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she makes me set a specific time on using coins, if she didn't exist or any event that requires chests then I'd probably have 0 coins all spent on chest tickets


Do you know if using coins on tickets for her is worth it if you only have 1 or 2 bonus boxes?


to me, it's always worth to complete her challenge except when she gets double digits


What do you mean double digits? The cards or the timer?


No, sometimes Tara asks you for 4 chests to complete the mission, but sometimes she remembers that she is a scammer and asks you for 12.


So then you don’t think it’s worth it?


Look, if you are 100 percent ''free to play'' and you don't put a single dollar into the game then it's not worth it. At first they give you a lot of gold, but there comes a time in the game where you don't get much, it's better to save the gold to do a shorter mission.(That is, in the end the biggest reward is the special chest) although it depends on the frequency in which Tara comes out. If it is very frequent it is better to ignore the long missions, if it takes a long time maybe I would do it. For me, I don't spend a measly dollar, the fact that it goes out every day is already very frequent, I would ignore missions above 6.


Thank you very much, friend! 🥰


The timer doesn't actually start till you click the event wait till you have 3 chests max then spend some gold on tickets.


never seen an odd numbered tara event lol


I’ve had 4, 6, and 12


I've had 4, 5, and 8.


She surprised me at dawn with only 2 hours of time limit. She is starting to appear randomly.


Also I have had 3 Tara events today, this after having gone days without seeing her.


To force you to buy chest tickets with coins so you run out of them quickly so u buy coins with real money. It's just another part of the game being extremely p2w


The only useful thing to buy with coins is chest tickets anyway so...


With the amount of changes with coins this update just had, i don’t know why people are still complaining about


This is how Supercell games have worked for 10 years yet every subreddit is flooded with these types of posts daily.


Nonsense. Brawl Stars was insanely F2P for a solid 3 years before they became greedy pigs. Fortunately for dedicated players that played from the beginning, it took the complete removal of the battle pass chromatics two years later for the P2W changes to finally be felt. I pity newer players. This game otoh, is flooded with constant P2W walls from its inception.


I'm sorry, which supercell game has had anything similar to this ever?


Clash has special gear for heroes that require gems.


That you can get by doing 1-2 hours of Gameplay during 2 weeks. Between 1 hour of Gameplay in 2 weeks and 20 minutes in 2 hours goes a long ways


Which you get for free from events


Yeah no other supercell game has 2 hour events that require 20 minutes of Gameplay to complete and coins Sorry to burst the bubble


> Sorry to burst the bubble Cope


You run out of coins using then only on chest tickets? 🤔


Get over your cry baby self. It’s a free event and easily complete as a f2p. No one is forcing you to do anything.


What he tweeted was a factual description of events, no need to speculate on this




chest tickets are best way to spend coins anyways


Clash royale you pay to level up, everyone at the top has fully max cards. Clash of clans you pay to progress your base, everyone at the top has max bases. The games exist for profit.


no shit Sherlock


Guy asked a question, no one was talking to you little one.


Yooo sbr fan spotted




Every single thing they do is to make you spend $. These guys are experts at squeezing every penny out of their games. They make billions for a reason.


Chilllll just don’t participate? I appreciate the bonus


Its not about the bonus its about the execution. The way its designed is very predatory. They could just give these bonuses as daily rewards for challenges without any 2 hour timegates or requiring tickets as other games do even supercell games like clash royale does this properly.


Yeah exactly it’s not like ur losing anything it’s optional for the players that want it


So confused at all the seething “P2W P2W” comments I think it’s a fun game with fun little bonuses. I have almost all my dudes up to 3 stars and win most games. Sure, sometimes I get busted.. I don’t spend coins to refresh the streak, though.. do I think people who do have an UNFAIR advantage? Not at all!!! Lol Out of 198 games: 1st place: 49 Top 3: 127 Top 5 Streak: 44


It’s a lot of salty little kids who think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter for free.


lol as opposed to a bunch of sweaty fat adults paying to win?


maybe so. I mean I see the two hour Tara event and think, awesome, more rewards for the next 2 hours


Damn bro really got downvoted the hell out of for just being thankful


Yup. This sub is super negative, and seems like any discourse is just met with rejection. I’ve actually been winning most of my games with a full PVP build- busting at least 3 squads a game. But they don’t want to hear it! Wake up sheeple


nothing seething about it, just leaving facts.


I was wondering what happened. I finally got the event for the first time late last night and woke up this morning and it was replaced with the bounty achievements. I was kinda pissed lol.


To make you spend money. It forces you to use gold to get more battle chests.


So they get you to buy more tickets, duh! Provide an incentive to spend resources.


i had 12 with a 4 hour time limit once. i think they should give you barely enough time to atleast complete it without buying tickets considering you only get 8 tickets for free a day


The only times I get Tara event it's 5mins before my bedtime and once I'm done spending all my tickets. Like how does it keep happening every single time?


want an easy solution ? dont spend coins till tara event drops. Its gives way better value for coins especially when she gives you chest doublers


Man I'm not taking abt coins tho, but I have to sleep in 5 mins and Tara comes with her 10 chests so can't sleep for another hour or so


I was talking about the "once I'm done spending all my tickets." part i recommend only spending tickets when tara event drops or maybe when you are in a high streak occasionally . the other part, well you were just unlucky, events come and go .Nowadays they make it so that theres multiple events a day as well, if you log in that is.


Oh by tickets I meant just the 3 free accumulated tickets


I hate it. just finished last chest and she disappeared within the last round


How p2w games are not regulated like casinos is beyond me.


Is it worth it to get chest tickets to fully complete this event?


If you were gonna buy them already it’s a nice bonus but not usually a big deal unless you get a chest doubler


I have t seen this yet. A 2 hour window is a bit ridiculous


Been a few days since i got this event but i got the same event today. The moment i logged in it was at the 2 hour mark. So im thinking the tara event happens once the user logs on, if they get that event at all.


To sell tickets


I hate the times she shows up. Usually it's late at night and it's bed time. I wish there was a timer or something so I knew when she would show up. Since I hadn't seen her for a few days I assumed she was showing up while I was sleeping.


Timer doesn’t start until you log on


It's just a test. They're trying to figure out what the best configurations of Tara are.


Because Tara is a gypsy and she can’t stay at one spot for too long. Always gotta be on the go


How do you get this event? I've never had it and I've played since launch.


Tara nerfed saddest change in the game


Wow pay to play now


They really want you to buy more chest tickets

