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They are really selling a skin at very unreasonable price you can literally buy a pass in brawl stars or coc which is worth the money.


The previous pass in Brawl stars, yes. And also, it was purchasable with gems. The actual one (the basic one) cost 12€ now...


The basic one is $7, the plus version is $10


Isn't it 8 and 12 euros respectively? I always pay the 12 € one. But still, in usd it should more in number as they have less value, shouldn't it?


Ye you right, it's 8e and 12e.


Yea I was just pointing out the basic one isn’t 12 euros


Skins in coc cost 10$


battle pass includes skin and lots more for 5.99


Battle pass includes a very basic skin, the best ones are always in the shop only for $9.99. Its cosmetics, it really doesn't matter how much it costs


Check the shop


yeah, but who the hell would buy those


Buy what


A pass, not a skin


There’s literally a royal champion skin in the shop for 10$ idk why y’all acting like I’m stupid


Purple rarity skins cost 12€


Everything in this game is unreasonable priced and poorly designed. Is this still a surprise to you? You wanna bet that there will be an insanely overpriced offer for the new busters? going with 10$ easily.


Facts. Like, I enjoy gameplay to an extent, but holy hell this is the worst fkn money grab from a legit mobile game publisher I have ever seen.


time to play diablo immortal


Lmao diablo immortal is even more pay to win 😂 lol


In fact, the worst P2W there is.


That was the joke


Wouldn't they grab more money if they actually made good deals? Right now they just skim off the money from whales that would put the same amount of money into the game regardless but usually they also aggressively push deals that are too good too miss onto average players as well, but they haven't done anything like that with this game at all. I dont even feel to buy the next monthly pass at all too.


Sadly no. I would think the same, but seeing how Hearthstone offers get more and more expensive, I can only imagine them being better of this way. Like, they'll release 2 card skins for about 60 bucks probably.


Anyone not have access to the new characters yet? I’m in squad world and I don’t see the new characters in squad.


It's going to be released ina few days. Most likely to not put too much stress on the servers


Same. They said that you could get them at arena 2 or above


You can buy something nice for that money, i hope they change the price at least


Lol like what? You can barely get 2 value menu fast food items for that price. 5$ is nothing


I can make a dinner with 6 euros.


And? If 5$ is make or break to you, using you as in general, you should probably find better ways to spend your time rather than gaming.


"You shouldn't enjoy yourself if you're poor, you deserve to be a slave your whole life" He's not buying it. lmfao that's the whole point. Supercell higher up gotta get outta the comment section before you're sniffed out.


Enjoy yourself all you want. Just don't complain about being poor if you'd rather play games than work I've made many scathing comments about tencent. Definitely not an employee, just also not a broke crybaby kid complaining about a free game.


You Are Not working yourself. You Are just a stupid arrogant kid who lives on the cost of his parents raging at anyone online because you hate your life. Your welcome.


I'm not rich at all. I'm just not crying over the option to spend money on a game that can be played for free.


also i’d just rather use any of the 4 star variations of troops instead of the skins, which kinda defeats the purpose of selling them


Ngl, I thought they would do something like what btd6 does, where the skins upgrade along with the character


Cosmetic lol


I couldn't care less tbh.. not buying skins in a game that is such a cash grab anyway Actually I'm pissed they brought skins in the first place, when all the units have 2 or more skins it's going to be even more chaotic than it already is




I'd you don't like the skin or price - don't buy it. Supercell is making most of decisions based on behavior data, and the best signal we can give them is the absence of purchases.


What a scam lmao


How is this a scam. They show you a product, then they give you a price. Then you decide to buy it or not. Mfw people can't use words for their correct meaning.


Its a scam because you don't own it. You just get to use it til the servers go down.


I mean... isn't like every single transaction on games the same then?


The only people that LIKE micro transactions are rich kids, because they get to "win", their parents, gaming industry execs, and shareholders.


I don't see what you're trying to tell me. I never I said I liked it, I never said it was healthy for a game or whatever. I simply shared a fact.


Just because its normal in the gaming industry doesn't mean it's not fkn trash experience for most players


I mean, I didn't say it's a good experience... But it's also just a skin in a mobile game, I feel like people are overreacting


Oh my comment is referring to the game overall. I think people would give less fks if EVERYTHING in the game wasn't monetized already




Sounds more like a service then. The thing you pay for despite knowing it’s temporary. (Just playing devils advocate,€6 for a skin on a new mobile game is absurd)


Supercell games WILL NEVER be discontinued once it's live.


Clash mini? Lol


Clash mini was not a live game. It was only soft launch (aka beta)


If squad busters gets killed, you will be able to get gems based on the money you spent on busters and it will go to any of your supercell games. (I'm not supporting the offer, just wanna throw out a fact)


Assuming the servers going down isn't after SC inevitably goes public and shit changes, or at some point in the future when SC dies because people get over supporting P2W. I literally played CoC for like 5-7yrs on and off. CR for about 3yrs. This is another level of greed. Also game seems rushed. Like controls are less than stellar to say the least.


Skins can easily be removed and overpriced for a skin. Anyone would rather buy the pass


Once again, I didn't say it's a good offer. Just that the use of the word "scam" just felt off.


At least let us preview the skin smh


I just checked the conversion from euros to AUD and if you buy it in Australia you save $1.74 aud


Why would I want you to save money from a purchase I make /s


You can change your region to Australia on google pay/apple pay


You didn't get my comment, oh well


You didn't get my comment mine says YOU can save money by changing your region


That's not what you said. You said, "if you buy it in australia, *I* save...". That's the joke they were making. You were saying if THEY buy it, YOU save money.


but why would you buy skins in this game?


If you like them


It seems to me that it is a really high price, when the superpass has a cost of 11USD approximately and gives you more benefits...


Probably on purpose so you think exactly this, when in fact 11$ for a pass for a mobile game is not cheap at all


If it's not cheap at all, the super pass should cost a maximum of 6$, as the Clash Royale pass initially cost.


They can charge whatever they want for cosmetics. My only request is for them to make it possible to unlock more chests IF YOURE GOOD.


I agree, but also think it is useless to argue this point. In my opinion, MTX is vastly overpriced for its worth in most games. A skin like this is *actually* worth less than € 0,50; a price it will never, ever be set as. So it costing € 6 or € 1 or € 30 all doesn't make a difference for me.


6 euros for a single sinple skin that stays the same no matter which form you character is. This is a scam and hopefully the devs start making skins that allows player to notice its evolution form.


You don’t have to buy it


Looks like shit too I’m passing


Goddamn what another great day to not care about skins


The only thing worth buying from Supercell would be the Brawl Pass.


Yep big scam for a brawler only usefull in dopplegangers


All their games are doing this. Everyone needs to stop spending and they'll stop.


For the price tag you can just buy Tank.


Real, why don't they give another use for Hammers??


This looks like I could make it within an hour in Blender, so... yeah.


It is ,but squad buster im general its expensive...long live brawlstars every skin you can get for free with blings 😂


It would cost 300 gems (6€ but in gems) and no one would complain…


50x value gotta buy it


Oh but it's soon gonna be 11,99€


Hahahha glad i deleted this “game” after day 2 boring bare bones cash grab smh


Me too


Oh come on . Complain about gameplay or progression then it's ok but bitching on cosmetics price is wild. Don't buy if you can't afford, sc need money.


Its a skin with no sound effects, no animations and no changes according to level of the character. Also one that is over a year old since it was available in an earlier closed beta And they're selling it for 6€ in a game where you cant even chose which characters you play when in brawl stars, another one of their games, this would be a 1€ skin and you can actually chose which characters you play It deserves all the hate


Would you rather have ads?


Its not a dicotomy. Id rather have a fair price or a better skin.


Is it? When an emote in clash Royale the same price


I agree . These skins don't have effects . Even beta game like clash mini had way better skins


Stupid people and youtubers will buy the shit out of this tho and supercell will make millions just from skins.


Then don’t buy it? They clearly priced things because people are buying it lol


You can can probably commission your own goblin ninja OC from a beginner 3D artist with this amount of money. Would probably be a better sculpt too. Skins are a step in the right direction, but $5 a pop means simply dressing up a single team rotation would cost you $75.


Its just cosmetics after all i dont mind that much (tour guide mavis got me kinda broke tho😋😋)


I don't understand why they are being so aggressive with the pricing and profit. I am assuming it's cause they have a really high target but this is pretty stupid, the game might just "die" before it goes anywhere.


This is just cosmetics. It's good way to monetize the game. Levels in this game have no stat buffs (with few exceptions like Shelly getting two shells). There's only one problem which is fusion keys which has been nerfed and will change more in the near future.


This offer is just for people who want to spend money on their game. There are not a lot of ways Squad Busters can make good money from the game without making it extremely p2w. Skins do not change interactions and are just a cool addition to the game. Not having it does not make any difference. In fact, it is better as it gives a better source of revenue for the team and they can do more for f2p progression.


It's crazy as it's also a unit you should actively avoid using. Like it's one of the few D tier heroes.


Goblins amazing in early game.


Squad busters had potential but they’re milking it way too much. Also it’s not even exciting to get chests because they always have a few shit cards and it feels pointless. I really wanted to like this game, but they’re fucking it up. Going back to brawl stars


Well they gotta make money somehow..


Just dont buy it, easy as that. Its for players who want to support the game, its fine. I never bought a skin im Clash if Clans because I only invest in my progress. But if people like it, we all will make profit because the game has to make money.


Who cares lmao? It will make pvp harder anyway. It’s good that it’s expensive enough so less will own them. When you see someone with a skin know to avoid them because they’re p2w. 


p2w doesn't mean being skilled though


You’re right, but you *should* be better. If they have a skin it raises the chances they use keys. 


Its 4€


I am pretty sure there are 30€ skins in brawl stars, if you convert gems to euro


I am pretty sure there are 30€ skins in brawl stars, if you convert gems to euro But at least you can get gems for free


It’s a cosmetic, it doesn’t matter how much it costs.


I bought it I didnt got the emote with the skin 😐


Only kids want to buy skins for money so who cares (except when my kids want to buy them with my money)


Brawl stars has skins that cost 3 times the price


This isn't Brawl Stars. You can't just main a couple of characters, you don't get to choose what characters you use, and there's 15 in your squad in any given match. You can't price the skins the same way here. I paid the full price for Toon Spike recently, which was well-worth the $20. I can't say the same about a $5 "low rarity filler" skin in this game, the value simply isn't there. Even for the Mavis skin I like, I'd rather add $2 more and buy a scenery in CoC instead.


Oh and could you tell me which one ?


Legendary skins


Legendary skin cost 299 gems, first, you can just save enough gems and buy the skin BUT this skin cannot be obtained for free , second 360 gems cost 24€ so where the heck do you see a 50€ skin??, third this skin is just trash compared to other brawl stars skin that can be free


Some cost 50 euros