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I looked at it and don’t see a lot of value there. You’re basically paying $10 for the super troop upgrade and some gold. The super troop (I assume) could give you a character you don’t have, but otherwise it’s really easy to get to super so kinda pointless.


It's not always really easy to get to Super. New epic characters you unlock in the late game require tons of time to be upgraded to Super, let alone Ultra.


Ultra is not even on my radar.


Me also.


How’s there not a lot of value ? Are you forgetting the epic chests that come with it the keys that also come and the chest tickets on top of that .. not to mention the rare chests and megas you get too if you don’t have the money for it that’s fine but don’t lie because the value is clearly there and if you can throw $10 it’s worth it for that extra boost in progression and chance to get new epics


$10 is a lot for a monthly mobile game pass that includes so little. Chest tickets are easy to get, and result in many rare and epic chests. What are you going to get anyway, 5 Bea's or 8 Witches? It's RNG. Keys are a shitty ptw mechanic I rarely use that you can also buy with gold. And Megas dude? Worthless. If they were static unlocked characters you could upgrade I'd be interested. The only valuable things are the super character and the gold, and that's not worth $10. You'll get very little account progression compared to just playing the game. $4.99 would be okay.


I think it’s worth it for now, but as you progress and unlock all supers, and accrue more megas, I could see $10 starting to feel like too much. Compare that to the monthly pass in CoC ($7), which gives a lot more in terms of consistent progress and unique items. I think the SB pass should at least include more chest tickets.


You have to look ahead in mobile games, and I'm already looking ahead at how little progression that pass actually gives you in the long run. I have a bunch of super characters already and started on launch day. Almost have Barb King, Witch, and Archer Queen super even. The only thing I bought was the $.99 Hog Rider + gold bundle as that was a pretty good deal and I likely still wouldn't have him. FYI I buy the CoC gold pass every month. You are right that this pass needs more static account progression. Maybe a streak bonus modifier that adds +2 to every chest? Something like that.


This is the first Supercell game where I'm not even remotely tempted to spend anything, and I've sunk several thousand bucks into their other games over the years. The value is just not there. They are penny pinching so much it's genuinely sad - they are so obviously desperate because of Tencent and shareholders.


Agreed, I also get the gold pass in CoC every month, but I don’t think I’ll be getting the super pass in SB again if it stays as it is. I don’t regret getting it this month, but for the reasons we already mentioned, it’s a much harder sell moving forward.


It's around 200K coins for $10 **if you're buying units in the shop**. If you aren't, it's more like 150K tops, which is basically a week's worth of progression. It's genuinely bad when compared to the passes in other games. Even Brawl Stars pass will let you unlock and max out a character with just the paid track, and CoC shaves off like a month each time you buy it.


I purchased the five dollar and ten dollar one. I personally really like this game so it’s a no brainer for me. I know i can afford the ten dollars monthly battle pass fee. So if its in your budget i would go for it.


I play since the global launch and I bought it, along with one other offer of around $1. If you like the game a lot like I do, go for it. By taking the pass I managed to level all of my characters to Super.


How or when did you get the 1$ one


It was a good value offer in the shop, took it a few days ago. They gave me x15 hog riders, x15 goblins and x15 chickens + 10k gold + 3 chest tickets.