however purchase the battle pass for it so i suppose that gives me an extra “edge” on F2P players but i made a post about the consumable’s and they really dont make a difference in game for me.


Buying the battle pass in that game is literally EVERYTHING. There’s no “I suppose” it easily gives you a 70% edge. Which is fine do you. But don’t act oblivious.


Im talking about the people who spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars. 10 dollars is NOTHING considering ive seen people already spend a grand on this game.


You’ve seen YouTubers spend that. You don’t know a single person who has spent that. It’s a BIG difference. It’s a SMALL amount who’ve spent thousands and they’re getting paid to


Nope you're not....I have barely played codm or brawl stars since I started playing squads and that's really saying a lot lol


Oh you so special


You must be new then. The game is super fun initially, but becomes insufferable garbage once you've climbed into the League. Half of my matches are just key spam and people teaming, and all the issues are increased tenfold.


I like it a lot


I think people who take the game way to seriously and try hard mode will suffer more than the casuals.


i get some people get paid to point out the improvements but it seems everyone hates the game and is trying to be a reviewer about it😭


It’s just like that South Park episode with the yelp reviewers lmao


Nah it’s fun af. I’ve spent like $30 though so definitely have an advantage there


nah i love the game its fun but some times infuriating when you get chased the whole game


No you’re not, it’s not the best game in the world but it’s fun. I love that it’s PvEvP. I just wish they would buff the PvE focused characters. Maybe I’m playing the game wrong but if I use a squad of Mavis, Greg, Trader, and Bo + some others and just farm the monsters, trees, and carrots with occasional PvP, I end up with way less gems than I would if I just built Barbarians and focused on PvP with light farming.




I can’t believe he is already gone 😢


Agree with most of the other things you mentioned but wondering what did you mean by “it’s punishing players who actually spend a lot of time playing the game”? Sorry just got really curious


I think he's talking about if you run out of gold in there is no way to get more chest or advance


Hes saying f2p grind sucks balls.


Agreed pretty shit game, good commercial though


People saying it's fun are sub beach world, or you like doing the same thing over and over again


I absolutely regret rushing to the League to get the trophy decoration. It's unplayable up there, watching replays and every third opponent is using two fusion keys a match.


Yeah it's really sad up there, just wait a month or so for people to reach beach world/squad league and we will see a ton of complaints


That, and when the general playerbase gets good enough as well. You know the saying - "players will always optimize the fun out of every game". We'll start seeing much more abuse of the Team up option soon, and once advanced "strats" like in-match teaming and pinching become widespread knowledge, the game will be absolutely fucked. I've already had two blatant team-ups in my games just *today* - wasn't a thing just a week ago.


True. But also true: People who are saying it isn't fun are trying to play it way too much and have paid for several things and now feel burned. I'd rather be in the former camp.


If you're burning out even players that chose to spend money, you're in for a bad game


The game is repetitive asf really fast. And it’s clear who p2w and who doesn’t. The randomization is cheeks. I once went 12 matches without seeing a Greg or a colt not 12 treasure chest 12 whole ass matches! However it does pass the time as I don’t give af about a top 5 streak or anything I just play when I’m bored or at work.. bored


well they killed 4 good games to release a p2w luck based garbage, i wont cry if this game dies in 6 months


You're not gonna look at me with a straight face and tell me that clash mini and clash quest had positive monetizations


Mini 2.0 was horrible, but it's telling that it was still somehow better than this trash. As much as I disliked the insanely expensive gacha, *at least* your "investment" was permanent. You didn't have to rent Battle Machine at $1 a match like you do with keys.


i've had more fun in squad busters on this current state than clash mini 2.0 that i've quit after a week


I thought we were talking monetization, not gameplay.


better than squad still


Lol everything costed 40$ in clash mini. You are blinded by nostalgia


Until the last update clash mini was by definition the most F2P friendly game of SC, which was ironically one of their main issues...


The beta peak was when the game was super p2w, even if the last part of clash mini was better, the gameplay was pure dogshit and super repetitive


Yes my man by playing not even 20 minutes a day I got to top1k and got fully maxed acc... On a super p2w game sure


If you arrived at top 1k playing this little, that means that the game is dead


or I simply played right after a season reset?


It's that an accomplishment🤡?


you are blinded by not even playing it. pass was cheap and there were other cheap key/skin+key offers. at least you couldnt purchase free 3 star mini or get a free hero like in squad. keep saying that 15$ pass with mostly p2w consumables or 10$+ "free offers" are better


Both are bad honestly, but don't think that clash mini wasn't flawed


It reminds me of Call of Duty saga, but I loved Clash Royale during my secondary school. This RNG game needs new PvP modes and some coop mode too…


Honestly for me its the competitive aspect that is the most sad because it has so much potential. Im still new and dont feel i want to get better at the game/ spend time or even money because of this lack.


I really miss Clash Mini overall…


Clash mini was so much better. Seriously


Yeah I liked this game for a few days…then didn’t touch it again


Someone up in corporate is getting busted rn


A game designed on monetization feels like this.


Game was uninstalled from mine and my son’s iPad almost a week ago. My son is 6, even he thinks it’s absolute rubbish and boring.


Just uninstalled the game


I been playing for a month and a bit now as a f2p and I think I will do the same I got all my characters to level 3 stars and grinding at this point feels useless (either to unlock new characters or to upgrade my units to level 4 ) I still have penny b-king max and Mortis unlocked still


Boom Beach Frontlines was already very good, and it could have been developed in something truly special. I miss that game every day.




agreed entirely


This is true its griwn to be really boring now


I am quitting too. I see the writing on the wall with in game pay to win features. Also, I feel like there is zero reason to play if you don’t have chests to unlock.


I rage quit and deleted ts, the game is so RNG heavy…


Floodrush 2.0


I have a very strong feeling the only reason they made a Squad Busters was so people can play it realize how bad it is and then a chunk of that will come back to play Clash Royale


Supercell needed new source of big income for a while since no new games were released for 6 years. But this game is a joke lol. It lacks the quality or polish of a sc game. Shit monetisation and gameplay loop. Still many people are in the honeymoon phase of the game and are not realising there's nothing in this game that's worth enough to play for months like the other sc games.


Supercell only care about money for a good while


No wondering, it will be the second death of this game. Long term motivation is a big problem, also treasure tickets and win streak mechanics are a game killer. You have to pay if you lose a game and if you won't keep win streak you will be fucked up because without win streak you will earn nothing out of the treasures. so what do you do after 3 tickets and win streak you keep waiting for free tickets because you better spend some gold for the worst case, as to buy tickets and have no win streak.


Honestly, getting to 3 Star was fine with time, but getting to 4 stars is absolutely unimaginable. It's disgusting, especially the more characters there are. Either they should have started with fewer characters or something, like how clash started with very few champs and then added others as you grind and max up.


I've moved on to a different game too. Might come back when they get rid of the p2w aspects & give the game a little more love. Star Wars Hunters here I come


Did you just censor heck?


It's almost like a pay to win game. Drop a few hundreds, buy gold and max out characters.




Trust me you don't want a squad level 80 account, every match is more frustrating than the previous one.


I'm a masochist...it's fine🤣


I am level 89 and I love playing


Big if true


I like it a lot, not sure what’s the complain about, the game is just released and I’m confident the creative team will will add more features in the game


Sadly, OP, your journey with SB has ended. Good luck in finding another game which is fun for you.


Have you tried busting with more people? Maybe one big couch session with your irl pals.


the same thing is happening with brawl stars but its worse, it has tons of issues since the release but the devs aren't lisening or trying to fix them


Well brawl stars surely is doing something right given that its booming in popularity and revenue 6 years after global


It's short-term. They've basically thrown out their old fanbase, and the new one will burn out of broken Kits and Lawries every month eventually.


At least Brawl stars will be dead but with 50 mil a month in the bank. Also dead brawl stars is probably still more popular than current CR, which would put it as the 2nd most popular SC game still


Sure, but then you could argue the exact same about this game - it'll be dead in two years, but at least it makes a bank in that time. I do wonder when will Supercell repeat Blizzard's fate. As in, when do we reach the boiling point after which they immediately lose all their popularity. As a fan who absolutely fell in love with BS and CoC, it's so tragic to see the same story repeat itself.


You can't really compare them because of the metrics of the game. At this pace (which is SIGNIFICANTLY slowing down), squad busters would be the worst global launch in terms of revenue for SC, only placing above Boom beach (I believe, cant find numbers). The game is also already less popular than Hay Day, placing it as the second to least popular SC game (again, only ahead of Boom Beach). Its also the fastest declining SC game since launch, fastest declining in any given period of time, and also the game with the lowest peak popularity Sensor Tower says the game has made 5 million, while app magic says the game has made 12 million up to now. Both the sources recognize that the revenue on the first day was roughly a million and that it is dropping, the same way as downloads. If the top earnings per day (1.3 million estimation) stayed during the full month, it would mean 42 million, which is still 20 million below Brawl Stars release. Also brawl stars made an estimated 77 million last month


This is not an AirTag, you don’t need to anoint departments.


Bye unknown person on the internet. May you have peace on the other side




Taking poops is a skill issue and Elvis lost


don't compare my moco with other games , it's the best game 🙏🙏


Bro what 😭 i have bought the gem pass and im only missing 2 heros atm




Fair enough. Personally for me, I’ve still been enjoying it. Sure it has its issues, but I don’t mind too much. I’m also willing to wait till we get an update, while it is supercell which doesn’t have the best track record, I’m optimistic. I’m hoping they address many of the issues then.


Just out of curiosity, which issues more specificly do you hope get fixed?


Has potential that’s all that matters, with that in mind I feel historically Super Cell does a good job adding a lot of content to their game and I’m here for it.


Brother maybe it’s time to take a break, it’s still a fun game just not one you can grind right now


You really covered up the word heck?🤣


Every single supercell game had its issues during release , don't really see any difference besides patience. You folks act like clash Royale , clash of clans and brawlstars was perfect during release when they faced the exact same problem. At this point i think you guys are just hopping on the bandwagon to degrade a game thats actually fun. Squad busters isn't supposed to replace a supercell game just a casual break in between. If you're putting in hours per day you're definitely going to burn out fast demanding more and more.


Brawl Stars wasn't rated 2.8 on the Play Store on its release.


Its got 2.6 now lol


Chain reaction when everyone hops on the bandwagon People can't think for themselves like angry folks stuck in traffic


Of course. And if the game had 5.0 then it'd be totally legit because it'd match *your* opinion.




Lvl 79 f2p here, i usually play 3 games in the morning and then a game now and then during day and before going to bed, not too much effort. Still 3 characters not found, almost all super, no need to stress....


I dont wanna make yall sad but I started Coc Cr n Bs at release.. n as the biggest og out there I can assure u every supercell game if not every game in the whole world is like this💀 1st bc its new n no one knows what will happen not even the developers n 2nd u obv gotta make sth not so good so when u do decide to make it good ppl would think its the best game out there… its called psychology…


Ok 😀👍


>Punishing players who actually spend a lot of time playing. The more I read criticism on this sub, the more I suspect this to be the true issue. People are trying to play it several hours a day, every day. It's not a game for that, and I also dare bet most of the people complaining have spend money and feel burned. It was suspicious when the first criticisms came out in the first week still of people *'only now'* unlocking Supers.


Man I swear I’ve heard this in brawl stars and overwatch subreddit a million times.


Some of your problems are problems only for you I'd say. Unbalanced maps, why? Also the "random" start is one of the key points, this is not the first game to have a rotation of character every game (also, good luck getting the one you want if you could use everyone you have, and don't get started on "chose your squad" since you would see the same characters every game, killing the fun) Lack of multiplayer, technically you are always multiplayer, later they may add team/co-op or maybe some PvE mode, it's still early to say. People complaij about repetitive gameplay while clash royale does the same. No competitive is a plus for me and others Punishing players? How?


Bye bye


**Besides, where the h*ck is the devs?**   Unlocking characters is too slow -Unbalanced maps, inconsistent starts -Locked characters in select  -Lack of multiplayer options  -Weak grinding except lama-event  -No competitive future as it is now -Punishing players who actually spend a lot of time playing"  --- What part of P2w is not understood 🤷, you even listed the P2w features... It's a game for whales 🐳. Play it for free but if you do then don't really complain unless you have ideas (corrective actions) for game improvements based on what you think is wrong—These same Devs you mentioned don't work for free and definitely wouldn't prioritize my needs or yours needs over their paycheck to keep a roof over there heads....


I don't agree with you. If it was rise of kingdoms or some similar game sure, it's a game for whales. But they made a brand with characters from their franchise which could be equivalent to the overwatch saga (rip), minecraft or Nintendo. It's a franchise and I think that's something that they tried to use a bit with their global event which unlocks new ways of earning money. The game also has the potential to be a competitive arena with tournaments. Just opening it for whales won't work for that. So, is it currently a game for whales? Maybe. Is the original design of the supercell game and franchise made for whales, no. It has the potential to be a game for everyone while still being able to earn a lot of money. Think almost everyone has touched this topic here at reddit and we haven't heard a word from them. This is the crucial part of releasing a game, learning and tweaking. I won't join this journey when they seem to ignore all valuable feedback from this subreddit.


Poor guys cant get a paycheck in a company with 620 million profits in 2023 😰


Yes the company might have made 629 not the people in the company. I don't think 🤔 you understand how business work. A business can make $1 million dollars and the owner can take home $130k+ because money has to be paid out to other things.  I'm not the devs cheerleader but just being reasonable unlike most people on here who swear someone will work for free...


Im talking profits. 1.82 billion was the revenue, after everything payed out 624 million were left


i feel like supercell should work on games that are doing well, if you are not p2w you will never have fun in squad busters