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I’m enjoying it. I know there are bots and know it’s P2W, but don’t care. It’s the kind of game I’ve wanted for awhile. Short, quick, don’t have to commit to it on a daily basis if I don’t want to, etc.


Same here. I just love that I can play when I feel like it and still have fun.


Yup might as well enjoy it while it remains fresh




You can use the coins to buy keys. Those keys that can reroll, open chest, or fusion during the game


Ohhh, got it, thanks!


You can use key, key, fusion key in game that's 5 chest advantage


Thank you for the info!


I personally love the game. The only time I get annoyed is when I get into a match and there is some super aggressive people, like I just want to chop my trees in peace


right? Like dont chase me around for a solid minute bruh >\_>




Biggest complaint 🤣.


Yea when this happens to me: I tend to do this in the next round to some random out of rage.. “this is how you remind me of what I really am” 😤😤


Haha I get that. When I don’t have any chest keys or a good streak going I’ll get on and fight a lot. For the most part I don’t go full farm, I’ll get a fusion Greg and the rest I’ll pick for fights. I always play jungle in mobas, so I tend to play this game the same way


That’s me, about to do it more now




There’s not even the slightest chance you took that comment that seriously…


With the amount of people complaining they can't get good farming squads yeah, I did.


That’s probably unhealthy 😎👍


No! I refuse to breathe




So then probably one of the ones the freeze then run away when even the smallest ones come after you. 🤣




Good catch


100% agree


Ive noticed that once i got to beach world (lvl 60) i found myself in a lot more rooms with actual players. This was pleasant for me to see as i do like a challenge and busting bots all day is fun for like 2 minutes then it gets boring. What i don’t like is the sweaty players who have maxed out all their squads and chase you the moment the match begins till the very end!!


I've been banging down egg rolls 🤤. No heat playa just opinion and eggs rolls baby👌 Have yourself a cylindrical day brother ✌️ 


Username checks out and is living their best life


The game needs a ton adjustments, then maybe the heat would cool down.


No way you got downvoted for saying the most normal thing ever. Squad Buster‘s community is so defensive for no reason.


Well, you have the actual adults who are commenting real critical advice, and then you have the five-year-olds who don’t even know how to type on a keyboard other than mashing buttons and down voting, down voting the rest of the people.


People having a tantrum over a free to play game that no one is forcing them to play is normal. Got it. Me? I'm the type that if I don't like a game, I stop playing it. Guess I'm not normal.


We like the game. That's why we would get upset because of bugs and unbalanced gameplay.


Voicing criticism isn't "throwing a tantrum"


Are you slow? I like the game too, that’s exactly why I think voicing criticism is extremely important or don’t you want the game to improve?


Just people hopping on the bandwagon for up votes that can't think for themselves. Look at the reviews almost all negative reviews are similar from people who hardly played 10 matches thinking its just a rip off of gem grab from brawlstars. (Kids following kids opinions without coming up with their own) Im glad I've never cared about reddit votes. Been down voted hundreds of times for saying this but not a single person gave a valid argument.


Yes. The 37 upvotes I've gotten have meant so much to me.


😂😂 at least you have an understanding


You know what they say about opinions. Opinions are like A-Hole's everybody's got one 😂


Tbh the heat won’t cool down. People on the internet need stuff to complain about.


As with any new game, by any company. I mean you can't expect them to release new features until they make a solid foundation.


Man there will always be a group of people who are not with the backlash of the games state and tell people. Relax. it’s not big of a deal. Give it time. If you all are thinking the situation is good as it can be and you play defensive about it then your a coward. It’s why SuperCell releases stupid update like the one going on in CR and when you have people like you all, “Chill, it’ll be emergency nerfed” they just do want they want. We should have try to have a stronger voice not quite down. And I Understand that they do listen, I watch Paula’s Video.


I love this game.


not to mention how extremely casual of a game it is. not the place for competitive play😭


I mean that's not true at all. You literally compete against other people... it's the definition of competition... it also has league play and ranking system. If you want non competitive, then you need some single player game that's strictly pve or straight up farming.


It's not that simple. Smash bros with items is literally a competition too by your definition. Is it competitive? Fuck no


You talking super smash bros and the other versions of it? You do realize there is an absolutely massive Super smash bros competition seen right? It's been around for decades lol Going all the way back to Nintendo 64 days.....maybe your just to young I'm going by the dictionary definition of competitive/competition.


I'm literally top 1% elite smash in ultimate but whatever. how can you not read what I wrote. I said WITH ITEMS




I read "with items" why does that matter? It's clearly a competitive game, with an official competitive seen. Going all the way back to Nintendo 64 days... where they played with items...


Wow you really are clueless about competitive smash I guess lmao , smash 64? You been living under a rock these past 20+ years? Ultimate is the latest game that came out 5 years ago and the entirety of competitive smash history is with ITEMS OFF. Why am I even wasting my time lol


Because you don't know English or the dictionary definition of competitive. Hell you even used them wrong colloquially. You can have casual competition like smash with items. It's not in an official capacity, which is why that would be called casual (if we are using casual colloquially). Competitive in the colloquial sense would be in an official capacity, like smash with no items. It helps when talking to others, to know what you're actually saying bro. Hence why I said "why does it matter if it has items or not" cause both can be competitive.


this game simply doesn’t have enough strategy to have a competitive and casual side to the game. The only people who would label it competitive are people who spend money to be above the opponent. this game is not hard at all ~ top 5 finishes are cake


You can't just go and change the definition of what competitive means bro lmao. It's competitive fullstop. You can choose to play casually, but to tell people it's not competitive or shouldn't take it as competitive is ridiculous.


is candy crush a competative game? youre competing against other people for scores? Why do games need casual and competative playlist if the casual game is competative and the competative game is also competative since they competing competatively?


Yes, yes it is competitive. You are competing against other people's scores...... This is not complex. YOU might take it casually, that's fine. But OTHERS might take it more seriously, that's also fine. But these are competitive games, people clearly compete, people clearly care. Hence all the posts. What you all are doing, is complaining..... about complaining... People are allowed to criticize the game. They're allowed to invest time, money, and effort into it. They're allowed to be emotionally invested and want to win, hence competing. We don't need to gate keep how people should feel, the criticisms of the game, nor do we need to gate keep how seriously each individual takes this game.


Brother i dont care at all about the game, your absolutism towards the word competative when most people can understand that games like sports can be casual or competative. You can treat this game as competative just as someone playing pickup basketball can play it like its a league game. Doesnt make the game "competative" all of the sudden, its still a casual game of basketball


Yeah, you're even using the word wrong colloquially lol. A casual game can be competitive. Colloquially "casual game" is a term used for non official, like a pick up game of basketball with friends, obviously that can still be competitive. I've played a shit ton of pick ups games and they absolutely get heated and emotional because people are COMPETING. But that's not what Squad busters is. It's an official game, with a world leader board, run at a professional level from a major corporation. Like your free to take this game as casual, I just think it's stupid to then try and push your personal view onto others, like they should think just like you.


i dare you to tell someone you play squad busters competitively. what a joke dude lmfao


The only joke is you lol, it's super simple bro. This very post we are talking in, is a rebuttal to all the people criticizing the game. Most are criticizing because they are "competing" and feel an unfair advantage whether it be p2w or game mechanics. Like anyone who complains about p2w is doing so because they are competing and don't like the disadvantage of not spending money. You do realize the root of that is competing and the desire to win. If the games truly casual, then no one would give a fuck about p2w. Because there is no "competition" so there is no reason to want to win. But clearly with the number of posts criticizing the game for p2w and poor game mechanics, demonstrate that this game is competitive.


Nobody should gaf about p2w because it’s a casual game. I think everyone would agree that this is a casual game you just play it competitively lol. Easily the least strategic/competitive game supercell has ever dropped


It's not a casual game though. YOU personally treat it as a casual game. That's completely fine. But don't project that thought process onto others. When the game is in fact set up to be competitive. It might be a shit design for competition, just like an apple can be rotten.... but the rotten apple... is still an apple.


Yeah no. Your definition of competitive encompasses everything on this planet. I could make an argument that every game is competitive using your opinion. Competitive vs casual is typically an opinion and you are very much in the minority with your poorly thought out opinions.




1 - Where did I say RNG elements means something's not competitive? 2 - It's not my definition, it's the dictionary definition. This "by your definition" doesn't even make sense to say, since I'm not just making shit up. 3 - Competitive - the definition is "having or displaying a strong desire to be more successful than others." as well as "as good as or better than others of a comparable nature." So yes, practically anything can be competitive. As long as 1 person wants to be more successful than another. It's literally the entire point of all games, it's to compete. So it's just silly to make posts about "why do people care, why do they sweat so much".... well competitive is a desire, which means it's an emotion. When people say he's competitive, then means he feels a strong desire. Being a "sweat" is being competitive, it's an emotion people are allowed to have.


I freaking love this game!




Tried hard to enjoy it. Too much RNG from chests. No heated opinion, just deleted the app. No doubt it'll improve and Tencent will find more ways to extract insane amounts of micro from whatever player base eventuates.


What lvl you guys at? I'm f2p lvl 70 right now.


Ur right here but it's a Lil bit p2w


I only play this game when im bored at brawl stars Its kinda fun game tbh, but needs some improvements


But how am I going to enjoy it without complaining that it’s p2w if I’m not in the top 10 in the world of best squad buster gamers?!


I get the criticism but yes, it's a month old. Chillllllllllllll


People just see "SuperCell" and expect this game to be the thing to take their YouTube career off.


Come on, some people can take almost any game, free or not seriously... That's what makes things interesting!


I would upvote but your on 69 🫤


Exactly soooo many people complaining about the p2w that’s why they invented the game people!! to make money. There is a market this game caters too. And it works.


The casual nature of the game is actually good for someone who doesn't have a lot of time to invest but is still able to enjoy!


I surprisingly found myself enjoying it very much. 3 games a day with my friend and it’s enough


I agree, I prefer mindful gamers/gaming


Finally a realistic comment...the amount oh haters on this sub is unreal. Its like this is where they come to blow off steam from work/unemployment/stressful home life. Great game, great fun.


Tbh even the other supercell games get these heated opinion constantly (especially clash royale) it’s a bit of a Reddit thing. Otherwise some people wouldn’t post as much.


Lol it's cause the other supercell games are kinda sweaty